Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jun 1965, p. 19

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'THE OSHAWA: TIMES, Seturdey, June 19, 1968 et Extra Cash For Your Vacation By Selling Don't Needs Now" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 °.18 é 9--Morket Basket JANSSEN'S COUNTRY 'DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET Fresh fruit and vegetebles daily. Apples sold by the bushel, Host of imported pro- ducts. 843 KING W. 728-9429 STRAWBERRIES Picked dai Town- line, mile and @ King Street East. 10--Farmer's Calanin SEED clean oats for sale, $1 bushel. Bow- manville 623-2242. DEAD and crippied farm stock ve prooemy, reel Fur Farm, T: Telephone - Hampton, 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles For Sale BICYCLES Standard 'features include, chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver brozed frames and forks, From $34.95. Up LAWN MOWERS Light, dependable ond power- ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3', Chrome plated handle, From $39.95 Up TENTS Heavy waterproofed drill, sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flop, dutch door with owning By RJ. SCOTT Janssen's Power Equipment Centre Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors. Service on all power equip- ment, Licensed mechanic 'on duty, : 8A King West 728-9429 Cottagers' Special BUY & SELL Fishing tackle, guns, tables chairs, chesterfields, carr- jages, beds, dressers, bicycles, TV's and appliances, New and Used VALLEY CREEK 16 BOND WEST 728-4401 |! / SCOTT'S SCRAP 5 } \ CE DIRECTORY ome At AX ALSYUDE Gardening and Supplies "BUG KILLERS" : MOUNTAINS « Gardening and Supplies : NANI, Pomogreen Rose Dust Kolofruit Tree ARLMENDOUS CHESTS ALLOW AHEM 10 Gardenall Malathion DD T,.5 Ornamental Tree Dust Multispray Ant and Grub - Cygon 2E Atox Diazinon Spray King Bug Killer D.D.T. and Dithane Lawn Weed Killers WOoMAKt OF BURMA, WEARS 4NO HATS, SUES NEVER SEEM IM PUBLIC WITHOUT AME TURBAN Accountants GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- JOSEPH wt gan Chartered Account-|tors, etc, 114 King S$ wae Ole ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street 723-2278, Residence Y Bhanes: J, M. Greer, East, Telephone 723-4833. I fs. sit, Tm gerence MP Kelly, by "ae homas lermyn, LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered 668-3895. iis dante : Accountant, Suite 205W, Osha ~ Building Trades Centre, 725-9953. FRIEDLANDER AND CO., SPRING SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders oes Licensed Trustees Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, Simcoe Street North, painting, plumbing, electrical work, roofing, eavestrough- ing, plastering, cement work of all kinds. Aluminum doors and windows, siding. 20 skilled men ready to serve you, NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa -- 728.2061 Peterborough -- 745-2184 MANURE, well rotted, $4 per yard. Top 2 soll, $2.50 per yard. Delivery charge on two yards, 725-0697. TOP SOIL FOR SALE. Reasonable. Wm, Kouzik, Whitby, 688-3981 or 668-3906, MA Gravel, Stone, Fill, Any- MANURE time, Anywhere! Dial Hampton 263-2445, Instruction VAUGHAN DRIVING SCHOOL JUNE SPECIAL Pay for 5 -Lessons Receive | FREE Phone 723- 2696 in Sormrockey Oshawa. 728-7371. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char-' tered Accountants. Financial Trade Build- ing, 187 Ki ad East, Oshawa, On- tario, 725- T, Hopkins, CA; H, E. Beadle, CA; E. "Loan CA BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- ant, 47 pA Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario, hone 723-1221. WALL, gain AND CO., Chartered Accountants, 36% King Street East, Osh- awa, 725-6539; David G, Perkin, CA, King Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; Willlam C. Hall, B.Comm, CA. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered! Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh-| awa; Ronald F D. Wilson, CA; G. Ed- mond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. | barristers | | McGIBBON and BASTEDO, GRANT H./ ARMSTRONG, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available, mortgages. Na- tional Trust Building, 32 Bee Elo South, 728-7336; Charles C. McG seh Jars Coat _ IMPROVEMENTS DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and , . GION Borristerss solicitors, Noteries,| reliable Whitby builder Alterations, additions, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe) Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. hi all trades, brick, Creighton, QC; residences: G. plastering, wiring, etc. Drynan, QC; 584; G. L. Murdoch, Telephone 668- -3283 _ Mi QC, 723-4768; J C.. Victor, 985-7115. EAVESTROUGHING ? Mortgages arranged ni JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- | or CHIMNEY FLASHING ? Men, materials now available. gh and Solicitor and Notary Public, he Commercial Building, 286 King west Workmanship guaranteed. KING'S Gehone. Ontario. Client parking avail- able, 725-4716 or 725-4717, _EAVESTROUGHING wr ahs} WELDING Solicitors, 36% King|~~ a; D. Humphreys, | Acetyl e@ Arc @ Helearc olso @ Torch Cutting G. §. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: 28 DEAN AVE. ___ 723-6601 Residences: age erie bijesvad CARPENTRY Custom built homes, altera- tions, repairs, additions, framing, trimming, cup- boards. Experienced work- manship. Free estimates, A. CHRISTY CONSTRUCTION 728-2808 2721, Licence 389- cas 'ince ate ve Migs do, -- |11--Pets and Livestock PRIVATE English boarding stable near Uxbridge. Fioodlit schooling ring, jump- |ing course, grazing paddocks, quiet hackx- ing..Instruction availabie, Beatty equipped stable, Excellent facilities for the serious horseman, Reasonable rates. For infor- |mation write Weathering Heights, Box 444 Whitby, Ontario. BUDGIES breeders and young. 9. Interest |ing and profitable hébby for your young- \ster. Most all colors. Selling out, reason- lable, Telephone 725-9260. FOR SALE -- One all whi '© pony, two years old, 40 inches high. ¢ Complete with harness, buggy and cutter. Tele phone 725-5028, S\AMESe kittens, eight weeks old, male or female, completeiy trained, champion Stock. Please telephone 72 728-4579. COZY-J RANCH Kennels, t kids, registered German 'sheen is, pul pies. Stud services, boarding. Ashburn, | 655-4662, evenings. | BEAUTIFUL | bevy ~budgi \training, talking strain. Broad, 114 Elgin E CHIHUAHUA -- Aliso Collies, Toy and Scotch black and tan Terrier, Also Lab- rador, $25 to $65 delivered. Telephone Port Perry 985-2645. SADDLE HORSES, well . trained, small size, one Pinto ard one black. Tel Hampton 263-2743 POODLES, white miniature, registered. Needies a wei! trained. $100 up. Phone "3586, MALE pony Palemino, 1) | Best offer. 728-7650 - 725-29 |THREE one-year-old ma each. One two-year-vid mare ol $75 and one pony buggy. Phone 723-2593. | 12--Articles Wanted | SHOT GUN and deer rifle wanted in good 'condition; also antique pistol. Telephone Whitby 668-8288, |7RADE oid United States silver dollers, for Canadian, before 1960. Apply 200 Bond Street East, after 5 p.m. |13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS "You Wor PINGwoRrs © Gravel @ Sand @ Stone 4' Much @ Building Material TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24h. Burner Service Whitty's Only Local From $39.95 Up Texace Dealer Call 668 ah DOMINION hs] | mop someaure | TIRE STORE WOMEST CAL'S Furniture and Appl 48 Bond St. West antes, Name brands biggest dlecounts fs ', Telephrone 725-6511 PLEASERS ! ied GE deagies, Contact Honest Cal's at Toro and ob ° - CAN Pilg void OF ANIMALS BP DASI).Y TRAWUMITED. 10 WIM ANG 4 FH GINE oF MATAMOROS + OSHAWA / Ve ft \ » MENICO, ia DRIVING SCHOOL ti) BAP yannsy Ful oF WATER FOLLOWED By A Pine an 10 years teaching driving WKH A PAD.» automatic and standard cars. chad P ' ; ; Poison Ivy and Brush Kill laren 9 ay Atlacide HOME Milorgonite | ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME LEARN HAIRDRESSING, Saturday and Golfgreen 12-6-6 evenings or all-day classes, pay as you | Ever: reen 6-9-6 learn, Career Schools of sas, Toronto| So Green 7-7-7 COOPER- SMITH CO. WHITBY DRIVING Ebi sen ain 16 CELINA ST. |controlled cars. Personal, courteous ser: 723-1139 vice, _fully licensed and insured. 668-4176. |DAY AND EVENING summer classes,| English, French, Mathematics to Grade Sand, gravel pit-run, sand fill excavating, grading. | DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL Call 728-2871 SOD LAID AND DELIVERED Complete Landscaping Service CALL "MAPLE LEAF" LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN SERVICE 725-0611 NO. 1 TOP SOIL Hardsand Landscaping 55 Glover Road 725-1721 | Evergreen Sale Nursery must be cleared. LOWEST PRICES EVER! Painting and Decorating TV---Radio Repairs mas PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER TELEVISION 668-5862 728-5143 186 alld Contractors, excellent work.|CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, bi ri For estimates pairs. All work guaranteed. price | Janitor Service {Helephone 728 5959, or 728-1 6010. 4 Avenue, Telephone 725-0500 HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now 414 King Siveet West, 178-4919) Tei EVISIONS ana sewing machines, We! TIME rent a! reasonable rales, Honest Cal's, " - 4' OK it Wee RING 9 ! T.V¥, CLEANING TIME WOODEN storm windows and ver Compbir: i" oor Telephone 72% PIANO upright Reconditioned, new felts ete Telephone Ajax 1947-2914 | BICYCLE, Apply 104 re | 724-9707 Dean SNOOKER table and accessories, 5' x 10'| daca good condition. Apply 97 Durham Street EVERYTHING 'irom yards Yo basemenis|interior and exterior All work guaran-|Well Drilling--Digging i tan ee |cleaned. Alse scrap taken away. Call Joe|teed. Cali anytime for free estimates i ug! '3-2368. Lloyd Simpson Painting and Becersting:| "| WELL DIGGING | by machine specializing| HAIRDRYER (one), jlinn 30-inch tile. W. Ward, -204 Chestnut| conditioned, automatic, turquoise blue | Street. West, Whitby. 668-2563 or _Ht-3009,) 1964 model, half price, good condition. | ------ |Write Box 344 Port Perry, WATER SKIS, one pair; two slalom skis and ski rope, Reasonable offer accepted. | 'of Telephone 668- 8144 | TYPEWRITER "portable $30. S$ |$25. Electric $50. Adding machines, tric two total cash register $85. Calcuie-| |tor. 723-4434 WEDDING DRESS full length, white, dry Cleaned. Also hoop, size 11-12, $30, Tele-| phone 723-1405. SCRAP HARDWOO: one-foot . lengths. ine lent for fireplace, $7:7 ee single cord.) 723-228) HOUSE CLEANING "*Biondat, $1 | | i ie; man's, FPeranity In good condition, $10 Boulevard or call carpentry, Yardman Rotary roofing, sn" Reel and Riding Models LAWN MOWERS -- LAWN FURNITURE -- ELECTRIC HEDGE SHEARS -- GRASS SHEARS RUNDLE 'GARDEN CENTR LED, 1015 King E. 725-1764 Father's Day : | Gift Suggestions | repairs, "Turbinator, air | -- ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, econ- 728 ve76 omical ceiling, wall cleaning | Sada Wid aneeeree : ti k Pl g and Heating jmodern machine. Free uaranteed, 728-7736. ---- vt be ALL TYPES of repairs and rem ---- new and used' materials, Reasonable|PERMANENTS on special a rates, Estimates free, 723-1191. J. _Foley. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, bi uF ; years old, nie |1--Women's Column 725-1188; Page Hair- corner JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor Money to loan. Office, 14 King Street East, Oshawa 728-8232. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 additional words 44¢ each; 3 con- secutive insertions of 24 words $2. 88 additional words 12¢ each, 6 con- secutive insertons of 24 words $4.32, additional words 18¢ each, Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Method of counting -- Less than 24 words counts os 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; phone number counts two' words; | BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES ' $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ed- ditional charge if not paid with-in ys. IN_MEMORIAMS | $2.00 for the first 35 words ond 5c each thereafter, plus 12c per line of 'verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days. CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words ond Se each thereofter, with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days. COMING EVENTS 2.10 per inch (display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc each there- after. (Word Ads. Pig don SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion nee "suite, Telephone 655- pieci mirror. 5--Trailers Modern second or combined first mortgages, Liberal pre- poyment privileges. No hid- den charges. Free brochures and information, write or telephone C.A.C. Realty LIMITED Oshawa Shopping Centre Stevenson's Rd, South Oshawa, Ontario 728-1691 | MORTGAGE LOANS Central Ontario Trust QUALITY. CARPENTRY and GENERAL REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec. Rooms, General home remod- elling. All work guaranteed, H. McKOY 725-8576. | THE R. H. CABINET CO. 182 THISKSON RD. N. 728-0232 Kitchen cabinets, Vonities, Custom built cabinets and bedroom DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous iosr AND FOUND a.m, day of publication - ag AND DEATHS a.m. day of publication spt, sialon DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 column er larger -- 10 a.m. day previous | rere AND and CORREC 9 a.m. day of publication REMODELLING SERVICE soiinsibapas BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢ Carpentry, plastering, plumb- While every endeavor will be made ing, wiring, tiles, roofing to forward replies to box numbers to sidings. Free estimates : GENERAL REPAIRS 1 WILL loan you up to $5,000 at @ rea- ALL PLUMBING 'and heating 3 supplies. | sonable rate of interest to consolidate! Tejephone 725-3521 Harold H. Stark Lid ployed and have good credit. Telephone e f ¥ Removal of superfluous hair good credit, I'll lend you up to $5,000 to 23rd. Phorie Genosha Hotel Phone Toronto 481-5289. CLEANERS aa |with plate glass ELECTROLYSIS home duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, awa, to Yonge and Adelaide, Toronto, Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re RESIDENTIAL porn South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates, motor, good condition Telephone 725-9732. Tales, etc. @ Smoker's Supplies for recovering. Qalton Upholstering, 75 |Good price, Telephone 725-6113. Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe RE-UPH( ING "by "Esta Oshawa, 723-9534 ane d ea omplete range of mate- - ~ - _ - Hale Waekenanahle coaranieed' CRIBS, $12; dressers, $8.95; desk, $10.95, OPen Sundoy 10 to 9 p.m. ' re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa) h $3.7 h PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Tent TRAILERS. je airs, $3.75; two-piece chesterfields, new, Stepladders, aluminum ex- Sales and Service |CHROME kitchen suite in very good con- Next to Coin Laundry BILIZER JACKS, ALL PARTS. sors, spray guns, wallpaper REPAIRS less BOY'S bicycle, excellent condition, 26"'| tor sale, especially priced. Corner Solina stand. 'Suit, boy 10-14 years. Whitby 6t- Sih Deve A Willem ty, Wests Om) WELDING EQUIP MEIN. Perstnenh das dt than nth sal neat -- __||"Simpiiett ", both in good condition.) 7 POWER MOWERS TRAILER 1964 Rambler 16 feet. Sleeps MOTORCYCLE 1951 M My iBUILDER'S EQUIPMENT s ition, Immediate pick up and delivery uk, Used three times Apply 184 Beatty|900d condition sire end. Wooler tae: | | TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and ice-box, practically new. Can be seen at|KITCHEN table, arborite, good condition | kins Business Machines Sales and service.| 'fic virator, air Compressor, JACK HOAR) toilet, gas stove and refrigerator. Avail-| MEAT "FREEZER for store, also meat\and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 ers, steel scaffolding, electric ( |wole last two weeks in July. and scale. $50 each. Telephone/Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481, 4 A ers. Apply at Solina Road, and No. 2 Pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or|Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe street onry saw, building jacks, Highway, 6 miles east of Oshawa 263-2695. South, 723-1671. mortar mixers, mortar boxes, GUARANTEED repairs to all, ashers and ranges. F timates. Call wi $ ranges. Free estimates. accessories, Miller Trailers, Harwood |nies at reasonable prices. 728-0194 after|Fieming Vacuum Service, Main . Street, band saw, 4" joiner,. sand North, Ajax, 942-3491 5 p.m | Pickering. asgetidy teddbble blaster, power tamper, power Complete service, Free estimates. Mel Jatinek, Bhd 1993 envi ime. your bills or for any other worthwhile| Piymbing, Heating and Engineering, 3 ;|2--Personal 1Fo9 463). Rug- -Upholstery Service Marie Murduft will be in |cut payments in haif or less for consoli- on these dates for appoint- Mortgages Rug and. Upholstery Clean- 3663. 723-4641 Chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service and CALL 725-9961 ing 9 Teleph f - See Tan: Teepnene "ater. 1 DN ani eae digi conmiercial trvers covered like new. Get the best for less at __ MOBILE MORTGAGES lpr odie re-upholstered and re- Cook's Trailer Sales. ACcORDIAN ' 'Lira' 120 base, 41 trebie,| Large selection of CARDS, Charles Street, 723-7212 | 1968 BSA motorcycle, for further informa- cutters, pipe threading dies, als, Workmansh uaranteed five years. Fi ig i Just North of Camp Samac. stoves (heavy duty), $37.50; refrigerators, | RITSON CENTRE Upholstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue,| | $159; beds, $12 'Ronie. Vail VE : " up. Apply Valley Cr é 5 Parts and Service. tension ladders, ladder jacks, dition, grey, also suite in wood with ar, We sell the best for Open All Day Sunday steamers, tarpaulins, blow Road, No. 2 Highway East Oshawa. A 7 Ta a cetylene weldini outfits, qa [INGLIS TRAILER tor sale three rooms |DINING-ROOM RANGE Chetmaster" 72" heavy duty, : ? > Harley Davidson, $70 or: best offers. 728-0075. ue bags, new battery Cement mixers, _ finishing a : |time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year Master Marine |1400 Simcoe Street North anytime. with two chairs, red, $16. Apply 324 Osh-|728-7783. Open evenings. jack hammers, hand trowels, | Telephone | j slicer enerator, ramset. wer rol= Taunton Rd. W, at Garrard | Whitby 668-5707 evenings 728-3286. "AWE BUY) ell Bad bachanoe base "Ta generator, ra Delo wringer TRAILERS for sale or rent, cabin and|FOR SALE or exchange, Canadian coins, | VACUUM | repairs, ali makes, hoses,| chain hoist, miter saws, elec- 728-1742 FOR SALE one "General" 15 ff. traveling) NEW BOAT windshields and vinyl seats, FOUR BRIDESMAID dresses, sizes 8-12.| post hole auger. Money To Loan reer Westmount. Telephone 725-5363, |Purpose providing you are steadily em- Simcoe Street South |PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Ifyou have ~ SHAWA | Oshawa June 21st, 22nd, and dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele- O | } ment. ing. At our plant or in your ADDING machine typewriters, cashiers, % RIDE wanted from Simcoe North, Osh- trade with budget terms, New and used 94 BRUCE STREET 75. cxdbiaides for sale. Apply Baker's Fish and Chips, Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street tank twin compressor with @ Shoving Lotions Free estimate, See ovr material "¢ almost new, with Case. A-1 condition.! Simcoe St. Nort GIFT WRAPS, ETC. RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts Estab-| tion. Telephone 728-4024 after 5 p.m. toilet auger. F timat t t tt Se Cacttiote' ratetied T oemel New and: Usd: Travel: dnd |$39.95; televisions, $49.95; new chrome| 725-0311, 4 | i ' [16 Bond West, Oshawa, 728-4401. 38 RITSON S AWNINGS, HITCHES, STA- steel : scaffolding, compres- borite top. 120 Roxoborough Avenue. jae 0 ropane torches, "HILO" AND SILVER LINER trailers Wheels, complete with carrier and kick/2!" ADMIRAL TV \ike new, floor model) torches, propane rooms "furniture | OUTBOARD MOTORS furnished, Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-9939, |for sale, 723-7842 electric four-burner. Winger washer,| 200 amp. 'electric welders. windshield and saddle Best offer. 7: trowels, wheel barrows, elec- TENT TRAILER with built-in . cupboards, | Lid AR cll --- |guarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen- and Mower |NEW 17-ft, travel trailer for rent t with | 8 Blvd. South after 9 p.m. 725-5699. _ | sy AND SELL -- Good used furniture| water pumps, portable heat- : -- lectric hammers, mas- 725-4994 BORRUNT O% SALE -- cOTcIG Hall, |NUYING OW SELLING furaiiure of wo-ltre ae "anyiniy ver hive The civ]. (era: electric: ho ' camping trailers. Authorized service and| dollars, proof like sets, nickels and pen- | brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies trailer, with axle hitch and canopy. Ex-|reasonable. Old Victrola with horn and|pifferent colors, peau de at Reason- Evergreens, Shade For. Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- celleni...condition.Apply..708.Carnegie | thick, records. _Phone_.728-7909. able, After 6 p.m phone 668 the odvertisers_o3 soon 93 possible we accept no iiability in respect of | loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however coused whether vy negligence or otherwise. The Times will not be re- sponsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re- sponsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement, nor be- yond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which. error occurs. The Oshowo Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to _ its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements The Times will;not be held respon- sible for more space than in which the actual error occupies. She pub- fishers endeavor te reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but as- sume no liability of advertisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. Any advertisement cancelled before Qual- ity workmanship Phone 723-6045 ROOFING. concrete floors, our specialty New work and Large and smaii jobs. L. and + and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 DO THAT REPAIR Job on your roof now Honest prices honest workmanship. Ref- erences. Apply 200 Conant Street or tele- | Phone 728-5843 FINISHING CARPENTER, Cusiom_ kit fee cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets, ec. rooms. Phone 723-4145, no answer 723-7331. |NEW PLASTERING and "repairs, sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. estimates. A. C Woods, 728-3420 728-4717 YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- |neys huilt and repaired; gas linings in- stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates | 723-2997 ASPHALT your driveway. Reasonable jrate-. work fully guaranteed, Terms ar ranged. Arnold Paving-tOntarlo) Ltd | 728-5030, ee ROOFING, chimneys, sidewalks, al! ypes of cement work. Frank McCann, Ine 3. Oshawa Brooklin 655-3061 flat roofing repairs Roofing "stucco, | Free! or & Savings Corporation| INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS and PRIME SECONDS MORTGAGES AGREEMENTS Purchased LOANS ON MORTGAGES Immediate Service From Our Head Office ig Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 723-5221 MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valdations Mortgages and Agreements tilizer, etc. Visit your focal garden centre. J. A. Janssen. and Sons Ltd. | 843 KING ST. W. 728-9429 "GARDEN CENTRE & LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" and GREEN VELVET NURSERY SOD Call 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES, ETC WHITE BIRCH All. sizes. Nice Clusters Rail Fence Posts, and Poles mortgages \Se eptic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668- 2563. Surveyors " FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land urveyors, -'13 Elgin Street East. Phone 135 6881 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario) Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints. 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632 TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS | | | ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED | Avenue. TWO CAMPERS to fit Phone 725-5906. 1964 GMC Pick-up half-ton aluminum fully equipped. Sleeps four, Will sell sep- 'on typewriter, rie shelf, arately Apply 97 Durham Street. MOBILE home, unfinished, "$350. Phone als 723-9382 INGLIS TRAILER for sale, three rooms duty. |furnished Telephone after. 5 p.m. | 728-9939. TRAILER HITCHES made and installed | Small or large. Tel Wh! STOVE, ---- + (6--Mar ne Equipment _ We Carry . @ Owens @ Crestliner @ Grew @ Evinrude See them at |pany, |AIRWAY vacuum Cleaner, |ments, with floor polisher, like new. Din- |® |ing-room table, walnut wood, four chrome| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL chairs, BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture lipeteged and appliances, One location only, Pretty | complete OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Furniture, 444 Simcoe § South. 723-3271, TRI FABULOUS SAVINGS on baby furniture. |sion, 728-5143-4 ' Clearance of odds 'n ends. Strollers * an chrome high-chairs $6.99; cribs, from $ spring-filled crib mattresses $6.88; Lioya| jee cortege? also tricycle. 25| |carriages $19.95; Wilson's Furniture, 20) Church Street Harbour Road v 723-1901 BOAT, motor and trailer, 14ff. boat, HP Gale motor, Tee-Nee trailer, acces- KENT electric guitar and amplifier, truck, |cellent condition. Street North, Whitby ~~ camper, | BEDROOM suite, Moffat stove, Reming- restaurant display shelf, $150. Apply 15 ft. long, stud in good condition, Bloor Street East, Dominion, any "S209 AND UP will buy a Bridgestone $50. Oshawa | Scooter and motor bike. se |ment. Itby / 668-5995 | Simcoe South, 725-6610 open til 9 p.m. Motiat!-NORGE deluxe gas dryer, like | tear new. Take over payments to Gas Com-|USED APPLIANCES, tnree "refrigerators, | jone Easy washer two heavy duty ranges, | No Ken's Appliance and Telephone Whitby 668-49 Best offer! Telephon Priced four-burner, Apply 323 Albert Street. i 879 Byron! Kelvinator refrigerator. banks Street Ity furniture, only $299, inc, ent's desk. to sell. | time. {Pay only $3 wkly. Unbeatable heavy| TV TOWERS SPECIAL {structure all-channei antenna 40 foot | in bbons Street, 728-8180. 155] @UNS -- Bought, so down Sports. 74. attach-| one GE 21-in TV; one gas space all in good working condition, ¢ 725-8833.) structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" single all channel installed, tax included, "ex-| RANGE MOFFAT -- 4 burner. -- new. Apply 33 Fair- FURNITURE -- three rooms, , new qu qua! complet |bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles. value! | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Ss. tower stalled, TV. Supply Limited, 361 , traded, repaired at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, heater, 23-1411. 40-ft. tower antenna guar- anteed one year $50. See all towers at 0. Television, KITCHEN cupboards -- IN A CLASS by itself and just rds -- Ideal for Telephone 725- got in corner Bond and Divi- home in STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns; Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S._ 725-3338 HALL. FOR RENT FOR ALL OCCASSIONS Kitchen facilities maximum capacity 200 guests. For more information call: 723-9433 R ~ ca the new Bridgestone motor' scoot- | OIL PAINTINGS -- Lanascapes, portraits, | tOWN- | lfiqure work, custom picture framing.|/@* @nd_motor bikes. No payment for 30/ ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred Clark Studio evenings and weekends. |days. Call Ken's, Appliance and Sporis:|peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for bane HP Mercury electric start. 'Fast and) (9 4297 395 Brock North, Whitby 153 led South, 725-6611. Open till/quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. maneuverable. as_a runabout, with cabin! 361 GIBBONS ST. aT |Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason- cruiser comfort. Pickering 942-0997, even- | MODEL "DIS Ailis-Chalmers tractor with ecsecai ings and Saturdays loader, new and used Ariens roto-tillers, WE "uy Used stoves, _ refrigerators, |ble rates. 728. 6315. a hers and any good furniture you R ital ---- > lawn_ mowers, one used pop cooler. was! [WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, 12, HP ELGIN 1962 odtboard, ef pved fatter toly Earguusn's BA, on Taunton Road ona Ken's ae and Sports, 153/reducing machines, sick room supplies. DIPPED GALVANIZED pli none 525534. ee PONY aes SS Simcoe South, 725-6611 __ |Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 n TV TOWERS Ms = eg 1" Ro-|HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church WEYMOUTH cabin cruiser, + with motor. with) $299. No down payment, Open evenings] aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 v2 ! Fully equipped Excellent condition. Ev- Im. |until 9 p.m. Honda Shop, 199 King West. |Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 2E THE BEST! Se ee eat Glia can be seen ati nediate delivery. No payment for 30/ Dial 726-4242 fae ihn ! Sports, .153 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 12 FT, FIBRE-GLASS car top boat, new Simcoe South, 725-6611. eles i PRRCENT OFF wedding gowns nel 14--Business Opportunitie an ERA. TELEVISION Bond and Division formals. Never worn. Sargeant's Rentals |131 Perry Street, Whitby. Telephone|tappan heavy duty four-burner range,|and Sales. 728-5143 463 Ritson Road South. 725- | $68-2656 evening: |Englis, visualite oven, automatic timer, |2338. aos eee sae . Motorcycle, 350C TV SERVICE I35 "HE JOHNSON electric, 1958 model. |good condition, $75, Telephone 728-5913./ 1961 B, Excellent condition, complete with con- RUG "Tinton" % x 20', Brand new. Beige |difion. Telephone 728-1802. 12 miles from Oshawa 48 acres of picnic grounds, DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 trols, battery, spare prop, and stadn. |... stkground, $40, Phone 725-4382 after 4.30/ NEW -- USED = vacuums Salleherk. Re-| new barn and driving shed. 22--Lots for Sale NURSERY $OD and top soil. L. Arm-i2nd mortgages. Call 3. | Telephone 720-7178. = p.m. pairs to all makes, New Noses. Phone| [BOATS : Motors: Trailers - new.| PRIVATE SALE -- Beatutiful large mir ir-|Jack Lees 728-6956 tthe & hale y sha Oshawa. ror, two single bed leatherette head-| PIANO -- 53-inch upright, reconditioned, an No. | Highway. ast of boards, two-piece chesterfield suite, two/satin ebony finish, $285 Telephone 725-| Dance hall, snack-bar and restaurant with 5 room aport- ment, good creek, ideal set- ting. Illness forces sale. For Real Estate Wonted (Gardening and Supplies strong, 34% Division Street. Telephone 468-3382 ELECTRONICS 24--Stores, Offices and Storage sn | FIRST AND SECOND iene ; - 25--Houses for Rent EXPERIENCED gardener will care tor pga nd ple 26--Apartments for Rent | JOHN'S LANDSCAPING your garden. and. 'awn, d agreements purchased and sold. Hennick FAST T.V. SERVICE SOD LAID Service Call only $2.50 BATH TUBS, $10 and up; basins, $2.00; |used Condition, |9-inch throat; Colliers encyclopedia, 20 |sinks, $4; cabinets; pressure system;|$70. Phone 839-1868. jvolumes; 1' Viking outboard motor; is ri "BOAT, fibreglass outside, oars,|desks, walnut gateleg extension table.) 700] after 6 p.m. THREE ROOMS of furnitur: more information call planting, sod H ick 5 » JOSEPH BOSCO 27--Rooms ed Paoli ding, pruning, hedge trimming, tc. Rea- hae rah 8 Barristers, 31-King Street 28--Room a ARE Yo ; | AND DELIVERED [ite fou TIRED ot cutting 9 orass, Nursing Homes _ DOMINION |repairs; houseboat; cruiser; _trailersi|pasysTEM with Iwo siereo speakers, (Wine chesterfield and chair; living-room one else do it. For free estimates ieansao accommodation tor bed or up TELEVISION jotors, cars. H, Chinn, Hillside and Park! 39 teet cord and microphone. Almost new, rb 9 x 12, green with wine flowers. i |light and tarp, $125. 1230 Simcoe Street | Telephone 725. 2464, North, 725-2144 |COMPLETE "Harris baby bedroom seti|down payment. $15 monthly, FOR SALE _-- 23° Owens cruiser, twinleight-piece dinette set, draperies and Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. Voivo engines, hydraulic trimtabs, sonable 725-8614. | 29--_Wanted to Rent ARTI REALTOR '0--Automobiles for Sale mi "Grading & Power Rolling 'Call Whitby. sas sen, tients at Lyntonhurst Manor. Reason South 723-7068 in good condition, $90. 839-1868 7002 | 728-7377 POWER MOWERS able: rates 928-5154 9'6m. 16.9 p.m ELECTRIC welder, AC25 to in |FLOOR Polisher "and | vacuum ceureke, All se MO NEY MADE galley; tollet, }bedspreads. Apply 158 Warren Avenue. A ANTEL clock, chesterfield chair, Eumig 31---Compect Cars for Sale SHRUBS-----TREES & HEDGES make'. Pick ee gtd "'conflition:" 66% 'Dundia tion, "Teleshone 723-1021 "ett tt teen dares, make] ~-- Call 723-3492 |sorles Telephone Brooklin 655-3517. |16FT. CABIN cruiser and trailer with 45 | ea publication will be charged one day's |HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and insertion. eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting IT'S EASY TO PLACE A and general repairs All work aquaran-| Shee Lorin WARE AB teed. P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-206 E ALTERATIONS tions, o Coll Classified Direct sehen repute. rie lestimates. Work guaranteed. Carin Con-| 723-3492 [struction Limited, Whitby. 668-2293, | Sauna : on INDEX TO JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Cariage.| Reasonable rates, fully Insured. Call CLASSIFICATIONS iota Ajax, 942- ican of alt lengths. SMITH -- Newtonville 786-2283 Collect -NO-1 TOP. SOIL Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simcoe North 723- 1161 -2 CITY WIDE SHARPENING REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS Sharpening. and Repairs. | shears, scissors, knives, also lawn cutting. Quick service. Pick-up and delivery SHARPENING BY MACHINES 248 Quebec St.--725-0500 purchased Money. for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 HOT |BRIDGESTONE %. We have tary valve performance. Com anything in 80, 90 and 125 cc class A rig i 1--Women's Column ----_--_---- 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swop and 6 8--Articles' for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 11--Pets and Livestock 12----Articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wonted 16--Agents Wonted 17--Femoale Help Wonted 18--Mole Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sole 200--Summer Properties ' 21--Farms for Sole | Dentistry BIALEK, OR. C. B., Dental Surgeon, {112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: For | appointment, 728- 5042 or Res. 728-8441 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 *». Good con-| | Dressmaking |DRESSMAKING -- Suits, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a speciality. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 CADIES, THINK THRIFTY! 'Alterations, mending ano style changing. Reasonable rates. For appointment telephone 728-1823 LADIES and children's wear reasonable! rates -- Telephone Whitby 668-4945. DRESSMAKING All_kinds of ladies'| wear. High \quality work. Cali Agnes Dresmaking, 668-8463 coats, dresses, | Corner Mortgage Money Available | Low Interest --_-- Member Ontario at Honest} Mortgage Brokers Association MORTGAGES are my business funds available at lowest rates enact tk a RRR?» Unlimited Ist and Ralph Risebrough, ty as leer Yann covered | $85. Telephone Whitby:|CHESTERFIELD and maiching chalr.|colcr blue, good condition; also wooden Single bed. Very reasonabié) 728-8710. ladder. Telephone 723- 2372 DELUXE fent, 9 x 12, high Wall, with|STROL--CHAIR; baby carriage; Viking front and rear zippered doors. cages and Barter Swap | eS Only | washing machine; Teco master, band saw! three times. in perfect Telephone Orono 37 80 amo Street' West, tune-up and ip and delivery exceliont ¢ Jee Crawford Charies Chaytor Jim Gibbons Murray Boyle "ptometrist Slim. Or Ii) cut R. RICHARD BLACK, oD, Free estimates. 725-5118 er Street North, Suife 6, Oshawa |723-4191, escent retcigerator, 110 volt wiring, fluor-| Rit LiARD pool table, complete set.|movie camera, with hand case Range, | 32--Trucks for Sole BROOKLIN 655-3866 Ha Tele 36---Lega! phone a work 723-7996 y sil |9--Market Basket Telephone |structor, ali channel antenna, installed lighting, top and curtains. Many |Vaiye at $275, Ever : ything for $125. Apply |McClary four-burner All in new condi-| extras, Port Perry, 985-2990 1510 Lakemount Street, Lake Vista sub: me Telephone 725-1063 FOR SALE -- 16' canoe, cedar stripped, division <aDewitheE chesterfield ara | 33--Automobiles Wanted 34---Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found 37--Auctions PRIVATE. Gor a tree in your back yard? TREE TO TRIM? C 33--Coming Events |Get it cut down before it costs you aithem down. vt DON'T OO. 11 YOURSELF! Let one ™ - 723-9750 39---Notices lemali fortune, Reasonable rates. 728-0995, |728-0610, the. experts listed under the 'Business| me "PLE. POTATOES «- 75-lb, bag ' |850, Aeriais - Rotors, Ron's TV, 723-7521. |Services Directory" do m for you, nings: Brooklin, 655-4983, 723-4270

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