° er his ey em oe ¢ very Girls Dream ¥ Comes Irue... WHEN SHE» LOOKS TO... ELECTRICAL LIVING You'll enjoy a wonderful world of modern comfort, convenience and cleanliness in your home when you use low cost electricity for -- home heating and cooling, water heating, cooking, laundry and light- ing. For ideas to help you live better electrically -- ideas for the home in which you live or the one you are planning to buy -- call your Public Utilities Commission 723-4624 and receive prompt court- eous attention. Your dreams come true with . . . ELECTRICITY -- the safe, dependable service for your home, : | Oshawa Public Utilities Commissio E. F. ARMSTRONG, P. Eng., Vice Chairman ~ R. J. FLEMING, FP. 6. McCALLUM, 3 LYMAN A. GIFFORD. Mayar. cpa hin mt ap eB. ae noteretereec Ne