Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1965, p. 3

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MILK VAN LEADS & PROCESSION Rattle Of Bottles Opens PM Talks By JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP)--By one of those weird and wonderful bloopers that can only happen in England, an open milk van with bottles clattering furiously lead a cavalcade of Common- wealth premiers into the court- yard of Marlborough House to- day. It was the opening of the Commonwealth prime minis- ters' conference, bringing to- gether 21 premiers, presidents, and deputies representing 750,- 000,000 people around the world. The Commonwealth leaders had a vivid demonstration of! one of the problems confronting them--that of Rhodesia--when pickets waved placards as they arrived along the mall opposite Marlborough House. The pick- ets were demanding an end to white rule in Rhodesia. Along with Rhodesia, the big issues confronting the leaders include how to bring peace to South Viet Nam, how to reduce strengthen the Commonwealth through a secretariat and in- crease Commonwealth aid and trade. ' SOME HAVE DOUBTS Two of the premiers--presi- dents Ayub Khan of Pakistan and Julius Nyerere of Tanzania --doubt whether a joint Com- monwealth attitude can formed on critical Vietnamese issue where both sides are in- tensifying a. Prime Minister Milton Obote of Uganda doubts whether the Commonwealth conference is a big enough forum to reach hard- and-fast decisions on Viet Nam. However, Britain intends to press the non-aligned members of the Commonwealth to carry their crusade for Vietnamese peace talks--without precondi- tions--to the Afro-Asian confer- ence opening in Algiers June 29. 'Prime Minister Wilson, as host, arrived early and the WILLIAM JOHN KOS- TUK, grandson of Mrs. Nel- lie Kostuk, 242 Mitchell av. has graduated in medicine from the University of West- ern Ontario. Dr. Kostuk will be interning at Victoria Hos- pital in London, Ont, ELIZABETH GAIL BIG- WOOD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W .Bigwood, 640 Gibbons st, graduated from Toronto Teachers' College. A former student at McLaugh- lin Collegiate she will work for the Oshawa Board of Education. GARY BRYCE FAULK- NER, son-of R. J. Faulkner of Pickering and grandson of Mrs. J. Whattam, 48 Brock st. e. received his MSc. from the University of Waterloo. He attended E. A. Lovell Public School and OCVI. i eh i eal And Applaud By ROD CURRIE STRATFORD (CP) -- Several critics unsheathed some of their sharpest swords today on Julius Caesar, but others offered high praise to salve the angry wounds. Reaction to the third and last opening of the 13th season. of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival was mixed, with some reviewers calling it "spectacu- lar" and "exciting" while others found it "flat" and even '"'scan- dalous." Main bone of contention was the direction of Canadian Doug- las Campbell, who himself also 'ldrew mixed reaction to his role as Hotspur in Monday's opening production of Henry IV. The second production, Tuesday's Falstaff, was by far the best "iggy by audience and crit- cs. Jay Carr of the Detroit News found Julius Caesar flat and blamed both director and act- jors. Mr. Campbell "has fash- Marlborough House courtyard was quiet and expectant await- ing the arrival of other Com- monwealth chiefs. : Suddenly the calm was dis- the world armament race, turbed by the milk van clatter-| MP Wants BNA «: along. An official of the| Out Of Politics ao relations office) BARRIE (CP) -- Wilbur M. gasped: _.|Cramp, former mayor of Oril- "How in heaven's name did) tia, a acquitted Welineeden NIAGARA FALLS (CP) -- Althat get in here?" __jof taking shares of Northern Conservative MP said Wednes-' Marlborough House is being|Qntario Natural Gas Co. in 1956 day night any proposed for-\heavily guarded. No one except/in return for support of a mula for amending the British|Commonwealth delegates is be-NONG franchise bid in Orillia. North America Act should bejing allowed near the ornate) Cramp was found not guilty "taken out of the hands of the/conference room. Scotland Yard| or accepting 150 shares for pro- politicians." |men move discreetly through|moting the 'NONG bid and Of Accepting NONG Payoff former mayor of Sudbury; Mrs. Wanda Miller, former mayor of Gravenhurst; Glen S. Coates, former mayor of Bracebridge, and Cramp were charged with accepting shares in return for support of NONG franchises. CHARGES DISMISSED The charges against Mr. Jus- tice Landreville, Mrs. Miller and Coates were dismissed for lack of evidence after prelim- inary hearings last fall. During Cramp's trial, Judge Bennett dismissed as unreliable the testimony of Chester Gray, former NONG vice - president, because of Gray's continual re- PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS WEDNESDAY, June 16, 1965 Acting Prime .Minister Mar- tin announced the Queen was being advised to act on Que- bec's . recommendation |limit- ing the powers of its upper held a private session in a smaller room to discuss their agenda and other matters. | Drug Can Cure Uterus Cancer | PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A U.S. government researcher re-| ported Wednesday that a rare form of cancer that affects| women of childbearing age now can be treated with drugs alone Previously, surgery also was |\COMMITTED PERJURY Farris was convicted in the Ontario Supreme Court in 1964 of perjuring himself at a 1958 judicial inquiry into distribu- tion of shares of the company. He was sentenced to nine months definite and nine} months indefinite. The 1958 inquiry was set-up by the Ontario Securities Com- mission after allegations in the Ontario legislature of a stock scandal involving Ontario cab- inet ministers. It found eviderite of illegal stock distribution but was told) chamber. Opposition Leader Diefen- baker said the government decision was "devious | unconstitutional." NDP Leader Douglas said "this action will live to haunt the government." Social Credit Leader Thomp-. son disagreed with Quebec's. direct appeal to the Queen although it was strictly "their business."' Creditiste Gilles Gregoire cHarged the government with "tampering with the mails"-- | it was Premier Lesage's | "salad." THURSDAY, June 17 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m, EDT to cotinnue debate on budget resolutions. The Senate stands adjourned until June 22. Law Acquits Mayor Cramp jioned a production that has a \few stirring ts," he 'Caesar' Stabbed By Some| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 17, 1965 3 ed By Others | Said Ron Evans the Tor- onto Telegram: '"'There was a mighty grandeur about last night's performance, but oh, how it dragged. This Caesar must be the immobilest Roman of them all." Robert Turner of the Ontario Intelligencer, Belleville, says the production was no doubt in-| tended to point up the weight! and tragedy of the action "but for this reviewer at least, the' result was not successful, with] even the murder of Caesar be-| coming a study in slow motion." Peter Bellamy of the Cleve- land Plain Dealer says that. if Caesar 'twas not ruined for you in the eighth grade; Campbell may finish the job." Martin Backs U.K. Viet Plan | OTTAWA (CP) -- External Affairs Minister Martin said |writes, "but which most of the time falls flat." By contrast, Herbert Whitta- ker-of the Toronto Globe and Mail gave full credit to Mr. Campbell for his direction. dnesday the Canadian gov- lprnment will lend strong sup- port to proposals by the Brit- ish government for b;inging about negotiations on the Viet Nam situation. Communist China says, its army training depots can simu- THEY MAKE IT REAL _|iate all the sights and sounds of battle, down to the heaving decks of ships at sea. and | He said he couldn't discuss |the proposals until they are made public by British Prime Minister Wilson. | Mr. Maftin also said |Canadian. government is en- \gaged, independently of the United States, in attempts to jbring about discussions that jmay ultimately lead to negoti- FINDS EXCITEMENT "His use of space is exciting, |his movement inventive and constant, his groupings Gray had testified Cramp|magnifice | ig Mr, wide told him: "It will cost you|taker writes. 'And here he has {more than a bottle of whisky|a great ally in. his designer, jto get the Orillia franchise." |Leslie Hurry, who has dreamed | In his defence summation,|a Roman dress very different |Gerard Kelly of Orillia said:|\from the classic bed-sheet." |™° jations on Viet 'Nam. vision of his story and his un- certainty. the Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION ; 4 ' : Cl on Savings Accounts. Paid ge a years. Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable on death, *Yearly Rete ) To | Ra SSS» 159! assy JP 2 >>: Pa GSNSE83022 my Ro SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 Fridey 9to9 Saturdoy 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Head Office: 19 Simcoe St, Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 "There is no law to prevent} Nathan Cohen of t | ; ja municipal official from re-|Star says Mr. cee a He said he had discussions jceiving a gift as long as it is|uriates 'in devices" and "spends|"i", U-S: Ambassador Butter- jnot as a consideration for fav-|most of his time in the play worth who gave him a docu- lore: ; lapplying 'bright ideas' to it ment to study. Mr. Martin said "Mr, Cramp woudl not b e|which really have nothing: to do| this document does not relate likely to jeopardize 14 years of|with the story? ' to any escalation of the present |service in municipal politics for] He says very few of the play's|Situation, but deals with the such a small consideration." _|felicities are evident in this pro-|StePs the U.S. has taken to try | Harvey McCullough, special/duction. "This is the second|*®,,>'ing about negotiations |Corwn prosecutor, said Cramp/time the company has had a go| Without pre-conditions. jand Farris conspired to. obtain!at the play, and once again the} |the franchise for Orillia and!results are scandalous." | DOG WARNED AFAR added: B. W. Jackson of the Hamil-| A British inventor has pro- "As long as they are en-|ton Spectator was among thosejduced an electric dog collar gaged in accomplishing the|most favorably impressed by|which can give its wearer a mild {same object, the alleged con-|the production. shock by radio at a quarter- spirators need not have met or|FINDS IT FRESH |mile range. ° have ever known each other.) 'This is a fresh, vigorous and| Cramp said after the trial|forceful Julius Caesar. Follow-| |that he was naturally pleased/ing Mr. Campbell's direction,| jwith the verdict but added he |the players presented a} was unhappy that after saving/finely - articulated production) the town $2,920,000--the amount/that made. full use of the op-| jhe claims the choice of NONG |portunities for dramatic tension jsaved Orillia--his only reward|and conflict that the play makes! {was to be put on trial. available." : NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Payment December--Call PERRY Dey or Night . . . 723-3443 VY, CAs | ziW A Smooth, Sp G ted Drink irl Taste the light, appealing flavour. Try it chilled or with your favourite mixer. A subtle wine-- versatile and economical. the rare cancer usually strikes|Clare Mapledoram and. Public KILLED. BY BULLDOZER pregnant women. He said 15|Works Minister William Gries- women who have been treated with the drug (methotrexate) went onto: 'have successful pregnancies He said when surgery (hyster- ectomy) is performed, bearing usually is destroyed Ross told of more than 100 women suffering wit of the uterus occurring pregnancy: In 44 such women, he said, only one had shown a recurrence of the disease, which occurred three years after treatment. $500,000 Blaze Destroys Plant WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- A $500,000 fire destroyed the power tool and small engines plant of Leepo Machine Prod- ucts Ltd, -Wednesday night. The three-alarm fire raged for _ 90-minutes, leaving only the four walls of the quarter-block .long building standing in the east of the city, The factory had already closed down for the night when the fire was first noticed and there were no injuries OR ALL YOUR DRUG STORER NEEDS | none 723-2245 Eldon Woolliams, who repre-\the corridors, guarding against|/piocking a bid by rival Con- sents the Alberta constituency|assaults, bombing and micr0-leumers' Gas and of conspiring of Bow River, said the amend-|hone "bugging." Last Yearlwith Ralph Farris of Vancou- ing formula currently favored) Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta was @l-\ver, former president of, NONG by the government would take! most assaulted on the steps Of|in the dealings. -- . away Parliament's power to)his hotel when he left for Marl-| Judge Colin Bennett said he poe ae lg ae eee borough House. |had no doubt Cramp accepted the end of a unified country as DISCUSS AGENDA : & rage gg aa ange no evi- we understand it." 5 Some delegates now have pri- sae stibe 7 a em be ' He was addressing a conven- vate guards as well as armed|Consideration for his support of} tion of the Grand Orange Lodge|British policemen. Kenyatta)" |? 5 a of British North America. ihas sent his foreign minister, The judge told Cramp: "You Mr. Woolliams suggested pro-|this year, Joseph Murumbi. have seriously violated your posed formulas for amending, Soon the courtyard was filledjpublic trust by accepting the constitution should be sub-|with bustle and the sound of en-/NONG shares and dealing in mitted to constitutional lawyers| gines as the premiers began tojthem. You had no business or political scientists or re-|arrive with motorcycle escorts| whatsoever accepting those ferred to the Supreme Court of|and scores of limousines. It was shares. | Canada. la blaze of color as men in Af-| But he said because NONG --lrican dress and others from|rates were lower than those of . imany lands milled about among/Consumers' Gas and because Woman Saved |the photographers, there was a possibility of new The premiers entered the industry for Orillia if the fran- . : main conference room and satichise went to NONG, Cramp's| : By Pig Liver lfor a while around their 48-foot/aggressive support of the com-| * \negotiating table. pany's bid was in the best in-| BOSTON (AP)--A 34-year-old) Then' without advisers, they|terests of the town. Boston woman critically ill with) a diseased liver was reported Wednesday night "holding the line" at Boston City Hospital! following a third porcine liver! perfusion. | The patient's blood was di-| verted through a pig's liver Tuesday night to cleanse the| blood and give her own liver a chance to rest. The first per-| fusion was made last Friday.} Dr. - William "V. McDermott Jr. said although the patient is holding the line "there is not a steady level of improvement." But he said there seems to be evidence that the women's own) s liver has picked up some of its performed : aur e that. he knew of no normal function again. | Dr. Griff T. Ross of the Na-|bribery of provincial or munici- tional Cancer Institute, Beth-|pal officials. : lesda, Md., told a meeting of the Mines Minister Philip Kelly, Ford Boycott American Cancer. Society that)/Lands and Forests Minister . In. Africa PORT ELIZABETH, South Af-| rica (AP)--The town council of} the Cape Provinve country town of Paarl has decided to boycott all Ford company products from Canada and the United States, according to newspaper reports published here today Port Elizabeth is the centre of the South African motor in- dustry and home of the Ford assembly plant. Reports say this is the first time such drastic action has been taken by any municipality) in South Africa and other mu-| nicipalities are expected to fol-| low suit. The boycott decision) was taken unanimously and without any discussion. Councillor Jan Pickard pro- posed the motion in the light of the decision of the Ford compa- nies of Canada and the U.S. not to supply South Africa with transport vehicles for military we OTTAWA (CP)--The post of-| fice department declined com- ment Wednesday on charges that low wages and "sweat shop conditions' exist in post offices across Canada, The charges were made Tues- day by Daniel Cross, president of the Kingston Postal Workers Union. He said postal workers' morale across the country is low because nothing has re- sulted yet from a salary review started last October. "If we don't get at least $600 you can expect a work slow- down and piling up of mail across the country," Mr. Cross said. A spokesman for the post of- fice department here said Wed- nesday that present salaries of postal clerks range between $3,630 and $4,680 a ye@r. The -current weekly average is about $88. F. R. BLACK 0.D. 8 OPTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4191 136 Simcoe St. North FREE-CITY-WIDE-DELIVERY ) JURY AND LOVELL REED'S Florists Father's Day Special CARNATIONS | REED'S Florists Downtown Drive-In Simcoe & Bond 163 Bloor W. OSHAWA inger resigned at the time and it was disclosed that they pur-| chased NONG shares below the market price. The investigation was, new evidence from British Co-| lumbia, and following the re-| the Ontario Supreme Court,| GANANOQUE, Ont, (CP) -- Ronald Dubois, 26, of Wawa, Ont., was killed Tuesday when the bulldozer he was driving overturned on a_ construction child- reopened in 1962 on receipt of|site, five miles east of here on Highway 41. Dubois attempted to jump free as the vehicle top- h--cancers|port-of the second investigation|pled- over an embankment--but during!Mr. Justice Leo Landreville ofj|he was pinned beneath the ma- chine. mere PAYS 4% ON YOUR SAVI That extrc interest return cancelled cheq We do not close ou can make a deposit care of all the details. Company Why be content with a GUARANTY TRUST chequing privileges, too. If you wish, we'll 9 am to 5.pm--later on Fridays. Transfer your account to us. We will take GUARANTY TRUST 32 King St. EB, 728-1653 3%? INTEREST NGS ACCOUNT soon adds up. Full ues, rt doors at 3 pm. You or withdrawal from" of Canada serve cold « NOW ! the Oshawa home-buyer, the with you in mind. .-. Gardens TODAY, vis YOU MAY LIVE IN THE FUTURE... An abundance of foresight coupled with intelligent planning has brought to you,' ease .of living -- the future has been brought to the present in Braemor Gar- dens. All the qualities the modern home seeker has demanded are here: schools, churthes, shopping areas, recreation fac- ilities -- all brought together in o beauti- ful setting -- for the finest homes built on the rocks « or with your favourite mixer ultimate in SEG: HT Mi. BRAEMOR GARDENS it Broemor t ! k braemor gardens Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis Oshawa's Foremost Fine Clothier FOR RELAXED LIVING These sportcoats and relaxed living go together. Eye-catching and casual . . . yet elegant and distinc. tive. Lighter and brighter for carefree comfort. Mtitatatae -- WHOUT EQUAL IN lende ot bahe Jie ghtiseiqht= SLACKS In lightweight slacks, the name Garnelene represents unmatch- ed performance... comfort... fit... ond durability. See and admire them at Black's Progress Deand FATHER'S DAY GIFT SUGGESTIONS . . « Choose from Jade East, Jade and Canoe Colognes in our toiletries department. Famous Gino Paoli Italion sweaters, hand- some Hothawey shirts, sporty Jantzen swim wear. See our summer cosuol shoes including the popular Hush Puppies. Buy quality at MEN'S WEAR 74 Simcoe North Opén to 9 p,m. Friday

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