LADIES ee WHY PAY MORE? You Can Buy Dad or Son An Extra SUIT-BLAZER SPORT COAT or SLACKS FOR - 1. ONLY st. Be nn ee ee a USE YOUR CREDIT NO MONEY DOWN NO CARRYING CHARGES Don't let such o small amount hinder you in buying « gift for dod, . . use our easy budget plan.. Here's a thought . . . buy Deda suit and pongo' for your son for only $1.00. Interesting isn't it! r i i i i | j E i i i i ee ee ee ee ee ee MEN'S SUIT ('Qoartuce Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics! . . . Specially purchasednd exceptionally low priced. Featuring hand- -- some'single breasted, two or three-button models in the latest styles for men.and young men. Carefully and meti- culously tailored to add a note of distinction tony man's appearance .. . sizes 34 to 52 to fit men and young men, regular, short, tall and hard-to-fit stouts. LOOK! EXTRA SUIT FOR ONLY DELUXE RANGE CUSTOM RANGE HAND GRADE EXECUTIVE RANGE - Downtown Oshawa 36 KING- ST, EAST OPEN FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. FIRST SUIT EXTRA SUIT SAVE 49.50 1.00 48.50 79.50 1.00 78.50 89.50 1.00 88.50 99.00 1.00 98.00 Buy Now and Save on Men's SLACKS =. 1.00 Tailored from the finest English and domestic all wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannel in pic 'n' pic, neat and plains in grey, blue grey, medium, dark brown and blues. Hook fastener above zip- per fly, single pleats, continental style included, tabs on back pocket" o EXTRA PAIR SAVE como' = «9.95 1.00 = 8.95 me = 14.95 1.00 = 13.95 'ant' = «17695 =1.00 = 16.95 cee «19,95 1.00 18.95 FREE GIFT BOXES FOR FATHER'S DAY Oshawa Shopping Centre Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M, "a Another Big Offer! Sport Coats BLAZERS Modern. two - button, 'three - button single breasted and link models, tail- ored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, navy, grey and multi-splashes, Sizes 34 to 46. Talls and shorts in- cluded : EXTRA TROUSERS FOR ECONOMY RANGE SPORT EXTRA COAT TROUSERS SAVE 29.50 1.00 13.95 CUSTOM RANGE SPORT EXTRA COAT TROUSERS SAVE 34.50 1.00 13.95 _ EL Soper. + hatha esieeee: $s tH ttt MEN'S _ WINDBREAKERS from 6.95 PYJAMAS from 3.99 MEN'S MEN'S DRESS SOX SPORT SHIRTS from 95° from 2.99 MEN'S MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS SUMMER SHOES from 4.00 from 3.99