Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1965, p. 3

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Child To Swim Here is the second lesson of The Times, 10-part series showing how to teach your The simple instructions by Dick Lough, director of aquatics for Central YMCA in Toronto. As your child progresses, «step is thoroughly mastered before proceeding to the next. One of the most frightening aspects of learning to swim, for a child, is putting he can be taught to overcome this fear long before he reaches the lake or seashore. Make your child breathe hold his nose, Then, using a face into water. His eyes can be opened or closed. Practise this until he can count of three. As taught in the first step, do not wipe his eyes, Make him blink the water out. child to swim. were developed for The Star By WILLIAM NEVILLE OTTAWA CP) --A bid to force a Commons vote. on whether .Time .and . Reader's Digest are "Canadian" publica- tions has run aground on the parliamentary rule that only a cabinet minister can propose the alteration or elimination of a tax. Deputy Speaker Lucien Lam- oureux invoked this tried 'and true rule in the House Tuesday night to set aside a New Dem- ocrat proposal that the Cana- dian editions of the two U.S, magazines be refused "natural- 'ized status." The ruling helped set off one of the most bitter Commons exchanges in recent weeks, The storm blew up as the House debated Finance Minis- ter Gordon's budget resolutions, remember to make sure each his face into the water, But in, hold his breath, and then wash basin, have him put his keep his face in water for a yung setts ontn geet QUEEN MOTHER VETOES COLOR TORONTO (CP) -- Cere- monies will be informal when the Ontario Lieuten- ant - Governor Earl Rowe gets his first chance to en- tertain British royalty June 24. The Queen Mother has asked that the reception at TORONTO (CP)--Health Minister Matthew Dymond pre- dicted Tuesday that new psychiatric treatment tech- niques will greatly reduce the Mental Illness Will Abate Under Advances: Dymond which include provisions/ to eliminate as tax deductiblé ex- penses Canadian adver tising spent in foreign - owned pub- lications. The plan, designed fo help this country's magazines meet "unfair" foreign competition, exempts the Canadian editions to mental hospitals in the prov-| "It is time to relegate re-|of Time and Reader's Digest on ince. lsearch to its proper level and|grounds they are well estab- He said there is a need for put a new emphasis on treat-|lished in this country and now small community mental health clinics. Mr. Trotter called it a do their printing and publishing ment,"' he said. | here Mr. Lewis said the superin- "Time", 'Digest' Fan Flames Of Hot-And-Heavy Debate West) closed out the brief fire- works by accusing Mr. Gordon of "childish conduct." The Deputy Speaker's ruling against Mr. Fisher's proposed amendment means _ opposition members will have no direct opportunity to test the govern- ment on. the specific question of the status of Time and Read- er's Digest. The over-all proposal dealing with magazines will come up for a vote later, but it will be as a package measure, leaving MPs, if they wish, to vote against the whole concept of aiding Canadian magazines through the tax deduction plan. The magazine proposals, along with a companion plan to ensure Canadian ownership of daily: newspapers by not allow- ing tax deductions for advertis- ing in foreign - owned papers, dominated the day's debate on the budget resolution. The resolution also includes the government's proposed 10 per-cént cut in personal income taxes, new tax deductions for expenditures on land scaping, the laying of drainage files and representations to governments, and limits on the amount of premiums paid to a retirement |plan which can be claimed as |deductible expenses. | | Prior to Mr. Fisher's unsuc- ? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 16, 1965 OTTAWA (CP -- Conserva- tive House leader Michael Starr) Tuesday accused Forestry Min- ister Sauve of giving evasive answers to questions in the Commons, Mr. Sauve denied the charge. The brief exchange blew up| after Mr, Starr questioned Mr. League Opens Bridge Probe LONDON (AP--The British Bridge League announced Tues- day that an independent inquiry will be made into charges that two British players cheated in URSING GRAD Miss Elizabeth Anne Neil- Starr Tees Off On Sauve For His 'Evasive Replies' Sauve on reports a regional for- estry station is to be trans- ferred from King, Ont., to Sault Ste. Marie. The minister referred Mr. -- aoe to his statement of June' When Mr. Starr checked this in Hansard, however, he found, that on June 10 Mr. Sauve. merely had referred to an an- nouncement of Feb. 18, ' "T suggest something be done so that the minister of forestry gives us direct answers to di- rect questions," said Mr. Starr. Mr. Sauve protested that he' had done so. The Feb. 18 an- nouncement had confirmed ra the forestry station is being. moved to Sault Ste. Marie. son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A, Neilson of 53 Ritson road south, gradu- ated from the St. Joseph's School of Nursing, Hotel Diew Hospital, Kingston, on the recent world championships in Buenos Aires. The two- players accused of cheating are Terence Reese and Boris Schapiro--England's two top bridge players. They were accused of "grave irreg- ularities" including secret fin- June 5. ger signs. Both denied the charge. The council of the British CROOKS SLINK "econ of tne nosh OFF WITH SINK 'meeting Today aot beer te sued this statement: SUDBURY (CP)--You've | "The council, after consider- "Well, why didn't he just say yes or no," shot back Mr. Starr... nagging backache! demand for beds in Ontario's|miracle that there had not been|tendent of the Ontario hospital | CHALLENGES PROPOSAL j crowded mental hospitals. lmore deaths from fire andjat Smiths Falls told him there Douglas Fisher, NDP deputy) cessful assault on the issue of He drew a parallel between|0ther accidental causes in On-\were 99 schizophrenic children|leader, challenged the proposal,)Time and Reader's Digest, Op- large mental hospitals|in one ward with the equivalent|arguing that Time and Read-jposition Leader Diefenbaker en- ing the report of the World| He used to be bothered by beckadhes Bridge Federation, has decided|.2n4 tired feeling, When, ihe learned that an independent inquiry) urinary tract can result in backache shall be held into charges made 7 hg Big men nt, eee against Messrs. Reese and Scha-| stimulate the kidneys to relieve piro and has invited Sir John Foster . . . to hold the inquiry. the condition causing the and tired feeling. Soon he Sir John has signified his ac- i; ceptance."" heard of a thief making off with everything but the kit- chen sink. In a break-in at the Reno Club here, the thief went all the way and took two kitchen sinks, two kitchen doors and a tap. Queen's Park be kept simple. Mr. Rowe declined to re- lease the guest list and said the affair will be private. | | i ' ulosis, tario's tage " " ; bee a TB because of the severe staffiof half a psychiatrist and ajer's Digest are really "'bogus"\tered the debate to make an i i instituti i : i IC i ications with Hy strong attack on the to the|Shortage in these institutions. (third of a psychologist to treat Cana dian publications with) equally g t pe ay ail try ny the} During consideration of them. jtheir editorial content and| proposals to ensure Canadian s sy |treatment of TB had madelhealth department spending| This compares with recom-jdirection coming - from the) ownership of daily newspapers. Anti-Hate Mail more beds available than therelestimates, Dr. Dymond said it/mended ratios of at least one|United States. He put forth an) The plan to use tax deduc- |were patients. is government policy to bring|professional for each three chil- amendment to delete the ex-jtions for advertising as the The same thing would happen|treatment beds for mental and|dren, he said. emption offered the two maga-|means towards this end | bes fi ' lj i hysical diseases under the | zines, jamounts to ' the first steps to- W lin mental hospitals, he told the|PhY: CALLS IT SHOCKING | iy t ' : uggest legislature, because of ad-\same roof to overcome the gulf! "It is the most shocking con- Mr. Lamoureux ruled that|ward throttling freedom of ex OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva- tive MP Wallace Nesbitt intro-|plus the fact that increasing|tW0. ; _ icy I have ever witnessed." | ative to set taxation. If allowed'\ous "in the degree to which duced a private member's bill|numbers of mental patients) He said the Ontario hospitals He said there is a year-long Mr. Fisher's motion would alter|they hse th the tenth at 8 Tuesday to bring hate literature|were coming forward for help|at Whitby and New Toronto\waiting list at the diagnostic the levels of taxation by re- governinent the power to con-| under the defamatory libel pro-!at earlier stages in their ill-| will | } visions of the Criminal Code. (ness. sare have general treatmentjclinic in the Hospital for Sick| oving from the list of deduct-|trol," the press. | He told the Commons that} Dr. Dymond said mental pa-|RIVALRY BLAMED Children in Toronto and no}; | | end sates ble expenses a class of adver-| "I ask the government to |psychiatric facilities at all in ny whi the government| Bert islati while he realizes the difficulties |tients are being treated suc-, Stephen Lewis (NDP -- Scar- eastern Ontario. Pern ik 4 should free dil crarbiard, ane te involved in such a step he of-|cessfully in out-patient depart- borough West) said an incred-| The departments of reform! taxation. mediately." fered his bill as a vehicle for/ments, mental clinics and doc- ible rivalry in the medical pro-|institutions, education, welfare} Mr, Fisher did not challenge| The proposals were solidly debate on the issue. |tors' offices. \fession about proper treatmentiang the attorney-general have ; s such -- under! , | ill chi : avelthe ruling as such der|opposed by the country's daily It appeared doubtful, Length of stays. in mental/methods for mentally - ill chil-\all moved forward in the field|the new Commons rules he/newspaper publishers, many of ever, that the bill, which went|hospitals is becoming shorter,|dren has given the governmentiof handling disturbed children,|couldn't appeal it -- but he|them: friendly to the Liberal] to the bottom of the private|he said. The same number ofjan excuse for doing nothing at/he said. |jumped on: the opportunity tol government. member's 'list, will be debated|eds would be capable of serv- all. "In this department and in|jash. out, at the government and; Mr. Diefenbaker said the gov- this session. jing a far greater population. He said the government hos ino other has. the minister been! Mr. Gordon in particular. ernment has practised a "great Mr. Nesbitt, MP for Oxford, rar al eenetnineceniin hed pov are ger has totally, irrevocably arid bellig-| He accused the finance min-\deal of thought control" since re es monks Ga lo ote, or nate oi toltrninn a "white clephaat Rel te bee ister of using '"underhanded/taking office in 1963. He said suance of hate literature a enite id ateesi of our pesds." Fiape ng has tes Sarid onl bt oe made no direct/and sneaky" tactics to get the|CBC broadcasts in particular case of group libel and provide|tne health minister said f thee for six years with no relies ong wenge accusations. Eat-| publications legislation included|often explain away any conten- punishment for anyone issuing| ye also noted that the gov-|ports made fa th lecislnturel tending a pe. while de-|in the income tax bill when it)tious matters in a way friendly such literature based On Alornment is in the process aca "nothlan Hit about what! aan is department, he! really isn't a tax matter at all./to the government. It had hap- group's racial, religious or na-ltransferring mental cotlabhalnes usa Abas, ha paid eo Wha T thee 4 Mr. Gordon "'hadn't even had|pened so often that it seemed tional background. who need only nursing care out| At the same. time, he said n I look around me I'the courage" to spell out Time/more than a coincidence. It also would provide for a Paycheck sein \the Pig Said, /see much mental disturbance I)and Reader's Digest in its tax) Similar legislation had been mental examination for any ee nn eens and/the government is refusing)would like to diagnose and pre-| resolution. taken off the books in the person accused under the bill. into homes for special care. jgrants to worthy private insti-| scribe for." "T feel a sense of outrage at| United Kingdom more than 100 |this government and this min-|years ago for being a curb on James Trotter (L -- Toronto|tutions such as Warrendale, ~ Parkdale) accused the govern-/which treats children in a fam-} POLICE ACT ister after all its prating about|freedom. Such laws could not Canadian nationalism." be found in any country with * Js ment of maintaining a Victor-jily rather than a hospital set-- yqnggrp : ; s | STON (CP -- Police Riding Change ian insane - asylum approachiting. |patrols covered the route from} Mr. Gordon jumped to his/a British tradition. feet to fire right back at 'these; Mr. Diefenbaker said the idea seething vee JURY & LOVELL PHARMACIES pn A i eo aN eT how- DELUXE GOLD | the residential area to the pub- Ousts Founder Done By Fall TORONTO (CP) -- The re- distribution of Ontario's federal constituencies will be completed this fall, the chairman of the provincial electoral boundaries} HALIFAX (CP) -- There has commission said Tuesday. |been a sharp increase in the Mr. Justice E, A. Richardson|number of children born with of the Ontario Supreme Court| deformities in the last two said that although the commis-|years, but doctors have been sion has until April to do the|unable to say why, Dr. Gustave job, there is no reason why it}Gingras of Montreal] said Tues- can't be done by the fall. day. | The commission recom-| He told the Canadian Med- mended creation of 46 new con-|ical Association's general coun- stituencies, including three for|cil that in Quebec alone there Metropolitan Toronto, and elim-jhad been 1,134 children born ination of 43 of the existing 85 with various deformities in ridings. 1963. Of these, 34 had thalido- The commission will hear|mide- like characteristics, but representations at public sit-|the drug thalidomide was not tings in Port Arthur, North/involved in any of them. Bay, London, Hamilton, Ottawa|- During 10 years, he had seen and Toronto from Aug. 31 to|70 such cases. In the last two) Sept. 30. years, he had seen 94 | Those wishing to make rep-| Known cases were those born resentations have 23. days tojin hospital where a report was submit their names, addresses|required. It was possible more and brief outlines of their sub-|mothers were having children missions, said Mr. Justice Rich-|in hospitals, but this did not ardson account for the sudden in-| rer rarer! CORSE. "There is immediate need for Offset Journal ja crash program of rehabilita- ition for these cases," he said. The association passed a res- Natal Deformities Increase jlic school at suburban Rideau Heights Tuesday after six chil- | dren had been kept home dur- jing morning classes to protest |lack of protection. The children |were all back in school for intemperate remarks from one/behind taxing advertising could of the most intemperate mem-/not be found in the royal com- bers of this House." {mission on publications. It had "I'm not used to being called|dealt only with magazines. cowardly and I don't accept it} He added that he was an un- from the member for SHAVER Blades: Block Deluxe Case jexcellent IQ@s--are learning And Doctors Not Sure Why olution urging the federal and provincial governments to give financial aid, rehabilitation and all other amenities made avail- able to thalidomide - disabled children, to all children with limb deficiencies. Work with the thalidomide children has produced a great deal of knowledge and excellent results, said Dr. Gingras. But there were points of discrimin- ation in aid given thalidomide and non - thalidomide - affected children. Costs of rehabilitating the dis- jabled chidiren are extremely high, he said. About 15 people were required to treat one child. Artificial limbs were be- ing applied at as young as three years and the growth of the child demanded constant changes. Some of the thalidomide- affected children--most having to walk with artificial legs before normal children, he said Bok Arthur." With Mr. Lamoureux appeal- ing to all sides for order, Mar- cel Lambert (PC -- Edmonton \afternoon classes. A youth was charged last Thursday wifh in- decent assault on one of the children. Port/likely champion of the freedom of the press. No one had suf- fered more in the last few years through press freedom than he had. i 3. Close your eyes and r } Aspirin is the Registered Mid Afternoon HEADACHE? 1. Take 2 Aspirin Tablets 2. Sit down for a few minutes ASPIRIN HELPS YOU FEEL BETTER IN MINI Trade Mark of The Bayér Company, L' WATCHES Many to choose from our Mobile Display Unit. 10.95 hg 10.95 i ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSHES SETS For Men 3.50 fo °15.. o *20. A Camera est UTES! | FAST RELIEF | | HEADACHE | COLDS TROUD' FOOD MARKET 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS € WHOLE RIPE | . VANCOUVER (CP) -- The| Bail Reforms Vancouver Times said Tuesday| a its founder, William Val War-| Sl H t ren, no longer is connected with| owness 1 poi oh gy newspaper in any) OTTAWA (CP) -- Reid Scott ine dnl pane dataisent (NDP--Toronto Danforth) ac-, signed by. Maj Lend Victor W. cused Justice Minister Favreau Odlum, publisher and chairman|,Ue*d8Y neuro dragging inall of the board of directors, the fect in retorming the Criminal} paper said: : Code provisions concerning ball nd A Mr. Scott complained during He (Mr. Warren) has no ; | control over, or aeTene on, the! tr pg oiconm poe gy polices which, the paper ill maiter to a. special committee aii be fic cen. and' wil bell penal reform after stating, completely separated from|ng ao lig he was) those of The Times. This paper 5 b ege id ger * . Ne had will in no way be associated, W® Sala las! year he | with any of his projected pro- thought the justice minister motions and it will not be con- nected with any chain of papers which may be established by} him.- It will be completely in-| dependent." Mr. Warren has announeed that he plans to start a new nespaper, like The Times using the offset method of printing, in Edmonton. WILL OPEN CNE TORONTO (CP)--Prime Min- ister Pearson will open the Ca- nadian National Exhibition Aug. 20, the CNE board of directors announced Tuesday. The exhi- _bition runs from Aug. 2 0to Sept. 6 NEED A NEW FURNACE? Ne Down Poyment--First Payment December-----Coli PERRY Dey or Night . . .° 723-3443 "1 { Bowes & Cocks 'Limited } would speak out "for those who have no voice" but it now was apparent Mr. Favreau was Lean Meaty . Blade Bone vane") BEADE ROAST 43 BUTT 99: 9: 79: BONELESS ROLLED ' POT ROAST BONELESS BEEF - SHOULDER LEAN MEATY SHORT RIB ECONOMY 6 & 7 RIB PRIME RIB SHORT CUT Ist 4 ribs PRIME RIB retiring? Bowes & Cocks, Realtors have a unique offer for those considering retirement in Ontario. Send Coupon Today -- No obligation 333 CHARLOTTE $T., PETERBOROUGH Please send retirement offer te: NAME ii este esac tact ADDRESS city i \ Removed - | WATERMELON | PLASTIC BOX SPECIAL For Dad! KODAK INSTAMATIC 100 Bulbs, batteries, film. Reg. 21.50 Father's Day 17 95 SPECIAL KODAK FILM Available at REDUCED PRICES ! For Ded's Desk Leather SHEAFFER'S Travelling Pen Seis GASES by Cooper Weeks 2.95 3.95 BUXTON Wallets 55 to 7.50 Key Cases To in cowhide 17.9 3% lo 4.5 20.00 GILLETTE FISHERMAN'S KIT Razor Blades, Fishing Hook GOLF BALLS OLD SPICE GIFT SETS . . 1.75 to 6.50 39: FRESH PORK SHOULDER C Ib } 49: POPS FRESH PORK C Ib FRESH PORK FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER DAVID'S 4 Lo END 69: Reg. 35c, KINDS BISCUITS Lp! HS ea SKINLESS ey Te } STEAKS Ib MAPLE LEAF WIENERS NEW from OLD SPICE SIMMS ma ME" AFTER SHAVE LOTION SHAVING BRUSHES 2.50 to *15. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. S30 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA "puone 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA

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