ee : awe Crees, eaters ts i die ed 4 614 ° 7 a 1 | oa STOCK MARKET ber ese! NAM, -- Ya. * dt By The Canadian Pres: x 500 6 310 Toronto Stock Ex one 4000 310 900 §: (Quotations in cents unless renrkes $.| Coin Lake 1000 23 1000 z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr---Ex-| Conigo 5000 43 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is} C Fen 1000 15 Zenmac 1825 from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS - 500 14 Py ' a 500 Sales fo 11:00 a.m.: 1 es High Low a.m. Ch'ge 2530 $124 120 12% + Ve) 250 420 420 420 Alta Gas 240 $35% 35% 35% + Ya) Alta Gas pr 30 $105% 105% 105% + Ve} Alt Gas B pr 50 $105% 105/2 1052 + % Alta Gas w 212 $1]. 102 11 +4 200 $18% 1834 18% 600 $9 420 8%: 9 --M $6994 69% 69% + a 750 $11% 11% 11% 725 $30% W's Wie + % $402 402 402 450 $192 19% 19% -- $142 14% l4l2 $i 6% 64 --7%| $194 194 Wie+ %) TOO $22%4 22%4 22% 632 63¥2 + Ve 7344 74 +1 26 408 5% Dat & 6% 0 330 : Ve 32%, 327/a + Ve 5 Me 27% 27% $214 2)'2 212 al BCPh 5.15 pr.~20 $104¥a104/2 10412 --~ Va Br Int F ex 225 $10% 10% 10% + %| FIGHTS LAST NIGHT 'Key Witness' Cops By THE ASSOCIATED PE d Straight Win London -- Alan Rudkin, 119, |Britain, outpointed Ray Asis, LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Key 119, Philippines, 10. Witness registered his third win | in as many Starts at the West- Sacramento, Calif.--Joey Ol-ern Fair Raceway Tuesday lguin, 135%, Sacramento, jnight, capturing the sixth race ' lin 2:09 3-5 and returning $4.40 ig liga Perez, 140%, Mex-/a the odds-on favorite. Birmingham, Sighted tienes) FLAGS HAVE CHANGED |Cooper, Britain, vs. Johnny) Pensacola, Fla., site of the |Prescott, Britain, for Cooper' SUS. Navy air base, has lived 'British and Empire heavy-| under the flags of Spain, Ht) CxN Toronto {ire am, Mines weight title, postponed until} |France, Britain, the Confeder- 556 675 670 670 +15 'Thursday, rain. acy, and the United States. Captain Chester Coch Wilt +4 6 + 6¥2 M4 * +1 > '% 709,000. 7% eg Pals 7, ' 43 43 | $14 ti tant 2 #61 «612 «42 Raia Pt F td x "a +15 Ky P +3 on hes - 00 + Add Toronto 11 a.m.: FOREIGN ge aes 200 250 4 : Stock Abitibi Ackind 500 37 300 260 260 100 235 235 200 185 «(185 20 235 185 coe Willroy 9 670 670 $27\%4 27 Int Bibis 200 «2S Irish Cop Iso Jelex Joliet Jonsmith Kerr Add K Anacon L Dufavit Lakehead Leitch Lorado Louvict Macassa 255. 255 255 Macdon o 7 Marboy a yee Mattgmi $18 18 McAdam 102 102 Mcintyre $77 =«77 McWat 2000 Meta Uran 12500 Metal Mine 100 160 Midrim 1000 Multi-M 1000 Nealon 5000 Neonex 1200 N Hosco 300 N Kelore 1500 N Rouyn 2000 N Rock 1000 North CAAN Northgte Obaska Opemiska Orchan Osisko Peerless Placer Pow Rou Probe Que Man ° ot 280 280 280 +10 thé On A 182 18% 18% + %% a a. a4 2 2s 2 + 0 +8 stm Me 'i 354% 5d! 54% + % 50 $30%2 302 302--1' 352% 50% 524 +1% $90 9% «90 $8888 BB $70% 70% 70% ig 65 STYLES SHADES AND COLORS Price Includes © Frames @ Lenses e and Case Hydro pr 275 Imp Bk C 630 $64 7 6% 7 | 28% 282 28¥2 +3¥4 1 Gas Oil 300 : %4?? Va? Ved? Ve 1600 810 805 810 +15 5. 500 92 9% 614 13 37% AUDIENCE ENTHRALLED BY PLAYING OF BLIND PIANIST Susan Small, a young blind was brought back repeated- Small has won a Canada and London, Eng., for out- pianist from Black's Har- ly for curtain calls after a Council grant and studies at standing music festival per- bor, N.B., Monday night recital at Halifax. Miss the, University of Toronto formances. ; --CP 'P Wirephoto -- ese | | Village Awaits Coming Of Egg RABAUL,- New Britain (Reut- ers)--Villagers in the tropical sland of New Britain are wait- ing for a huge egg to appear in the sky above their village. They believe that the egg will float gently down from the \clouds and break open just above their houses, showering money and goods over their} village. This is -the latest manifesta- tion of the cargo cult, a strange religious belief which has made sporadic appearances in New Guinea ever since the first) Europeans arrived. The New Guineans argue that | ithe Europeans have no real jright to the flour, rice, tobacco and other goods with which they seem so well endowed. The spirits of their ancestors, they declare, have appeared to them and have promised them new wealth. They believe the white man will be driven away, that the white man's goods will be re- turned to the natives and that the followers of the cargo cult will become the new elite in the land, taking over all the public offices. The first step towards all this, however, is always the ar- rival of the cargo--the goods which will make the followers of the cargo cult rich. 5 62a + % 13 374 -- $1 17% 17% + 335 (335 «335 215 $94 %% 9% 175 $27¥e 27 27 re 600 $15% 15% 154 -- WoW Wk $424 42 ANA -- $11% 1% W4+% 100 $42%4 42% 424 --~ R 99 6 199 1050 $13% 13¥2 13% U $17% 17% Phas +% 685 685 | Chemcell " Clairton. w Col Cell Col Cel pr : Savings 13 13% 13% + | a uh 24% + 4 33 | | Pe Fr U.S. Trade-Mark Registered OPTICIANS-- O fied Gus Coronation 300 500 495 495 Coron 120 p 225 $18 1% 1" Coron 2 w 1000 110 105 105 --5 Crush Int 150 $15¥4 15¥2 154+ Dist Seag 420 $39% 39 ' D Bridge 355 $27% Dom Elect 525 $124 Dofasco 265 $26% Dosco 100 $15 Dom Tar 1210 $20% Dom Text 400 $35%e Dover pr 200 $10% Du Pont 135 $49% Emco n 220 $13 | Lory all A w 800 325° 320 oe +20 | Falcon 833 926 9B + %) Fam Play 150 $26% 262 26% -- % Fed Grain 350 $7" 7% T'%--% Fraser 100 $33 330 33 + % Frontier Ac 200 $72 7% 7% Frontier pr 300 $37% 372 37/2-- Frosst A 220 $29V2 292 29 GMC 154$105 105 105 Globe An xd 150 $8% 612 8% Goodyear 25 $180 180% 180! GL Paper 050 $22 21% 21% + G L Power 100 $324 3244 32' GN Cap 1125 $8% 8 "0 47 200 +180 $17% 17% 17% S1l¥2 11% 11% $29 29 $18% 18% Bd + % | 320 320 $16% 16% ran 425 $12 11% 12 + 25 $532 S32 534+ 4 75 $280 280 280 1019 $512 52% 522+ 225 $14% 14% 14% | 675 $24¥2 24 24 1200 225 220 220 5% $94 $32 $88% 5% $12% --§ +5 13% 43% 'iat % 135° 135 590 585 28Y2- 28 1% 16 135 135 25 25 657 670 670 +15 2514 25Y4 25V2 + Va 475-475 475 4-15 N% 1% NA+ 560 560 560 139 14 "7 260 70 91525 Al Sherritt Soft Silvmaq Sil Miller Sil Stand 17 BOND STREET EAST, 2nd FLOOR Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. -- Closed All Day Wednesday PHONE : 728-1261 ~~ hg ye AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS THE SAME LOW PRICES, - Branches in sl principal cities of Canede end U.S. Sunburst Teck Corp Texmont Tombill Tormont Tribag Un Buffad Un Fort WE FILL ALL PSI, Also Prices. scription filled, it Your pers Promptly 136 114 137 4 7 WW +1 al a a. | | * yor +22 Ye | Save 69c! 12-08, House and Garden Bug Killer Aerosol Tin JOHNSON'S RAID $1 GN Cap Bw 600 GN Cap C w 1600 Gr Weg G 130 Greyhnd 725 Hard Carp A 190 Home A 200 Horne Pf 1200 HB Ol G 2125 Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep Ind Wire ---% --- Inglis 5 int Nickel 4 + Int Util Inter PL Int Stl P Inv Grp A ITL Ind pr Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey € Jock W Labatt ¥2| BEST BUY! Save 10c! Regular or Parchment 1-Ib, Pkes. MONA Margarine 3 83: BEST BUY! Save 27e! 2c off Twin Pack Rolls BEST BUY! Save 23c! Fancy Quality 14-0z. Tins York Kernel Corn 6:51 BEST BUY! Save 17c! Heinz Fancy Quality 20-oz. Tins TOMATO JUICE 6:s1 BEST BUY! Save I%e! Assorted 48-on. Tins Allen Fruit Drinks 3:51 BEST BUY! Save 3@c! Deep Brewned 20-0z. Tins LIBBY'S BEANS 5:s1 BEST BUY! Save Ic! Dr. Ballard's 15-0z. Tims CHAMPION Dog Food 8:51 | ypooscose "BURNS" - SPECIALLY SELECTED - cere COTTAGE ROLLS SWEET PICKLED - CRYOVAC HALVES SPECIALLY SELECTED - LEAN - MEATY PORK 69 SPARE RIBS DISCOUNT PRICES Reg. 89c! 10-oz. Size - Roll on TOMATO SOUP Save l6c! Soft Drink Lakeland Lakeland W 200 Lau Fin 1575 Lau F 2.00 1955 Lau Fin 63w 1250 Levy B pr 750 Life Inv LobCo A LobCo B Loeb M MB and PR M Leaf Mill 16%4 16am % 40% 402 | 0 0 --! 18% 184 9% 9+ | 9% et ve 9 9% | 15% 16 +} 33-33% + | 5 15 +' 30% 31 + %| % Wat Va| 18% 18% + %| Basic Changes In Royal Rules STOCKHOLM (Reuters) Sweden's parliament has ap- proved basic changes in the j\law governing the royal suc- jcession' arousing public specu- |lation about the future of 18- year-old Crown Prince Carl Gustaf. The main changes include raising to 25 from 21 the age jat~ which a. Swedish crown prince .can succeed to the throne- and providing that a crown prince who marries a |commoner shall forfeit his right $15 $15 $50% $272 600 $10 10% 10%-- Ve $242 242 2a | $13% 134 13% $10% 10% 107% + % SYMBOL -- PRETTY, HUH? symbol, uniting the letters ing diagonally upwards from "O" and "H", is vermillion the symbol, the words will and orange on a white back- be dropped, officials say, as ground. Although the initial soon as the sign becomes design incorporates the familiar. words 'Ontario Hiydro' lead- NEW HYDRO Rosemarie Link, a sum- mer student working at On- tario Hydro in Toronto, com- pares the new design with the old Ontario Hydro coat of arms on her jacket. The --CP Wirephoto _ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Indian Custom Analysts Aren't Worried Slows Harvest Be sie sins Over Stock Market Drop summer 2,000 experienced In-|commoner. As the justice 'de- dian workers leave labor-short|partment explained, the legis- o DY GORDON GRAND TORONTO (CP) -- Pac Pete w Pembina Pow Corp Pirce Bros QN Gas QN G 6 Ww Reichhold Reitman Romfield Rothman Royal Bk Salada Seven Arts Shell Can Shop Save Shop City Simp Sears Slat Steel Slater A w Steel Can Steinbg A Stuart House 100 Supt ord xd _ Texaco Tor-Dom Bk 20 T Fin A 2540 Tr Can PL 335 Trans-Mt 815 Trans PPL 550 Tru-Wall 100 Un Acc 2 pr 100 Un Carbide Un Gas Walk GW Well Fin te West Ind A WCoast Tr Weston A Woodwd A $1440 14% 1458 + Ve) $41%4 0% 41% +1%) VW W 230 230 $2434 24% 24% + | $74% 74a 74% + V4) $20 2 12 $13% 13%e 13% + | $16 16% 16%-- $15 15. 15 450 450 450 $19% 19% 19% $14%4 14a 14V2 + Vo 900 900 900 +10 | $30 29% + Se $45 45 + Va} $7 7 $192 19% $52% 52% $63 62% $14%4 142 + ia 194 52%. Analysts $28% 284 281%4--~ Ve $272 27% 272+ Va $38% 38 $5' 375 $15 10-oz. Tin 8 for $1 WHITE SWAN 7 Me TISSUE a . 8 c Frozen Food Features! All Varieties Save 27¢ YORK : 89 MEAT PIES 4: c Save Ge! 6-on, Tins SUNKIST F aa LEMONADE @:$ COOKED HAM 55: Ib eoood Mix and Match! Crushed - Sliced Tid Bits 20-oz. Tins PINEAPPLE .............. 4 for $1 All Popular Brands Pkgs. 20's Ban Deodorant Reg. 79c! 3-0z. Tubes - Clear 77¢ British Columbia growing areas/lators assumed that a new king to take jobs on Washington|would be married before suc- stocks of investors this year,\State farms. feaston. was at 6144 compared with 404%) Spokesmen for fruit and veg-, Most Swedes regard the like- ; ja year ago. etable growers say that if thejlihood of Crown Prince Cari --ieue Sek broMers . Sxperis on --_ = workers could be persuaded to|Gustaf marrying a commoner, what the stock. market is going| PREDICTS RISE stay in B.C., they might walljeven after becoming king, as to do--aren't concerned about) Robert Stone, analyst withlwipe out the increasing prob-|remote. The Swedish press has the recent drop in stock prices./stockbroker F. H. Deacon,|lems of getting crops picked ef-|been linking his name with that| In fact these authorities,/said: "'There's no doubt we are/ficiently and on time. of Britain's Princess Anne. many of whom had predicted| in a clear downtrend, but we! yj will take a lot of persuas-| AS Sweden's largest evening about a year ago that some|are a substantial way through); ion. The migration has a com.\Mewspaper, Expressen, recently decline in stock prices would gra as ¢ j occur about this time, expect the market to move back to re-}; cord heights within the next) month or s0. The stock market, which had| been rising steadily in the first four months of the year, began to--weaken-in-the--last-- half of} May } ro 'the last two weeks, follow- |merely showing that you cannot|B.C sagging New York stock|have continued expansion in the|says the real reason is intang- ing a market, the Toronto "paw el index lost all of the gains had made this year. | AT LOWEST At noon Tuesday the indus- trial index, which had estab- lished a record high of 178.32 May 14, stood at 164.94, its low-| est point of the year. | Notable in the recent fall was a lack of volume, which 'sug- gested to observers a dearth of buyers--ratherthan an abund- ance of sellers. Average volume recently has been less than 3,000-000 shares, compared with an average daily volume of 5,183,600 shares last year. Despite the decline; the index and the prices of many key is- sues still are well ahead of their levels of @ year ago. At the close. Tuesday the in- dustrial index--a gauge of the group's health--was 165.95, up the decline . . . there are some oversold _ Situations showing up already.' Mr. Stone said "it would be most unwise' for investors to liquidate their holdings ~because the basic trend up the market! remains upward, The sell-off} was "merely a correction." | Mr. Stone said the market is} economy ad infinitum,' | | WORST OVER | Roland Bertin, of Burns Brothers and Denton Ltd. said: "I think we have seen the worst of the selling . . . we've had a good correction. "The end of the bull market! is in sight, but there's still some room for higher prices in the next month or so." Roy Nose, A. E. Osler Co Ltd., said: '"'We have seen the worst for the time being. We're probably in the last phase of a | Indian. bull market which will probably|*"~ have run its course by the fall. At that time some economic figures will not look too good. However, I see higher prices in the short term ahead." CUSTOM CARRIED ON On the desk of every U.S. Sen- ator stands a glass shaker of fine black sand, used 19 years said "The - royalist English} have a dream about a_ top royal wedding: A union between Princess Anne, 14, of England and Crown Prince Gustaf, 18, of Sweden plex root in Indian tradition and culture B.C. farmers probably could match Washington state wages and fringe benefits such as cabins with running water,'bath- rooms and shower facilities 'Those who know how the But Guy Williams. <ecretary(>"in3sare--pulled behind the the 'Native Srotherhood of roya. doors point out that there an Indian organization, 'S 2:Conscious arrangement be- tween the two royal houses. Everything is being done to see that the crown prince becomes good friends with the English Queen's daughter." The changes in the succession \law' have. also aroused specula- tion about the possibility of structure of ible and understood only by the "The Indian's life prior to the coming of the white man was full of social events,"' he says. "Bands would visit each other| at intervals during the year. Sweden becoming tepublic, as "This is why B.C. Indians|fayored by a substantial body Iprefer to work in Washington|of Swedish opinion state. Indians go there from all; Such a change, however, over the Pacific Northwest to do} regarded ed_by y_experts as : slight. berry-picking work. --_-- "It is a reminder of the past.| That, plus an air of Mardi Gras,| an almost picnic - like atmos-| phere."' is QUEEN'S HORSE ASCOT, England of the 'Queen's entries beaten Tuesday at the Roval Ascot race meeting as Queen Givmela Gelexiod Terentia Hak-| \Elizabeth and other members oah 1-0 in "a National Soccer|! Britain's Royal Family League game Tuesday night|!ooked on: Beddard, owned by with a breakaway goal about|Richard Reynolds of Richmond, halfway through the second|Va.. took the Queen's Vase race half. Klaus Woitschatzke took a|ny four lengths from Hillgrove. BEATEN (AP)--One wa OLYMPIA NIPS HAKOAH TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto more than 11 points from its year-ago level of 154.53. CPR, one of the favorite ago for drying handwritten let- ters. ass from George Kouttie about! . + yards from the Hakoah goal |Queen<Elizabeth's horse, Com- He raced downfield and secored|bined Operation, finished out of with a shot te the corner. Ithe money. Acme Gas Am_ Leduc Anchor Ang U Dev Asamera Banff Calvert CS Pete C Homestd - Cent Del Cc west P Dome Pete Dynamic Fr Pete pr Gr Plains Midcon Mill City NC Oils 246 0 $11 0 1000 100 North Am G 2000 500 Numac Numac wts Place Provoc Gas Sotth Spooner Stanwell Triad OW Union Oil Wstates Wsburne W Decait 100 500 146 $16% 8 495 $1 62 50 thes 2 ) 00 1100 300 16M "9 495 W 62 50 $174 17a 14+ Ve 590 130 360 590 130 355 MINES Accra A> zocate A Am. Moly Ang Rouyn Ansil Area Arion... Argosy Atl C Cop Bankfield Belcher Bethim Black Bay Brou! Reef Brunswk Camflo Camp Chib C Austral Cc Dyno Cdn Keeley Cantri €andore y 3500 100 200 200 1000 500 ~ 5000 2000 3300 500 3500 1700 2000 1000 735 1000 3500 1000 200 1500 1000 7500 " 580 $16% 29 425 6a 155 20 Wr WA Wi 1% 16 baad 425 6% 155 20 590 130 360 --25 +5 299 as 6a 155 20 - +" 21. 0% NA+le Score Hair Dressing 68c DOLLAR FEATURES! Save 22c! 24-02. Strawberry or Raspberry Wagstaffe or ie JAMS Save 26c! POST CRISPY CRITTERS 2:31 Jars Save 2c! Red & White JELLY POWDERS 11 for $1 | LEAVER'S MUSHROOMS Choice Whole Save 16e! PEANUT BUTTER 9-oz. Tumblers 4 for $1 3 9c 10-02. Tins RED & WHITE KOOL-AID Powders 20 for $1 KATH TOWELS 10-o2z.. Pkgs.. size 20°x40° 3:51 CIGARETTES .. . 3 for $1 Tender No. 1 large heads New Iceberg LETTUCE 23 Sweet Juicy Sunkist large size ORANGES doz. 49 Crispy Crunchy No. 1 Jumbo Stalk CELERY -- 25¢ Garden Fresh j RADISHES 3 for 23} s] KING SIZE each SURF 35¢ MODERNAIRE @ YELLOW @ GREEN @ BLuE @ PINK | Package Weston or Sunbeam, Reg. 39¢ SPROULE'S Red and White Corner Simcoe at Mill. WILSON "FOODMASTER" Red and White Wilson Road S. Shopping Plaza BROWN'S Red and White Brooklin, Ont. MAPLE GROVE Red and White Maple Grove, Ontario