24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 16, 1963 Mike Starr Special Guest At Whitevale Anniversary WHITEVATE. (TC) -- Hon. Michael Starr, the cone ll de School Cente! Saturday afternoon, a how times had changed in the past 100 years, since the sti little brick school house was built for $1900, and property was worth about $150 per acre, Now, he said, we are faced with the' greatest burden. of taxation ever, yet an occasion such as was celebrated on Saturday b "back. fond memories for this. of school, disappearing so fapidly. He hoped that those educated here today would be completely successful. Russ Cellulose Plant Fantastic OTTAWA (CP)--A cellulose plant being built by the Rus- sians in central Siberia was de- scribed by Northern Affairs Minister Laing today as "the most fantastic thing I have ever seen." The minister, who returned Sunday from a 17-day tour of Russia and Siberia, said the plant near the city of Bratsk covers more than 100 acres and is just one part of an industrial site being developed near Rus- sia's biggest hydro - electric dam. He told a press 'conference that the opening up of Siberia promises to be as important to the world-as the emergence of Atloutdoor stage with Mr. Starr Appearing on the improvised 'was Pickering Township Reeve and cox, Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. L.- McPherson, Coun- cillor Harvey Spang, Mrs. Eleanor McKean, Cherrywood, Chairman of School Area No. 1 and Charles McTaggart, Green- wood, member of the board, Mrs, Wetherall, Cherrywood school teacher, and the pres- ent teacher of Whitevale school, H. B. Cawthorne. and Miss Jean Allen. gown worn in the last century, led the school choir in several selections, many. of the boys and girls wearing costumes of the past. A burst of applause was re- ceived when Reeve Laycox recalled that Mr. Starr was in- strumental in setting up voca- tional schools, and commented on their growth since. "It was thought necessary for my father to get Grade 8," said the reeve "and in my time to get Grade 13. Boys and girls today should plan far better education than we had." "I implore young people,"' he said, "to take advantage of the opportunities of today." Hundreds of people watched the fine parade, directed by Parade Marshal Clair Ingram, before gathering in the school grounds to watch the program. Colorful floats from Pickering Township schools were careful- ly prepared, the Pickering Blue' Notes, Highland and Markham Bands, navy cadets, all in im- maculate uniform, provided band music, and the oldest Markahm Fire Reels provided sharp contrast to the spanking new Pickering Township fire truck. . HISTORY ON DISPLAY In the school house was a dis- play of historical articles, \Pre- sided over and displayed by Mrs. Judith Donaldson, while her husband, Wally Donaldson, was in charge of TV camera of many of the outside events. Home-made refreshments were served, The boys and girls took part in races and sports under the dire@tion of Peter Jansen and laughed at the antics of a clown wth long butter-colored hair. ceived a prize for this distinc- tion. Others receiving prizes were Mrs, Violet Postill, the oldest female pupil present, and Howard Turner, new of Ajax, the oldest male pupil. Tribute was paid to all who made this well-organized event possible by Mrs. Norman Lynde, president of the White- vale Home and School Associa- tion' under whose auspices this special event was held. FRENCH FILLY WINS PARIS (AP) -- Blabla, a French filly owned by M.G. Brun and' ridden by M. De Palmas, won the $100,000 Prix de Diane over 'the 2,100-metre Chantilly track Sunday, Canto- lene, another French entry owned by M. P. Duboscq was second, and Yami, owned by D. A. Jackson of England, was The oldest teacher present was Miss McCallum, who re- third. Africa. Miss Allen, in a gold velvet WaT WHITER WHITENS ¢ WHITEST cleans. MICRO "IT" Micro White is best for all white shoes. 'IT' Micro White whitens positively--as it "IT" Micro White gives a more 'profes- sional', whiter look because you apply it ith the handy Quik Clean applicator. "IT" Micro White gives superlative results, every time. Be sure you get some today. | ANOTHER PRODUCT es, WHITE CANADA'S NEW LABOUR CODE/Hon. Allan MacEachen, Minister of Labour, answers some questions: f "Our new Canada Labour Code '*Yes, and it is one of the most all-embracing. Canada has been called a 'first,' Mr. MacEachen. has a right to be proud of it. It sets higher international telegraphs and telephones, most Crown corporations and one or two other smaller industries." If you are not sure whether you are covered by the Canada Labour (Standards) Code, write to Department of Labour, Ottawa. | ALT. ECG 63° 9 43° BANDAGES FIRST AID CREAM TROPIC TAN 89° SHAMPOO 67° HOME PERMANENT: 1.19 BEAUTY-AID BAN ROLL-ON 97° SALE I TOOTHPASTE 49° © a a 0 pp FRESH YOUN GRADE "A" PREDRESSED 3 9}. VACATION TIME | HEALTH & READY FOR THE OVEN HTURKEYS39; 5-10 tb. AVG. TABLERITE WIENERS wu | BEEF STEAKETTES vss: ?: SIDE SPARE RIBS << o 6 VTA WI ner eAwenee BETTY CROCKER -- ALL FLAVOURS CAKE MIXES 2-79: pw Would you agree?" standards than have been set for any other country I know. BURN'S LUNCHEON MEATS Const Patent ts cane toons workers SP AM 0 SPORK © a 39. "Briefly, who does this new Code ear eo ec ioe font : ; : s stills. at peer roa DETERGENT = 99: a large employer in its own right, will take the lead by applying the Code's standards to its own federal employees." M AZOL A OIL Sine 73: "Let's get down to specifics. | "As we said, it sets minimum standards--and I stress SUNKIST & SENECA FROZEN -- 8 VARIETIES What, exactly, does it promise to those that these are minimum, becanse, of course, a lot of workers | ae ey 00 employees who are affected by it?" already enjoy higher standards than the Code sets. LEMONADE or PUNCH TNS rw on sr gc" afew yop rid help ye ' overtime limited to a and paid for at fime-and-a-half. Md 'eset YmreLE RE LYLE Second, it sets the mininmm wage rate for all men and PRODUCE OF U.S.A.--CAN. NO. 1 GRADE women over 17 years of age at $1.25 an hour. . C Next, it provides for two weeks annnal vacation with pay, ae "IDEAL FOR SALADS after one year's service; or 4% of wages 2s vacation pay oe ee. 2 for those with from 30 days to a year's service. a { a ee omatoes eight statutory holidays with pay a year-- ad =o sinew of Sen ot Ge ay." - a PRODUCE OF US.A--CAN.NO. 1 GRADE uno J "You sii he now Code appice "he Code covers interprovinelal o international ral pw CANTALOUPES seas. 29° cit Velie nea coat med TY kine" -- || SUNKIST ORANGES "rc" sz" 59° WY ---- bends, treniann teladng, grale elevates, Sitter oak teak = PRODUCE OF US.A--CAN. NO. 1 GRADE im mills and warchousing, seed cleaning mills, interprovincial |@ LUSCIOUS PLUMS 39° Kel or inna pipes ad eric nerve o Bosc FL nn a eawam we SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES! RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 BONUS TAPE with INSTANT COFFEE HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE inci 39° DEMPSTER'S KAISER ROLLS °°; 15° CHRISTIES' SHORTCAKE LAYERS 35° Chase & Sanborn 6-oz, Jar ' LI Vi x WALKERS' SALTINES rics. 39° Oana TEA BAGS ei neal in ot CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ¥n.r5, 39° Ga STRAWBERRY JAM -- with Pectin. 24-08. ser KRAFT MALLOWS MINIATURES 2 PKGS, 49° RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4,00 BONUS TAPE with WELCHADE.GRAPE DRINK 2 *si77' 69° eLtoce corN FLAKES De Aeon SOCIETY DOG FOOD ruven' tins' 69° RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 BONUS TAPE with CHOCOLATE SYRUP """"*" = 'Si2e" 27° TABLE RITE BOLOGNA SLICED ihe, He MUFFIN MIX crocxer nas OO CeO CARROTS trees ug tan no case JELL-0 INSTANT PUDDINGS 4 $7: 59° ica Mitp CHEESE WeDces ges TULIP MARGARINE coon unr 83° PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 16, 17, 18 & 19. we PLUS $15.00 IN : © YOUR IGA Tapes ideal for... PATIO, k ITCH COTTAGE, REC ROOM MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA | Lansdowne Shopping Cenre KY IGA Rd. S. BRAEMOR IGA Stevenvon Rd. & Annapolis Ave. B yo wits h BECKSTEAD. IGA | COURTICE, ONTARIO ' DYL'S IGA 166 Adelaide St. E. Oshawa Oshawa COLLEGE HILL ee CUBERT ST. OSHAWA Oshawa.