Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1965, p. 18

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SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT The Reverend and Mrs, Fred Brecht, Coboconk, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Valieree W'nona, to Mr. John Daniel McPherson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis De- saulniers, Oshawa The wed- ding is to take place on Satur- day, July 17, 1965 at 4.00 p.m. in the Apostolic Church, Cobo- conk, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp wish to annoynce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann, to Mr. Arthur Lewis Farrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Farrow, all of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, June 26, 1965, at one o'clock at North- minster*United Church, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Dyk- stra announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, ter, Marguerite Catharine, to Douglas George Ells, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. McAlpine, all of Oshawa. The ceremony] | is to take place on Saturday, July 17, 1965, at 3.30 p.m. in St. Paul's Presbyterian C hurch, Oshawa. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Melville E. Arnold wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Betty Joan Evelyn, to Mr. Noel Alfred 'Henning, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henning, all of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, July 17, 1965, at 3.00 p.m. in the ree | Salvation Army Citadel, To Attract Recruits) tre girls who graduate' from|nities for specialiizng. Oshawa. : \high school choose nursing as a a MONTREAL (CP)=Phe nurs-) RECEPTION ing profession faces increasing} Mr. and Mrs. Percy J. Dan-|competition from other careers| niels will be happy to receive for women and must find a new) their friends and neighbors at basis for attracting recruits, the Ontario Flying club (Build-|says Alice Girard, dean of the ing No. 10) on Friday, June 18, nursing faculty of the Univer-) from 8.00 p.m. to 10,00 p.m. on|sity of Montreal. | the occasion of their 50th wed-| "Nursing and teaching used to! ding anniversary. be the traditional professions' for women," Miss Girard told| the Professional Society for Graduates in Hospital Adminis- tration. : "But with greater emancipa- tion and the unlimited choice of careers open to girls nowadays,| nursing is facing crises of com-| 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 16, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor ' Telephone 723 - $474 for Women's Department lavender, Mrs. Frank Stevens, Mrs. Hugh Shields, Mrs. Wil- liam Short, Mrs, Fred Ball, Mrs. Carl Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. George Aitcheson, Mr. George Fitches and Miss Jane Fitches. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ostler, Eastlawn street, were hosts to the executive members of the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club-on Sunday when final plans were discussed for the club's "con- vention on wheels' the Ontario Trailer Rally scheduled for this month at Lakeview Park. As- sisting Mrs. Ostler were Mrs. Mart Ostler and Mrs. Lloyd Allingham. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mercier of St. Pacombe, Quebec, are visiting their son, Mr. Gaston Mercier and family at their Anderson street apartment. The Merciers will be here for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. John Blecha, Albert street, will be leaving shortly-on a two-month trip to his native Czechoslovakia. Mr. Blecha originally came to Can- ada 16 years ago. Dr, K. H. Mesbur, formerly of London, Ontario, has ar- rived in Oshawa, and. has taken up residence on Simcoe street north, Out-of-town guests attending Mertin - MacLean wedding in First Baptist Church, recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- ven Borzsa and Miss Pat Barr, all of Woodstock; Mr. Allan MacLean, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. E. L: Tower, Tren- ton; Miss Joan Phillips, To- B jronto and Mr. Donald Jackson ;|from the Ice Follies. Mrs, Clarence Dearborn held a linen shower at her home on Prestonvale road for Frances Irene Perry, whose marriage will take place on Saturday to Mr. Cephas Brock Gay, in the chapel of St. Andrew's United Church. Those assisting were Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Mrs. Gladys Lawson and Mrs, Thom- as Speirs. The Heather Unit of St. Andrew's United Church Women presented Mrs. Perry with a glass flower bowl. Mrs. J. B. Wally of New| Dr. F. J. Bell and family are York City is visiting her sister,|visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Hennick and Mr./Mrs, W. D. Bell, Lauder road. tegEIGe, Conmaneny "Ntieet. |Dr. Bell is on a three-month Attending the installation of|furlough from Thailand where Jean gir pin ba tire Chief he has been engaged in a de- of the Gran urisdiction of) ' car- Ontario, Pythian Sisters, at the| velopment Program atte ' Sheraton - Connaught Ho t e 1, |ried on by pry on cig a Hamilton, were: Mrs. Alfredjoperative Administra roreigh| i _- KINDERGARTEN TEACHER IS HONORED ON RETIREMENT Mrs. A. C. Long, a kin- from the left are; Larry dergarten teacher at Co- Hiltz, Mr. Donald Peel, nant Public School for the principal; Kimberley Peel; last ten years, since the Mrs. Long, and Mr. Earl « school was opened, was hon- Campbell, first president of ored Monday evening by the Home and School Asso- the Conant Home and School ciation. ; Association on her an- --Oshawa Times Photo nounced retirement. She is the only member of the teaching staff who has served continuously since the opening, Little Kimber- ley Peel, three - year - old daughter of the principal, presented Mrs, Long with a bouquet of roses and Larry Hiltz, a grade 8 student, presented her with a scroll with 500 names on it -- the names of all the pupils Mrs, Long has taught at Conant. She was also given a 400- day clock. Pictured above i (NIP). TUCKER» . CHARLES ie MR. AND MRS Surprise Party Honors Pair Celebrating Silver Wedding al Mee, De Grebase hol were present for the anniver- sary celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker have two children, Nor- een, Mrs. William Solomon and) John Tucker. | . H |petition and identification. be to improve its. standards; She predicted two types of Must Find Basis | "Today only 10 per cent of|generally and provide opportu-\nurses will emerge in future-- |those --_ on ries ty man characteristics incline Miss Girard said the Univer-\them toward bedside nursing, profession. In 1951 they consti-|sity of Montreal will offer aland those whose qualifications tuted 20 per cent." course leading to a Master's|for leadership or teaching suit One way of making the pro-|degree in hospital nursing start-|them to tasks removed from the fession more competitive mightling in September. immediate vicinity of patients, -- SAVE NOW... on Ladies' SHOES! ¢ FINAL PRICE SMASH ¢ Save now while these unbelievable prices on women's fashion footwear last! Actually far below cost. Fall colours included. © All Women's HEELS, HIGH, MID, and STACK - SATINS INCLUDED NOW ONLY.. erage A surprise party, given by their children, was held re- cently at tho Grandview Golf Club, in honor of the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Nip Tucker. Their son-in-law and daughter;) The master of ceremonies Mr. and Mrs. William Solo-\was Alderman Clifford Pilkey. mon, pinned a corsage on MTrS.|presentations were made on be- Tucker. half of the many friends pres- Mrs. Tucker, the former Aud-jent, among which were a kitch- ----|conjunction with U.S. rey Carter, daughter of Mr.jen dinette set, a chaise lounge, Sh : aid policy. Dr. Bell will take an| and Mrs. Harry Carter, Col-jsmaller gifts and to Mrs, Tuck-|score, which will last until Sept.) qvanced course in Washing-| borne, and Charles Tucker, sonjer a mink stole from her hus-|15, so make the most of all op-|ton for a month while his fam- of the late Mr, and Mrs. Jack|band. (portunities to advance your sta-|ily vacations at pols. Je 8 -- oa ae aes: ren' fou Orangeville, Us during this period since, niet A oh cll wel sis : Roman Catholic Church, Co- jax, Colborne as well 'asjexcept for a promised good) retu' wove while bis oldest bourg, with the Reverend|many from Oshawa, spent the mare onbgad mgt eon eg a ton ut Graduated in' June, Wolfe, now of St. Anne'slevening dancing, followed by"... ; '5 from the University of Maryland Church, Peterborough, officiat-Idainty refreshments. | eatine Nee ace wl enter the U.S. Naval Ot .|cers' Training School in sa- a oo oe cola, Florida. The two other . other excellent three-month: cy- r Northminster Come Double Club cle of accomplishment. Creative|sons will be enrolled Rate sd "lworkers should have an out-|ing schools in the Phi ee ] 1965 E M standingly good year,. with the)and Atlantic College, Wales: t S "i xecutive current month, September and respectively. Mr, and Mrs C E Houck were recently installed as presi- next January notable for) marked recognition. | A child born on this day will dents of the Come Double Club of Northminster United Church. Other officers installed were: be endowed with a magnetic personality, unusual versatility they won't corrode. Punch holes honorary presidents, the Rev- erend and Mrs. H. A, Mellow, along creative lines and a great through before the paraffin be-| love of travel. comes entirely set. ye DD; past-presidents, Mr. and Mrs Ronald Siblock; presi- Re cae ae i ctbeiie dents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Houck; vice-presidents, Mr. and Sa le ! Sa ve ' 0.07 Mrs. Richard Libby; secreiratse and press, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ONE OF OUR BEST SELLING DINNERWARE SERVICES HOUSEHOLD HINT When a recipe calls for "melt- ed butter', melt the butter first and then measure. But if it calls for "butter melted', measure first, then melt. guests, présent HOUSEHOLD HINT Coat the inside of metal salt shaker tops with paraffin and from the club was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Swain Van Camp, the retiring: presidents, by Mr. and Mrs Ronald Siblock, the immediate past-presidents. The evening Bammenced with an interesting tour around Henry House Museum. Members were shown various effects which had belonged to the early settlers in this part of Ontario, and it was interesting to follow, by looking at the exhibits, how Oshawa had developed into the city of today. Everyone returned to the church for the installation cere- mony preceded by a worship period service in the chapel. Re- freshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weldon and their group, who were in charge of the evening. Allin; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Brent; group leaders, 'Mr. and. Mrs. Murray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Penfound, Mr, and Mrs. James Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rorabeck. Dr. Mellow officiated at the installation ceremony. A_ gift THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Favorable Venus influences continue to foster romance and by Johnson of England Additional widths 4-A-3A-2A-B you should have an exception- ally happy year especially in the personal phases of your life. If you are careful to avoid fric- tion in close circles between {mid-November and mid-Decem- BUY TWO the making of new friendships; also to stimulate creative pur- suits. Mercury, somewhat re- strictive, however, urges great care in written matters, com- ber, when you may be under some job pressure beyond your control, you should experience smooth sailing in domestic con- cerns for most of the next 12 months, Try to leave business the price munications generally. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that worries behind you when you close your desk, and don't "take out" irritations on those who are not responsible .In this way, you can avoid needless friction. Sentimental interests are also generously aspected for most of the year, with best periods for new romance and-pr marriage for the single ind. cated during the balance of this month, in late August, late Oc- tober, next February or April. Best weeks for travel: Between now and Sept. (an all-around good period for all Geminians); the latter half of October, next January and April. On the job and monetary) fronts, you also have planetary blessing. Two weeks ago you entered a fine cycle on this MORRISON'S --FOR-- UNIFORM NURSES ie OR PROFESSIONAL @ Terylene One-piece 2-Piece is right summer slacks Woithn Dy ee: * | Tilly Ty, oF) | > FOR THE PRICE OF 1 50 Piece PLUS $1.00 Service for 8 98 ° Tailored from the finest English and domestic all wool yarns, No Down Payment -- Just $4 Month dyed worsteds and flannel-in pic 'n' pic, neat and plains: in grey, blue grey, medium, dark brown and blues. Hook and bar fastener, above zipper fly, single pleats, continental style in- cluded, tabs on back pockets, ECONOMY RANGE DELUXE RANGE 14.95 CUSTOM RANGE 17.95 HAND GRADE 19.95 EXTRA PAIR 1.00 EXTRA PAIR EXTRA PAIR 1.00 EXTRA PAIR 1.00 SAVE 8.95 SAVE 13.95 SAVE 16.95 SAVE 18.95 REG. 29.95. Our exclusive dinnerware priced for spectacular savings. Set a pretty table for your family, or give your favorite bride this lovely dinnerware. Available in Open Stock . . « here's what you get: 8 EACH BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Valieree Winona | Brecht, will become the bride of Mr. Jolin Daniel ' McPherson, is a ceremony to be held in the Apostolic Church, Coboconk, on July 17, according to an an- nouncement made today by her parents, the Reverend and Mrs. Fred Brecht, Coboconk. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Desaul- niers, Oshawa. RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.c. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E. -- 728-5186 i] CHOOSE FROM Colored Beautly Parlour Smocks and Skirts COME IN AND OUR FINE SELECTION TODAY MORRISON'S opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Downtown Oshawe dinner plotes bread & butters cereals cups & soucers fruit dishes BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe North Open Fridey Till 9 PLM, @ 4 1-vegetable bow! 1-meat plotter OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 p.m. Thurs, and Friday DOWNTOWN 36 King St &. Open to 9 p.m. Friday 7 SLIPPERS -- » 1.99 ». 79 Simcoe St. N. FASHION SHOES Oshawa

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