a oR aN cove F ' } ; 4 W .L. Wilsdn, on right, vice-president and general manager of Cliff Mills. Mo- tors Ltd., was presented with a certificate of merit for excellence in newspaper advertising by the News- paper Advertising Execu- tives Association. Les Leith, advertising director of The Oshawa Times, represented the newspaper at the NAEA CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD WINNER By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's forces Saturday displayed their weapons at a sunlit parade of |5,000 troops reviewed by Prime Minister Pearson. Among weapons rolling or fly- ing by the reviewing stand in front of the Peace Tower were four nuclear carriers, without their nuclear warheads. They were 'the CF-104 jet bomber, CF-10; interceptor, Bomarc anti-airctaft missile and Honest John artillery rocket. The Bomarc, never fired in Canada, was towed backwards along the parade route. The :|missile, was one of 28 resting jon launching pads at North _|Bay. There are 28 more at La -|Macaza' Que. . As the first parade by the = |newly integrated defence force, -\the marchers were not as well slintegrated as they might have New leans. A second merit award was won by The Oshawa Times for classified adver- tising.- --Oshawa Times Photo conference in Or- Demonstration May Hinder Welcome For Astro Twins CHICAGO (AP) -- Astronauts|tions since Thursday have re- Edward White and James Mc-|sulted in traffic jams and Divitt receive Chicago's civicjnearly 450 arrests, plan to as- honors today. Civil rights/semble for what their leaders groups protesting de facto|say will be another demonstra- school segregation say they'tion. plan another demonstration that! 'We will act in relation to the may mar the celebration. jastronauts,"" ade The festivities were to start|Raby, 31, ant He ---- hack with the arrival (12:30 p.m.) of|p er Roact agit gent shee the astronauts and their wives, frie te olinarets mee, BE Per in separate planes, at O'Hare o* sreeteden <M ak international airport from Hous-| ,,~oler leader, Negro come- ton, Tex. lrights rally Sunday:. porters: "'We just don't believe that it will happen." | 'Mayor Daley can't conceive ithat anyone could be so un- American as to disrupt the pa- jrade,"' Reilly said. Told that the protestors had one leader, Albertjindicated they planned to dem- said: own jonstrate again, Reilly "For the demonstrators' physical well-being, ter not do it." ~ Despite the civil threat of for the astronauts said there -'|been, officers said later. There ajwere some long gaps between PM Reviews 5000 Troops units which made the huge crowd a bit restless. Fifty-three RCAF, navy and army aircraft of 12 different types flew along the -Rideau Street parade route and period- ically interrupted conversations visiting Prime Minister Shastri of India was having with Fi- nance Minister Gordon, Trade Minister Sharp ana Industry Minister Drury. The parade passed Mr. Shas- tri's Chateau Laurier hotel win- dow. : 2 Many onlookers were im- pressed with the marching of 2,000 soldiers in combat uni- form. The marchers included the Ist and 2nd battalions, the Canadian Guards 2nd the 2nd battalion, Royal Canadian Reg- iment. There was no army unit from Quebec in the parade. Nine bands provided mariial airs. The hour-long, $36,000 parade marked Canadian Armed Forces Day. VICTORIA (CP)--A total of $1,185,165 in mutilated money-- loot from a sensational robbery in which Vancouver policemen ere implicated -- was found Syurday in a garage that rented for $5 a month, Four men, one dressed as a policeman, took $1,250,000 from a Canadian Pacific Railway | Fatal Shooting Suspect Surrenders MEXICO (AP) -- A former Olympic riding champion, Brig.- Gen. Humberto Mariles, gave himself up to police Sunday to face charges in the fatal shoot- ling of a Mexico City bricklayer jlast Aug. 14. . The 2-year-old army officer \fled shortly after police said he |shot the workman in an argu- ment following a traffic acci- ldent in Mexico City's Chapul- hospital, nine days later. Mariles told them he believes |dian Dick Gregory, told a civiljrights disturbances, spokesmen|the shooting was a legitimate lease of self-defence and said he Garage Yields $1,185,165 In Mutilated B.C. Money warehouse in Vancouver Feb.sparades of framing torches and|R. Dick says there is almost no 11. The money, contained in|the firing of field guns by a|material available for present- three, 300-pound boxes, was be- ing sent to Ottawa to be de- stroyed. Each bill had three jhalf-inch punched holes, Last April, Vancouver consta- ble Leonard Hogue, and his six children were found shot in their home in what a coroner's jury later termed murders and suicide. After the- bodies were found| Police Chief Raloh Booth said) were being questioned in. con- two bank holdups. rage in Victoria,.Mr, and Mrs.| Clarence Creamer, janitors is located, told reporters they} jwatched a month ago as two) Westminister : 2 jmen calmly unloaded -cartons|Mo., where Churchill made his they'd bet-|tepec Park. The man died in @/from a rented truck and placed|"Iron Curtain" 5, 1946. About $12,000 of patched) Total weight of the stone- 'them in a garage. |money had earlier turned up in Sdmonton. Two men were ar Vice-President and. Mrs. Hu-| "We've got something planned| were no changes in the plans|was surrendering to clear his|rested. bert H. Humphrey, are due t0/¢gy tomorrow that will upset the/for the official welcome and pa-|name. arrive from A aie gg cg country, but n6t embar- to greet White and McDivitt) sf us (demonstra-| with Mayor Richard J. Daley|tors), een from Illinois Governor Otto Ker-| ner. |WOULD BE UN-AMERICAN | In the meantime, school pro-| But Col. Jack Reilly, Daley's| test groups, whose demonstra-|special events director, told re-| rade, the astronauts' four-day trip into space wilt be unveiled for the first time when White and McDivitt meet school students tonight. HERE and THERE The Whitby Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Po- lice reports traffic during the weekend on the Macdon- ald-Cartier Freeway was very heavy. Several prop- erty damage accidents were reported but no incidents involving personal injury. William Beard, reeve of Cannington for seven years, Thursday announced his resignation becaues of ill heglth. Council has appoint- ed Councillor Delson Shier Oshawa Fire Department quickly doused a blaze in the back of privately owned garbage truck on Conant st. Saturday. The truck is own- ed by Phil Druz. City am- bulance answered 11 routine calls over the weekend. There were 1648 persons ad- mited to Oshawa General Hospital last month and an almost equal number -- 1627 discharged during the same time. Patients in resi- dence at the end of May to- to serve as reeve until the talled 539. Admitting and end of the year. The va- discharge figures include cant council seat will be chronic and newborn. Of the 1411 adults and children ad- mitted last month, 983 (or filled by Clarence Wright, unsuccessful council candi- date in the last election. about 70 percent) came ero from.Oshawa; the rest were Pickering Township Coun- from surrounding towns, cil will hold a meeting with townships. and. counties. the Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association June 18 to dis- cuss various problems ex- isting in the subdivision. Operations in the main oper- ating room totalled 1058 in May, 5330 to date this year. Emergency treatments and In future persons wishing operations were 1296 (for the Association's park-open- ing program, the slogan of the Oshawa Civic Auditor- ium campaign has been adopted, and paraphrased a bit: "Let's build it ourselves, for ourselves and .our chil- dren." The program lists many potential uses for the building and points out that present population growth in the area makes a clubhouse "A real asset". They say you meet the nicest people astride one of those Japanesee machines-- but 2l-year-old Richard Armstead had an accident on his motorcycle. He crash- ed oh Sunday afternoon at the corner of. Park rd. n. and Muriel st. and ended up in Oshawa General Hospital with abrasions and injuries to his arms, legs and hip. | WEATHER FORECAST Mariles won a gold medal in |don. and has. represented Mex- \ico in many international eques- trian events. No Interference With Ferries KLYEAKIN, Isle of Skye, Scotland (AP)--"It looks as if the Sunday ferries have come to stay and that God has been slapped in the face." An elder of the Sabbath-keep- ing Wee Free Presbyterian kirk was speaking Sunday as church members failed to repeat last week's sitdown at the ferry slip on the Isle of Skye. Islanders who believe in strict observance of the Sabbath had sought to block the opening of Sunday ferry service. But Sunday, ferries landed tourists from the mainland with- '\out interference. : His machine was wrecked in the crash. No other ve- hicles were involved in the accident. Cloudy, to appear before the Picker- | '"e month and 6169 (the ing Township Council must year). Out patients last . give notice to the clerk not month totalled 1081 (x-ray later than the Thursday | 135 (labratory) and 1222 i emergency), Drior to the council meeting. |, R. HURCHINSON, assist- | Congratulations are being _ ant to the Pickering Town- | extended to the following ship Engineer, will be paid | Persons who are celebrating $7,000 a year. The.township | their natal day today: Les- will also pay $6,000 a year rd phate rsd, Brooks to its works sypervisor and in, Rosemary Lenarts, 595 Bloor e., Oshawa and Alan 5,000 pe ar for a drafti Ly ' pee co ats Sullivan, 26 Garrard rd., RR 3, Oshawa. Attending the Kinsmen Dis- trict 8 Convention last week- end at Bigwin Inn, along with President Don Lake of the Kinsmen Club of Osh- awa, were Jeri Lake, Helen and Jack Schill, Pauline and Frank Markson, city treasurer, is back in his of- fice: today after attending' the annual 'conference of Municipal Finance Officers of the United States and Canada last week at Phila- delphia. He said about 1,500, persons attended the four- Bob Fry, Pat and Clare day conference which had Hardsand, Laura and Gord Garrison, Dorothy and as its theme, problems as- sociated with urban area growth. Leo Karnath of 146 Centre st., had the "best bloom of the show" at the Oshawa Horticultral Society annual Iris show, Saturday, in the E. A.. Lovell School. His "Paulette" was judged over- all winner. by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Richardson of Hanna. Bruce Williams and Donna and Bruce Mackey. Gover- nor of District 8, Jim Gart- shore, of Whitby, chaired the convention. One of the highlights of the Convention * was the presentation to. the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation by the District 8 Kinsmen Clubs of over $10,000.00 to aid research to find a cure for the dreaded disease. The new governor elected for the next Kinsmen year was Jack Delaney. Local radio newscaster Ross Gibson cut' a ribbon to open Lake Vista Park Saturday afternoon. He was_intro- Lake Vista Neighborhood duced by Arthur Sheridan, Association is planning a president of the Lake Vista fall fund-raising campaign Neighborhood Association. in the hope. that a new The beauty contest was the highlight of the day, with 500 in attendance. Preced- clubhouse may be started next spring. According to |. TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by the weather office at 15:30 a.m.: | Synopsis: Clear skies cover most of Ontario west of Geor- jgian Bay today but eastern ;Ontario is cloudy with show- jers. Sunny skies are expected jto continue for the next two jdays, and temperatures will jshow only the slightest warm- jing trend. | -Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, {Southern Lake Huron, Windsor, }London;. Sunny with a few | {cloudy periods today, Tuesday }mainly sunny and continuing {cool. Winds northeast 15. | Niagara, Western Lake On- jtario, Northern Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, Timagami, Hamilton, Toronto, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy, becoming sunny this afternoon. Tuesday. mainly sunny and cool. Winds northeast 20 becoming light. to- night. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- burton: Cloudy with scattered showers today. Tuesday mainly sunny and continuing cool. Winds northeast 20 becoming light tonight Algoma, White River, Coch- FOR ALL YOUR DRUG STO NEEDS Phone 723-2245 ing the opening was a pa- rade along area streets. The Caledonia Pipe Band led the parade; marching were boys and girls, some dress- ed in costume arid mounted om decorated tricycles and bicycles. ' NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Payment December--Call _ PERRY Day or Night . .. 723-3443 FREE-CITY-WIDE-DELIVERY JURY AND LOVELL Showers Continuing Cool jrane: Sunny with a few cloudy ji ntervals today. Tuesday jmainly sunny and cool. Winds light. Western. James Bay: Mainly ;sunny western half and cloudy jwith occasional drizzle eastern jhalf. Tuesday' mainly sunny} jand continuing cool. Winds jlight. Pr | Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday: | Windsor soccccces OO 70 | London . 5 68 \Kitchener 5 68 Hamilton stne 68 |St. Catharines.... 68 |Toronto ....+.06 . 68 | Peterborough 65 [Trenton ...scccoe. 45 65 Muskoka ... « 40 65 North Bay...... 40 65 Sudbury ........ +s 40 65 Sault Ste. Marie.. 40 68 RINBGON ses cis ves 5 | Anniversary Of Waterloo MONTREAL (CP) -- Work- a-day travellers braced tliem- selves today for the effects of Second BusStrikeHits [Developer Montreal Cummuters * Role Urged eae _ |; BANFF, Ama. (CP) -- A= Chairman Luci€f Saulnier of|change in the character " the © the Montreal executive commit-|[rdustrial Development Bank = tee, who attended the gathering and increased tax allowances C his wife} Is Observed LONDON (Reuters)--A day of brilliant pageantry marking Queen Elizabeth's official birth- day ended Saturday night with a spectacular floodlit celebra- tion to mark the 150th anniver- sany of the Battle of Waterloo. The anniversary of the Duke of Wellington's famous victory, which in 1815 smashed Napol-| eon's empire, included displays by massed bands of 14 regi- ments, and more than 1,200 officers and men _ representing regiments that fought at Wat- erloo. The Queen -- actually' born April 21, 1926 -- watched while troops -- carrying the banners of their regiments and all wear- ing the brilliantly colored uni- forms of 1815 -- marched and counter-marched. Among the panners was a |Napoleonic eagle. Earlier Saturday, crowds iflocked to the parade ground and streets around Whitehall government offices for the an- nual trooping of the color to mark the Queen's official birth- was climaxed by fireworks, |Royal Artillery troop. While celebrations |their height the Queen jattended a glittering banquet given by-the army. day. | | The anniversary celebration} were at and| sentencing. |Prince Philip, with 250 guests, | | vincial Trans port Company day. Trade Unions gathered at MTC a second bus strike in Mont- real, The morning rush hour will be the first test of the situation since 900 employees of the Pro- went out on strike early Satur- With 3,900 bus drivers, mech- anics and cashiers 0 Mont- real Transportation Commis- sion on strike since last Tues- day, also for higher pay, traffic in the city could be chaotic. Late Sunday night,high rep- resentatives' of the City of Montreal, the Confederation of MTC. and the National headquarters to thrash out the whole problem again. jates, conferred earlier in the dayjfor comr 1 stock dividends with Premier Lesage and Mu-|can help. C i i 3 nicipal Affairs Minister Pierre! gp BO gel oc BE Laporte. | "We had an exchange of!) views on the means to end the MTC strike," Mr. Saulnier said. "I believe the situation will ay in a positive way rap- idly."? : . Both the Montreal Transport Workers' Union, which bargains for MTC employees, and the Provincial Transport Workers' Union, which bargains: for PTC employees, are CNTU affili- When the MTC strike began last week, both the CPR and the CNR added extra cars to theit suburban commuter trains. Year-Long Rese On Magistrates' TORONTO (CP). -- Sentences handed down by magistrates. in Ontario courtrooms will be the subject of a year-long research study to begin this summer, Deputy Attorney - General A. ing magistrates with guidelines, background or philosophies in larger share. and control of | Canac development, says _« former trade minister George = Hees. * the Montreal and Canadian + stock exchanges, said Saturday * night an additional several hun- + dred million dollars in capital ; for the bank would alter its , character to that of a developer » from that of a bank. 4 He told an area meeting of © of Ar imistrative Man- , agement Society this would » help eliminate what appears to : be the main purpose of the new ; Canada Development Corpor * ation, which said is subject . to political ,ressure in the fi- nancing of unsound projects. arch Slated Sentences on sentencing here in Decem- ber, He and research associate John Hogarth' are working on| Woodstock, chairman of the entencing committee, said Fri- will sentences in certain types of details of the research pro-| 128-222 | gram... | Anytime Magistrate R. G, Groom of anti ALSO sore a SMOKING - PROBLEMS? -- Call -- SMOKERS DIAL Enroll in next 5 day plon to quit smoking. $ "Dial 725-9273 common criminal offences. The study will consider sen- tences in terms of rehabilita- \tion of offenders and what. pro- : | The present Duke of Welling-|bation or suspended , sentences | |ton was among the guests at| accomplish. The -University of Toronto's the ancient Whitehall banquet-| 2-4 and 7-9 daily NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO DANCE... Mr. Hees, now president of * jing hall. criminology centre, which in- | ays sentences, has provided several} Hogue had been suspected of| British Church magistrates with test forms for being implicated in the theft} ia analysis . and had been questioned. He| To Be Rebuilt Professor John L. J. Ford, said several other policemen' {director of the centre, per- : g LONDON (Reuters)--In three|syaded the Ontario Magistrates nection with the robbery and weeks, workmen will begin dis-| Association to participate dur- D | : |mantling the war - blitzed re-|ing the association's seminar | Police did not explain Satur-|mains of the Anglican Church j\day what led them to the ga-|o/ St. Mary Aldermanbury here| to sh in|States as the building where the garage|Winston Churchill. | The work, condition, tons. ispired the provincial study of | ip them to the United] Beloe Awarded a memorial to Sir| U.K. Knighthood LONDON (AP)--Vice-Admiral |Isaac William Trant Beloe: dep- church is to be rebuilt at} College, Fulton,| speech March) ity commander of NATO's At- |lantic forces, was awarded a} some of which is in poor) is estimated at 650) day honors list. The award, announced Satur- To Indians Detined -- MP VANCOUVER (CP Citi- zenship Minister Nicholson says federal responsibilities to Indi- ans are clearly defined in the Constitution and the govern- ment has "ne intention of let- ting them go by default." Mr. Nicholson, also immigra- tion minister, emphasized the munity. A special 21-minute film of) the 1948 Olympic Games in Lon-| Federal Responsibilities |day, makes him a knight of the |Order of the British Empire. Beloe, 55, joined the Royal Navy in 1923 and reached his present rank in 1963. knighthood in the Queen's birth-/= if LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... Brush~Up On The Old Favorites AT Your... ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO id "The World's Finest... . by Reputation' : W. Marks, Licensee, 111% Simcoe S$. Air Conditioned Studio. Open 1 to 10 p.m. Daily FOR Information Call | GET READY For The Spectacular He said it had been suggested| that recent moves to have pro-| vincial and municipal adminis- trations take over certain re-| sr ilities in education, wel- fare and public health are the first' steps in a planned aban- donment 'of Indian affairs by OLK feeling his department must help .clear roadblocks that pre- the federc' government. vent Canadian Indians from) "'Let ...2 assure you specific-| taking their place in the com-|ally this is not the case," he! said. nee | He assured a meeting here| |that this wouldn't mean "'alien-) lation of Indian lands or aban-| ldonment of the existing reserve s¥stem. | "The government: has no in-| {tention of passing on to any) jother authority its responsibili- Automatic Dryer Cleaning -- Service} Reguler Cleaning Prevents City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. 4 FIR Dial 725-8915 ties and duties to Indians," he said. ' PLANNINGA... © BANQUET | © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR ' FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 | k | PRESTIGE A FEW | 1 AND 2 H BEDR DISTINCTION ye BEYOND pehiiige AVAILABLE * | * By Appointment " |) | Only | || UNDERGROUND 723-1712 PARKING ae or " Le y ae 454 728-2911 GEORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! | ESTIVAL THURSDAY, JULY fst, 1965 | It's the biggest fun-event of the year! Parades, dances, shows, | floats, bands, clowns, Intere | national: sporting events, displays, | tournaments, with loads of room for thousands of spectators at p Alexandra Park... join the fun on July Ist. Everyone's Invited ! bi | DEPUTY TREASURER CITY OF ibl OSHAWA for A M To be resp to City T ment, current and capital budget control and reporting, collec- 'd 1 tion of revenues, inv personnel supervision. Applicants should have @ recognized accounting degree with ts ete . jlebt 9 and g several years: of p perience. A familiarity with Pension Plan, group term in: plans, vacation and sick leave Full details of education, prof to be forwarded to: techniques would be advantageous. Applications close 5:00 p.m., June 25th, 1965, ' and salary expected, which will be held in strictest confidence, e and ing ex- modern electronic processing surance, hespital and medical plan. 'essional history and..experience Personnel Officer, City Holl, Oshawa, Ontario. WHY-1S JUNE 20th IMPORTANT TO FATHERS? Because Fother may be @ bess where he' works, but often in the home he is the handymen who does odd jobs. But this June 20th is Father's Doy, All Fathers become Kings and the entire family his subjects, He can on thot doy loaf as much as he wishes with- out criticism, enjoy his gifts and the loving attention of his appreciative family. And, since Father's Day will be a Sunday, no bill collectors will annoy him. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge, A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fost--Free--Motorized Delivery TUESDAY AND ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SPECIALS FRESH KILLED FOWL 5 to 6 Ib. Avg. lb BUEHLER'S 12 KING ST. EAST -- 723-3633 aS