Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1965, p. 12

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NUN ADOPTS MODERN ATTIRE SISTER JACQUELINE Carriere is one of Quebec's and probably Canada's first nuns to wear modern clothes. Her religious name is. Sister Marie-Reine. For the past two months she has KEEP IN TRIM 'Eat-All-You-Want' Diets Against Law Of Nature By IDA JEAN KAIN There jis nothing like a spirited controversy to stimu- late ng 4 interest. Tse concept . of the low carbohydrate' diet, _ unrestricted in calories, is again in a glaring spotlight, The. im- » plication that fat: and alcohol } calories do not count if carbo- hydrates are restricted to 60 , grams a day could not be true, for it violates a basic law of nature, _ / Earlier I wrote a column labelling the drinking man's . diet sheer "Lorelei + on ~ the- Rocks." Alcohol furnishes seven calories per gram and, * even though they cannot be stored such calories must be counted in the over-all*total. In response to that. column, sev- eral gentlemen have written in high dudgeon, inviting me to eat my words, "garnished with Roquefort dressing which con- tains few carbohydrate grams." * Having lost weight while ap- » parently eating and drinking as much as before, these reducers claim the burden of proof isjaircrew members now on this dietitian. © lenge head on. To do so, I went , straight to the medical service , of the U.S. Air-Force, since all carbohydrate diet sheet, can be nutritionally inadequate and un- satisfactory. The last named diet; by inference, encourages drinking of alcoholic beverages, to which the air force medical setvice does not subscribe as a therapeutic or dietary device." whirlwind acceptance of the low carbohydrate diet got started "Everybody wants an easy way and pleasant," Gen. Pletcher continued. "Apparently some- one copied portions of a calcu- lated carbohydrate diet, label- led it U.S, Air Force, and added gin and whisky to' the beverage list." and blown into a blaze. diets for many conditions, in- turned eating to assuage versions of the diet appear to| obesity. emanate from this source. The eral, > they are: DISCLAIMS CREDIT carbohydrates \be expected as a result of pres-\the birth of her first child. ent configurations. It is easy to figure how the! to reduce, one that is painless) been working as a secretary at the Montreal Ecumenical Centre. (CP Wirephoto) By ESTRELLITA |FOR TOMORROW most stimulating day car financial transactions, dealing with superiors and negotiation involving long-term projects. O ANN LANDERS Hubby's Snori Music To Her Dear! Ann Landers: I was up- set by the letter from the woman who wanted to tie her husband's jaws together with a silk stocking to keep him from snoring. Some women may think I'm nutty as a fruitcake but the sound of my husband snoring is the sweetest sound I know. It tells me that he is at my side-- where he belongs. Not only do I enjoy hearing him snore, but I love to look at his face when he is asleep, He looks so much like our, son When he was a baby. There is a quality of innocence in. his face that reduces me to mush. His i is mussed up, like a i little hoy's, and his lips have a mischiévous curve. My husband has no idea I like to watch him sleep sq, please don't print my initials or the name of this city. Just sign me. --MRS. CONTENTED Dear Mrs.: You sound like a lady in love. How lovely--for both of you. Dear Ann Landers: When 1} was 17 I fell for a handsome! guy who played drums in a well-known band. I was stub- born, foolish and full of roman-| tic fantasies. When I became pregnant 1) was glad because I thought sure} Ed would marry me, | was) wrong. He said if I tried to} force a marriage he'd swear the baby wasn't his and get two of his buddies to testify in court that his story could be true. | A friend of my older brother heard of my trouble and asked me to marry him. He said he had always been in love with me and wanted to take care of} {me and the child. I agreed. It is not true that you can't jlearn to love a person. I learned |to love my husband and I'd put our marriage up against any- one's, Ed's child is now four ATHENS (Reutersy -- Teen- age Queen Anne Marie of |Greece~has retired to a closely-| n S\gerly as the 19-year-old queen. S|} It is n|\Constantine and Queen the personal side, ro mance,|Marie will undertake to educate travel and outdoor will be especially star-blessed: actiivties!all poor Greek children born on |the same day as the royal baby, g Is Ears years old, ~And_1 little girl. The drummer boy called yes- terday from Detroit. He is play- ing a job here next week and wants to see me and "'his son." He says he has never been able to forget me and now he wants to patch things up. When I told him "'No", he said he has legal rights. Does he? I am 60 con- fused and frightened I don't know 'what to do. He is calling again next week. Please give me' some advice.--BAD PAST Dear Past: The drummer boy has-no legal rights. When he calls again tell him to take his drum and beat it, Dear Ann Landers: I want you to know before you read this lever that I am no kid. I'm a married woman. My friends tell me I am behaving like a six-year-old. Am I? now have a | than I do of most of my friends. widely believed King) ani My little dog was very dear to me. I thought more of Poke Last week Poke became ill. I was in bed with the flu and | could not take him to the vet, | so I ask my sister to take him, | Poke died on the way to the} hospital. | I was so attached to Poke I} can't stop thinking about him. | { find myself getting his food and listening for his scratching at the door. My friends have told me to get another dog. I'm afraid I couldn't bear to go through this agony again. What do you say?--HOUSTON Dear riouston: Life is full of risks, Those who are afraid to} make an emotional inyestment| for fear of being hurt cheat! themselv#s of the most mean- ingful nart of living. | Your suffering, in a sense, is a measure of the joy Poke brought to you. If he hadn't meant a great deal you wouldn'! be so. bereft. Get another dog You'll be glad you did on the grounds of Mon Repos, the 132-year--old island villa son and heir but only 21 for a} Teen-Age Greek Queen Retires THE STARS SAY | To Await Birth Of First Child 'DR. LOTTA AND KOREAN FRIENDS Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, executive director and founder of the Unitarian Service Committee, present- ed 28 awards to workers of the Committee at their 20th every radio station in the coun ry. Salvos of guns--101 for a daughter -- will be fired by| Greek warships anchored in the} harbor of Corfu and from the | top of Mount Lycabettus over-| looking Athens. | HOUSEHOLD HINT A few pieces -of dried orange) anniversary in Ottawa Fri- day. Dr. Hitschmanova is shown here chatting with some youngsters from the Puben orphanage near Seoul on a recent visit to South Korea. (CP Wirephoto) EXPORTS DROP Exports edged downward to $665,200,000 in April this year, seven-tenths of one per cent off from exports in April last year, the burgau of statistics reported Friday. A drop in ex- ports to the United Kingdom and to countries in which Can- ada does not have special tariff advantages more than offset in- ereased exports to the United where the queen is staying un-|tind kept in the tea canister will/States, ot he r Commonwealth The baby is expected to be born in the presence of three queens. The Greek and Danish royal families have started to gather at the villa. Queen Mother Frederika and FOR THE BIRTHDAY The prairie fire was sparked|ing these interests. Other good Por six years the air force|first week in October and dur- has been testing ahd evaluat-jing the latter part of Decem- ing calculated carbohydrate] ber. cluding weight control. Due tojised an exceptionally good year long hours in flight, with: lim- with outstanding periods of ac- ited space to move about, the complishment promised during tojthe current month, in Septem- boréedom.|ber and Well, I like to meet a chal-|Some of their favorite snacks|Geminians, were candy bars, pies, cakes,|avoid extravagance and spetu- doughnuts and soft drinks, alljlation between Oct. 15 and Dec contributing heavily toward|15; also in January and Febru- r To help cope with expanding|next Match, however, all will air force deputy surgeon gen-|weight problems, a diet patternjenter another excellent three- Maj.-Gen. Kenneth Plet-|limited in was|month cycle which should bring cher, gave me the facts. Here! developed. In .explaining the|an uptrend on all fronts. calculated carbohydrate diet, I want to make it abundantly| prove exceptionally happy dur- "The air force medical serv-|clear at the outset that the diet|/ing the current month in late ice disclaims any knowledge of, |as scientifically planned does| August, late October, next Feb- < or responsibility for, the so-|not disregard called U.S. Air Force Diet, Air|does it inelude alcohol. Force Academy Diet, or The Tomorrow: More about lists: apparently copied in part' plan, Blow the Uhislle on 65 STYLES SHADES AND COLORS Price Includes @ Frames © Lenses @ ond Case calories -- nor|ruary and . April. the|ing this year, and you should Drinking Man's Diet. The diet'calculated carbohydrate diet)make many new and interesting 17 BOND STREET EAST, 2nd FLOOR Hours: 9 A.M. te 5 P.M. -- Closed All Day Wednesday PHONE : 728-1261 'WE FILL ALL ey, soe AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS THE Branches in many pri SAME LOW PRICES. incipel cities of Canede and U.S. High Priced Vision! expecte late in June. {Crown Princess Irene are al- A prefabricated wooden cot-\ready with Anne Marie in the your horoscope indicates that |t@e_has already been erected 99.acre royal summer resi- the next 12 months should bring |dence, and her mother Queen satisfactory achievement along| travel: Anytime between now/|Ingrid of Denmark is expected job and financial lines, as well) and Sept. 1 (if you are inter-|to arrive on the Danish royal as great happiness in your per-/ested in a long journey);. the|yacht Danebrog to be at her sonal life. Career and monetary] !atter half of October, for short/daughter's bedside. matters with which you are trips. The baby will be delivered in presently occupied should be on) A child born on this day will)Anne Marie's bedroom on the the upgrade now since, as of|be extremely sensitive and in-|secorid floor. | "If tomorrow is your birthday, two weeks ago, you entered djtuitive; unusually versatile The royal bi rth will be fine three-month cycle govern- along creative lines announced immediately over! |guarded Corfu mansion to await|til after the birth. Two obstetri-\give tea a delicious fragrance| i \cians and the royal doctor will|@nd flavor. ' Planetary) Greece's other mothers-to-be|Move into the cottage as soon . \from an air force controlledjinfluences favor business and\are awaiting the event as ea-\@S the birth seems imminent. countries and countries offering most-favored-nation rates. If your hair is not becoming.to you... You should be coming to us. The : 728-0622 27 Celina Street (Oshawa Limited) 728-0662 -- Air Conditioned -- breaks should come during the Creative workers ate prom- January.: All should next however, VACATION BOUND ! Make All Your Plans In The Comfort Of Your Livingroom |! ary. Beginning with the first of Sentimental interests. should Social inter- ests should prove most enliven- contacts. Best periods for RENT A COTTAGE BUY A BETTER CAR BUYSEISHING EQUIPMENT BUY A SUMMER HOME FURNISH YOUR SUMMER HOME BUY OR RENT A TRAILER BUY OR SELL CAMPING EQUIPMENT. .@ BUY OR RENT A BOAT AN . MOTOR @ EVEN BORROW MONEY BY SHOPPING DAI Frames lenses oat mes jupli. e le Broken and LY IN THE TIMES CLASSIFIED SECTION To Place Your Result-Getting Action Ad - Call 723-3492 - TO TELL OR NOT Q. Should « person with con- cer be told the whole truth P A. No genera! rule. con ap- ply to all such situations, A decision of this nature is nec- essorily @ personal one involv- ing direct acquaintance with all concerned, According to the director of a large concer hospito! the vast majority of cancer. patients know the na- ture of their illness despite attempts to keep this knowl- edge from. them, Perhaps . many cancer patients would appreciate frankness which would permit them to arrange their affairs, see their friends, and enjoy, os much as possi- ble, the remaining time avoil- able to them.. But again, whether, how, what and when to tell is an individual matter. uestions directed te Science ditors, P.O. Box 97, Termine! "A", Toronto; Onterie. Your telephone is the short- est line to prompt preserip- tion service. Call us for free pick up and delivery service. 1D OP a & FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, \ 4 OLD FORT HENRY--The sentry stands stiffly at attention. He is a Fort Henry Guardsman, part of the colourful aggregation on parade each summer at Old Fort Henry, Kingston, Ontario. Infantry, artillery, pioneer and drum units make up the summer garrison of this 150-year old fortress. Inside, the officers' quarters have been furnished in their former elegance; a museum illustrates Canada's military history. Every Wednesday evening, through July and August, the Guard. per- forms, with precision skill, a special "Retreat Cere- mony." Open daily until September 19. UPPER CANADA VILLAGE--Nestled on the quiet banks of Lake St. Lawrence, near Morrisburg, Ontario, Upper Canada Village evokes the pioneer past. Here, houses, churches, tavern and log school conjure up the 19thcentury. Thecabinet maker and blacksmith ply their trades, the Village oxen amble along farm roads, the coach and four clatters past the doctor's house. Chil- dren, as well as adults, will love this delightful way of learning history. Open daily until October 17, 170 MILES OF PARKS--Here in Ontario are 6,000 acres of parkland for your summer enjoyment. Four- teen parks from Adolphustown, on the Bay of Quinte, to the Quebec border offer every kind of summer activity--swimming, riding, boating, camping, golf in attractive surroundings. Modern: highways link all the parks, Open daily until October 17. THE ST. LAWRENCE PARKS COMMISSION MORRISBURG, ONTARIO Hon. John P, Robarts, Q.C., Prime Minister of Ontario HOLIDAY IN HISTORY

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