aah Ae sie 4 em % SO he ie ' » oe a et 14h" 3H" Ths i f G wae Batiy * 100.174 00. BLD RM. UT 15-6 BLD RW. HALL 16 6:160+16-0-6-0 c DESIGN No,438 Lower FI, 1190°Sq. Ft. Upper 630, The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. oe ree HOME DESIGN No. 438 Double picture windows give a striking appearance to this popular one and a half storey design. Entry. hall provides direct access to all parts of the house, Den could serve as an addi- tional bedroom if desired. Large kitchen has ample table space. Upstairs bed- rooms are unusually large and have plenty of storage closets. Second floor could be completed later when the extra space is required. - Plans for the optional gar- age are supplied with the blueprints. Lower Fl. 1190 Sq. Ft. Upper FI. 630 Sq. Ft. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 438 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by. re- turn mail. (Ontario resi- dents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax): Now available | at this Newspaper Office (or from the address below is our new Design book en- titled "Suburban and Coun- ? TANK TALK Armored Corps Men mand headquarters across Canada. Non - commissioned officers attending the Part II (practical) phase of the Senior Non-Com- missioned Officers' course at Camp Niagara later in July are Lance-Sergeant Dan Matthews, Corporals Pat Merlin and Rolf Schneider. All have completed the Part I (local Headquarters) portion of the course and will be promoted to substantive Sergeant as the vacancies occur. ® By CAPTAIN N. M. HALL Lieutenant Patrick Dooley ("C" Squadron) has been under- going his Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Armoured Corps in- doctrination training at the Armoured Corps School most weekends since January. Re- cently he wrote the Part I exams in Toronto and will com- plete the course after a week's practical assessment by the Regular Army at Camp Pet- awawa this summer. Lieutenant Dooley transferred to the On- tario Regiment from the. 8th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian) Artillery. | The Ontarioy,Regiment has limited openings for suitable young men to train as armoured corps officers sjarting during the 1965-66 traiyfing year. Ac- ceptable candidates -will be enrolled as provisional Second) Lieutenants. and will undergo officer training at least one evening per week and. during the summer of 1966. The Regi- ment has vacancies for up to five provisional Second} Lieutenants. Displays of new combat cloth- ing, the M113 Al armoured per-| sonnel carrier and the SS 11) anti-tank guided missile were} shown to unit commanders and their seconds-in-command at the orders group held by General Officer, Commanding Central Command last Saturday morn- Ontario Regiment Seeks Inst=uction staff for the On- tario Regiment's 1965 Student Militia Training Program are: Major William Clarke, Officer Commanding, Lieut. Robert An-|; derson, Second - in - Command, WO 2 J. Frendo-Cumbo, Course Sergeant Major, and 'Troop Corporals, Cpl, J. O, Bryant, Z. Trubela, R. N. F. "mbury and M. W. Weaver, Major Clarke has handled Student Militia training for a number of years and has a gréat deal of experience ingthis field. Lieuten- ant Anderson is a graduate of the 1965 course. WO 2 Frendo Cumbo served as_ Sergeant Major for last year's course. Numbers are steadily increas- ing for the Ontario Regiment's summer concentration at Camp Petawawa; June 26 to July 4. Letters signed by the command- ing officer requesting 'leave of absence to be passed on ing. The GOC, Major Generaljemployers are available through George Kitching, retires from} Squadron Orderly Rooms... This active service in the very near|weekend members of the camp future. His vacated post of GOC,|squadron are in the Regimental Central Command will probably|Training area at Raglan doing not be filled, due to pending re-|final exercises prior to leaving organization of various com-|for summer camp. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 12, 1965 15 THE HOME WORKSHOP GARDEN CART PATTERN No storage problem for this cart. Just remove the sides and hang it up. Make'it now. You will use it the year around. It may have wooden wheels, as shown, or metal wheels may be used. Pattern 216, which gives material list, actual-size cutting guides and illustrated directions, is 50 cents, This pattern also is in the Gardener's Helpers Packet No. 27 containing four full-size patterns all for $1.75. Postage stamps not acceptable. Building Editors, Times. Oshawa! 'The Oshawa Times. A wishing well need not be just for wishing, This reproduc- tion of an old-fashioned roofed well head has a gate at the back and an inside shelf for flower pots and tools, Pattern 284, which shows how to build it and make the well wheel, is 50° cents. This pattern also is one of four in. the Home Owner's Building Projects Packet No. 72- all for $1.75. Postage stamps not acceptable. Building Editor, BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD To$1,000 | - By BOB THOMAS | | HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Can a book editor make movies? Twentieth Century-Fox has bet $16,000,000 that Saul David can, and the company doesn't seem concerned about the outcome. The Zanucks, father and son, lsaw fit to let him produce Von /Ryan's Express at $6,000,000, Fantastic Voyage at a like From $.75 Books 000 Film WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY OOK TO ie ae 4 SCHOFIELD-AKER . ® Residential @ Commercial @ Industrial FREE, Sig' SY MORTGAGES HOURS at rear of building ot Ist ond 2nd, Arra' 9 ALM, ti 9 PM. 360 'king St. Wert rye d pg torino SAT. 5 PLM, 7 2 $12,400--WELL BUILT 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW located" on Conant Street, oil heated, 3 bedrooms, Let is fenced and hedged. Toxes $182.00--monthty payment $75.00 P. & |. Call 723-2265 to inspect. perback rights to Bridge on the ; River Kwai for $2,000. Out of a one-word suggestion from Jerry Wald came The Interns. A writer friend, David. Ews- theimer, showed David. the ma- nuscript of Ron Ryan's Ex- press. David saw its potential as a film and offered it to the Warner Bros. Studios with him- self as producer. Warners were | | LARGE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW--$13,500--This 7 year old, § bedroom bungalow is in excellent condition. Lovely-targe custom built Recreation Room, Extra 2 pc. washroom in basement, Owner transferred. Be sure to see real soon, 0 Enclosed please find '$1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). ' amount, and Our Man Flint for|willing to pay $50,000--if West- $4,000,000. |heimer would get rid of David. "They said to me: 'We'll put/The author remained loyal. try Homes designed for Ca- nadians", price $1.00 tax- free. This edition includes information on Cost of Build- ing and Financing in Can- ada, Heating, - Insulation, Constructional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs --- Ranch, one and half storey, split level' two storey colonial, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full détails on how to order Blueprints, A GOOD SPELL he 3 our money where your mouth! fox bought Von Ryan's Ex- Patio By Picture Window (jo avn.ns Adds Dimension To Home 'simple as that." Warners' offer, hired Frank Si- ; The Springfield, Mass., boy/natra as 'star and started Da- If vacation time seems all|clean off the surplus sand with|> lstarted out to be an artist, but] vid on his spending spree. ecame a $75-a-week reader for) F 5 ; ; Bantam Books. Four years later! m too short this year, try stretch-ja hose. | C C : ; ing it by creating a summer-| A simple outdoor fireplace;he -was chief editor and in 10 GUMPER: MAN long vacation land -- an out-|can be easily created with con- years he was vice-president and OF YEARBOOK door living room. An attractive-|crete masonry, or concrete|editorial director. But he was ly furnished yard offers many|brick or block can be used to|restless for new challenges. _ DARTMOUTH: NA (CP | summers of enjoyment and en-|build highly decorative barbe-| I was always fascinated with ee ee aa lhances property value andjcue units. The association rec- the movie business," he said. Pe ul nn ae rg : beauty as well. ommends that the help. of aj Besides being a fan, I was be- ew High School here go! Name SOCORRO OEE EOE SEH EEE E ETO R ESO OEEOOSEOOEOESEOE EO OSEED | AGATOSS sescccccnscccncccceessenccsceessscesensseessenees | | FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE. SOFTENING HARD WATER water 'level to the top of the Question: We are considering!guage may be dué to wearing) a vacation cottage in an areajof the washer of the valve ad- mitting water to the boiler. (To our mind, this is quite a draw- back. Is there any way to easily soften hard water? ANSWER: Yes. Plumbing sup- dealers have water-softening units that can be _ installed in the main. water supply pipe. This unit will soften water for all household purposes. These can be installed on a rental basis, including regular servic- ing, as well as outright ' pur- chase. Temporarily, for wash- ing and laundering purposes, borax can be added to the which has very hard water. | replace washer, draining the }boiler is necessary). Or, if you |have an indirect hot-water heat- er in the sytsem, the rise may be a leak in the coil. A, drop in the water level may be from a leak in the wet return pipe, along or under the floor, ex- cept from strong escape of steam from a radiator. I strongly recommend having a reputable heating contractor check the furnace and make any necessary corrections. OF LARGHETTO WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mi- chael Kerpan Jr., 12-year-old son of a Tulsa, Okla., police sergeant, won the 38th annual national spelling bee Thurs- day when he correctly spelled the final word, larghetto, a musical term. He defeated 69 other young- sters and iced the vi when he correctly spelleu the second required word, in this case eczema, a skin rash. water, and will soften it suf- ficiently to permit the forma-| tion of soap suds. WATER FLUCTUATES QUESTION: We have been living in our middle-aged house almost five years. This winter the water in the glass guage of the furnace has been fluc- tuating from top to bottom in a very short time, instead of remaining stable and at the Same point for any length of time...How can this be cor- rected? What is the cause? ANSWER: If the unstable water level occurrs when the steam is coming up, it may be due to oil or dirty water. Oil and dirt form a scum that pre- vents free formation of steam. A boiler in that condition re- quires cleaning. A rise in the History Of Furniture Dates To Champlain It is generally assumed that the first Canadian furniture makers were among the colon- ists who were brought to Can- ada by Champlian in 1605, They settled near Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia. After the individual cabinet makers, came the furniture fac- tories: the first of which was established in Berlin (now Kit- chener) by Jacob Hoffman in 1830. The first furniture factory in the Toronto area was built about 1834 by Messrs. Jacques and Hay. During the mid 1800's the furniture industry expanded RESTAINING VENEER 'QUESTION: We have two old |bedroom dressers of veneer, |which we would like to restain to a walnut finish. How do we \go about this? ANSWER: You don't state jwhat color or finish is now on jthe dressers I assume the veneer is in gqod condition and adhering: tightly and smoothly all over. Remove any finish now onthe veneer (denatured alco- hol for shellac, paint remover for varnish). If the present col- jor is darker than the walnut |stain you desire, apply wood bleach according to label in- structions. Apply desired walnut stain. Finish with thin coat paste wax, pure white shellac (thinned half and half with denatured alcohol) or water-clear varnish, as preferred. A seventh-grader at Saints Peter and Paul School in Tulsa, Michael is an avid reader, a boy scout, a coin and stamp collector and the oldest of four children of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kerpan Sr. Mrs. Kerpan said Michael "keeps a book in every room in the house. If he stops to tie his shoe, he picks up a book." The words which won the contest for Michael: Almond, indictment, colos- sus, malapropism, veracity, whey, pied, fluorine, inune- tion, digitalis, sacrosanct, heinous, ophthalmic, isos- celes, chicanery, rubicund, residuum, serrefine, prosely- tixing, anodyne, flotsam, plenipotentiary, nihilism, cy- bernetics, beryllium, pell- | agra, opisometer, ullage, | sporran (which he misspelled as "sporrin"), laudau, lorcha (which he misspelled as "'lor- scha"), khedive, guyot (which he misspelled as "guille"), supercilious, caloric, masster, orthoepist, culpa, peccancy, umliaut, bravura, julienne, ; fe toccata, palfrey, larghett |floor coverings, etc. There are! and Leng, , hee rite mrid manufacturers of! |household furniture plus another re 500 making fixtures and acces- PAID TWICE sories. | Peter Minuit is said to have Total furniture production: in paid twice in his 1626 purchase retail prices, for 1964 was ap-|of Manhattan, once to the Canar- proximately $585,000,000. isies Indians, then to the right- The industry employs about|ful owners, the Manhattoes. 36,000 people with an annual} |payroll in excess of $135,000,000. | The furniture and furnishings) industry has doubléd in the last 10 years. EXPORTS | Exporting Canadian designed nd made- furniture is a com- The first | a stitutions | "CONVENTIONAL" MORTGAGES | A patio can be planned as an} jintegral part of the home. Be- iside a picture window or slid- ing glass doors it adds dimen- sion to beth the exterior and interior of the home. Another alternative is to place the patio off the kitchen close to cook- jing facilities. | Concrete patio block offer a |convenient and economical ma- 'terial for t'> "ome owner who wants to sina and build his lown distinctive outdoor living jroom. A number of sizes, shapes} and colors are available to} create almost any pattern de- sired, from checkerboard flagstone. | MARK. BOUNDARIES Here is the method of con- jstruction recommended by the) National. Concrete Products Association: j First, mark the boundaries, |and excavate the soil to a depth \that will accommodate a_two- inch layer of sand with block jon top. At the same time, estab- lish a slope for drainage away from the house -- about one inch per 15 feet. Next set patio block or boards on edge in a trench dug along the boundaries of the patio. Level the sand in the excava- tion, and start laying block from one corner on accordance jwith the pattern selected in advance. Complete the patio by sprink- ling loose sand over the sur- face and sweeping it into the cracks between the block. Then Buying or Selling! | GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. |] 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA | PHONE 723-1121 qualified mason be enlisted for the more complex units. Any concrete products manufacturer) can recommend a masonry con- tractor. TOGETHERNESS If the enforced "togetherness"' of suburbia begins to pall, a concrete masonry fence can provide outdoor privacy at low cost, no maintenance, and only a few man-hours of work. The National Concrete Products Association estimates that there are more than 300 shapes and sizes to choose from in the con- struction of a fence to enclose} to|4 garden or patio, or to screen|obtained with solid units, which off a recreation area. Concrete brick and block are favored for fences because they are as 'attractive from the neighbor's side as they are from that of the home owner. Perfor- their year books. Thursday. As is the tradition in most schools across the country, the books were passed among students in the classrooms and in the hall- ways for autographs. Prince Andrew students in at least one classroom were perplexed by the sig- nature of one apparently new classmate. __.. True enough, it was the little fellow with the high arithmetic marks in the last 13 years in the highest hockey grade Lorne "Gump" Worsley, The Montreal Canadiens' netminder, on a tour of the Maritimes, had dropped by to shake a few hands and wish graduates well. mused by the relationship of films to paperback books: Both are an impulse buy, both are sold to. a large degree on the basis of illustrative matter; they are relatively inexpensive; and they are available every- where." David had a knack for locat- ing and creating books with film possibilities. He picked up pa- ated, grille-like screen block, which allow light and air to pass through, yet maintain pyri- vacy are in widespread use. Interesting effects can also be o can be combined with other types of block, given different mortar treatments, or periodi- cally offset and recessed to produce interesting highlight $16,500--EXCEPTIONALLY WELL MAINTAINED older six room brick home located in East End, Living room 18 x 13 with natural fireplace. Separate dining room and family size kitchert on main floor, 3 spacious bedrooms and 4 pc. modern bath with tiled walls and colored fixtures on 2nd floor. Beautiful brick job on exterior--a large detached garage, paved drive. A Real Buy--will not last long. and shadow effects. type is offered by lending in- such 48 life insurance and trust Need Cash | ora Rainy Day ? On "Rainy Days" Times Action Want Ads... shine ! For on such die «+ When you require fast selling-action for spare articles, a used car or household effect... to other areas including Wood-|paratively recent development) stock, Hanover, Oshawa and involving only about two per Bowmanville, é cent of the production. How-) In Quebec J. W. Kilgour and) ever, Canadian style and quality) Bro. established their business|has received ready acceptance] in 1863 and are still in business in Europe and the United States | today. The oldest furniture com-\and the industry expects to in-| pany still in business is Gibbard|crease its export market consid- Furniture Shops Ltd., Napanee. erably within the next few! Ontario, which was establishled | years. by an English cabinet maker 130," Some companies are manufac-/ , years ago. ' ' turing the component parts from! - Many of the skilled furniture Canadian -woods and vine the| craftsmen who settled in On- finished furniture assembled in| tario were from Pennsylvania) the country where it will be sold.| and were originally of Swiss and Wrought iron furniture has| German descent. Most of the\heen successfully exported for companies and cabinet makers|<gme time and now at least sold directly to the public and/one Canadian company has es-| often combined their furniture/tablished a U.S. subsidiary, business with that of coffin - aia ae na ; vw TRENDS AND STYLES maker. It is interesting to note Spanish "and" Mediterranean that it is still not uncommon), ; « 4. ¢,{influences are having the strong- for retail furniture businesses 'Ol ast effect on'design at the pres-| --oo wae eseeiheerea Pe time. These styles tend to areal 'be highly ornamented and are} we probably a natural reaction to} STATISTICS lthe severity of the "modern" In Canada there are over 4,000/designs which are no longer as| retail outlets for furniture of)popular. Colonial and Early) which about half also sell floor}American styles -- usually in coverings. In addition there are hard maple and yellow birch -- also about 350 stores which spe-jenjoy a consistently larger mar- cialize in upholstery, drapery,iket each year. companies who have funds they wish to invest in housing: The rate of interest vories in accordance with prevailing economic conditions, and is somewhat higher than the N.H.A, rate. The life of a conventional mortgage loan is usually five years, renewable for five-year periods The amount of a conventional mortgage loan at the current rate of interest. is set by law at a maximum of 60 percent of the total appraised volue of the house ond land. Thot means if you take out 6 conventional mortgage you -should be prepared to pay for 40% of your house and land in the cash down payment, Oshawa BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION 369 Oshawa Blvd, N. 723-7390 Times Action Want Ads keep buyers ringing your doorbell or your telephone. It's a pleasant experience as well as a profitable one AN "The Act /23- when. you call... ion Number" 34972 Times Action Want Ads "Read By Everyone... Used By Everyone"' JASMINE CRESCENT--Nothing more precious than a six room brick home that has a mellow lived in look, 3 bedrooms, large comfortable living room, spacious kitchen with loads ef cup- boards, 4 pc. bath and attached garage, Picture yourself enjoy- ing this home on o quiet crescent away from the hustle and bustle of the main. street. Easy to handle at $125.00 P.I.T. BES: s -- 7 room brick home consisting of 5 bedrooms--huge modern kitchen equipped with cupboards and conveniences galore, Over 20' living room with natural fireplace, separate dining room, lovely family room on main floor, 2 baths including walk-in standup shower artistically designed recreation room, plus Rumpus Room for the'children. A real good home in a fine residential area, Give up a call to inspect, ssi OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND IN BEAU VALLEY. 2 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. FEATURING THE DE VALENCIA @ BUILT BY KASSINGER @ FURNISHED BY CHERNEY'S nae oT oO Se oe ee AT YOUR SERVICE 725-0201 ALLAN THOMPSON | 7: e. IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS 7: BILL JOHNSTON 7 ED. DRUMM an MARGARET LEE 7 7 REG AKER BILL McFEETERS MAIBLE. BOUDREAU IRENE BROWN .... STEVE MACKO .... MARG. HALL "Over a Quarter Century of Service" _ SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 KING WEST 723-2265 (See additional Listings Advertised Daily in Classified Section) i a it ah ti aa aaa