THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Th ursday, June 10, 1965 "4 A SPRING WEDDING in a village church was the choice of Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Baker, the former Kathryn Elizabeth Hall. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, David V. Hall, Hampton; the bridegroom is the, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker, Tyrone, the setting, Hampton United Church, ----Photo by --Garnet Belfry WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The : Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Oshawa Times office. Early Forms are available at The publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the possible after the eeremony. Women's Editor as soon as You 'are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Baker In a setting of apple blossom, tulips and narcissus, Kathryn Elizabeth Hall and John Frahcis Baker exchanged nuptial vows in Hampton United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Verdun Hall, Hamp- ton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker of Tyrone. . The 'Reverend Charles Catto officiated. Miss Mary Niddery played the organ and Mr. Ross Metcalf sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "Where'er You Walk" accompanied by Mr, Douglas Dewell of Hampton. Wearing white organza and lace with lily-point sleeves and @ bell skirt, the bride was given in-marriage by her father. A single, large, pearled rose held her shouldered - length veil of nylon net and she carried a bou- quet of deep pink roses, carna- tions and stephanotis. Miss Darlene Hall was her sister's maid of honor and the} bridesmaids, all of Hampton, were Miss Erlyne Barron and Miss Arlene Short. They wore - Hall -For the reception at Darling- ton Township Municipal Build- ing, the bride's mother received in a cocoa brown sheath with matching jacket, beige access- ories and a corsage of coral carnations. The bridegroom's mother, assisting, wore pink with a lace jacket, white access- ories and a corsage of white carnations. For their honeymoon in Ottawa and points east, the bride wore a yellow and blue tweed. two-piece suit, yellow top- coat, white accessories and white carnation corsage. Mr, and Mrs. Baker are resid- ing on Baldwin street, Brooklin. Guests attended from Burling- ton, 'idershot, Enniskillen, Hamilton, Ottawa, Oshawa, Brooklin, Columbus, Tyrone and Hampton. Pade Aurora Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Pat Joseph » oag Oshawa, and Craig Dal- ton ».$0n of Mrs. Clive Woods, Islington, Ontario, and the late Mr. Woods, were united in marriage recently by the Rev- Soend A. Marshal Beriault in St. Philip's Roman Catholic Church. The soloist, Miss Pauline Car- doma of Toronto sang "Ava 'Maria', The. bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a lclassic gown of Swiss silk duch- esse satin, re-embroidered with lilies of the valley, styled with a scoop neckline, sheath sleeves and chapel train. Her headdress was a Spanish comb and white silk lace mantilla, sent from Spain and her flowers wére li- '|lies of the valley and carnations. The bridegroom's 'sister, Miss Brenda Woods, Kingsway, Tor- onto, was the maid of honor the bridesmaids were Sharon Logan, Oshawa and Mary Jane Gomes, Windsor. They wore li- lac peau de soie, floor-length dresses with bell-shaped skirts and, carried fans, sept from Spdin, adorned with sprays of flowers. They wore white carna- tions on their hair. The junior bridesmaid, Fran- cesca O'Boyle, wore a white dress with lilac polka dots and a flowered headdress and car- ried a Spanish fan also. Mr. Wayne Woods was his brother's best' man and ushering were. Theodore Vigner, Toronto, and Peter O'Boyle, Oshawa. * A reception was held in the Oshawa Tennis Club. To receive, the bride's mother wore beige brocade embossed in gold. with black accessories and a corsage O'Boyle MRS, CRAIG D. WOODS of white and yellow Sweetheart roses. The bridegroom's mother chose mint green lace over peau de soie with green and white accessories and a corsage of yellow Sweetheart roses. As the couple left on their St. Andrews United Church was the setting Saturday for the marriage of Marion Kathleen, daughters@*s Mrs. Albert James Oliver; Oshawa, and the late Mr. Oliver, to Mr. Harold Roger Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur William Wilson, Agin- court, The Reverend John F. G. Mor- ris officiated at the ceremony, and twin choir boys, James and 'Thomas Ferry, Agincourt, sang "Oh Perfect Love" accompanied by Mr. W. A. White at the organ. ' Given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Cecil A. Oliver, the bride wore a formal gown of white organza over taffeta with slim bodice. The bell sleeves and full skirt were inset. with Guipure lace. Her headdress was a double crown/ of crystals and pearls holding b-leng veil of nylon illusion, She carried a teardrop cascade of pink roses and white stephanotis, Miss Evelyn Oliver, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Diane Rice arid Miss' Doreen Coverly, both of Oshawa, Their gowns were of copen blue or- ganza over taffeta, in empire style with A-line skirts and chapel trains. Their headdresses were Victorian crowns match- ing the dresses, with matching veils. They carried bouquets of white Fiji chrysan- themums. The best man was Mr. Bruce Curry, Markdale, and the ush- honeymoon, the bride was wear- ing a blue silk, flowered ensem- ble with white accessories. | Mr, and Mrs. Woods are re-| siding at Kingsley Manor, Is-| lington, Ontario. ; - Petre - The bride's brother, Mr. Rob- ert Brown, and Mrs. Brown of Almondbank, near Perth, Scot- land, arrived in Oshawa to at- tend the wedding of Miss Chris- tian Joan Coutts and Mr. Wil- liam Edwin Gordon Petre last Saturday. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Coutts, Almondbank, and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Petre of Oshawa. The ceremony took place in| Knox Presbyterian Church with the Reverend G. W. C. Brett BA officiating. Mr. Matthew Gouldburn ALCM played the wedding music. Given in mafriage by her bro-| ther, Mr. Brown, the bride wore a formal gown of white em- bossed brocade with a fitted bodice, bateau neckline and lily-| point sleeves. A controlled, full skirt was dramatized by 4| cathedral train and a crown of| seed pearls held her full-length ers were Mr. Wayne MacCal- lum, Pembroke, and Mr. Trevor Vining of Toronto. : The reception was held at the Annandale Golf and Country Club: at Pickering. The bride's mother received in a dusty rose 'Wilson - Oliver small] " a a HOE gO ia Sh it bt Bn ill arn Bae shantung sheath dress, matching and an orchid corsage. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a beige lace two piece dress with pink accessories and a matching corsage. As the couple left on_ their honeymoon to Europe, the bride was wearing a two piece pink wool crepe suit with matching and a corsage of pink roses. On their return the couple will. take up residence in Hawk- esbury, Ontario. Among those present were guests from Toronto, Buffalo, Shelburne, Lindsay, Montreai, Pickering, Schomberg, Maple,| Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges and Markham, ' 4 DISRUPTS GAME WHITLINGTON: BARRACKS, England (CP)--Play was held up for several minutes at the women's golf championship on a Staffordshire course here when a mouse scurried across the green and into the hole as a player was about to putt. A man lace tunic, matching accessories) pink petal hat and accessories,) aL eapereoinn reeemee a Sg ce denn aetna WIFE PRESERVER If you crochet rugs from old nylons, cut them straight across into rings and link them toget- her. Saves sewing and the edges 'curl naturally. SAVES MILLIONS TORONTO (CP) -- Since the inception of a suggestion plan in the federal civil service in 1953, more than $6,000,000 has been saved, the National Asso- ciation of Suggestion Systems was told Monday at its annual meeting. These savings resulted from implementation of sugges- tions from all levels of employ- ment, said George Jackson, as- was summoned to remove the rodent, Then play resumed. sistant gf minister. of pub- lic works for Canada. Get a double Coutts | Fleetwood Room, Hotel Gen-/ osha, where the bridegroom's) mother received in a veneer! blue lace dress and coat ensem-| ble, white tulle hat and match-| ing accessories and corsage of| white carnations with pink Sweetheart roses. The bride's| sister-in-law,' Mrs. Brown, as-| sisted wearing a kingfisher blue| suit with matching accessories) and a corsage of pink and white carnations. As the couple left for a honey- moon in northern Ontario, the bride was wearing a pale blue! linen suit, a corsage of pink car-) nations and pearlized. white ac-| cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Petre will re- side at 362 Elmridge' street, Oshawa. | HOUSEHOLD HINT The. curved blade of a grape-) fruit knife is tops for loosening! muffins from the baking tin. veil of tulle illusion, She car- ried a cascade of roses and stephanotis and white heather) received from her parents in) Scotland. | Miss Mavis Rennie, Toronto) was the maid of. honor wearing] royal blue peau de soie with) a matching headdress and| carrying pink roses. | The. best man was Mr. David) Zabudsky, Oshawa, and the ush-| ers were Mr. Robert Chambers| and Mr. William Heard, both) of Oshawa, and Mr. Gary Olan,) Whitby. | A reception was held in the! IDEAL FISH & CHIPS 17 Athol St. West For @ real treat thot can't be beat try our deep fried Shrimps of Scallops Then to our store. You will retreat, 725-4812 identical street-length dresses of aqua crepe with semi-flared skirts and wedding ring head- dresses to match; centered with a white carnation, tinted aqua. They carried white and aqua| cascades of carnnations | Mr. Robert Zybala, Oshawa, was best man atid ushering were Mr. Gary Young, Brooklin, and Mr. Bruce Baker, Tyrone. j Female Role Turn Affects Children | HAMILTON (CP) -- Children are being drastically affected by the changing role of women in a rapidly changing: world, a Toronto péychiatrist said here Saturday. "Women have gone into the man's world, making it no longer a man's world or a women's world, but producing a world of merged roles," Dr. John W. Lovell Doust told some 45 wives of business adminis- tration students and graduates at McMaster University. "Children today are falling heir to a confused identifica- tion" Dr. Doust said. "Who does the child look to for softness, forgiveness, under- standing and love? It's begin- ning to be dad. Mother is too busy with her nine-to-five job and a million other duties. "The result is that the child, especially the: male child, is FROM ROUGH STONE 70 FINE JEWELLERY VISIT BIRKS' EXHIBITION OF GEMS You are cordially invited to view this interesting display of rough and polished gems and contrast all: the |] dacron ,and cottons and sail- BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD, PANTS w SHELIS In mix or match . Sun colours. All set for @: swinging sum- mer... our great collection of tops and.bottoms that follow the fun. In arnels, terylenes, cloth, See our summer fun- wear now! or WIT tan with Q.T. © WITH HOUT SUN INDOORS tans you overnight Outdoors Q.T. helps the su in 3 to 5 hours Ha COPPERTONE Without sun you tan quickly~ Q.T. has a natural tanning agent to give you a smooth, glorious fast tan, deepen your tan, Its special sun- screen filters out burning rays. Gives best sunburn protection, too, Q.T.'s emollients and built-in mois- 'turizers condition your skin and keep it soft while you tan, For an all-over tan, for beautiful 'instant stockings,' and touching. up uneven tanning, use fast-acting Q.T. anytime. It's not olly or greasy. Available at all drug and cosmetic counters--2 oz. tube and 4 oz. squeeze bottle. Money back guarantee. Pat. 1960 and 1964 Speed yp your fan with Q.7- } | | | | | By Q.T. In The Drug Department EATON'S IN OSHAWA JAMIESON DRUGS OSHAWA 241 KING EAST Shells, in prints from 8.98 : N Gay Summer Blouses from 4.98 JURY & LOVELL LTD. Rexall Drugs WH ITBY--BOWMANVILLE--OSHAW drastically affected. He is un- sure of his own maleness," Dr. Doust said. "We don't know what pro- duces homosexuality but we do know that this misidentification of sexual roles is almost al- ways present in the families of homosexuals." The purpose of the McMaster seminar was to help the women understand their husband's uni- versity lives. TRIPLE CELEBRATION WINNIPEG (CP) -- Debbie Marks of Winnipeg celebrated her first birthday May 11 to- gether with her mother and her great-grandmother, all born on the same date. Her mother, Mrs, Danny Marks, and her great-grandmother, Mrs. John Dyck of Winkler, Man., were born exactly 50 years apart, fascinating features... admire the full beauty and brilliance of the finished product; many fine jewel creations are also shown. Most of the popular gemstones are included in this extensive collection, in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BIRKS JEWELLERS fe | Top & bottom sets | from 8.98 Rajah Shirts, sleeveless from 8.98 | ' ' Trim summer slims from 8.98 i Smart Bermudas from 4.98 ~-BLACK'S LADIES WEAR LTD. 72 Simcoe North Open to 9 p.m. Fridays 28 KING EAST KARN DRUGS | OSHAWA McCOR DICK'S PHARMACY 360 WILSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA 9 SIMCOE NORTH MITCHELL DRUGS * (Oshawa, Ltd.) OSHAWA | | Syn Stits THE HIGHLIGHT OF OUR SUMMER SPORTSWEAR COLLECTION THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM Evalyihing. fram Bikinis to One- Two and Three Pieces to the New Peek-a-boos. : => WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR , OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW _. IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE f if OPEN TONIGHT and FRIDAY till 9 P.M, A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE