Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1965, p. 11

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7000 Expected At Holy Hour In Auditorium | An estimated 7,000 people will attend the second annual Cor- pus Christi Holy Hour to be staged June 20 at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. The event is sponsored by the bert Gignac of St | {People Church will be the spirit-| of ual director for the program, | Holy Name Societies of the Roman Catholic Deanery South Ontario county, The foca! point of the afternoon ceremon- ies will be the altar which will be erected in the centre of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, The guest speaker at the holy hour will be the co-adjutor bishop of the diocese, Most Rey, P. F. Pocock, Rev, Nor- Mary of the; The senior representative of the clergy for the deanery will] be Rt. Rev. P. M, Dwyer, of} $t. Gregory the Great Church, Community College Committee Formed Ohe Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1965 , CITY SOLICITOR RESIGNS _ Public, Organizations To TO ENTER PRIVATE PRACTICE Be Asked For Assistance | Edward G, McNeely, Osh- awa's city solicitor for the » y EE | past 11 years, submitted his | resignation at last night's rink. Rev. L. T. MeGough will be in Plans for the holy hour in-charge of the ceremonies and/ clude a parade by Oshawa Sep-Rev, R. G. Quesnelle will be arate School pupils. An estimat- the procession director ed 1,200 children will partici: The massed choir will be di- ate rected by Mrs. W. Kinsman with! They will be followed by re-J. D. Driscoll at the organ presentatives of the Columbian) The main procession of the Squires, the Acadian Club, the blessed sacrament, to be led French-Canadian Club of Osh-\by the altar boys of all the awa, the Knights of Columbus,,Oshawa parishes, will include from Oshawa and Whitby coun-a guard of honor from the cils, the Polish Veterans, the Fourth Degree Knights of Col Holy Name societies and from umbus and members of the St. George's Ukrainian Catho- deanery clergy lic Church A living rosary will also be The parade will be led by the presented by the men of all band of 'Drake' corps of the deanery parishes A five-man council committee|100 acres of land and "we lwas established last night to|haven't got that in the city'. pursue the '!ocation of a com-| Ald. Donald said the motion munity college in Oshawa. lreads that the committee will The committee was formed to discuss the preparation of a enlist the support of all individu-|brief with individuals and organ- als and organization in the areajizations in the "area"', which the committee feels would, i be helpful in making a '"com-/LAND AVAILABLE pletely researched presentation" Mayor Lyman Gifford said to the government land is available in the city for The provincial government an-|4 College and that "'some well to nounced last month that com-/40 people in Oshawa are pre- munity colleges would be estab-|Pared to come forward and help conn lip council meeting It was accepted with re- gret by council "! take this opportunity of expressing to you my appre- ciation of the co-operation and support which I have received in the discharge of my duties,"" wrote Mr. Mc- Neely | He said he plans to open lished at various centres|financially'". 6 ' } his own law office in the throughout the province. No lo-|. The original motion named Save The Trees | elty cations have yet been an-\Ald. Donald, Shestowsky and y The resignation is effec- nounced Pilkey to the committee. Ald. tive July 15 but Mr. Me- Aldermen Richard Donald, Thomas said it wasn't normal %\ Neely said he would help Alex Shestowsky, Clliford|Procedure for a person intro- Pilkey, Christine Thomas and|ducing a motion to name com- Margaret. Shaw were named as|mittee members as this is usual- members of the committee, ly done by the mayor. Ald. Donald introduced a mo- ti t last night's e il t-| 'ine. berate the establish:| Thornton Track ment of the committee, OK'd By Council His motion, approved by coun cil, said the proper procedure in : applying for'a college would be, The construction of a third to have all interested parties or-|(fack at the Canadian National ganize under the leadership of|Railways crossing on Thornton council rd, s., was approved last night -- Renee by council. REPORT TO COUNCIL "All level crossings are dan- A letter will be sent to the|gerous," said Ald. Christine Department of Education imme-|Thomas. "Has any thought been diately, informing the govern-\given to an underpass or an Legion, \exclusive of the floodlight equip-/ment of the action undertaken overpass?" out if a new solicitor is not | engaged prior to that date Ald. Norman Down, who moved the motion hiring Mr. McNeely 11 years ago, last night asked for the honor of . moving the motion accept- EDWARD McNEELY ing his resignation *... couldn't have had better' Aldermen Asked | Save the trees Ald, Alice Reardon, referring That was the cry in eity:to a letter from Mrs. A. M council chambers last night as Robinson, 710 and 720 King st several letters were received|w said spruce trees in front from taxpayers objecting to thelof the property will not be re- removal of trees near their moved as originally planned and property that Mrs. Robinson has agreed "T hate to see beautiful trees to the removal of four chest removed," said Ald. Norman/nut trees Down. Cc, G, Van Ginkel, 80 Thorn Council approved a board ofiton rs. s.; wrote council object-| John Gallagher. 13, of 50 Ro works committee recommenda-jing to the proposed remoyal of| bert st. has solved the baby tion that 12 trees on the south|three trees on his property. C.| sitting problem, He could be side of Rossland rd, between'A. Preece, 739 King st. W.,| called a sidewalk sitter who's Mary and Masson sts., be re-|wrote council objecting to the! on the move. It only.took him Odd jobs. His SS. SAMA ws Woe BACK SEAT RIDER Legion Wants To Talk, build the trailer Besides car son of 397 Rossmount ave, s rying kiddies, John can trans- John and his pal, John Ri- | Sale Of Hall I 0 Cit port groceries .and do other chardson, 13, wanted to go y cycling, so they took little passenger "IS Darlene along too Royal Canadian moved in order to construct ajproposed removal of a tree on| three nights after school to four-year-old Darlene Richard Oshawa Times Photo Branch 43, told. city council by|ment by council. Before the presenta-| Mayor Lyman Gifford said sidewalk his property without compen-|------- - letter last night it is willing to) 'Should this offer be accepted, |" is made, the committee will'the board of transport com- "Tl understand that property|sation. Both letters were re- discuss the sale of the Legionlit would be necessary to rezone|"ePort back to council. missioners are 'johnny on the owners would prefer havingiferred to the public works . |Hall on Centre st., to the city lum use as a garage parking jot"| Ald. Thomas suggested the|spot" on the matter and may hedges on their property re-\committee OSs od OSs S "It Is essential that we know/wrote L. M. Souch, president of committee should get together\recommend that lights be in- moved rather than lose the -- -- lhow much we can realize from\Ontario Motor Sales. with neighboring municipalities|stalled. The public's interest is trees," said Ald, Richard) y . the sale of this property in| A simiilar request last year|'° discuss financing and sites. |being protected by the board." Dousld. 67 Planning jorder to make proper financial|to purchase the stadium was|, Sie Said universities or col-) The third track is required leges are usually financed by|to serve General Motors south private citizens and the munici-|plant The board of Roman Catholic|natity add { pias , Separate School Trustees asked ont ing that a college in} The mayor said he has. dis- arrangements for our new build-' withdrawn ing,' wrote A, C. Brisebois |Legion business manager 'Now Belong To City sidewalks around trees' asked ae oe ae of building For This Fall A --p - ' oil : . hawa would add "consider-|cuss i Ald. Christine Thomas, 'We put meeting of city organiza: Ghost road "ghosts" ifjdo,""-he said, 'We, as munici-/Naughton, in a-letter to council, , piel pooyhgoee pci council to consider relinquish-\ ably to the mill a She alsolotficials "ie iol es ws a a jog in a walk once before attions-to start planning celebra-ithere are any, may have been|palities; are children of the|noted that the road is very yp. \. : " ing its lease of 10 acres Of|caid a college would need 50 to'planning an under or overpass. the owners expense to save altions for Canada's Centenniallfrightened jast night by city|/province and whatever thellocal in use; that it gives access The letter, and two others\Oshawa Airport property, A : nisin LA cuacinaaiiies tree," will be held this fall council Minister of Highways avs, welto an area in the city that has\concerning city-owned or city-jsimiliar request last year was Ald. Cecil Bint, . committee, Ald, Hayward Murdoch, chair-| By a 9-3 vote, council decided are more or less duty bound to not been developed at the pres leased property, were referred turned down 4 e e , to the parks, property and) The board said it wants to K f :. f recreation committee purchase the property from the| 18s O ] Ee Ontario Motor Sales offered federal government as a. site to buy Kinsman Memorial Stadi-|for an' elementary school and chairman, said if the Rossland man of council's property com-jtg accept jurisdiction of the accept," ant rd, property owners would mittee, appointed to invite re-\often discussed and rather have hedges than trees presentatives to a meeting tO\service road, between Farewel removed they should approach'form a Centennial time dispute Ty - lisputed) 'phe mayor said the city often goes to the minister requesting committee,! st and the east city limits ' : the councjl with a proposal said last night with the holiday|fram the province a ie ae on reat Petlied Luck In Bunches ium from the city for $150,000,'an administration office. | "We don't want to buy their\period approaching, "I: feel it) 'The road was dubbed the 224, 2@ recommended that the _ = ' Teer ee er po | e urns ed w' land," he said, 'They will have|would be better to aim our or-| 'ghost when it was built by] mer not be turned down in Found By Nurse 1 " ¥ | to come to us . we should|ganizational sights at late Sep-ithe province after the second), [eqest. to have the - city . ee yi ; approve the recommendation tember of early October wal but council was appar take jurisdiction of the road Mrs. Edna Sudds is looking e 1g e l ange The Kiss of Life", a techni-|will be members of the Oshawa and we could change it ifthey' A letter from Harry M. Sav-jently never able to find out of-. Ald. Thomas said she did not Ve? 54 four-leafed clovers - and que that has saved literally hun-| Red Cross branch. came back with another plan."\age and Associates, informing}ficially just why it was built, |{hink council should 'go along 26 five-leafed clover She « dreds of people from a drowning) They will be bringing along Council adopted a committee|council of its plans to prepare) City councils in the past have|/With the Minister and said the/picked the freak clover in a n Os ita an: a OF thas ty raga this lew of their Resusci-Annies on report recommending that. theja Centennial Year coloring book|contended the province should|city has a right to receive the two foot square patch in the . |Thursday at a demonstration to) which to demonstrate the: fe board of education be advisedidesigned to attract tourists to|pave or maké some improve-igrants it receives back yard of her King at. © jbe held at the K-Mart Plaza) -aving technique. that it is necessary to remove municipalities, was referred to) ments to the road before it was Ald, Marcaret Shaw. who saidihome "T am delighted with Health|legislature yesterday that start-/between Oshawa and Whitby I Merb of the Hall a l garet She 62 : ' . . i e demonstra 5 r 4 by J a tree on John st.. in order to) Ald. Murdoch's committee. Two'turned over to the city Pong yee "an -. vl _- sled Oe on Minister Matthew Dymond's an-jing Sept. 1 students who reach| 'Th dem nstration is part Of ova Club, Sill aa pag wll p construct a sidewalk on the pages in the book would cost' Ald. Christine Thomas andthe matter to vote ve Boos a i t no es ; he m4 ea nouncement that students up tojage 19 need not take out sep-|Water Renaud pp -- on nit Water eataty itaratinl 4 : Pinas . sland ained | pig yea u Re ; one 9 , >» coverediarate 'rage :. . being observed all over Canada)}?4 s 5 north side of John st $2,000 Ald, Norman Down opposed ac-|from voting. Her abstension was/pick and press them. So far shel the 88¢ of 21 will be covered arate cove 'eee: Students, who this week Ito late shoppers cepting the road jast night be-!re led nea { under the Ontario Hospital In-learn salaries while in training] i roe F ght be-|recorded as a negative vote has 194 multiple leaf clovers in be eligible, he said,, Conducting the demonstration; The demonstration is timed to surance family plan," Albert| will not Walker, MPP for Oshawa, told! 'Previously these The Times today were forced into a more costly|mouth This problem has an|pay direct plan at 19," said Mr.| ~ added financial burden to a! Walker s large number of parents in our) "I have discussed this with) Th t R t e S W n city who are anxious to provide both the minister and the chair | orn on a e a I l cause they felt should be made Never On Sunday Opposition sie »» . : ATTEMPTS FAILED To Auto Service Applicant "yy Myr, om, gion improvements) Highways Minister C. S. Mac-'her collection students|of the now well known mouth to|start at 7 p.m. and will continue form of resuscitation|right through until dark heen Mayor Says Roads Terrible government to improve _ the . Imperial Oil Ltd. applied to|mits service stations to stay road have failed ' But No More Paving Yet their sons and daughters with aiman of the commission urging council last night to operate its|open no latter than 7 p.m There is not much we can university educaton, said Mr.|that action be taken since the 4 Automotive. Service Centre alt A. R. Haynes, regional sales ree Streets in the Lake Vista sub He said he would like a small Walker. : present session began' he Two-Thirds Road A eal 0g pie ge eae 9 te ne ache pia _ a A f . division are in "terrible shane croup from the association to sit) Dr, Dymond announced in the| added | pp , wurs an { xpansion phase @ 7 ce ¢ : 9 nti-Mosquito Mayor Lyman Gifford told coun- down with council's works com day, seven days a week tre would double the faclity and cil and about 30°-members of. the Thornton rd. s., property own-,go ahead it could pay for the mittee to discuss the road situ And, the Garage Operators include '. car clini¢ equipped s 9 Leke Vista Ratepayers Associa- ation and possibly draft a five : : P ] ers have won 'two-thirds'? ofj|work out of the general rate Association of Ontario County a gf cea sre : Policy Soon' tion last night year plan 0a | ening roposa a|their pavement construction ap-(and recover the cost later when wrote council "'strongly" OD: jondeq bs sapeide' ana i ex Mrs, Eve Eyman, association The city plans fo pave. one peal to the Ontario Municipal|the land is subdivided. posing the application Bs : I ~ eur 'S' Ald. Margaret Shaw asked president, said her group has,quarter mile of Phillip Mur . Board Thirteen property owners last Both letters were referred to phi negesanty 50 area trans-ijast night if cit Idermen are submitted to the works commit. ray ave from Oxfrod st., to Pr erties Needed | The board says it will approve|week were. represented at a Oe a: lpia rtation and. can be provided! covered by in nee when on tee & proposed five-year plan:Park rd. s.. in 196¢ op construction of pavement, curb/hearing, conducted by board the parks, property and recrea- py a special bylaw which would, } Big sbi sg 'it Na ee) a ie F 7 Thor , ber or tion committee. sine 94° bik coneratinds far eu for road paving, curb and. gut I'm not saying we won't ex i land gutter on Thornton rd. s,,jmember A, L, McCrae. i aaa. a city Wyle vet capa a sila jaar tr She was: told $10,000 ac. ter construction in the area pand our plans for next year,' More than 100 properties in) "Less than two. weeks agojif the city assumes all costs}. At the 90 cent rate, taxes of ; dl : : re ) . cident and life insurance cove We fee we are not being said the mayor. last night the city. will be expropriated Pp. J. Kennedy, parks commis-|above a fixed rate of 30 cents|property owners would have in- ~ age costing $10 a member has unreasonable in' asking for a Ald, Clifford Pilkey said' if aithis year mainly for roadisioner, had thrust upon him nojper foot frontage per annum for|creased as much as $310 an- - been turned down twice by concrete plan of action she five-year plan was drafted a de-)widenings less than 77 properties to ap-|10 years instead of the 90 cent|nually for 10 years itt e ect X ected coune told council cision on its implementatton) City council last night agreedipraise and negotiate for pur-jrate proposed by the city Mr. McCrae, in a written re- Why Mayor Gifford, who said he would be made at budget time|to engage Lloyd Bolahood, real|chase," said Ald. Hayward Mur-| E. G. McNeely, city solicitor,|port, said the 'circumstances t drain/estate consultant and appraiser, doch jsaid today it now remains forjare rather unusual, to gay the on a $200 monthly retainer and 'And the next day the engin-|council to decide whether to pro-|least," referring to the fact that Thomas com-la fee basis of $125 per day toeering department dropped 20)ceed with the work on terms|the road paving plans this year You would o be ick. Was trying to be honest, told and "it can go down the ed by a mosquito in hone the delegation that there is "noif necessary" ere y ew urse an booth at midnight before you!chance in the world of you get Ald. Christine nursing profession but we never|/COmMmission $600 to $800 more seem to have a problem filling per student than now classes here," ould collec huckled \ld.iting one inch more paved this) mended the association for sub-|conduct appraisals and negotia-/more properties in his lap," he|suggested by the OMB. : fe triggered by the construc Jes nanitae (odie on & Veatdiqonih. Aitne Cine hr ae il Bu y year," mitting its porposal in writing.|tions added | He said if the city decides to tion of the Civic Auditorium. internship fo nurses a atiimont Of their internship yea average salary of $275 a month,jand $800'a month for 1 ; fina Mrs. Mildred Gulliver, associate half : T WN AUTO INSURANCE ROW director of nursing at the Osh During 1 inter ear wil awa General Hospital, said [ibe on th own financially said 4 don't think it will make a great)Dr. Dymond i . ne difference to Oshawa He said the change will cost Brooks, "but the whole tender is wrong and should be referred WHITBY (Staff) Councillor tant topic was not even mention- municipal representatives, All onfet ocked the coun- ed,'"' he said Speaking at a London ence on nursing education yesterday Health Minister Mat thew Dymond, MPP Oniario Riding, said the internship plan} will begin in September City Will Pay)" Police Suits gis night when he said Mayor Warren Mowat act- ed as sutance an agent for a. Toronto in- company awarded a $15,500 town auto ins we Con He asked why the question of a 'conflict of interest' was de- elared and said he had been told that the mayor had submitted the tender as the insurance com- councillors have a copy." He said that council had no option but to disregard the audi- tors' advice and follow the Mu- nicipal Act. Councillor Bevan said that the next lowest tender, to another meeting." "If council had only accepted the code of ethics I- drew up three years ago then this kind of thing would never have hap- The move, one in a series to.) eR po Boing tes ah rob tract pany agent ' submitted by R. R. Reiger, pened, said Councillor Bevan plug a growing gap in the ranks A iad : epic Rictiaghs in furl Mayor Mowat denied taking 'NOT MINOR' should be accepted The mayor returned to the of nursing personnel, will help|*! ill be paid by the city srt in: the: transaction This is not a minor conflict of As the Mayor has declared chair after the June 25 meeting meet Ontario's need for twice as many nursing graduates 5,000 compared to the 2500 now pay premiums for protection to cover the in decided last night tol totalling $1,523) Cour The issue was raised by Town Clerk Jack Frost who said he was 'distur a section interest but one dealing with a money contract between an in- surance agency and the town" a conflict of interest then we should look at this a business," said Reeve Everett Quantrill. was approved. He said that he had declared a conflict of inter- est because he was an agent of graduating annually from hos- @\ risk of police officers, | of a May yecial council said Councillor Bevan. 'I'm only "Ninety-nine per cent of what the company, and added: 'I did pital affiliated schools by n Attersley, finance} meeting re lealing with the interested in protecting coun- Councillor Bevan said was elec- not submit the tender and had no 1970, he said »n, said at present offi-| ndering of bids f the auio cil" tioneering."' connection with it in any way," In Oshawa 1 studentsicers a responsible for any da wurar The low bid of $15,553 He quoted Mr, Frost as say A conflict of business is ser- he said, "Anyone can check that are supplied with room andimages brought against them on the pontract fo hurich ing that the town auditors had ious and people in public office by calling the company head --hoard, book: and uniforms and The coverage was considered lr ance Compat approved a similar matter last should try to avoid such situa- office." a Pi $15 per month during the three- by the finance committee sey-| Mayor Mowat said both May year, As a result of this advice, tions,"' said Councillor Thomas He told reporters later he year training program. saidcral months ago and turned} "5 and last night there was a said Councillor Bevan, the ques- KEdwards.- "I. don't think the got no commission from the Mrs. Gulliver jown | conflict of interest and took no tion was not raised at the May Mayor meant any harm but this company 'when the tender was There have been few com change in policy was] part in the dis ion, Last night 25 meeting is still a bad thing to happen." accepted plaints about students' salaries d by the provincial gov-}. the matter ferred to a Under section 35 of the Mu- "COMPANY SUBMITTED" "The company submitted the she said tender so they can pay the com- ronment recent announcement June 25 special meeting nicipal Act,"' Councillor Bevan Councillor Harry Inkpen and She added that young women tha pla provide for mun Count Bevan said that the said, '"'a member of council is Reeve Quantrill both said that mission to whoever they think are attracted to nursing mair bility fo damage ri nd subject to disqualification if he the tender was submitted by the fit Th tf " d because they're | i h t t nt t Furic } not Mavor "This affair has just cause | an intere in anv contra iriet ompanys 10t avor . , ' mtd , " ard nursing b } F reeve George Brook MAYOR MOWAT a ith the municipalit This is Mowat COUNCILLOR BEVAN unnecessary trouble, said } Dr. Dymond"s scher r provisions 1 7 are not at th v9 ite parr geniige te 3 . throw: bric Mayor Mowat. "This is why peo- Under I Dymond ne lar provisio ow pro ¢ not at the May 25 meeting * . . bad no connection with it' also outlined in the Department I don't: want to throw bricks *, . deals with money contract' Mayor Mowat. "T hy peo trainees will be paid $250 atect firemen in Ontario. "Vital discussion on this impor ef Municipal Affairs guide te at anyone," said Deputy « reeve ple won't run for public office,"

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