SLOGAN CONTEST DEADLINE NEAR WHITBY --There are only a few days left for students in the town and township schools to enter the Whitby General Hospital Slogan Contest. The winning slogan will be used for publicity purposes in the Whitby Gen- eral Hospital Campaign. Students who have not en- tered this contest should do so immediately. All schools have the necessary informa- tion regarding the contest. The prize for the contest is a day for two at the Toronto National Exhibition as guests of Ps Pont of Canada. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. George Munns, Sr., and her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Wight- man, of Niagara Falls, have returned from a four-week trip abroad. They visited members of their family in Enfield: Mid- dlesex, England, went to Lon- don several times, Cumberland and Edinburgh, Scotland. resident, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Porter, 123 Kent st., Colborne. as well as In Wigton, England, they called on a former Whitby Mrs. David Dowling. On their return they were met at Toronto International Airport by members of their families. are home after spending a week visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Benner, at Port Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pommer- enke and children, Sylvia and Gabriele, recently spent a week- end at a cottage at Bel Air Resort near Bancroft. Douglass Peggs, 823 Green st., is now convalescing at his home after a three-week stay at the Oshawa General Hospital where he underwent surgery. | Best wishes for a happy birth day are exte to Mrs. George Page, 1509 Dufferin st., who is celebrating her birth- day today. To celebrate the oc- *\casion they will dine out. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Ventor are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wood, 413 John st. They are establishing residence|" 'Dorothy Holt, Chapter Accepts THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 3, 1965 § s s Invitations WHITBY -- Whitby Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, No. 248, held its meeting at the Ma- sonic Hall. Sister Mary Inkpen and Brother Jeff Martin pre- sided. Following the: opening drill, the flag was presented and hon- ored, Worthy Matron introduced PDDGM Agnes Tena Roberts, Winni- fred Newton, Sisters Thelma) qrij) Beerthuzien, Margaret Baker 28 which is a card night. Whitby Chapter Dorotohy Holt, addressed mem- Wallace, from Sunshine Chapter for June 3, and Fairbank Chapter for Se Grand Chapter will be held in the Royal York Hotel, Sept. 21, 22 and 23. Dispensation has been granted for the meeting of Sept. 23. Worthy Grand Martha, Sister bers briefly. The farewell was given by Sister Margaret Baker and was followed by the closing A most interesting 'Touch and Take" box was sold. The chap- ter was entertained with songs by Marcella Poulson, Lunch was served by Sister Christine Ar- chibald and her committee, commemorate French RENAME FOR HONOR A street in Lyon, France, has been renamed rue de Narvik to particip- -- in the 1940 battle of Nar- emtonemtenrsnct em ae and Brother Holt. Whitby Past Matrons and Pa- trons were warmly welcomed and the visiting Conductresses, Marshalls, Star Points and visit- ors who were from Midland, Weston, Oshawa, Durham, Can- ada, Markham, Ontario, "Birch WHITBY TENNIS CLUB REGISTRATION Rummage Sale | Final Plans Made) WHITBY -- The May meeting y of Ruth WA of St. John's An- Cliff, Bedford, Mount Dennis, Northcliffe and Golden Deed Chapters. A bazaar for Oct. 5, a Chinese Auction, which will be held on Birthday Night, June 24, and a quilt draw were announced, Invitations were accepted in Whitby. VON Nurse Busy In May WHITBY -- During May 112 visits were made by the Vic- torian Order nurse in Whitby. pe FREEMAN'S f these 108 were for nursing and four for health inspection. | FORMAL RENTALS Seven hundred and seventy-five] Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin visits have been made this year. | : Pre-natal classes. held each!| wl ae thy Pec see Wednesday at Fairview Lodge, | |have been most successful. | |There is an enrolment of 13) mothers for the present series of lectures. Miss Catharine Maddaford, the; regional director, is visiting the area today, | Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eymans, celebrated his fourth birthday Tuesday. A fam- ily part was arranged. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tig- glican Church was held at the! glers and children, Patty and Za home of Mrs. Tom Coulthard. Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 7 \The president, Mrs. Gordon Povinsky, David and June and {Kyle opened the meeting with Larry Piurko. the WA prayer. | | Mrs. Peter Bird reported on The Whitby Tennis Club incholding it's 1965 Regis- tration et the Whitby Tennis Courts on SATUR- DAY, JUNE 5th., from 10:00 a.m, to 12:00 p.m. JUNIOR INSTRUCTION will be given SATURDAY mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 starting June 12th. and SENIOR INSTRUCTION on TUESDAYS at 8:00 p.m. commencing June 8th, i 'i iiss De WORKMEN REPAIR HENRY STREET BRIDGE "Out with the old and in the Henry Street bridge over Shaw. Henry street, one > a ig! ell the railway in the south west the town's two north an with the-new", might ss section of Whitby. The work south traffic arteries, will be the slogan for the work is being done by a bridge be closed until the job is being done by Canadian Na- and building department completed, tional Railway workmen on crew directed by Cecil --Oshawa Times Photo ticles made vy patients. \committee, Many Whitby People Learning First Aid s28Ser2 \June 5 at 2 p.m. Loyal Pogue to\will act as auctioneer, In the t of rain the sale will take The Royal Canadian Legion \Ladies Auxiliary held a euchre ni t the Legion Hall con- the deanery officers meeting,|eVening & and announced that the annual vened by the president, Mrs. W. G. Norris. Assisting were: Deanery Conference will be Mrs. Dorothy McIvor, Mrs. Fay ae m Coin Church, Oshawa,), jCarswell, Mrs. Jean King, Mrs. " |Lil Kirke Mrs. Nora Hopps and Mrs. Mrs. Marg Cassady. Prizes the guest speaker, Mrs. T. J-\ vere won by Mrs. Lil Wilson, Baillie, occupational therapist Mrs. Sue Townson, Mrs, Greta at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, McDonough, Mrs. Tran, Bill who gave an interesting talk on Bow and C. 0. Bradley. Re- |her work. She showed many &I-\reshments were served by the Fees ore as follows: 15 years ond under ....-. whens 16 years to 18 yeors ..4+++ ns Seniors (over 18 yeors) ...++++- RUSS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby Gordon Kyle introduced Couples Family (porents and children under 15 yeors) ... $25.00 ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND WHITBY (Staff) -- The ob-;committee composed of T. Scott, jetraneed senior first sg nah ct of the St. John Ambulance|Mrs, E. Bedell, Mrs. J. vga members of Bowmanville, Whit- Srigade is to train and maintain|W. Porter, Mrs. G. Blow, C.\by and Brechin detachments of place - poe Meee ofay a body of men and women thor-|Stafford and C. Mantz that the the OPP Anyone rd sclncnonie Mee oughly efficient in first aid, aux-| icharter was finally granted and) At present the brigade con- ig is iy * 668-2691 Md peril al {liary nursing and related sub-/presented to the brigade in May, sists of 16 ambulance members, | orig fe Canaan etre fects. 1963, four nursing members and 18 ye will a4 nel. the pre In two years, the Whitby St.| The brigade, under the leader-/Nursing cadets. The cadets,| eae cf this avedt ill be: used John Ambulance Brigade has\ship of Ron Hawkins as the under the leadership of Mrs, D.| purchase new cholr robes moved the town into the third/superintendent, was fortunate in|Calder, have obtained their first)", i oo . i. ranking in Ontario in the per-jreceiving from the downtown aid, home nursing and child care) The Little sae ge picnic wi centage of its population trained|merchants enough First Aid certificates be held June 8. e atten ' in first aid. equipment, including an ambu-) A Boys' Ambulance ing will meet at the church & In 1955 interest in first aid injlance from Town Brothers Fu- group for. boys 12 - 16 will be 10.a.m. and journey to the home Whitby was running high, so a\neral Home, to put into practice started later this year. Candi of Mrs, R. Blaker at Pickering committee under Charles Staf-lits first aid training as soon as dates for enrolment in the adult Beach : ford was formed with the inten-|the charter was presented section of the brigade must be, The WA has invited the Ruth tion of forming a brigade. The primary duty of the mem-|!7 years old or over, be of good|WA to the 70th anniversary ser- bers of the brigade is the ren-|character and hold a first aidjviee June 16. The Ruth WA COMMITTEE ACTIVE dering of first aid, They are re-| certificate, , |will serve refreshments. Before a brigade can act as an) i oq to qualify and keep them-, The services of the St. John| At the close of the meeting ences Pe vi pty gaiselves efficient in this respect. |Ambulance is free and last year|lunch was served by Mrs, Tom through the hard work of the The brigade surgeons, Dr.|'ne Whitby brigade gave 1,300/\Coulthard, Mrs. George Pol- Mei Kenneth Hobbs and Dr. George|"Urs of service in the town, 'lard and Mrs. Arthur Morton. Jaciw, are ever present to as- _ -- Parade Opens 'dacaate Fund Drive sist the brigade in the treatment WHITBY WHITBY -- On Saturday, June "A of casualties. The casualty, after receiving \treatment, is taken home by the |brigade and in one case recent- 12, a large parade will be held in the Town of Whitby. The pa-; rade will be to celebrate the of- ficial opening of the Whitby Gen- cadet COTTAGES FREE! FLOOR PLAN AND MATERIAL LIST -- SIMPLY VISIT OR [tt sta The latest and most = ah ced BUILDING? SAVE ON QUALITY MATERIALS HERE ARE OUR TRUCK LOT PRICES FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS! ay wy £ gsr mm AND LOOK } RADE, = one Same OUR STOCK OVER. 2xFe--10' to 16sees00e $04.80 $81.60 2x6's--8 to 16'....... $98.00" $83.50 2x8's and 2x10's to 16. $107.60" $84.60. 1x6 all lengths .....$89,60¢ $84.60™ THING PLYWOOD Sf x4'x8 $4.29 Wee $2980, 54% a Evening Shows Start 7: & 9 P.M. Saturday Matinee At 1:30 Cary GRaNT % Leslie CATON For Reasons too Funny to explain the Nome of the Picture is... "Father Goose" TECHNICOLOR® TREVOR Howard 1 creme Company Peering «A Deter bet 2-0" x 220" REDIVUE $@.-71 SASHLESS COMPLETE WINDOWS = 2.6" x 2"-6 $14.96 C.M.H.C, APPROVED 3'-0" x ry $17.63 4-0" x 3°-0"* $21.34 pe ie 5-0" x 3°-0" $23.97 $8.94 $! 6-0" x 3°-0"* $26.89 3 PIECE "A"GRADE BATHSET @5' TU e he x i" BASIN @REVERSE TRAP rouer$71Q. 95 #1 GALVANIZED CHAIN LINK FENCING sem 100 FOOT ROLLS! 36" = $117 42" $1322 | 6' T BAR POSTS 89¢! WESTERN RED 4 41s CEDAR a x4 1Biin. AJAX YARD 161 DOWTY ROAD OFF HIGHWAY No. 407 AT INTERCHANGE 66 PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD Corner Highways No. 7 and No. 12 PHONE 655-3313 LIKE A! PRICE LI IN THIS COUPON-THERE 1S NO OBLIGATION. CASHWAY LUMBER HEAD OFFICE, BOX 330 MALTON Please mail free price list to RANGE WAME......46 ae ADDRESS.......cccsccvsvessveceseovcecoeeces $14.9 ea. ALUMINUM COMBINATION a 2-6" x 66" 2-8" x 6-8" 210" x 610" 8'-0"x 7.0" $21.88 to $23.77 depending on sixe and type [Complete with all hardware} 4 COLOURS "Al" GRADE 210 fb -- 3 in 1 ASPHALT SHINGLES $40.85. $ .67 SQUARE |$45.75... COTTAGERS! |OPEN| 'vr Fanmerns! |DAILY deep or shallow well convertible jet WATER SYSTEM pump with 17 gal. tenk $89.35 FOOT VALVE INCLUDED. UP 10 600GAL. PER HR. 32" x 24" | 100 FT. BASEMENT} # ROLL WINDOWS PLASTIC $585 [sf #30 = = ICL. Universal \ly the members were on duty un- til 1 a.m. as the mother of the) to perform in the community -- eral Hospital Fund Raising first aid instruction, Campaign. FIRST AID INSTRUCTION businesses will sponsor floats.|course of instruction to a group The Whitby Town Bands, Le-lof Girl Guides in Port Perry. gion Bands, Scouts, Cubs,)Wayne Lehman is giving a sen- The Stars Are Delightful--The Humer Hilerious--The Story Superb along with the Whitby General)Ron Hawkins is instructing in Hospital Campaign Committee will take part. F ° * eaturing -- This Week casualty had no transportation Many service organizations,) Divisional Officer John Visser Guides, Brownies, majorettes,lior First Aid course to industry The parade will assemble at VILAS "Lifetime Furniture" The brigade has another. duty industries: local and townshipjhas just completed a successful town and township officials,jin Ajax, and Chief Instructor Kinsmen Park and march to x x8'$5.33 es. 4.x 8 ASPHALT SHEATHING BOARD ........ $4.07 6 GYPSUM LATH $39-60M 50 LBS, 4" NAILS $5.46 2 Been ATION $9G-25™. WALLB'D. $53:95M 4x8 FIRPLY .78 wp 4x8 CHIPBOARD $9. 7." a ee LET US PRICE YOUR COMPLETE HOUS COTTAGE OR BARN JOB. NO OBLIGATION #1 STEEL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 8" x 6'.6"". $39.55¢:. 8' x Jo Centennial Park where the of- ficial start of the campaign will be announced. The parade ac- tivities will be covered by press, radio and TV outlets. Word has just been received from Wren Blair and Bob Attersley that many of the 1958 World Champion Dunnies_ will also appear in the parade. Any organization or business willing to support this parade should contact Bert Hodges, Whitby General Hospital Pub- licity Chairman, immediately PECIAL PURCHAS POST FORMED ARBORITE COUNTER TOPS srrgs | $3495 WHILE 1 THEY LAST TRAFFIC ALLOWED FOR . The 300-mile asphalt highway from Kabul to Kandahar in Afghanistan has a special lane for camel traffic. GREB @ Hush Puppies Where can you get them? Yi JET CARNIVAL & BLACK MARBLE YL ASBESTOS noe FLOOR TILE 6" a L_styles in stock from 74¢ | REG. VALUE $339.00 175.00 ae. maith | 8am TO 6pm SATURDAY till 5 P.M. 5° ARBORITE 26¢ sq foot $3.90 per sheet MAHOGANY DOORS $3.56 ., KITCHEN FRAMES <a PS ee enly 5| $6 -20 90 $325 ISIT.-YOUR CASHWAY CENTRE FOR FREE PLAN AND UP er write BOX 330 MALTON VILAS HIGH BACK WING--SOFA VILAS HIGH BACK WING--CHAIR ...55 oeeee VILAS OCTAGONAL TABLE VILAS BOOK CASE COFFEE TABLE STERLING TUB CHAIR $2 TOTAL VALUE $900. COMPLETE GROUPING S@QQ0O Come and see this fine furniture only at ROUSSEAU "at - COLLINS SHOES of course !"" 119 Brock St. S. WHITBY, ONT. Ph. 668-3476 Open Fri, till 9. p.m. kick CASHWAY LUMBER'S xx BASIC SHELL HOME 25' x 44° - 1008 SQUARE FEET Ontario County's Showplace of Fine Furniture OPEN -- THURSDAY HERTTAGE PS Hoyse AND eae en 216 MARY ST. EAST - WHITBY - PHONE 668-3483 SOROOSEL OES EOLOOHOS TEES SS ETERES OOD OO ODO SO® >