Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jun 1965, p. 6

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& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 2, 1968 saul PP Ahi Aa i ta: OF OP Launching their nine-week tario gricultural Branch visit to Britain and North- Director, E. F. Marritt ern Ireland with a visit to (left) and G, R, Gear, agri- Ontario House, London, are cultural representative in Farmers, flanked by the On Bruce County. The group, BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Apartment Assault Case Results In Fine Of $200 WHITBY mat A Cherrywood man who was who forced his way into a Whit-jinvolved in an accident at the by woman's apartment and 4as- Liverpool Road Clover Leaf and (Staff) A saulted her and a. male com-Highway 401, was fined $100 and panion was fined a total of $200'costs for driving while under and costs or 60 days in jail suspension Albert Roberge Tuesday by Magistrate Harr pleaded guilty to the charge Jermyn A Whithy man, who said he Henry McAlonan of Scar- swerved his car to avoid a pleaded not guilty to/cs t and ended up in_ the borough, t the charges of assaulting Gerald Murray and Theresa Murphy. 9 was fined $100 and costs 15 days in jail for impaired Gerald Murray told the court diving that-he had been having dinner Police evidence showed 'thal in. Miss Murphy's apartment on tire tracks from James John the night of Apr 91 when Mc tor gone directly into ditet Alonan came to the doo he blood also "He knocked on the door and howed Joswston had 1.8 parts when it was opened he just aicoh ol per thousand blood walked in. He came to me 'and A man. who tried to change asked me if I wanted to go places with a passenger in. his down to his car and. have aicar was fined $75 and costs or drink with him. [ told him no15 days in jail for driving while and then he asked if there was his licence was suspended any beer David John Cowling, of Mc "Before : ere hletal ag "ei Cullough dr., Whitby, evidence side nead hit me on the side of the hea showed, had been observed by and knocked me to the floor, He then proceeded to jump on me 2 police officer driving on Brock and kick me." in Whitby, and when the Mr ee war oe ue police cruiser turned io follow court that after Miss Murphy, All cis t j f had succeeded in getting Me he pulled over to the side of Alonan out the door he yelled the road and changed places Fi with a female passenger that he would "Kill me and Win- ston Rodgers". Mr. Murray explained to the court that three or years ago, McAlonan had been work ing at Dunlop Rubber and had Two youths were fined $50 and four SYD SILVER FORMALS For Weddings Etc been involved in some trouble ' ------ and had his union card lifted CRESTS & JACKETS "He thought that Winston For Your. Team Rodgers and I were responsible for this and there has been il Pp Bay fetng on his art for some] SAINT HILL-LEVINE Miss Murphy said that afte seeetaaarge mene ore ang] MERGANTILE sae nig DEPT. STORE off 'at aa te toe but in Whitby - Ploza PORTUNITY ONTARIO JUNIOR FARMERS AT ONTARIO HOUSE from left, comprise Mr. Marritt, Barton Maclean, 22 RR 1, Napanee; Barbara Ann Macrae, 22, RR 2, Sar- nia; Patricia Knox, 21, RR, 1 lcosts each after pleading guilty to a charge of drinking under age Carle W. Parliament, of RR 2 Cannington and Scott H. Stain ton, also of RR 2, Cannington had been a passenger and drivet of a car that was stopped and checked by police* A Whithy man, who drove his car while his licence was under suspension, was fined $100 and costs or 15 days in jai Kenneth John Mclvor, 21, of 40. Dundas st., was stopped by police who saw him driving hi car on Highway 12 He was also fined an addi onal $25 and coss or 10 days consecutive for having liquor in a place other than his residence Haying liquor in a place other than his residence, cost Charles Benns $25 and cost 10 day in jail Judgment on a_ charge of breach of re ognizance wa re- erved against Allan Edward Scott, of Toronto il the re cognizance expires A Bowmanville area man and voman, who broke into a house and stole two radios, were given two years' suspended sentehce with probation, Gwen Kemp, 2? Arthur to a and James Brayler bot! pleaded break, enter and theft guilty charge of One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper ond Murols Custom Draperies Broadioom C.1.L. Paints end Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 doing so he bruised my arm McAlonan denied that he had started the fight and said he had been talki to Murray when Murray jumped up and moved f towards him "T thought he was going to hit me, so TI pushed him away Magistrate Jermyn, in pass ing sentence on McAlonan, said this was one of the worst types of assault he had seen "You forced your way into TRUST COM this woman's home and started assaulting her and her guest. If SERVICES it wasn't for the fact that vou had family responsibilities and had just started a new job you would be going to jail.' A Toronto man who drove his car while under suspension wa EFFICIENCY fined $100 and costs or 15 days in jail. Thomas Arthur Connor 20, was observed by police while driving a car on Altona A Road in Pickering hip GAME the trust Towr WHITBY LASCO STEELERS 8:30 P.M. TONIGHT Whitby Community Arena Adm.: Adults 7Se Children 25¢ Students with cords 50¢ KSTARLI ba HED company. hes J 308 DUNDAS ST. WHY PEOPLE USE PANY the facilities, equipment and trained staff to give efficient service in. estate and trust administration; the management of Property, investment, preparation of OPENING ' occounts and statements An in. dividual executor often requires the O.L.A. assistance of others whose fees will JUNIOR B LACROSSE be an additional expense to the estate. e EAST YORK HAWKS vs, W. WHITBY | |Report On 'New Hymnary KINGSTON 'Huge Marina Planned For Frenchman's Bay BROUGHAM -- The Picker-jwill develop the ing Harbor Company and the|Frenchman's Bay, Associate Frenchman's Bay|man-made bay in Lake Ontario, ' Harbor and Marina Service|36.7 acres of water area and 23/0" the preparation of Company Limited presented|acres of land area owned by the|hymn book for the preliminary sketches to a Pick-) Pickering Harbor Co. ering Township Council meeting The total berthing capacity in Monday night of a proposed/ phases 1 to 4 will accommodate! marina, which Reeve C. W. Lay-|2,900 boats, with the maximum| cox said would be "the largest) capacity: during stages 5 and 6, marina on the North Americanlincluding another 2,000 boats. for the future, continent when and if develop-)There will be outdoor and cover ed." ed dry storage for 1,200 boats, | The letter accompanying the parking facilities for 2,200 cars; | ; , sketches revealed that plans!car and boat trailer parking for College, Whitby, introduced had been in progress for quite: 499 i Prof, John Grant of Emmanuel some time, but that "since pro-, A port of entry and customs College, Toronto, and the Rev posals were made on our prop- office will lead to the facilities|Donald S, Henderson of Em- erty and rights," they present- from the water, and a floating)manuel United Church, Kitchen- led their preliminary plans. _lrestaurant and cocktail bar, ¢T- When this is accomplished, it with Chinese motif, will be Dr. Osborne stated that the i se : erected in the bay, Administra- committee has searched through BRITON WINS tion buildings, foot-walks and) 26 other hymnals to find hymns LONDON (AP)--Howard Win- self - adjusting cat - walks com-|of quality which might be in Istone, British and Epro- plete the picture. cluded. The present hymnary | : a ' No indication of when the de-;must be carefully scrutinized to jpean featherweight champion, velopment will take place wasjfind what hymns and_ tunes |stopped Lalo Guerrero of Mex-\siven, but the announcement|should be rejected, and what lico in the fifth round of a sched-|read that the proposal "will be|ones retained, He said that the whole of sgt Three Bay of Quinte Conference at uled 1-round boxing bout at discussed with planning officials|Methodist Church of the U.S.A London's indoor Wembley Sta dium Tuesday night, Referee jHarry Gibbs called the fight « lafter two minutes three sec otice 0 estroy eeds jonds of the fifth round to save ithe Mexican featherweight bt ' All noxious weeds on rural or urban lots, must be jchampion from further punis! ment, There were no knock cut or sprayed by June 10th., 1965, |downs After that date, they will be cut and charged NOW OPEN against property without any further notice to 10 acres or under Hampton, near Oshawa, and James Moore, 23, RR 2, Bel mont, They are staying at various farms and will be J, C. BRETHOUR, Ontario Weed Inspector Sunderland --- Ph. 219M Lumber and Supply Ltd. YOUR C.P-1. DEALER 701 BROCK ST. N. 668-4451 visiting agriculture shows mem: | will which 18 @ hers of the committee working|music staves a new of hymns has become United |the equally difficult task of se-lada lect Church, appeared before theldertetten Kingston and reviewed the pro-'selectors will have in mind the gress already made and plans/Suitability of hymns and tunes Rey. Dr. Stanley L, Osbarne, | old principal of the Ontario Ladies'sent out to many congregations. {s bringing out a new hymnbook| CARE FOR FRENCH PAST ech aero nnry er o4 (ne*) MONTREAL (CP)--A provin- 5 committee, but only 2h woe, (cial charter for the Federation of Quebec Historical Societies is expected to help local historical clubs start up and exchange in- formation. Based in old Mont- the| real, the French-speaking group the choice|tries to preserve and popular- final, thenjize the history of French Can- fi chosen for the new book The United Church commit- fee has agreed that the words be printed between After the tunes will be un- FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Blair Park Plazo Mon, to Fri, -- 9 om. to 9 p.m, Sot. -- 9 am. te 5 p.m. Dr. Osborne assures that the for both large and small con- Sregations and for young and Testing materials will be WHITBY TENNIS CLUB REGISTRATION The Whitby Tennis Club is holding it's 1965 Regis- tration oat the Whitby Tennis Courts on SATUR- DAY, JUNE Sth., from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. JUNIOR INSTRUCTION will be given SATURDAY mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 starting June 12th. and SENIOR INSTRUCTION on TUESDAYS at 8:00 p.m. commencing June 8th, Fees are os follows: 15 years and under ..seseee> $5.00 16 years to 18 years ....0+006, $10.00 eniors er 18 years) .ss200.. $15.00 COUDIOS ie css eric tense ax $20,0¢ Fomily (parents ond childrer under 15 years $25.00 ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND JURY & LOVELL LTD. PHARMACIES... in BOWMANVILLE -- OSHAWA -- WHITBY .»» Hurry in For Our GIGANTIC "YELLOW TAG" SPECIALS! ! "Yellow Tag Specials" BENYLIN COUGH SYRUP «:...»; 1.29 BAYER ASPIRIN ~. ALKA SELTZER --. DRISTAN NASAL SPRAY =.» TON sot sur SHAMPOO «2c: RESDAN ««: BAN ROLL-ON COLGATES MacLEANS Abandon yourself to Blue Grass Deluxe Leather GADGET BAG Compore 9.95 nc 7.49 PRICE Keystone 8 mm Elizabeth Arden's laughing, lilting, flower-happy fragrance is timeless as a dream of summertime-- cooling as breezes off the flower fields of Grasse (where it all began). Wear Blue Grass in gay profusion everv day, every wav: shower it, powder it, spray it, mist it, spend the summer flower-kissed in it! Blue Grass... blossoming now at fine stores evervwhere. Blue Grass De Luxe Perfume, 9.59 te 45.90 Dusting Powder, 3.00 and 5.00 New Spray, 5.00. Perfrme Mist, &.00. Flower Mist, 3.50 and 6.00 t cakes of Bath Som. 3.00. Perfume for Rath and Rody, 4.50 to 18.50 AND FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Rive Gross Flower Mist with Gift Atomizer, 3.50. Pine Gross Dorting Powder with Gift Hand Seen, 3.00. Rime Gross Flower Mist end Puff-Puff, 4.50. with Light Meter Available in our Cosmetic Departments "8 KING ST. E. in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA RIGHT GUARD And Many More "SPECIALS" Photography Specials! MOVIE CAMERA CLEARANCE 24.9 5 PRESCRIPTION pppccrted CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 723-2245 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | wc. 179 1.29 nts. 7 §O° 99° neo 200 1,43 63° REG, 1.25 uc.130 1.17 ce REG. 1.25 87 DENTAL ie CREAM REG, 1,19 REG. 1.29 1.09 € REG. 1.09 TOOTH PASTE Keystone 8 mm MOVIE CAMERA Sherp F. 1.8 lens. Metalile Grey, Cleorance Instamatic SHOULDER BAG Comp. 5.95 o 9 Ag BINOCULARS Regular 39.95. 27.95 SPECIAL CHEMISTS | $30 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-3546 OSHAWA L

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