jgeneral synod of the Anglicanjone of the commissions to be 'Church and the =" council appointed. of the United Church; (b) com- va : ay mitment by both churches to 4, Why has it taken so long? proceed immediately to union; | Especially for two reasons: (c) appointment of ae) (a)| differences concerning the sions to sg _ gee Ba nature of the church and the i shurches|ministry; (b) human nature. the Committee of Ten who|but it paves the way for union |TePOrts ee gy A gee Because the Commitees of Ten =! osel the principles of union|if the responsible bodies of both/@¢coraine ! 3) the act of uni-(c2me to know and understand aon the Anglican Church of|churches approve the docu- procedures; (3) the act o! lone another's point of view and Canada and the Uniled Church ment. fication itself. of Canada provided the an- » what steps are still to be 3 what will the new church swers to the following questions :a:en before union is a fact? eg? about the proposed union: At least five: (a) approval of ' ning 1. Does this mean union? the principles of union by the! The name will be referred to\has become possible : United-Anglican Meeting Answered Unity Questions TORONTO (CP) -- Members| This is not an act of union|4¢ceptance practice, this major leach other's ministries and had the will to overcome the|ters and members of the church »h great difficulties in thought andlof God; (b) the churches break-| possess i through concerning differences|the ministry--the Anglican with'title be and how long will he to be appointed. 5. How long have negotiations|--bishop, prebyter and deacon| These matters will be deter-| 23 been going on? ~--and the United Church withjmined later by appropriate - This present round of conver- its one order, minister or pres-\°O™™ssions. ordination to the ministry? 11, Will any. existing churches sations, since 1943. byter; (c) a different concept] 8. Will there be bishops? - se be natorred te closed? ; 5 . of the place of the laity; (d) un- Yes, "in some constitutional|to the doctrinal commission to) Not necessarily and not im- es te aa " derlying the difference in the'torm," as stated in the docu-be set up. jmediately. Eventually neighbor- (a) It was necessary to come|©oncept of the ministry, differ-/ment. The United Church of| 10. Will there be a commonjing congregations may decide to a mutual acceptance of one|°Mt concepts of apostolic suc-lCanada agreed to this in 1950.|service? j(they) . . oe. and -- another as two churches and of|©ession and therefore theiphe precise function of the) Doubtless there will eventu-|building be closed. This weuls jvalidity of regularity of minis-\hishop and his relations to the\any be one Book of Common|be done under consultation an minis-|{Ties; (e) relation of the author-|yarious levels of government inorder or Book of Common)not under compulsion. ity of Scripture and of tradition.|the church will require a great|/prayer for the new church, but| 12. What is expected to hap- 7. Who will be the head of the|deal of thought, and will be wnjty does not mean uniform-|pen to some of the present his| worked out by the commissions ity, The document calls for alrealty? | liturgical commission to be set) Presumably all property now 9. Will women be eligible forjup to deal with this matter. |belonging to the two commun- nei ions would be vested in the new THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 2, 1965 members as being. truly differing concepts of future church, what will its recognition of three orders'serve in office? church. Should some property CORNISH ROCK Boneless solid GAME HENS 18 OUNCE MINIMUM Stock up your freezer Cooking Instructions at display 19: 6 FOR $4.59 "Luxury Eating at A&P Sensible Prices" PORK LOINS END CUT ROAST BY THE PIECE 19: not be required, its disposition would be determined by the re- sponsible church bodies in ac- cerdance with whatever trusts and laws may pertain. 13. Will the two present na- |tional offices come together un- der one roof? Eventually this may be so. Merging of the administrative machinery of the two churches will take some time and full facilities of both buildings' will be needed. However, there might well be rearrangement of joffices and some offices such las those of the general secre- |taries would have to be brought together from the outset, 14. What will be the relation- ship of the new church to the See of Canterbury? It is hoped that, as would be the case in North India and Ceylon, the new church would be recognized fully by Lam- beth. 15. What will be the relation- ship of the new church to the world Anglican communion? | If Lambeth recognizes the |new church, it presumably will be in communidn with the worldwide Anglican communion SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY x i ce a cies 'shi f th h h vy CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED leat Untied Chueh eveneas ab RED BRAND STEER BEEF SHORT or CROSS Ee gg RIB ROASTS |United Church of Canada that |the new church should continue meat - No wasie- Easy io carve to be accepted by its worldwide jconfessional bodies and mem- |bers of them. These include |the International Congregational |Council, the World Methodist |Council and the World Alliance |of Reformed Churches, leading to belief the new church will be in communion with Congrega- jtional, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican world bodies. 17. How many members will be in the new church? | Total constituency (on church jrolls) of the United Church of \Canada is 2,654,375. Total con- CENTRE CUT ROAST BY THE PIECE '89: SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SKINLESS BEEF LIVER SLICED $X BRAND PORK SHOULDERS CANNED PICNICS 14% Ib tin KRAFT (OLD. ENGLISH, PLAIN OR PIMENTO) | CHEESE SLICES (CU-BIT8, HOT DOG, CORN, B-8-@ HAMBURGER er BICAT.ILL!) BICK'S RELISHIS 16-0x pke 59: 89 37 4:55 C (WITH FREE CHILD'S GLIDER) SPAGHETTI «2s <x , soe CRUSHED DOLE PINEAPPLE 10-fl- ox tins DR. BALLARD'S (2 VARIETIES) DOG FOOD SCHNEIDER'S COUNTRY STYLE PURE 39 PORK SAUSAGE +49: ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS 1.19 SIDE BACON A&P Quality Has A Low Price Tag, Look At These Famous Brand Name Products And You'll See Stituency of the Anglican Church of Canada is 1,356,424, The last Canadian census gives |the United Church of Canada 3,664,008 and the Anglican |Church of Canada 2,409,068 per- |sons, It would therefore seem |that the total constituency of |the new church would be 6,073, 1076 persons. 18. Would this be Canada's |biggest single communion? | No, The Roman Catholie Church now is more than 4 6per cent of Canada's population. |The new church would ru nit a jclose second and will outnum- jber it in most provinces except Quebec. 19. What will happen to those who dissent from this plan? | It is hoped that if union takes |place, there will not be dissent- jing splinter groups that break away from the parent churches. If there should be they will be free to seek membership or affiliation wherever they Wa es | 20. Who can still block this plan? The general council of the general synod by disapproving. So, too, if the plan failed to ree ceive approval from the major- ity of the presbyteries of the |United Church as required by law and from the majority of |the Anglican dioceses, when the jactual plan of unio nis brought |before them, this, too, would |block the plan. To be carried through, the plan will require wide acceptance by both com- jmunions. The task now to be undertaken is not only to work jout details of the plan itself, but to gain general acceptance throughout the churches. | 21. When will there be com- |plete union? No one knows, but not for some years. Granted accept- ance of these principles in 1965 by the general synod and in 1968 |by the general council ,the de- jtailed work of the commissions will require a minimum of four yers to complete their task. Indeed, it may take much longer than that. Then the task of informing the church con- LB 69: (8o OFF DEAL) CREST TOOTHPAST NEWPORT FLUFFS LUNCHEON MEAT CANNED KA MOTHER PARKER'S cerning the issues and details of union will take time, a swill &: ne Ce 2 : ' jalso the making of the final de- ns OFF DEAL) jcisions in the various courts of LIQUID ENTLE FELS DETERGENT em Wha giant size tube 39: by the new church itself after union. Many such questions will NOW IN CANS! YUKON CLUB BEVERAGES GINGER ALE, COLA, ROOT BEER, ORANGE OR LEMON-LIME j 12°" 89: JUNE CHEESE FESTIVAL VELVEETA 1.23 555 Jubilee CHEESE SPREAD 10-FL-OZ TINS 16-02 jar arise that will require re-think- ing and a common mind on the part of the new church. With respect to the status' of divorced persons, the new church will take into account all the rele- vant factors -- sociological, scriptural, ecclesiastical 23. How will the two new cur- ricula be fused? | For the long interval between now and theactual consumma tion of union, the two new cur- ricula will continue in their re- spective churches, with revi- sions, as at present planned. Even after union, local congre- igations will be free to decide what curriculum they would use jin their Sunday schools .Both new curricula may continue to SKIM MILK POWDER As«P INSTANT MILK 99: Reg. price $1.19 -- SAVE 20¢ 24-fi- | 22, What will b ethe new POPULAR BRANDS oz btl -- stand on divorced peo- $3.19 This question will be decided CARTON Reg. price $3.29 -- SAVE 10: OF 200 3-LB BOX |be used for the next 20 years or more. Eventually a new cur- riculum will be built for the new church,