Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, VOL 94--NO. 128 80e Weather Report Cloudy and cool today. Show- ers tonight. Temperatures moderating. Low tonight, 48, High Thursday, 65. Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1965 16¢ Sing! A Per x Terns Botvered Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottewa ond for payment of Postage in Cash. THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES | } No Radicals Power: LBJ of a broadly based government] program. ence Tuesday, the United, Maxwell D. Taylor return States is looking to the Organ- ization of American States while keeping in touch with Do- minican leaders "We have no desire to insist on our particular brand of mili- days Again and again, though, th reporters returned Johnson t the Dominitan problem. On recalled that he the Communists did not in ou question - and - answer session judgment orginate this revolu with newspaper men since April 27. DEFENDS POLICY intervene with more than. 21,000 charge of it. army paratroopers, airmen and marines. He said he is bring-|action that this nation took... ing another 2,000 of the marines|more moderate forces took! home and cautioned that a/leadership. The Communist ele- ments have not been so active although their presence is stil noted hour by hour... ." Communist threat remains He touched on other matters also, saying U.S. Astron By JOHN BARBOUR The man who will float alone|manoeuvering early orbits his space buddy who will pilot'ter during his weightless walk him there, today started their' The space agency had said Jast day before takeoff with earlier that they might get as good news and great expecta-/close as 20 fect to the booster-- tions. {but Mission Director Christo- Command Pilot James A. Mc-|pher C. Kraft said "there is Divitt said: 'We've got a good nothing holy about 20 feet." spacecraft and {t looks like! If all goes well in the count we're going to have a goodidown, takeoff is scheduled for mission. We're ready." 1/10 a.m. EDT Thursday "We are McDivitt and fel-| Would the mission last four low air force Maj. Edward H.jdays as intended? Kraft said White Ii--the man who will|that the decision would be made step out of the Gemini IVisometime after the first 24 spacecraft and waltz in weight-|hours of flight--when the astro- lessness on their second orbit/nauts had a chance to evaluate of the earth. |their fuel supply for their ma- There was the chance, too,/noeuvering jets, and experts that these two American astro-!looked at the decay of the orbit 6; Mine Explosion Kills 23 4 > islature voted 66 to 25 to givejdid not have the courtesy to in-/Matthew Dymond, who alsOlafraid of the word compulsion.) ------ |W, A. C. Bennett, and Hal Dor-|Bennett and with attempting to l a. e 7 romp S Tl e the bill second reading form the government. spoke Tuesday night, rejected!) hate it," m nan, an aide to Prime Minister|have Dornan deal with it as if Approval in principle was| The hassle went back andoopposition party claims that the' Premiums for participants in F t Wi Pearson. it were genuine. Williamson has From Reuters-AP the government's coal miningjsandwiched between two pro-|forth across the floor for about/bill was not comprehensive. the plan, said Mr, Dymond,| avorl e ins The letter: w t in the|Pleaded not guilty to both TOKYO (CP)--Local miners safetv policies cedural arguments that in-jhalf an hour until Mr. Robarts|) Vernon Singer (L -- Downs-| would be $72 a year for an in- hope of being Americal mil. counts, throughout Japan today called a Mine inspectors reported the|cluded a challenge to a rulinglintervened. view), who preceded Mr. Ro-ldivyidual, $144 for a married i t i in| Sgt. Halloran sai strike for Friday in protestexplosion was apparently|by Speaker Donald Morrow.|GIVES VIEW barts in the debate, said On-jcouple and $180 for a family. psom er y ays wy tek dee ere seas hymn --_ against a mine explosion inicaused by the ignition of gas'The sitting finally ended at Earlier, the premier had tario residents want a compul- sREN'T COMPULSORY ada Stonenilt who aie s for-|RCMP on the whole matter, southern Japan Tuesday which'spurting from a remote pit|12:20 this morning as Premier)~ ~~~ ~~ Phe | the bill will make healh| EPSOM, Surrey, England)... before being moaina from|outlining how he had met Stone. cost 236 lives face Sparks from miners' picks John Robarts intervened in. the . jservices in the province univer-|(CP)--Sea Bird II, the French-|the Philippines was subse-|hill, how the latter had talked Early tonight rescue workers|were thought to have triggered/argument, cooled tempers and Backbencher Poses A Bill =: available but not compul-/oWned 7-to-4 favorite, won t0-lquentiy denied the status and about investing millions in B.C., had recovered 232 bodies from the explosion, the second worst;moved adjournment until this sory day's 186th running of the lott the country. He now faces|including a glass factory and 1,500 feet underground in the in Japan since the Second afternoon SN 3 BAER Derby, Britain's classic 1% - ; a , 3 i rs Vamens collieey und four. bolWord Wer afore the. vole. of "aeeund T Ab li h D h P ] B ipeagtes ogee ------ mile race for three-year-olds: eid charges in the United Nese ad io dies remained below. Investigat ( t 1 rez zy, a Libera endment . based & i ; ian-ow' I |" bays nate | ne : . "The 60,000 member Japan to me the sia at the gic Npegee cn ee 'the 0 0 IS eat " ena ty dard medical care contracts tol ane chet yeeqens tear -_ RCMP Sst. William Halloranjhad first approached him last Coal Miners' Union will hold sion on "Japan's southernmost bill to a standing committee to aaesbnshi who wants to purchase Th i h-br d Mead C , ee ye site ne Vilemey Sanvary ADO: Tie Saye, BAPE See oes we tins eatin Gad' wich tare heles seutiiik at aan OTTAWA (CP) -- A private|Belleville lawyer is freshman\medical insurance, regardless e rish-bred Meadow ourt, /once exclaimed 'Gunderson is|Time magazine was publishing io demand drastic changes initory of mine disasters j comprehensive medical ca re member's bill to abolish the)MP for Hastings South. of age or state of health, andjowned by Calgary publisher} just as responsible as I am. It\a story about Stonehill and ask- . , death penalty for murder, trea-| The government has an-jlow incomes individuals and Max Bell, was followed across|Was done for him. I'm in ajing a meeting with Supt. Ather- OSWALD WIDOW REMARRIES Kenneth Jess Porter and the porch of their Richardson his bride, the former Mrs home, a suburb of. Dallas. Marina Oswald. posed for Mrs, Oswald 3 e Russ'an ; , horn widow of the man who picture afte he r na assassinated President John triage at Fate, Texas, on F. Kennedy. (AP) In Dominica WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-| --He is asking Congress to ident Johnson says the aim of| authorize use of. $89,000-000 U.S. policy in the Dominican| for a Southeast Asia eco- ; Republic is the establishment] nomic and social development, | --one that represents the peo-| .--The recent flare-up of fight- ple and does not include ex- ing in Viet Nam was antici- tremists | pated. Washington is con- To accomplish this end, the) cerned and will know more| president told a press confer-| about it when Ambassador - from Saigon in the next few) had said ear- tary solution or political solu-| lier this month that Communists e tion," Johnson said. "'We think were seizing control of the rev- ary Robert McNamara says/law. it is an inter-American matter, olution and asked if he feels jthe U.S, nuclear stockpile in| The NATO meeting agreed to and we want to co-operate fully 'the Communist threat in the |Europe will be twice its 196l)give further study to a U.S. with them (the OAS)." Dominican Republic is now ssure size by this time next year proposal to share some nuclear The Dominican revolt and)over."' . "We are now shipping such -- ee NATO ge) U.S. policy toward it domin-|/ REDS JOINED ae s ? jbers through a committee o ated rfehieon's first televised Said Johnson: "No, no. . OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- pape rag ere (eq nucleet tour or five defence ministers. i jister Pearson stepped into a\W@rheads) that within The committee presumably i tion, but they joined in it and they participated in it. They } ' Tuesd f ing 8 I pase ? tention of interfering with the|@'S Tuesday after the meeting) || 4.) Kal oe ee gr nd gl at to ne oe right to report the news. of defence ministers of the benno cia policy, including his decision to many p 3 Mr. Pearson intervened when|North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- The proposal falls short of 'We think that following the auts Optimistic About Flight Of Gemini IV |nauts would get close enough to CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)|their booster rocket on their to in the heavens Thursday, and|enable White to touch the boos- a | U.S. INCREASES © WEST EUROPE | NUCLEAR FORCE U.S. Is Not Withdrawing McNamara Assures NATO PARIS (AP)--Defence Secre-|U.S. troops as required by U.S. : r \ Z S| ie 0 e Freedom Of Press r developing controversy overjmonths the stockpile will be press freedom Tuesday by say-| 100 per cent greater than in ing the government has no in-|/961,"" McNamara told report- | would include the United States, Britain, France, West Germany and one of the smaller NATO R. G. L. Fairweather (PC--|tion. French President de Gaulle's |Royal), a former New Bruns-| He said in December, 1961,)demand for a U.S. - British « Sain Blagg BOM tc askedihe told the NATO, ministersifrench directotate for NATO. Justice Minister Favreau forjthere were "thousands" of nu- . assurance that judges, lawyers|clear warheads on European But French Defence Minister |and persons active in the news soil, Pierre Messmer said France field would be consulted before| He branded as "absolutely Would study the U.S. proposal any restrictions are proposed juntrue"' reports that the United | attentively. ging of pol ore ed \States is planning to withdraw) The NATO ministers again | Mr. Fairweather referred tojits nuclear muscle from West- " o la statement last Friday by Mr.lern Europe. endorsed a "forward strategy" |Favreau, who said he is con-| phere has been a steady in- for the alliance, which mean@ |sidering possible restrictions On crease in the stockpile over the active defence of all NATO ter- Lemeston'f abil gp sPomgar® last four years," McNamarajritory and precludes any sacri Oe eines re a, adding that since January fice of soil in central Europe, Before Mr, Favreau could re-lin Europe had 'aes i This question is of great con- | Ply to Mr. Fairweather, |per cent : , cern to the West Germans who i inister s he is- : e povosliyrespual ag ad = ros McNamara said the stockpiie/2%e iti the potential front line, tice minister, Mr. Favreau haq|includes warheads.for-.S.| Defence Minister Paul Hel not said any action was re-|{orces and those intended forjyer of Canada déscribed f -* use by Allied forces in case of|meeting as "'very succes il All are now in custody of|more so than I had hoped 7: oe a OSHAWA HOSTS REAL ESTATE SEMINAR ing of industrial, commer- cial and residential property sonnel. Various aspects of the real estate business was when a standing-room only crowd jammed a local con- Jack Sheriff, special events chairman of the Osh- |quired or that he was going to) | ead ei oad see ak tc Gals Ont dealt with during the one- were discussed by the dele- |make any recommendation to|¥@F- for." | dent Douglas Bullied's shoul- for the opening of district 'ay seminar, The angles -- gates, Mie CABINgt aH Spe auereaay: | |WON'T INTERVENE Then Mr, Peerson added that the government has no inten-| |tion nor was there any possibil- ity of government intervention linto or inte:ference with the | Ontario Medicare Near Reality As Grit Extension Try Scuttled up debate on secondisory, stating the bill is} der as a desk this morning Photo) seminar for real estate per- used in the buying and sell- (Oshawa Times Political Ovéifones Creep ie ace 'Into 'Dear Hal' Note Trial | Mr. Fairweather reiterated), VANCOUVER (CP) -- Thelas possible. his demand for assurance that|Dear Hal" letter case which|broad." , nem Cina. By before any decision is made by brought public relations man Later" the witness t estified, Mr. Favreau information would|A! Williamson into court on/Williamson told RCMP Superin- lhe obtained from "those knowl-|fraud charges took on somejtendent Joseph Atherton that edgeable in the field." new political overtones Tuesday.|Stonehill had made a $1,000 Mr. Pearson replied 'that, of/ An RCMP Crown witness told|contribution to a Social Credit course, advice of '"'competent"|a 12-man assize court jury that/Political fund which he had } government - run plan "The only way this plan will wound TORONTO (CP) -- The On-jstudy in committee of the whole reading by tario government's controver-/house, sial medical services insurance} Labor Minister Leslie Rown-|'another brick in the founda-)work and can work is if it's persons is obtained. The gov- Williamson admitted he had\turned over 'to Gunderson |bill moved a step closer to final|tree rose to say that Mr. Mac-jtion of a total health care pro-\compulsory and that's the way! .n.ment would be guided by|written the letter at the urging) Williamson 1s charged | with |passage late Tuesday Donald had given notice to the)gram. we want it," he said any recommendation made bylof both Einar Gunderson, ad-|sending Dornan a letter bearing Just before midnight, the leg-|press gallery of this action but) Both he and Health Minister) Mr, Dymond said he was not\ mr. Favreau. visor and associate of Premier|the forged signature of Premier s defeat rol : +18 rah 4 : | scheme was defeated ona roll) 7 ang piracy was introduced|nounced that "'arrangements'|families will be subsidized by|the finish line by I Say. damn mess on this thing. Iton. They met at Atherton's call vote, 66-24 pve ee P ainvity in in the Commons Tuesday by ai will be made for a vote free of|the government, ; want to get it over with as soon|bome. } rng Sonkervay ye dion ata a Liberal backbencher, Robert party lines on abolition of capi-| The insurance will t : Meadow ourt, which vant c the house voted against the); ? 9€ NON-\te the post as second choice at combined forces of Liberals Temple. tal punishment uring the pres-\cancellable by the carriers. It 10 to 1, was 1% lengths ahead xterm nts nnn nnn een i} and New Democrats to 'defeat! 'Ihe bill would substitute man- Mt session. will provide physicians' and/of | Say, a 8-0-1 choice. the amendment and pass the datory life sentences for capi- No decision has been pai iercaomns: benefits at home, of-| -- a RT RE RISE NEWS HI HLI HTS | bill tal punishment in every section ae -~ -- pee = oe fice of Hospital;. maternity ben: SPARKS FIGHT af the CHminel Code where it -- SW ot fn oe tee checkups and lim-| Kenneth Bryden (NDP --|annij , : . | sychiatric care. | M wecinions "perce ee pre - Iallow a apocial debate 08° ME.) the government -- will sub 'Hydro Employees Vote June 10 To Strike cedural hassles when he tried)" mpier a so-year-old; Lemple § measure _. |sidize insurance premiums for TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto hydro employees voted 410 to speak on the bill after the indigents and low - income) to 71 Tuesday night to strike at midnight June 10 unless amendment was defeated. . groups. For instance, the com-| a new agreement is negotiated with the hydro-electric Mr. Morrow said that this e C wo Cc al et \plete premium will be paid for system before then. About 500 members of Local 1 of the was not possible since defeat any individual or family havile! Canadian Union of Public Employs CLC attended the meet- of the amendment meant ap no taxable income. ing. } |PROVIDES SUBSIDIES A graded scale of' subsidies will be provided for individuals) Communist|day night turne@ the tables on|with taxable income ranging up! anti-aircraft fire shot. down twoithe Viet and proval of second reading of the bill NDP Leader Donald MacDon ald challenged Mr, Morrow's As U.S. Death Toll At 403 SAIGON (AP) -- 'Girl, 12, Charged In $30,000 Blaze BELLEVILLE (CP) -- A 12-year-old girl has been charged in connection with a $30,000 fire that destroyed a downtown ruling, which was upheld by Cong ambushed|to $500 a year; couples with! : another 66-25 vote U.S. Navy planes during raids|them, killing four sseubie inenin® Jat $1,000, andl real estate office Tuesday. Heavy smoke and water also Then Mr. MacDonald servedion North Viet Nam today, A|CONVOY CAUGHT families with taxable income of damaged a vacant store and a beauty salon in the some notice that his party will once rescue pilot d there was no, The bloody ambush action atjup to about $1,200. building. Police said the girl told them she set fire to the building and then walked to police headquarters to give the American crew|Pleiku began again fight for a compulsory,|chance the f early Tuesday seinen ms comprehensive plan when the/members could have survived.|when the province chief, -- six a e alarm. She then walked back and watched firemen battle the bill reaches clause - by - clause) Two more Americans were|members of the interior minis- Union With RC. plare. _ - --jreported killed in a Viet Cong|try, two platoons of militiamen, Ss, 23,000 Rubberworkers Strike In U.S. P C] d triple ambush near Pleiku, 220/an 'intelligence and reconnais- i. j miles northeast of Saigon ance platoon. and five U.S F ] P , ra ny 1 aper eare An unknown number of Southjarmy advisers left Pleiku for a ina urpose Aanaipd a. ee Tie Vaited nopet Workers of B B mb S ig Vietnamese troops 'were killed/routine visit to a district head-- TORONTO (CP) -- The ulti- anager tga 19 Sa sme aaa ee poe or missing quarters at Le Thanh mate objective of union be-! } s Hineta. ee « wrong ry 0 Ca e The total of U.S, dead in com-, On the way they learned that|{ween the Anglican and United | today after failing to reach an agreement.on a new contract. VANCOUVER (CP)--A bomb! bat in Viet Nam rose to 403 the headquarters had been over-|Churches of Canada. would be} scare evacuated The Province The planes were both from|run by Viet Cong, and the con-|to unite with the Roman Catho- _ QRS: r newspaper building in downtown|the. 7th Fleet: car Midway. voy halted lic Church Vancouver early this morning.|They were lost in ¢ flack on. The Viet Cong attacked and) Spokesmen for the Anglican I THE TIMES d Vancouver police were noti ja radar installation on coast|killed 30 government soldiers, ajand United churches made the pass n to ay eA, fied by a New Westminster tele-jabout 70 miles south of Hanoi./U.S. officer and 'soldier, and|statement Tuesday at a_press| Walker Raps NDP Medicare Proposal--P. 17 phone operator that She had re It was the heaviest loss of{wounded 18 government troops|conference here at which an| 2 Whitby Lions Give $5000 To Hospital Fund--P.'5 NEW GM PREXY James M. Roche, 58, ceived a phone call warning that)|American air cre the' and two Americans, 'a bomb had been planted in the |raids on North Viet Nam began ws since Anglican - United Church union pe Veale Whi i ight-- The province. chief also was|document was made public. eale Whifts 16 As Pirates Take 12th Straight--P, 15 1s aM Nt ey oa building and was set to go off'in February wounded slightly Provost D. R. G. Owen of} shown in New York yester- Ann Landers--21 Obits-----33 at 5:30 a.m td _In the ground war, the Viet) Shortly after noon helicopters;Toronto, member of an official] day after he was named to |= City News--17 Sports---14, 15, 16 Employees of The Province|Cong inflicted heavy losses onjbrought a South Vietnamese|10-man Anglican committee on| be 'president of. the General Classified--30, 31, 32 Theatre--34 and The anadian Pres ie paverneent fore in a triple army platoon to the scene andjunion with the United Church,| Motors Corp., world's largest Comics--~24 Whitby News--5, 6 : vacuatea om the wilding |ambush vite " r isithe Viet Cong withdrew, Jeav-! saic ufact o . P . oe rare i z rpposed to explode, but were near Pleiku. But S. para-|The helicopters evacuated casu-|minds of the Anglican Commit subsidiary of GM more than Financial---34 Weother---2 jallowed to return at 5.45 a.m.itroopers in another action Tues-iallies to Pleiku, Itee of Ten all the way along." | 37 years ago. (AP) ) asians ila HAN