8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 1, 1965 | the association has been trying} Preparation Was Lacking By JAMES MARLOW jated Press News Analyst United States left th -- : The handcuffed, so far as any agree- terials, iment \ Communist takeover. Then the turers' Association said Mon- \Dominican revolt began. WASHINGTON (AP) -- packwash from the revolution in the Dominican Republi¢ will keep the United States and the Latin American countries drip- ping a long time. They had years to prepare, but didn't, for the . dilemma which suddenly hit them in the Dominican revolt and will hitjtroops to prevent a Communist gian Council of Furniture else;|takeover, he them again somewhere How to prevent control in another country. They had time to prepare for it, since Fidel Castro took over Cuba six years ago, but they preferred to rock along dream-|!rary made|sending in communism|the OAS itself' when later it sent done ily 17 'years upon an agreement before was a problem or a danger in!" the. Western Hemisphere This was when the United States and the Latin American countries in 1948 created Organization of American States and all agreed on a char ter which said 1. "No state or group has the right to inter vene, directly or indirectly any reason whatever, in internal or another state 2. 'The territory states object, even temporarily force taken directly or in measures another directly ever." Then or state, communism had captured Cuba'republics? The the OAS agreed to a resolutionito be that "the principles of commu- thing Johnson nism are imcompatible with the principle of the inter-American against system." But this resolution didn't say States the OAS should do anything if of this hemisphere." tried to take and the to no reason, the Communists over anyway charge, agreeing vention for any stood inter Economist Sees Need For Managerial Ability STILLWATER, Okla. (AP)--A larly when corporation dev SaYS ment could prevent takeover of Canadian-born economist lack of sufficient managerial ability and capital savings are the important factors prevent- ing self - development of Can- ada's economy. Dr. A. Gordon Ball State University professor, made the comments at the Opening session Sunday of the mid-America Assembly on Ca-| nadian - U.S, relations. Also speaking was Paul A. Bridle, head of the U.S. division of the Canadian department of -- ex-} ternal affairs. | Dr. Ball, a former. Canadian| government economist sai di some Canadians complain that, the United States practices "the highest form of imperialism" through economic control of| Canada by trade loans and in- vestments. But Ball said Canada has lacked the knowledge and money to develop its own re- sources and Americans have made up the deficit. If Canada wants continued) growth and progress, obviously she cannot secure it by replac- ing Americans with Canadians less well equipped to manage competitively, not by clamping off the flow of American cap- tal that is generating the growth.' Bridle said American ments benefit his country helping offset heavy trade def- icits with the United States. But he added the nature and extent of such investments are of deep concern to many Canadians He said Canadian measures controlling inves t- Iowa invest- by recent ments are aimed not at restrict- ing United States participation but at to invest encouraging Canadians He said the Canadian Devel opment Corp. has been devised to provide equity capital for de velopment of large-scale Cana dian enterprise, particu WANER JOINS PHILLIES PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Paul Waner, a member of baseball's Hal! of Fame, signed Friday as a hitting instructor for the Philadelphia Phillies organiza- tion. Waner was a one-time star outfielder for Pittsburgh Pirates wl FRIENDLY PHILOSOPHER save 0 THE REASON VOU CAN'T UKE YOUR MONEY WITH YOU, 18: jtakeover. | communism, |the already in Cuba, from seizing!" the CHARTER of cating for can fighting demanded that the the OAS external affairs of withdrawn Besides of a state United is inviolable, it may not be the) American of face the issue which they didn't military occupation or of other face up until compelled to by by the Dominican trouble on any grounds what- future when in 1961, two years afterjing to take power in one o 1948 up machiner still States, despite its ag WHEEL ALIGNMENT FRAME STRAIGHTENING GENERAL REPAIRS 725-0522 725-0560 1S CHURCH STREET | 162 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO {wooden household furniture and] | to convince the government that} Fumiture Firms Suffering |i sss: eur From A Lack Of Craftsmen '".:: """™" : m : p Harvey Patterson of TORONTO (CP)--The profit-|Canadian furniture said } Place Waedtnne Lid. Hamilton,| making Canadian furniture|King, In 1964, Canada imported | lmanufacturing industry is 2 $73,800,000 worth of lumber. said the man controls the fam-| | $386,000,000 concern racked with' Bruce McPherson of Gibbard /Y Purse strings, particularly problems ranging fro mimport|fyrniture Shops Ltd., Napanee," major purchases. OAS and the,competition to a searcity Ofi\Qnt., said furniture imported) Mr. King was re-elected emselyes skilled craftsmen and raw Ma- into Canada during 1964 was|chairman of the Manufacturers' the chairman of the valued at $13,047,327, .an in-jassociation. Vice - chairman is Furniture Manufac-\crease of $3,500,000 over 1963. Neil C. Dillon of Elmira-Snyder Mr. McPherson said Canadian|Ltd., Waterloo, | furniture makers are on the mis verge of record sales--but onJy jif they are able to. maintain the domestic market as a base for Patter-| In short, the went, on preventing a Canadian day, James AMERICAN HONORED Cart Foreman, producer of High-Noon and The Victors, is King of Dominion, President Johnson sent in troops to prevent a Communist Electrohome industries Lid., Then the Kitchener, presented both the Dominican : : bright and gloomy: sides of the revolt began. right and | th expansion, P pt industry in a speech at the sec- tas 'ranifactivers (ace the 'first American, to be ap- residen . a ce anadiz anufactirers face ond annual meeting of the Cana- " 2 ) oe nit. aan: particularly strenuous competi- pointed to the board of the Brit tion from importers selling ish Film Institute Johnson sent . in said, explaining Communists were already Rolex of wooden control of the revolution up 8.2 per cent in Canada. in Now there are serious doubts 1964. said Mr. King, with a 15.8 that his information was cor- per-cent. increase in. upholstery mort ales But the point is, he 'Our profits, while improved, to the OAS Mare still not adequate to do the troops so did rebuilding. job that must be With little access to the other! public funds, the industry has to countries 0 make good profits to expand the. Dominican and improve " He said a that manufac to find the w ufacturers items were The Corporation of the City of Oshawa PARKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE In accordance with Parks Department By-Law No. 1, any act of vandalism which includes Golfing, is strictly prohibited in all City of Oshawa Public Parks, and is subject to a maximum fine of $50.00. Notice is hereby given that the above Bylaw shall went con charter Bu troops from several Latin American keep peace in Republic problem is unable major rers agers and tech required to increase ty. In Ontario, the in are A SHAMBLES within a few weeks); 1948 charter was aac > i] ! AG shambles. Meanwhile, compli dustry would need 400 more the whole business fur both sid ' i it Domini men between now and the end 201 aes ! ie or 1 a : of the year CANADIAN WOOD reasing the num of designers, Canada must that more domes used in Therefore time, the ians ther be strictly enforced. be NEED peacekeeping force H. E, BATHE Parks inc No ome, the ber Latin try matter the out States and the now have Superintendent lo ensure States to tically wood is grown What will the OAS do in the there's reason to believe the Communists are try Too old to buy insurance? Being over 65 is no barrier to the purchase of new life insurance. And for many people in their sixties ies it can bea very wise "buy," have some will of May 2 our n issue faced because said 'We a substantial defend atior those will all not but Here's an example. A man age 75 ha who only t United every free seek to number of investments, At death, estate taxes will destroy . 3 on . . , ; have to be paid. To raise the cash, income-producing country . assets have to be sold, often with severe losses to the OAS mus tset beneficiaries. Life insurance can prevent this loss by to preven ta Com pr takeover or United »-ment in troops This means. the roviding the necessary cash. Manufacturers Life has a sound reputation for its liberal approach to insuring older people for the purpose of estate conservation or for guaranteeing munist the the charter, will use F. L. Crossley Representative Bus. 728-7391 Res. 728-8547 the continuity of a business. Our representatives are qualified to provide competent counsel to help our senior citizens meet these special needs. See the Man from Manufacturers. MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY elop existing enterprises by non-res- idents : Picture-taking has never been . easier... ...-with these instant-loading Kodak Instamatic cameras All you do is drop a Kodapak cartridge in the camera, and you're ready to aim and shoot instantly. No threading or fumbling -- no time wasted just when that special picture comes along. You can keep all your Spring and summer fun in color prints, slides or black-and-white snapshots with these fast-loading cameras. Every model has a built-in flash unit that pops up. Outfits in- clude camera, wrist strap, flash- bulbs, flashguard, batteries and new instant-loading Kodapak cartridge. A. Kopak Instamatic 100 Outfit. Nothing to focus or set on this camera. Everything's easy. Less than $22. B. Kopax InsTamatic 150 Outfit. The newest Instamatic camera; with handsome carry- ing case. Camera loads instantly and advances the film for you. Less than $34, C. Kopax Instamaric 400 Outfit. Camera even winds the film. Electric eye sets exposure. Less than $70. D. Kopax INSTAMATIC 700 Camera. Extra-fast {/2.8 lens. Shutter speeds from 1/30 to 1/250 second. Electric eye. Less than $130, Prices are subject to change without notice, CANADIAN KODAK CO., LIMITED, Toronto 15, Ontario EATON'S in Oshawa JURY & LOVELL LTD. "FOR EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC" WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA 723-4621 28 KING ST. EAST ACY LTD. OSHAWA 723-1131. LANE PHAR 302 STEVENSON: RD. NORTH D RU G S (OSHAWA) LTD, OSHAWA 723-3431 =j = Nnnngoordnnnnoonnnnogadad Q ) (& The New Goodyear MITCHELL NORTH SIMCOE PHARMAC 9 SIMCOE NORTH 907 SIMCOE NORTH LIMITED OSHAWA 723-3418 GOODZYEAR 'NO LIMIT"' <-> Nylon All-Weather "42" Built with Super-Mileage Tufsyn Rubber NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 KING EAST, OSHAWA Is Our Only Business 728-1619 Photography GUARANTEE VUUUVUUUUUUUN uu uvuuuNueyee All new Goodyear auto tires carry a Road Hazard Guarantee SIZE 6.70 x 15 with "NO LIMIT' on For A Complete Line Of Photo Equipment & Supplies OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TUBE-TYPE months, miles, roads, and speeds for the en- tire life of the tread. "hurd NO TRADE NEEDED FPOUEUEROREUTVOTUOREOTIUTTCUIUTIUOIUCEOGTOULIOCUT ERAT EOTI CTOs TPT TTI TALL LLL LLL LLL LLL LAS SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 2-TIRE PRICES FOR OTHER SIZES TOO AVAILABLE FROM STORES, DEALERS AND SERVICE STATIONS DISPLAYING THE FAMILIAR GOODYEAR SIGN GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 725-5512) CHARGE-IT Pay Only 1.25 Week Camera Shop Cshawa Shopping Centre 121 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY 668-8361 til sitizital; sents if :