Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 1, 1965 WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Showers Today; Mostly Sunny Tomorrow TORONTO (CP) issued by the weather office atjrane, 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: A few showers are expected in the southwest today and some cloudiness across the remainder of southern Ontario Elsewhere in the province) | mainly sunny conditions are|Low tonight, high Wednesday: forecast. By Wednesday the|Windsor «-+++++5+. 55 72 band of unsettled weather will|St. Thomas Pee 70 lie a little farther south so that|London .....- ee 70 clear weather is expected | Kitchener +e .. 8 70 throughout Ontario. | Mount Forest..+oe 48 68 Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Wingham ......+-. 48 68 southern Lake Huron, Niagara,|Hamilton ......+» 45 60 Windsor Hamilton, London:|St Catharines ... 45 65 Mainly cloudy with a few show-|Toronto ..+---++e. 48 68 erg and chance' of a thunder-|Peterborough .... 42 68 shower today. Sunny with a few/Trenton ... 45 65 cloudy periods Wednesday. Not|Kingston . Pees | | 65 much change in temperature.|Killaloe .. i R 65 Light winds. fiuskoka .+- , af 65 Algoma, western Lake fOn-\North Bay.- » 40 60 tario northern Lake Huron/\Tor- Sudbury ..- 40 60 onto: Variable cloudiness today.|Harlton ...+++-+ Pee | | 60 Mainly sunny Wednesday. Lit-|Sault Ste. Marie,. 40 65 tle change in temperature.|Kapuskasing ..... 35 65 Light winds. White River...... 32 68 Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-/Moosonee ...-+-.. 32 58 burton, Killaloe, Georgian Bay,\Timmins ... 35 65 j --Forecasts|Timagami, White River, Coch- Sudbury: |Sunny with a few cloudy inter- vals today. Mainly sunny Wed- nesday. Little change in tem-) perature. Light winds. North Bay, Forecast Temperatures N-Sovereignty Surrender Called Irreparable Error HAMILTON bomb to the United States may (CP) -- Surren-|mankind" is a matter of ur dering control of the atomic)gency. The nations which helped have been an "irreparable er-|velop the nuclear weapon--Bri ror" by the nations who helpedjain, Canada, Denmar, Norway, develop it, an international news/France, Italy and Germany--do "how gave : 'sulted in the establishment of a correspondent said Monday. ames M. Minifie, Washington|the correspondent for the CBC, said| Washington is being filled out,' n seem to understand they ot blank cheque the United States "now has such he said. an incredible variety and abund- ance of atomic weapons that the|Communist "bogey,' h injbeen used to justify escalating th r-|ne temptation to experiment their use is grave and could be-|the war in Viet Nam and inte vening in the Dominican Repub- come critical." In his convocation address to|lic. Obsession with Reds is Min-liously detrimental to obj McMaster University, Mr | Mr, Minifie also criticized the|Sentatives * which has|parties -- under the ifie said the establishment of in-|identification and contro! of th ternational control over "the po-jcauses of disorders," tential for the destruction of!claimed HERE and THER During the week ending May 29, 288 patients were admitted to the Oshawa General Hospital. Other hos- pital statistics for the week were; births, male 26, fe- male 25; discharges, 282; newborn discharges, male 28, female 27; major sur- gery, 93; minor surgery, 100; eye ear, nose and throat, 47; examinations and treatment, 314; casts, 36; physiotherapy treatments, $64; visits, 506; occupation- al therapy, 168; speech therapy, 7. Thirty-one members of the Rotary Club of Tillsonburg, accompanied by a number of town officials, toured the Oshawa General Motors plant on Monday. During the noon hour they attended the | THESE ROOSTERS ARE FRUSTRATED LONDON, Ont. frustrated .roosters are em- ployed in keeping an over- sized hen house clear of cob- webs | They chase each other over | sealed wire cages housing 10,- 000 hens on a farm near here and knock down cobwebs when they flap their wings at one another Farmer William Morley built the 240-foot-long struc: jure last year to house hens firh, 88 laying. He was skep- Reyn When the hatchery told spokes osters in the building were keep away cobwebs-- and R worked be no, Pooster won't do. the jecause it won't move the tws explained. More cause too much crease birds don't try to get (CP)--Two | meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa. During the Monday meet- ing of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, President Stanley FE. Lovell paid tribute to Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow who received an honorary de- from Queen's University. Morley W. Parfeniuk, Osh- awa deputy assessment commissioner, was inducted Monday as the newest mem- ber of the Rotary Club of Oshawa. Geoffrey Andrews, presi- dent - elect of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, is attend- ing the Rotary International convention in Atlantic City. BALANCE YOUR BUDGET AND PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WITH A SUPERIOR LOAN _|Canadian de: political message to the t.(people of Canada without a ective resenting e Federation he | AMPUTEE LASS | BEAUTY QUEEN | PENRYN' England (AP)-- It was a moment of great personal triumph for Shirley | Tonkin when she was de- clared winner of the local beauty contest. Shirley, a 16-year-old pr- phan, has an artificial leg During the contest at a ball Saturday night, the 15 contest- ants walked across the stage in their long evening dresses and were judged for their graceful walk as well as their physical beauty. Shirley's story. Three years ago a truck pinned her against a store front and crushed her leg, She was in hospital for a year, but learned to walk with the arti- ficial leg. After the judges gave Shir- ley first prize, someone told | them her story. The judges | rushed over and kissed her. 'Parties Call Out To Youth (CP)--In an effort OTTAWA to get more young people edu- cated and interested in politics, the youth groups of Canada's major political. parties have buried their hatchets to form a common assault force. Seventy-six delegates from all 10 provinces attended a week- end seminar and formed the Council. of Political to bring the young Youth--designed party slant. Spokesmen said negotiations toward the move went on for iseven months, The meetings re- 12-member council--with repre- from most politi chairman president of |ship of Joe Clark, Conservative Progressive Student Federation. The vice "ger.chairman is Ellen Clarke, rep the Liberal Student A spokesman said in an inte? view the delegates discussed -- common problems which could E best be met through a non-party program. What emerged was concern over the lack of inter- est by Canadian youth in poli tics and apparent disrespect for Parliament | Barkeeps' Strike | May Be Breaking | ST. CATHARINES (CP)--A two-week-old bartenders' strike | showed signs of breaking up Monday as a St. Catharines ho- tel began to rehire strikers. | A few of the strikers have re- | turned to work despite a week- lend meeting when two-thirds of the 990 members of Local 756, Hotel and Restaurant Employ- ees' and Bartenders' Interna: tional Union (CLC), rejected a} three-year package deal ++. and reduce your monthly payments None of the judges knew | 'Dornan Denies Any Plans To Assist Harry Stonehill VANCOUVER (CP) -- Hal iDornan, a special assistant to Prime Minister' Pearson, has 7 denied he ever was willing to assist in achieving landed im- jmigrant status for American | millionaire Harry Stonehill. | He made the denial as the forgery trial of Vancouver pub- lic relations man Al Williamson opened before Mr. Justice F, C, Munroe and a 12-man jury in lassize court here Monday. Williamson, charged with sending Dornan a letter bear- ing the forged signature of Pre- mier W. A. C. Bennett and with attempting to have him deal |with it as if it were genuine, ipleaded not guilty to both leharges, The letter purported ito seek support for the landed | immigration status sought by Stonehill. Stonehill, who made a fortune in the Philippines before com- HAL DORNAN | denied ing to Canada, was subsequen- tly denied the status and left lowed by embarrassed silence. ithe country. He now «faces | charges in U.S, in connection |with smuggling to the Philip- | pines. | Defence Counsel lence by saying: "I find it dif- ficult to differentiate between Quebec politics and Quebec hu Lloyd Mce-| mor."' Kenzie asked Dornan: Dornan said that after Stone- "Don't you agree that as of hill's immigration application March 28, 1964, you agreed to/had been turned down, the De- assist in getting landed immi-\nis remark came up again, grant status for Stonehill?" He said Williamson told him '{ beg your pardon," Dornan) cronehill felt he had got a bad replied. "I agreed to make in-/qo2) and wanted to tell quiries about an alleged injus-| cory Williamson had suggested tice," givin j Time agazine. After McKenzie insisted that eiving 11:10 Time megane Dornan had been willing to as- sist, the witness snapped: "No, definitely not. I made no judg- ment on the material given me I merely sent it to the minister (of immigration), ' Earlier, Dornan testified un- der Crown examination about a him the remark could embar- prime minister, and that "he minister about it."' meeting July 2, 1964 in Ottawa rather angry and said I cer with Williamson and Raymond tainly wouldn't carry such a Denis, then executive assistant threat to the prime minister to the then minister of immi gration He said that testified sent to regarding Dornan also among material by | Williamson during discus sion of Stonehill's investment plans Denis had remarked it was too bad "'he wouldn't invest in us, or in me."' Dornan said the sum of $20000 was men tioned and the remark was fol Lyndon B, Johnson, now presi dent of the United States Arthritic Turk Stands Pat Despite Hospital Deadline TORONTO (CP)--An arthriticjeither relief for his ailment or Turk ordered by the for his. medical Supreme Court to vacate his| expenses $34.60-a-day room at St. Jo-! The hospital asked seph's Hospital by the end ofjleave last March May was still there Monday and) George Pennal ordered his dis showed no signs of leaving charge. He was ordered April Kirkor Horhoruni, 37, of Istan-|7 to leave the hospital by Mr. bul claims to have spent the| Justice Samuel Hughes of the $10,500 he was allowed to take/Ontario Supreme Court. out of his homeland to come} put a hospital spokesman said here for treatment of arthritis.) yonday: "He's still here and He has been at the hospital] he shows no signs of intending Ontario) compensation to Dr him after DEAD MAO MAY MELT RED ICE By FORREST C. EDWARDS HONG KONG (AP) -- Mao Tse-tung's death in the near future could, in the opinion of some Western experts here, lead to improved relations be- tween China and the mm | Union. and a united Commu- nist front on opposing U.S. in- volvement in Viet Nam. But this is by no means a unanimous opinion. Others be- lieve Mao's absence from the Peking scene would make no difference. This view is} largely held in Tokyo | The speculation on the | course of China after Mao has | gone came about after week- end. reports in several ye itals that the Communist Chi- nese leader has been taken seriously ill A Chinese official in Peking the rumors Monday. | Nearly everyone credits | Mao with being the driving force in continuing the ideo- logical quarrel with the So- | viet Communist party, And | nearly everyone agrees that Dornan said he broke the si-| Mao still sets the basic policy |should put the matter 'before| for Chinese communism. sive Conservative Monday night he was dismayed jinqyiry by the passive attitude of young - . Conservatives Dornan said Williamson told! tinted states demonstrations his} rass the government, even the] nominee young was telling me this to give M€/ Constituency that {t would have| pe ------ : _- an opportunity to tell the prime)/poen commendable to demon- strate their support of Adlai fl Dornan continued: 'I became stévenson and U.S week. young and that they couldn't influence phe A U.S. policy in South Viet government policy in this way.) that) him| onto the! doctor of laws degree from the Stonehill case was a letter pur-| University of Toronto) to con portedly signed by Senator firm their position," Mr PCs Implored © To Back U.S. TORONTO (CP)--A_ Progres- nominee said toward anti- K. Colebourn, federal in York Humber, told party members in_ his Victor policy last "It is understandable that the New Democrats would Nam and use the occasion of Stevenson's visit (to Tor- to receive an honorary he said He said that NDP Leader T C. Douglas' policy on Viet Nam ~lis in direct conflict with that |f of the British government. WINDER'S €$50) ESSO SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Specialized Lubricetion And Undercoating 326 Saguenay Oshowa "6, H, Haagmans jthe park and asked "whether| Thompson Demands Probe Into Extent Of 'Freedoms TORONTO (CP) Liberal | recognized route through which|Mr Davis had placed the "em- Leader Andrew Thompson Mon-' students could go on to univer-| phasis on know-how instead of day urged the Ontario govern-|<ity ment to examine Jaws related' , to freedom of assembly, free- dom of speech and freedom of the press in the light of mob violence in a Toronto park Sun- day Liberal criticism of his which passed second reading. lature radio stations made spot announcements about a Nazi/ diy; ; ; 4'\ dividual cases. meeting scheduled to be held in| al canes this does not veer on the ir- responsible and whether in know-why."' Mr. Davis was replying to) Davis had heeded the views of | university presidents in favor of making the colleges educational dead-ends, bill, The Liberals criticized the bill as not providing adequate lib- He suggested Mr, a4 oie. |Cral arts courses in the colleges Mr, Thompson told the lE8I5-\to allow students to transfer to juniversities except in rare in-, Mr. Thompson: said the pro- posed name for the new institu- tions--colleges of applied arts) jand technology--indicated that NEED A NEW FURNACE? Ne Down Peyment---First Payment December--Call PERRY . » 723-3443 Dey or Night . some way this could not be con-| trolled or pointed out." | He said the Liberal party) wants no part of McCarthyism, | but the government should con-) sider 'to what extent do we permit freedom of assembly and freedom of speech and} where does it go beyond free- dom into licence?" He. said Premier Your Mone Robarts | the MecRuer royal commission on human rights, or else should set up a separate royal com- mission, | Mr. Robarts said the problem was associated with the distrib-| ution of hate literature and At-! torney-General Arthur Wishart has discussed it with J. C. Me- Ruer, former chief justice who is conducting the human rights WILL INCLUDE ROUTE Education Minister William |Davis told the legislature his proposed system of community | colleges would encompass a JAMES , O'MALLEY! Construction Ltd. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs, 9% to 6 Friday 9to9 @ Offices @ Remodeling, Saturday 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION \ on Savings Accounts, Peid os compounded quert- erly. on Chequing Accounts from the dey the eccount is opened, Peid Quarter. ly en minimum monthly balance. No charge for cheques written. when invested in our Gueront Investment Certificates for 6 te 10 years, Authorized Trustee investments, Redeemable on desth, *Yearly Rote Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N, Oshewa Tel. 723-5221 Each Week 12 People Receive Passes Free Each week for 26 weeks there will appear in the advertisements on this page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this area. If your name should oppear and you locate it, all you ore asked to do is clip the ad and present it at THE OSHAWA TIMES office, You will then receive your "4" posses to Bowl at the Oshawa Bowling Lene, Passes--Must be claimed by 12 noon Tuesday following publication. FREE BOWLING AT OSHAWA BOWLING LANES | 725-8507 King St. E. at Ritson Rd. since last July and demands|to move." 'eR NETRING METERED YOU MAY LIVE IN THE PUTURE «5. ALDSWORTH 'Gq, CLEANERS Sr, A ck MET "Fabric-care Centre" Open & League 5 Pin Bowling @ Automatic Pinsetters @ Ample Free Floodlit Parking @ Year Round Air Conditioning | MOONLITE ad be Every Fri. Evening it 5 a p.m. $3.00 for 24 Games OSHAWA BOWLING LANES 723-2631 Oshawa Shopping Centre J, Buchanan, 175 Sinclair, Oshawe 725-1812 UL home protection at less cost with a Homeowners Policy. Contact me today! ZEN WARENYCIA 3} 203 Oshewe Blvd. Ne , Oshawa 725-5841 STATE FARM." Fire and Casualty Coned 36 ATHOL E. OSHAWA NOW | | by as much as half $50 to $5000 SUPERIOR FINANCE the fastest growing all-Canadian loan company 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 - Don Ross, Manager Daily to 5:30 p.m.; Friday to 8.00 p.m; and the f Z Other evenings by appointment. » cages, he said, but NOW iia b vandial ciaue 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you hens all cackle louder grar__ igh ne erp delay inquiries, students UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH COLLEGE EVENING COURSES Beginning in September, 1965, on its new campus, Scarborough College will offer a programme of courses leading to the B.A, degree. These courses are co-ordinated with the programme of the Division of Extension of the University of Toronto, on the St. George (central) Campus. Applications for admission must be received before August 15. New students should not Five evening tutorial! (non-credit) courses will alse be offered, No admission requirements ere necessery for these courses, Suggestions for course subjects are invited from prospective FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, WRITE OR TELEPHONE THE DIRECTOR OF EXTENSION, SCARBOROUGH COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Telephone 928-2418 FISHETERIA ALWAYS CPECH FREE ROLL OF ALUMINUM FOIL With Every Estimate On Alum, Siding, Windows, Doors, Awnings, Etc, CALL SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS (OSHAWA) LTD, Simeoe St. N. Across from Camp Samec Oshewo, Ontario 723-9843 Company Head Office, Scarborough, Ont, Halibut FISH & CHIPS rarenene" FOR APPOINTMENT TAKE OUT OR TABLE SERVICE P 231 King W. 725-5522 426 SIMCOE S. -- 725-5181 Lerry M. Cond, 115 Raglen R. Spee, 739 Cedor, Oshawa Frank Owen, 1025 Wardman Cre,, Whitby Whitby McKEEN'S USED FURNITURE "We Buy and Sall New and Used PEGGY'S Hair Styling © Tinting © Hair Cutting @ Permanent Wevin formerly Call 728-2641 rde Beauty Selen' An abundance of foresight coupled with intelligent planning has brought to you, the Oshawa home-buyer, the ultimate in ease of living the future has been brought to the present in Braemor Gar- J, V. AVIATION LTD. Private & Commercial Flying Instruction (Gov't. Approved School) @ Aircraft Rentals @ Charter Trips Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and Cherokee Aircrafts 728-3191 Oshawa Municipal Airport Betty Bertovich, 314 Byron N Whitby KOMATZ DRAPERIES Made - to - Order "We will visit you at your convenience in your own home for demonstration of samples and free esti- mates," Call 728-8522 For Appointment Zoltan & Nick's SERVICE STATION 728-0051 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanics Volkswagen Service 160 Simeoe St. $, Oshowe R. Le Blanc, 284 Richmond € Oshawa GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 If Busy, Call 725-3562 dens. All the qualities the modern home seeker has demonded are here: schools, churches, shopping areos, recreation foe« Hlities -- a!! brought tegether in a beauti-+ ful setting --- for the finest homes built with you in mind . « . visit Bramor | COMPLETE ~ CONTRACTORS FREE ESTIMATES Cerpenter Work and All Genero! Repairs ONTARIO a MOTOR CITY CABS yee © RADIO DISPATCHED CARS Ae @ 24-HR, SERVICE DAILY 725-1127 opposite bus terminal Gardens TODAY. There's A Better Future ror YOu Wh... CHICKEN in tHe =a) Too tired ~ to cook? ROUGH « eevee GORD'S ENVOY FOOD SERVICE HOME DELIVERY _© FISH & CHIPS @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS \ 7 CARPETS AND CYCLE CENTRE FURNITURE CLEANED im your home the Bicycle "flower-freah" way Sal ty Duraclean® pay * no messy soaking Service N + ¢ no harsh acrubbing for free quotation call -8518 "oS Authorized C.0.M, Raleigh Dealer 204 BOND E,, 725-6344 Poul $. Moffatt, 97 Warren Oshawa GORD'S FOOD MOBILE COMPLETE gt NEASONABLY PRICED Y) SER cE TO: -- @ OFFICES e FACTORIES @ CONSTRUCTION SITES Victor Phair, 225 Celino 728-7321 Dshawa braemor gardens . (Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis) WALTON'S Supertest Snack Bar 728-0231 DAILY -SPECIAL Pies and Pastries Fresh Daily 1 nildren Open 24 Hrs. A Day Every Doy KING ST. &. AT PRESTONVALE ? Westwood Oshawa Henry Tulek OSHAWA'S MR. CLEAN Janitor Service Window Cleaning LEO'S ITALIAN FOODMARKET IMPORTED CHEESE t } 5 * Employees = @ ALL ITALIAN FOODS A --_ @ GROCERIES Bonded e@ MEATS e@ GROCERIES Rodi (FREE DELIVERY) Moeder 725-993) W, S, Usher, 909 Greenwood Cr Whitby 502 SIMCOE S. 725-4643 SHEWRING BROS. Floor and Wall Covering @ Armstrong Corlon @ Ceramic Tile CALL 728-3980 For Free Estimotes E. Ooms, 659 Shokespeare shawe