Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1965, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 1, 1965 STOCK MARKET TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS GMC 144 $110" 110 By The Canadian Press GS Wares 250 $134 13% Toronto Stock Exchange--June 1 Goodyear 20 $193 19. 9% (Quotations in cents uniess marked $,| Gi Paver 215 $23/% 23% Zila 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex! G- wog G 100 $18 18% | 00 $6 6% ights, xw---x-warrents. Netgchange is; Hawker-S W , fan previous board-lot closing sale.)) ome A. 300 $20'% 20\4 rd a HB Oil G ' Stock Abitibi Ackind Alte Gas Aig Cen Alum 4% Seles High Low a.m, Ch'ge| Husky X 3 | ' <6 at INDUSTRIALS Ind Acero 325 $26 2604 26) 30 $13 13 O13 200 400 «400 400 oul ion 71 $490 2100 yrs -- a has inf. Nickel 2050 $9812 ee a A int Util $85 $34 $2) $72% Inter Pl 725 990% GN Cap C w 100 220 220 1) Net | Hur Erle Inland Gas 620 $1) 1) inland G pr 220 $19% Int-City Gas 7225 $l6' int Sti P 250 4 inv Grp A 1100 $131 1TL Ind 125 $15'4 Jefferson 325 $19 Jett Bw Jockey C Jock W Kelly wis Labatt LOnt Cem LO Cem w Lakeland w Laura Sec Lav Fin Life Inv LobCo A LobCo B Mon Foods Montex pr Nat Drug Noranda NO NGas Ogilvie 0 $16 16% 16% Oshawe A 6 ao a 'i Overland = Pac Pete 1 Ma -- 12 s 22% 62% -- Ye 3% on ] 484 8% 3B 4 Con Gas B Coronation 25 Cygnus A 520 Cygnus B 480 ygnus pr 225 | Dale-Ros 100 | Dist Seag 490 | D Bridge 620 Dofasco 219 D Glass 0 Dosco 50 Dom Tar BAS Dom Text 50 Du Pont 105 Econ Inv 900 a Eddy Mtch 0 Ga Emco n 200 Versatood Exquisite xd 750 tile Falcon 1265 Vic G Tr Fam Play 200 Walk GW Fed Farms 600 Weldwood Fed Grain 500 vy! West Ind A 20 Ford Cda 120 $1574 15 Westcoast 2135 $16 6 FPE-Pion A 150 W Pacific 300 $1814 18% Frontier Ac 750 Weston A $30 $219" 21% Frosst A 2 2 Weston 8 150 $21%4 Gen Bake. 1100 $9% 94 9 Wstn 6 pr 25$108 108 10 EATON'S in OS Cent NCO pF Piece Spooner Vandou Wstotes Agnico A Am Moly Bankeno Bankfield Weodwa A m7 7 NM mM Madsen suo Ft: tr 100 255 395 255 +8 Maralgo 500 n 100 355 355 6. +8 Martin 3000 Matigmi 4175 $19 McAdam 4000 114 = ) z +5 Multi-M 3100 +4 Nat Expl 500 0] New Cal 2400 7 | Newconex 700 610 600 3 | Neonex w 2400 190 +1 | N Goldvue 500 C Homestd --1 N Hosco 300 300 $ Oi Ve 22" | New Jason 1000 De N Kelore 2000 Cc West P "48 N Rouyn 500 Dynamic a +1 N Senator 3000 Fr 'Pete pr 575 5 | Nick Rim 500 Plains » 12% + 4) Nisto 2000 Pete 270 $ Norbeau 8500 22) A Gas 3 +2 Norlex 2000 NC Oils 390 Normetal 250 440 a 4 Norpax 2000 65 North Am G 5000 Provo Gas 2 2 N Coldsirm 1125 Scurry R 4 2 = Yel N Rock 1900 6a Narthcal 1000 Stanwell ae | Northgte 800 880 Tried OW 4 |. Opemiska 715 U Canso 2» Orchan 500 $25 G Orenda 29950 600 «+25. Pamour 7300 196 Decaita 6 Patino 800 905 Pax int 94600 | Pine. Point 23 | Pore Pay 3000 | Probe $000 wo 45 | Prudex 2000 3 Que Man 2000 Butt 000 Thoug German v he rise, rey here now are a 15% » FIND OLD MUSIC Lynn Patrick Not | Signed-L.A. Blades LOS ANGELES (AP)--A Los Angeles Blades official Monday) denied reports that the Western "Urgent Array Of Ailments In Emotional, Social Areas, ing with each patient, none of, Hockey League team has signed By CARL MOLLANS Patrick of Boston Bruins TORONTO (CP) -- The quickithem with enough time to hel; to|the child emotionally. "The good old days when doc- behind an urgent array of ail-\tors were both priest and phy- ments. that worries thoughtful)sician are gone for good," says doctors and fellow workers in Dr. Chute. the healing arts. among others,' BRINGS CHANGE The growth of such problems jobs elsewhere, I can't has provoked a new awareness their names." They|of the need to do. something "ontr ' The results are some|45 Blades coach ends in Sep-| way The management re-jhas precedence over steam or clause of Rule 20, provides that tender|cently announced that his con-|motor vessels on the high seas. the rule giving sail precedence effect "shall not give to a sailing ves- jsel the right to hamper: in a ma-inarrow channel, the safe pas- ~--~ jority" of the 60 IMCO member'sage of a power-driven vessel troublesome countries, including Canada Since the first sooty steamers such channel." to ly EXPLAINS CHANGE Be, jpatient and his kin, with a permanent affliction to|changes in treatment methods, tember isheltering a patient from seri-\an effort to preserve ous emotional damage while he/!oving © 4 is undergoing a physical cure,;of nursing amid the drive Such problems are increasing develop new technical skills and xpansion of the hospital's psy- tract is not being renewed. The The to team finished the season sixth) Sept. 1 following ratification by j and jast in the league. care as a prime feature} number and intensity as|¢ s ; |medicine. develops new methods |Chiatric, social and parent-rel 17 --1 lof treating illnesses that once, "ions departments. bluntly, created no. such prob- lem" because the patient died. more an "Every advance in medical Pital, science creates new problems|ment and skills are assembled, Arm-| there is a move to return some treat is right and fair to save a life |and d more illnesses in hos-|that will be a long-term burden) challenge equip- to itself, the family and society, |last ajtained the right of way over|general of IMCO, explained in ls. The new rule an interview that the new rule Quemont 835 $12 12% 200 106 typical pattern of emotions that| powered vessel to the out-patient de-/follows word that a child has|will require canvas sailors to merely makes rational an old area congenital defect or an in-\give way to power boats in a regulation that. in theory, would Many parents|marrow channel SAILS FAVORED $18 for us," says Geraldine resident social worker treatment 24 --24\at the Hospital for Sick Chil-| partment 5 5 +5 'dren. "Doctors now save chil-|Performing some minor surgery 3s 4+ %\dren who used to die, but some- in emergency operating reoms,|feel resentment, a tendency to rily or with keeping the child for a |times only tempor; --li4| permanent handicaps. "These cases often place tre- "Parents offen react inwardly In nursing, "we try to remind|to a baby born with an illness) of sail is maintained in the first sirls that a child has ajor deformity as if they had pur-| clause of Rule 20 in the 31-rule hospital when|chased 'damaged goods.' Most|document known formally as : "\the victim and his family. And terrible time in Bde.' Most|document knows formally a3|'¢2 peace ag oe ge problem, too, as. he ' . suddenly has 95 different we learned with the thalidomide mothers * natural reaction' and then they lisions at Sea: Shirley develop a sense of guilty +3 |TREATMENT TARDY Chute, chief of pe- ferent SayS\in one sense "frankly we have been lagging" emotional jJInesses medical objectives ae ee --ailments that can be es-!month-old child with a broken pecially damaging in children.! ankle needs affection and fond- Milada Havelkova, a hos-' jing, but the teen-ager needs re-| repeats that assurance and encouragement." "we DEALS WITH EMOTIONS FOREIGN TRADING Rio 500 $11% 00 275 g] 0 265 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR oe oe ne behind physical medicine YOUNG GO ADRIFT BIELEFELD, Germany (AP) \to cope with the needs of the nurse employed by the Anglican wiped out in Hitler's| hospital, let alone the problems|Church of Canada to wark in 'ancy now 1S OM\that arise outside as a resulf'the hospital, ris a government! of jlIness ommittee, although | 800 agencies for rehabilitation.) problems in IMPERIAL tional and spiritual problems of} One of the simplest everyday young patients almost her sole a hospital such asi concern nearly 400,000) cick Kids is how to protect a 8 hobos, described as moOStlYlyoung child from the mental biggest problems, Hellur oung men who are oversensi-|trayma Bay live to criticism: "Loneliness and fear are surround-,"I try to persuade them the fam-| God is here, as well as at home of painful It gives them something famil- treatment and the illness itself This problem is magnified by) the very bigness and complexity child to bear hospital is helping} Musicologists are still discov-\of treatment produced by med-'the patient and his family to h The need for a face a lifetime of pain, or even ass masters. New music by Haydn|wide range of skills multiplies|the prospect of death in a few and Mozart was found id 1965. the number of specialists deal--weeks or years jings: separation from ime rate and "are not averse/ijy and the terror to alcoholic beverages. ering forgotten pieces by thelical progress Longstanding Precedence Of Sail Given Slight Reef By CARL MOLLINS {to involve risk of collision... j\the power-driven vessel shall mariners of the world are tak-| 'eep out of the way of the sail- sing vessel." I can say that we have talked|of traditionalists who scorn the} : said steamboat, abhor the motorboat are that a vessel overtaking an- Blades: general manager Jack and rely adamantly on wind and other must keep out of the way "But at the request of Canvas. the others, because they have Exceptions to this tradition of the overtaken ship, regard- published less of mode of power, and give here by the Inter-governmental generally most vessels must Maritime Consultative Organi-keep away from fishing boats two-year contract/zalion (IMCO) alter in a small| engaged in fishing. The new regulation, second which can navigate only inside Colin Good, deputy secretary- require the 85,000-ton Queen Elizabeth to give way if she encountered a tiny sailing din- precedence ghy in a narrow harbor mouth, The regulations, updating in- ternational rules for the open eries of technical navigational vessel rules involving steering, light- pro- img, signals, use of radar and as sailing with restricted vision. Impressively Light! Impressively Right! IMPERIAL CANADIAN WHISKY by HIRAM WALKER 0% .. ual Prices! Manufacturer's Clearance of SILVER-PLATED HOLLOW-WARE! LIMITED QUANTITIES A. BAKER -- Ordinarily 16.00 ! Scroll de- sign on stand. . . side handles lid with knob top . heat-resistant glass liner, capacity 1% quarts... G 60 8" diameter. SPECIAL, each . WELL AND TREE PLATTER -- Ordin- arily 10.00! Plain design platter stands on four feet... approx. 131%" in length 0 SPECIAL, G0C0 7% cis ss) ~ BREAD TRAY -- Ordinarily 6.25! Chippendale design with embossed centre approx, 13" long 3 75 SPECIAL, each .... * RELISH DISH -- Ordinarily 10.00! Embossed centre with gadroon border approx. 114%" long... 3-compart- ment glass liner, 6 00 SPECIAL, each ....... . 3-PIECE DESSERT SET -- Ordinarily 16.50! Cream and sugar with scroll design .. . gallery tray with embossed centre... approx. 934" long 90 SPECIAL, each . 4-PIECE TEA SET -- Ordinarily 87.50 ! Graceful melon design. Set consists of 8-cup tea pot with heat - resistant handle, cream and sugar--each stands on four feet -- plus tray with embossed centre, knocked feet and: side handles ee Ee G. RELISH DISH -- Ordinarily 8.00! Em- bossed centre with beaded edge and pierced corner ox. 10Y2" long ...3-compartment cut glass 4 BO liner. SPECIAL, each : ® CHEESE AND CRACKER DISH -- Or- dinarily 8.00 Embossed centre with beaded edge and pierced corners prox. 10% ng centre glass dish wit! ver-plated lid SPECIAL, cach cane 4.80 CAKE PLATE --- Ordinarily 8.00! Centre handle ossed centre with beaded edge and pierced corners i aa 4.80 FRUIT BOWL ON STAND -- Ordinar- ily 10.00! Shell border on bowl .with embossed centre jadroon border on stand... 11" in diameter and 34%" in SPECIAL, OOEN a Gs .00 CELERY AND OLIVE DISH -- Ordin- arily 8.00! Chippendale design with emb ssed entre approx 4 80 1134" length. SPECIAL, each "Fe SANDWICH OR ASPIC DISH -- Ord- inarily 9.00! Embossed centre with godroon border tands on three balled feet pprox "" 5 40 diameter, SPECIAL, each ... a HAGERTY POLISHES Tarnish Preventive -- opprox ? 98 12 oz. bottle ; . EATON'S MALL LEVEL DEPT. 515 Silver Foam CRE 1S overt iik iknhen 1.00 PHONE.725-7373 TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.,THURSDAY and FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

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