Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 1, 1965 "Get Extra Cash For Your Vacation By Selling Don't Needs Now" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 . |6--Marine Equipment |8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ByR JIS hice i : 'ai with riggs and Strat SERVICE DIRECTORY "iby COT (earamnaoes aca emmy marta yma] HALL FOR RENT leac elephone } after H Z : |BOAT -- 16 ft. mouided plywood, 35 HP | WASHER, automatic "General Electric" FOR ALL OCCASSIONS Mercury motor, heavy duty gator trailer.jaiso wringer type Viking. Best offers. |Can be seen at Oshawa Esso Service! 723-3975 Ay Kitchen facilities maximum |Centre, King Street West at Park Road. |rwo guilDINGS, 715, 10 and # x 17)| . capacity 200 guests, For Mag MOULDED plywood boat, with|rabbits, pigeons, bantam chic ens, more information call: ri * : 4 ee motor and trailer, fully equipped and injmen's luggage and clothing, maternity Accountants Gardening and Supplies Instruction / ' excellent condition. Telephone 723-8805. |tops, baby clothes, bottle sterilizer and 723-9433 $$$ $$ vee " j - - --_ BOAT TRAILER, McGinnis, 1958 Scot-.warmer, crib, playpens, swing, lamps, Rip F A x Atwater, 72 HP with automatic controls jcrocks, {ars, fern stands, lady's Nerd te nicaniecgaitadiapcishoninabiiieaitiie sia JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun P, MANGAN, QC, Solicito e | 12-foot boat with steering wheel, Tele-jdrver and razor, light fixtures, stea PH OUT MEN: Chefered Accson. JOSEPH an ANG! aa ptolicitor. Garden Su nlies LEARN TO DRIVE j ' / loko 795-1488 9 lknives, bedspreads and drapes, record Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- i Dt 7123-4833. $ * 7; 72 | / . i rd arbour, outside railing, Telephone 1278 = East, Oshawa, 728-6232 Dpi vo | 725-6553 |12-FT. CEDAR STRIP boat, ideal for colony oad en rt tit oply bel €5, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-\ JAMES MACOONALD, BA, LLB, Bar F Hlage, in good condition, $25. Telephone P, i ant, 47. Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, ricter and Solicitor and Nota y Pub | R H RF R ' it | 963-209 ltween 7 a.m. and 5 pm. Monday to Urns, unch Bowls, Bridal , ad of $s Soi r UbIIC, ' " pod c Bu { | - 7 4 | ,, Ontario. Telephone 773-1221 The Commercial Buliding, 286 King West "Bulk" Garden Seeds UT E O D S é } ae ee V3 = ___| Friday 17 Garrard Road | Wear, Men's Formals, White ae i P rk' it- | Schon 4 ' ' i f 7h duty} LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered |Os"#w2,, ee ean, eine *¥8'! Flower Seeds and Bulbs School of Safe Driving | ' , fa 7--Swap and Barter icone eer Ct a Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shopping |*P/*- / - f x 14. ALBERT ST.-OSHAWA i BATH TUBS, $10 and up; basins, $2.00)|Simplicity", both in good condition, SARGEANT' R TA pt at Building Trades Roses Government Licensed -- ; ' \ ee |six sinks, $4; cabinets; pressure system; | $70. or best offers. 728-0075 A S RENTALS HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Chor- : c tin Personali Service ) On MED repairs; houseboat; cruiser; trailers; tell oy nee A y Accountants, Financial Trade Build | Flowering Shrubs ee rene | i LUT LIBERIA, [motors cars MG sportscar. H, Chinn, [CRAVING TOWs Airseigie Poi Some BL ong 63 Ritson Rd.S, 725-3338 : ' f p, Of 5 Hae ef 5 LIKE | Hills ad Par fh, 723-7 taflo, 12595091 $ Hopkins, cas HH. €.| SPRING SPECIAL Garden Tools | |} --~_ 8 ; OHA itil tind akedebiecrddde Vochooutenees Coe : ---- OSHAWA 6 WHEEL "CHAIRS, hospital "beds, we walkers, od as new, Briggs . \8--Articles for Sale |CEMENT MIXER, gor reducing machines, sick room supplies, ond Stratton engine, Phone WHEY! Aig Rentals; 105 Bestrice. 725-1644 5 : leehiae Stele tal Bleck pearly ae |CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, chi church A 4 aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 41 4" Much @ Building Material:|!/an, cymbals, covers and cases. Com |simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL i ' | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundree ; KACO I ° Street South |peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- OLDEST HUMAN ZAIN EXS } | Free 24-hr, Burner Service |BoxX TRAILER for quick sale, twowheellquets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, BEINGS OF WHOSE BIRTH Whitby's Only Local |deep box, 7 ft., extra spare tire, good for |Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Rea- ; ' 4 Ale i ' 5 \ 'acd ri |camping, good condition. $45, Telephone | sonable rates. 728-6315, WILSON and BURROWS, Charterea| Of al! kinds, Aluminum doors | Weed and Feed Fertilizer meee Ole KEN ie RECORD Fexege _ Deals 25-2518. | Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA, | : <2. RR RR r) . < : j YALE, FRIEOLANDER AND CO.) 10% Discount Tank Sprayers DRIVING SCHOOL Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees} : | « in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street. East.| On All Orders | Bird Baths 10 years teaching driving © Grovel @ Sond © Stone 728-7371 c aS By , : y " , ay Water Fountains automatic and standard cars, | HALL, PERKIN AND C€O., Chartered Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, Professional instructors | Accountants, 36% King Street East, Osh painting, plumbing, electrical Windmills awa, 725-6539; David Perkin, CA 728-0091 | work, roofing, eavestrough .) 9 Street, ; no f, © | Oda BCommcan ea William) ing, plastering, cement work Peat Moss | ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME a ait Gad prpi tials (RS. AMM POUDER, oF BALSIMORE, MP, : | Call 668-3524 ; Accountants, 1\4 King Street East, Osh- nd w w iding | 1 VAUGHAN M KILLED ' DINING table, six chairs, corner china waRS awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson CAi| 20 skilled men ready.to serve Grub Killer Fertilizer DRIVING SCHOO DIED IN} ¥ AGE OF oe oe At SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED leabinety ebony. finish Harris baby. fur 14- Bu ness Opportunities G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. you | 8 LL 10 6-4 L ic . f ZL. 44 Broc South e, chiffrobe chest, full size crib, Mc-|MODERN Beauty Salon. Bes! offer will ' Suntio rn ' - re Sn aT TO £08 sided Clary four-burner stove, draperies, 24 bed|be accepted as owner wishes to retire, Shed sie nc ouiis sara Brahe NELLIS' HOME C.1.L. Evergreen 6-9-6 JUNE SPECIAL with Hollywood head board. 158 Warren'Reply to Box 709 Oshawa Times Street West, 725-0397; Res, 723-7605 c >.1L. Golfgreen 12-6-6 : ave ' ' IMPROVEMENTS C : 8 ' y for 5 Lessons nae , ; , Janssen's Power APARTMENT size stove, Findiay heavy, 15----Employment Wanted Bnveias \ 728-2061 30-Green 7-7-7 e | FREE Painting and Decorating TV--Radio Repairs duty, push button, very good condition maeanith omrristers Iwao - ie e E ui ment Centre $50, Telephone 723-9166 EXPERIENCED baby sitter, available , Bete orough 53-2184 Garden So-Green " igi ts ney p most evenings and afternoons. Telephone GREER AND KELLY, Barristers Bolici So-Green 21.7-7 Phone 723-2696 FAST T.V. SERVICE + Mower Masi summer dresses and suits, sizes|whithy 648-5728 tors, etc g Street East a So-Green \ SE y i Ver -- -- Sent ualeees anus. 3° Me Giner MAlecaerts WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dual fend Fergu Riding Tractors 3 ee arom, Conant VOLY (S00 |S eaRiGMAND teal wank ta te eee 125-3368; Terence V, Kelly, BA, B HOME \Worganite troile + Personal courteous serv Service Call only $2.50 $ is evar ienialts -- work. Telephone 725-0434 after 5 p.m 2 i Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB censed and insured. 668-4 16 y eee 5 PIECE kitchen suite. Table 30 X 3948 5-58 / Bone Meal ae enied -mechohic on Bt dition Tel. 725-1920,;| WOMAN desires position in summer re- 668 - - DOMINION fe] " Good condition. $15, Tel. 725-1920 i Shiga: MAaarive LEARN HAIRDRESSING, Saturday and f CAR TOP cartier, complete with box: (sort: area ms telephone fecuptieniet: mime MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers M PR VEME TS oheep Ma evenings or all-day classe S yO FOR MODERN PAINTER | ISIC duty send: ance Teleshone GL cas clerk or as nurse to semi-invalid. Nursing Solicitors, Clients' funds available, t \ re) Lawn. Seed earn, Career Schools o ssing bedi JUERIN FINN ' TELEVISION King West 728-9429 ' oa "havi experience, Ajax 942-1083 National -- Trust ; oe fehsd Corner Victoria and Dundas, Toronto| @ PAINTING @ DECORATING a fe SMALL housetraiier, 39 inch beds with) - ae Street South, 728-7336 \ a Complete Garden Supplies |€ 32317 e INTERIOR & EXTERIOR 728-5154.9 am. to9 p.m < headboards practically new, wainut| HIGH SCHOOL girl Would like position McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, eliable Whitby 'builder : fe A 'i f ' dresser and night table two piece chester-/25 M™other's helper, for the summer ac 2 : |} @ FREE ESTIMATES | anteed SMILE field brown davenport, brown, five plece| Months. Excellent with children, Tele 1 1) 5 Janitor Service FERDINAND SCHMIDT dinette. set, rug, all in good. condition sstesahios 723-1333. CREIGHTON, ORYNAN, MURDOCH, and; Alterations, additions ; unas sae ace , Boas As alles Cb ee Rig VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ried Bb Ug BULAN gE a el p TROINEEN) Janene TV SERVICE eré they: poy te most, |cheseanoTe 17--Female Help W of Commerce Bu idieg 5 Simcoe all trades arpentrs cleaned, Alsn scrap taken away. Call Joe a4 ture where they pay te most, CHESTERFIELD and hair, in good con ----Frema te e Pp anted orth, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K . sad any yy sda mi es at 723-2368. ; | AY OR EVENING sell the cheapest. When sell dition $25. Telephone 723-715: » QC; or residencess G. K. Dry ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, econ PAINTING AND . : . 2 irs. ro | , 9 ne buying d furniture | RANGE heavy duty electric 'echigake 798-4554; G. L. Murdoch, @ brick, repair fing, 16 Cc - eh tg yh hight | 728-5286 | ing or buying used fu 4 671 $ elina nical ceiling, wall cleaning done by } ve Ps sail ti ' 4 0 cu, ft. "Deepfreeze" across the top J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgage: Hn ot modern machine. Free estimates. Work ead alah ond appliances phone 728 aaa $u table for cottage both for $30 and Agreements of Sale bought and sold plastering, wiring, etc 723-1139 guaranteed, 728-7736 ITER : TERIOR OSHAWA 4401 or me to the store |Teephone 7281 and arranged HUMPHREYS," BOYCHYN, and HILL-) Tolenhone 668-3283 Money To Loan ad peries ELECTRONICS 16% Bond W FRIGIDAIRE four burner eleciric oe REQUIRED 4 , cee r excellent con n 5. Telephone 723-2882 MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36' King FE f MATE HEINTZMAN AND RISCH cot excelle condition $4: t East, Oshawa; R Humphreys 1 WILL loan you up to $5,000 at ' ty i ' TON'S TV TOWERS, aeriais, rotors. 12 very bhatsigladllasnledmghi radi acta gem ET PIECE chesterfield sulle, 'color | IMMEDIATELY S. Boychyn, QC QUALITY CAR PENTRY | onable rate of interest to consolidate DODD & SOUTER erience work guaranteed.\ers, "finished in. white," Telephone wine and green -- excellent condition jumphreys, L r bills or for any other worthwhile be on Briahiling, Phone 7 1 ' Te r f 4 [ y | sige 668-5862 Ron Brightling. Phone 72 lephone 725-88 ee Experienced girl for 5133. NHA and other | ployed and have good credit. Telephor nea Pasa TYPEWRITERS, add machines and 17 CUBIC FT. freezere. Like new. 9 cu : : Chie GENER R EPA R S | by Well Drilling--Digging scks, new and. rebuilt, One. year ft. refrigerator, good condition. Gas stove responsible position in Roofing f PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? ; Plumbing and icin WELL DIGGING by machine s pe se providing you are stead Outstanding good buys, Jen-\bUrns propane gas. Combination | book reid Le ica AND DELIVERE ied oe aC BLUMGING . E nines, Sales and' serv.|case and writing desk, Call 725-3465 modern office. loor id ( ec 90 Hi lend you up to to ALL UM ; -- n 30-inct le. W. Ward : r e nplete ands 7 nt i ; Street West, V 25 38 28-7783. Open evenings USED FURNITURE excellent condit assified Rates Ronis' Gani sa pak ylete Landscapir payme ; ess for Telephone k St Street West, Whitby. 668-256 8 ere ¢ SD - Satee ot any worthwhile purposes. Tele-!Piumt ) and Engineering, 22 TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL = a1, leaving city. Mus! sell. Telephone 723-7228 | GENERAL PRINTERS " c elling. All wor ranteed ae obi r 5 to WORD ADS 9. / a phone Toronto 481-5289. simcoe Stree t 1 Ww. 's Col tructure t dipped galvanized 1' tower, evenings 5 to 8 : DE OE --Women's Column rd 1" tower, Cash--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 H McKOY. 72 > 8 576 LL ALL YVPRS es = - cluding single all-channel antenna. Com-| GENDRON convertible carriage, In' good additional words 44¢ each; 3 con- PERMANENTS on "special Page Halr- pletely insta 'ax included, guaran-| condition, $15.00. Telephone Whitby 668 sna a le ' Mortgages new a pate Rearonabl ' os : : 57 see secutive insertions of 24 words $2.88 "NNAPLE LEAF" bet leg! : ieee ° dre venue. Telephone teed one See all towers at| 374g . SOUTH additional words 12¢ each, 6 con-.| 5-536 T-R1.0. Television, corner Bond and s secutive insertions of a ii WELDING : NG AND GARDEN MORTGAGE Rug-Upholstery Service ADDING" hacking WoeaTNG Caan, |Po Moarket Basket 723-2233 re 4 . 4 LEN PULLAN [iiconrs"Ster?hers "te, Mac ------~ harge -- 10 per cer il ee ie ae | ee Oe 8 Nielnore sev OSHAWA chairs. We buy. sell, rent, service and) JANSSEN'S COUNTRY nod of counting --~ Less thon 24 | also @ Torch Cutting 2 ; Englis ) one ir belae at Cea wee DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS ial, figtes be oborevistte 283 DEAN AVE, JOHN'S LOANS CLEANERS | CUSTOM TAILORING NEW CUSTOM BOAT seats aindahiclas, Fresh fruit and vegetables | : | initial, figure or abbreviation Rin end Unkolisw Clean teering wheels. tarps, several width ail yples sole j ounts two words | 723-6601 LANDSCAPING peice el ioral ott : Suit ond Dre : and. shapes, Surplus, "Stock, Arkenses|_ dily _ Apples sold by the Pleasant Telephone Work ants as one word; phone number A ' ur pia f Tr r. Sacrifice prices, 728-7909 bushel, Host of imported pro- | " : eae SOCIAL NOTICES SOD LAID & Central Ontario | | visible. Meowing SCRAP HARDWOOD one-foot lengits,| ducts | ) L oN 7 | a) > y 10 PRit ¢ : xcellen reple ing! 1 | $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- THE DELIVERED "ALL 725-99¢ 10 PRINCE ST. ) Excellent for fireplace. $7.75 single Cord.) gi vine w 728-9429 | Dia 23-228) after 4 om vy nal charge if not paid with-in doys : R. H. CABINET CO. abe ig & Power Rolling | Trust | 4 BRUCE EET |2-----Personal BODY HARDWOOD, iéin lengihs, ex ores gee Survey Office UR r SES cellent for fireplac 7 n i .E. _MEMORIAMS | iy ioe NEO Gr bes pola bs re-vpholstered and re Phot : 72 a are ey eee Soe Cali ted Brooklin 655-4983 Ofer ee tet $6 soem Gd 6182 THICKSON RD. N. | BROOKLIN . .__[styled. Free estimate, See our material! -- Remoy erfluous hoir | WoNEST CAL'S h thereafter, plus 12c¢ per line of A wil ¢ ' , for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Furniture and Appi ' verse 25¢ additional charge if not 728-0232 655-3866 & Savings Corporation byina" Street P20 0210 : ; aie tea ances. Name brands at biggest disconnts| 1O0-----Farmer's Column é 7 anywhere, We carry Reston or - permanent, hour rate. paid within 7 days INCT TION FIRSTS RE-UPHOLSTERING ¢ Esta hawa June 7t h, and Poidpods ier A Ml og Bag ete DEAD and crippled farm stock pick CARDS OF THANKS abinet Vanities nd . Pl hla ed years. Comp! mate , } Hote Ph From our downtown 6 hours daily, 5 day week, Spi red GE. dealer, Contact Honest Cal's aj (UP Promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone 2.00 for the first 35 we c | CITY WI ond PRIME SEC Workn teed five igh Me daly Sha videl 4 Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721 e Sr previetes' 'Cunteaee, teaioaed Custom built cabinet c HARPENING | MORTGAGES . : stglith J , for appoint- 424 King Street West, 728-919 : fies 39-¢ rt Telephone 726-3771. e if not paid within 7 days. ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting 7 : q Fasjae GAGES ied ebullt eniture refinished, Oshawa): men Se uetliante ote ee ne SEED clean oats for sale, $1 bushel. Bow- COMING EVENTS our specialty, New work and repa REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS Maint NT irchasec pho pany, 2 VA 4 bbl egg ele gga EN hgh "loans manville 623-2242 aed 2.10 per inch, (display) $1.50 for the tan Chena Lrg i i, ' nlis LOANS ON MORTGAGES gare He FaLavISIONS ant ay We|11----P d ij tock INTERVIEWERS 20 words and S¢ each there- PUSHIN, | , >Marp Ing r CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs... re E and sewing machines. We t n ivestoc ASPURLN Sele GI Rati sheo > a8 ala Immediate Service wered like new 2 464] re 1 reasonable rates, Honest Cal's, ets a $s : SUPERVISORS rates, work fully guaranteed, Terms ar ; P serv | rom Our Head Office Aoderr phols rm King We 8-919 GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, one year an CTION SALES ranied. Arnold Paving (Ontario td ae 7 outh, ¢ 8 5--Trailers COLEMAN pace healer, ideal Yor 019. Telephone Brooklin 655-341 10 per inch per insertion 2-503 Risin, ; 9 Simcoe. St. N.. Oshawa : ottage excellent condition. Apply 214/COZY-J RANCH Kennels, horses, goats, Part time, for market research YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim HARPEN BY MACHINES Phone 723-5221 Sales and Service : Kendall Avenue. 726-967 kids, registered German Shepherds, PUP! surveys. Write giving educo- D NE : nd repair nings ' ; Pho "222 ' " a Stud services, boarding. Ashburn. DEADLINES : and repaired; gas 248 Quebec St.---725-0500 Cook's Trailer Sales GOOD, used, three-piece 'bedroom suite, Bie! vices, boarding tion, interviewing or super- roofs: repaired. Free. estimates glass mirrer. Telephone 68s 655-4662, evenings Digtougs Simcoe St, North a6 CHIHUAHUA, biond, male, pure bred; ising experience to Edsall lFOR ROOFING, chimneys, All types of BOWLER'S MORTGAGE LOANS Ocho 723-9534 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-!Wo months, Telephone 263-2019 after 6 Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop ne Bron _ a | SERVICE ies, wee pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or WELSH CORGI. puppies, seven weeks old St., Montreal 25. Write Bon j Oshawa k 4 63-269: registered noculated, champion sire. 16 h m Al CARPENTRY = brick, 'block ec , ' AVAILABLE 1 MOTORS Just Nort f Camp Samac TYPEWRITER, $25.; portable, $40,; add- Colors red, red and white, one tri-color G16 Osiows Tites crete footings, etc, New work and BOARD MOTOR t id machine $25; two-total cash regis.| Telephone 728-9888 pairs of all kinds. After 5, ca 8-315 fc > : RST J 4 SOWER MOWERS RVIC c W | Te Te . t electric typewriter, $65.; calcu-\ BEAUTIFUL baby udgies, ready for pr HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, ar 7% INTEREST | te kup ar de ry . fos t 123-4434. training, talking strain. Apply -Mrs. T GIRL FRIDAY 2 colur 0 y jeavestroughing, carpentry work, painting) Low heedec ODDE Yo INTERES . | arts and § " |HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, 8road, 114 Elgin East revi and, general repairs. All work guarante Adel i a Master Marine 299, No down payment. Open. eveninonlRTPFENEL ree regan @Re ie art INSURANCE OFFICE ' NCELLATIONS y \ ruce ree. 72 ' NO BONL ic V IG. ( ES. STA intil 9 p.m. Honda Shop, 199 King West./good home. Apply 505 Annapolis, 725-9669 Shorthand preferred but not RRECTION - . . ' f 19 N 3ONUS A : ! , ' 2 vrnt 3 i 0 Pp ut ne CORREC piklicettad DO THAT REPAIR job on your roof now Path lis a and Mower IL / ALL PART * HACKNEY BAY MARE, three-year-old,| essential, five-day week, CONTACT (JACK: HOAR) > sell the be ) TV TOWERS SPECIAL a bed sont Sener filly foal at side; also ar ig English downtown office. Write Box rata ah : i i r allcchannel antenna installed, bridie, Bowmanville, 623-2186 phone 728-584 "BILL" HORNER ' 1. W. ot Garrard |SEE THE 1965 Golden Faicon and Orbit $50. Oshawa TV. Supply. Limited, Jot : 406 Oshawa Times, stating FINISHING CARPENTER - : 7925-4994 Travel. trailers at Subway Trailer Park Gibb treet, 728-818 TOY. FERRIER Duns SeVOn: WORKS "OA! salificationé,: etc en abinets ets ev r 1€ > ; 44 2 + 1 Sale 100 C as treet ast One male, $20. Three females, $15 each - , va cae Bhar Abhi Tie BHesccavts rai viet FREE VALUATION Whitby. Sales, Service, Parts, Lat TYPEWRITERS, adding machines @Nd| Telephone Brooklin 655-3244 ' YOu GUARANTEED airs si! wringer r time clocks, new and rebuilt, One year : Visit Ba RA epairs Deringer as uarentes. Gutatand ae Good buys. Jen CHIHUAHUA female, four years old, reg NEW PLASTERING f yarden cent 5] 57% 728 2236 B-1742 TRAILERS for sale or rent, cabin and/kins Business Machines, Sales and Serv-| istered with papers Telephone 728-712 CLERK s dewalks re-mode Doms Aca ' caNVAR he rer camping tralie lers AY th lor ihed service and €, 728-7783, Open evenings WHITE miniature poodles, registered Wanted by local industry for tire : in J a mplete service, Free estimates. Mel,\Norihy Alex, $02 ne ®rwood BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnifure With needles, good temperament. 778 permanent full or part time : . " W AC] IVE ek, 728 anytlr : : sn and appliances. One location only. Pretty Hortop Street or Call 728-8586 privsles t in sales depart: rm eee : CAMPING TRAILERS (two) "Sil ver|Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, five weeks) °™P Mail 10. BOSS, Gepern® wonge Blige REALTY LIMITED Septic Service ers aeaps x, $45) "exch: Can oRIGINAL oll paintings landscape iste males 3, female fi, "Telepnone| ment. Prefer staff with typing JOHN' 5 MOVING : = 2 Highway at wn Bs As haba ake ww eg portFaitures -- also custom picture fram. | 725-829: or sOme transcription exper- Asonable ' a SEPTIC TANKS clea Prompt service! ot or Genawa : ng. Call Clark Studio. Days 728-0432, ience. Middle age no objec- Alax 2020 REEN VELVET NURSER on calls. Walter, Ward, 204 Chestnut Street eves, and week-ends 668-4497. 325 Brock 12---Articles Wanted tion. Reply to Box 7011. Osh- r r se- | - West, Whitb DELUXE folding camp trailer, one year|North, Whitby ibm tted otherwise: than ' storing | MORTGAGE sid, 12" x when opened, custom made | Gung "Bought, sold, traded, "repaired awa Times, Whitby for more than ns r yarc | car op. New 14 x 7 r ae : t , Sarge cis [ea Set we fC ) D Surveyors vat fp. New Vt x70 tre, Tele GUNS, -- Bought, sold, Wades. repsires] URGENTLY NEEDED tat phone 725-8330 00.870) WOMAN to work in Dairy Queen store. DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontar ° railar Fi rose LOANS NN, INGLIS traller for sale, three rooms, fu GONE Sie ar uaaliina AICS ioe GOOD USED Must be neat and clean and able to meet Dentistry Ontario. Street, 725-5632 nished. Telephone siter § puts 2289937. |ntings and pipes, new pas furnaces and public. Day shift. Apply 1003° Dundes ws Street East, Whitby. b NA Smee : ; } y irst mortgages -- CAMPING TRAILER for sale, sieeps four no-vent wall heater, vol' burner, nozzles BICYCLES eserve: e rig' BIALEK, DR. c A as # H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land , ons, Wired for new tiresiand fittings, two saw-alls. Telephone PART-TIME -- Ng -accordin i. Stre , aly - dpe rtgag ? oir Bast. Phone erson hydro ! t approximately 20 hours classificatior if jenalatmant oka Pad rks r 723-9020 7 Of abet Elgin Street Ea Phone |. ubes, Telephone 723-1825 942-6627 weekly collect active monthly ac: e ' / 8 t Fillcoles sivécbiaaaits ; IDE LANDSCAPING Jo Bon : CABIN TRAILER for sale, fully equipped, STOVE, electric, heavy duty, 30-inch DIAL 728-4401 Nit Far inetilen Wie hike ine t be held respon- i 5 'i 5 ' Via R ir sleeps six, very good condition, reason- | refrigerator Frigidaire, 10 cubic feet space than which Dressmaking : v r T adio Repairs able price. Telephone 723-3322 Piano, used, upright. $115. Telephone days Haat ed Phgtennthed Postal Station A ms Mortgages and Aq + 28-62 " . > abbas opt aida i : BLUE ' / Bop billie TRUCK CAMPER, newly built 13--Articles for Rent FEMALE help wanted. Apply in person Soa a war Sane R purchased 10° x 4, aluminum siding, insulated, ¢ on FURNITURE three rooms, new qual to En Rest t, Ritson Road South, , G RASS ney for second mortgages ard nks red, sliding reens, \ity furniture, only $299, in complete tab ndld Bhscvachts raha: son Road Sou' ORESSMAKING t > - ae | GR FEN" t service Make offer 23-5 bedroom ving room, Kitchen ensembie: HOUSEKEEPER, between 25 and 40, alteration drape ting a ia ' yA} OM an Ee TF 2 >. {Pay only $3 wkly, Unbeatable vaiuet RENTALS wanted to take charge of home and one bectaity. AA a paci ; . pV OWE . MA SWARTZ EC ONOMY JD n OME CARS a sleeps fou Telephone Whitby 668-5610 Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S chool-age girl. One or two children wel LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Aiterat Tow 1. VY Mile N 26% King St. East DEL XE TO SETTLE an estate, General house | WE BUY. Nibinicat tena whe ae OF Adil: KINDS i ae et ae eee mending a r R . y ieee k trailer ¥ ~ me. ure or anything you have. ne ty * . e Oshawa, Ontario y ' sear iy 6's fully equipped. Roy Mc-/r-aging Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street GENERAL OFFICE WORK, all benefits, ; : cave OSHAWA. 725-9674 7 4697 TERMS ARRAN GED aughiin. Phone Blackstock 986-486 South, 723-1671 REDUCING EQUIPMENT --- | must like working with figures, Telephone EA Y TO PLACE A Gardening and Sent 23 6 1960 GLENDETTE 16 foot cabin trailer VACUUM repairs, all makes hoses, massaging belts rowing ma- 728-269) ACTION WAN® AD DAVEY a Apply at King Street east.jpryshes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 WANTED -- Experienced clerk and shor? becalVind Direct NO. 1 TOP so TR EE SERVICE ves M Fleming Vacuum Service, Main. Street, ues satiivg dbeivad -- all order cook, afternobn shift. 3.30 to. 11. oS So _ Wire SOll ortgage fe) fs $6 per month secon r Tel INO t sO iL x 999 ney . Pickering p Every second weekend included e- "Fae 3492 racing. deadiva Avoilable segs eee : 6--Marine Equipment ACCORDION, almost new. Best offer, PLUMBER'S. TOOLS -- pipe Phone 728-0283 after 4 Hardsand whats. a 19 SUPPLY LIMITED : buys, Telephone 725-5364 cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- | TRUSTWORTHY, experienced, cleaning 3 stump ft lady, half-de A 1 Mis Low Interest 361 GIBBONS ST. We Carry... MODEL DIS Allis-Chaimers tractor with! pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- _|/@4¥ hallday week, mornings. Apply in harge for a advertisement GEARS writing stating hourly rate and refer- oader, new and used Ariens roto-tillers ters, pipe threading dies, ences. Box 28 Oshawa Times est tr r rvice int Member Ontario ens " 'awn mowers, one used pop cooler ' _» awa Times, INDEX TO | Landscaping 4 q a : " NM : hs 728 8] 80 Fed & bg Soham tag ply Peasan eA re Or Bs "3 Road toilet auger |PART-TIME cashier required. Apply CLASSIFICATIONS | ' : Death INGE ie rew @ tvinrude 263-235) PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT --~ |Mrs. Wilson, Genosha Hotel 65 6G ' TELEPHONE 723-136] SUMMERL AND | ee them at NEW BOAT Windshield and vinvi seat stepladders, aluminum exten- HOUSEKEEPER {0 look after elderly --Women 6 : 725 | set; also new steering wheel; old Vic- a couple, Private apartment. Ability 6 ; parcrar, ciated . | 721 c H 'D ED ALVANIZEL OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN trola with records. Must sell. Telephone " ol ee. georval Agile drive car an advantage. Couple consider- << ¥ ste c Idi ompres Gs 3 rtsman's Column Evergreen Sale C EDAR TREES SECURITIES TV TOWERS Harbour Road 725-8640. S 3 € Cc ta well cathe weet Jed. Telephone Scarboro, 267-9005 -- : R HEDGES, ETC 190 ¢ Vv 723-190) THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No) SPFOY guns, walipap h [RELIABLE LADY ot mind 17-month-old ney sieht ee a a0 WHI TE BIRCH z oe Seite wy payment, $15 monthly, at Honest ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, girt in own home, mother's hours 9 - § - Borter LOWEST F s VER se RE a! F 4E BEST Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 propane torches Monday to Friday. Liaht household duties. 8--Art or So A es. N Cluster {Sleep out, Apply 15 t St Nar aan PRIVATE. Got a tree in your t d F : vids f ) CABIN CRUISER FABULOUS SAVINGS on baby furniture BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- |Slee®, ou ape y. sto _Lakemoun Street Earners Conan cub down bef : Fe $, or FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale 2 Clearance ot odds 'n ends. Strollers $7.99 vent mixers, finishing tro- nears : ; be snk aa fortune. Reasonable. rate ( f pangs agreements purchased and sold. Hennick hrome high-chairs $6.99; cribs, from $14 bet ; iy aie . he fe HOUSEKEEPER for retired gentieman. f < { 4 and Hennick, Barristers, 3) King Street | spring-filled crib mattresses $6.88; Lloyd weis, whee WOws, e r }Light housekeeping duties, Live in. For PRIVATE and corporate monies ti) = SMITH ewtonville -- [East, 723-7232 ' wee rr R. I 0. with outboard motor and. !cirisges, $19.95; Wilson's Furniture 20} vibrator, oir compressor, jack [further information call 942-5433, _Pick- ; y 786-2283 Collect MORTGAGES are my bus ( TELEVISION trailer, Best offer, Church. Street | - hammers, hand trowels, water | ring. ' Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barristors funds available at | at TELEVISIO? 1965 FAMOUS French Solex power assist-| pumps, portable heaters, steel |FOR LUNCH counter, waitress shift work, r loages 2 1 db sor i 250 niles er ly Modern Grill 345 Ritson Road south, NURSERY SOD ar \ { S aor taeee rough Bond ond ; - fd bicycles now on sale. 250 miles Per! scaffolding, electric generator, | #PPlV ei Meow toe y Call 725-8342 : 668-3382 " . f price. Telephone 668-4456 . s NO. |] 198.5143 . ath HR ge LL hod ramset, power rollers, electric |PART-TIME four hours day, five oy : f40-I14. : } build week, 9-1 mornings or 5-9 evenings. Two ammers, masonry . TOP SOE Nursing Homes 1943 EVINRUDE 24 7 reser USED lumber for sale, good condition NAMMsrs, TAGSONTY: SOW, DUl young ladies for customer, contac work. electric, edar res 477 Farewell Avenue. 728-8608 ing acks mortor mixers, Must have pleasant telephone personality. ply v 2 i 725-7421 oldest and larg soat' wiht -steering whee! LICENSED accommodation f d or up ( $600, Thittesn hundred 1b, Teohee iroier [THISTLE Gacy cory age, like new, tur mortar boxer, chain hoist, {Call patienth at Lonlenhurst: Manor, Reese NURSERY SoD ; : Nawa Garden Centre Shls 'rates. 'Telesmane Drann i f | TIME pare, $250. W ell: separately. Colum-|quoise; playpen; Sunbeam self-propelled miter saw, electric plane, tar RELIABLE WOMAN to look after two r ' bus 655 2 tar pr; bathroom sink, chrome pdulins, sand blaster, power schoo! childre: ve in, age between 40-45, round ria Telephone 725-8984. Division Street aay 259 meoe North Bad : l NG TIME CUSTOM-BUILT box trailer. siz ya | leas cks, like new post hole auger, .oscillating ~ 'i MANURE, or oe a ae 72 Optometrist by 3, all steel frame work, 1 . Idware_ tor garage, or| sanders, ise sanders, belt [HOUSEKEEPER tor eideriy couple, slee @d cheap. Telephor ' 3-] 16 | -2 F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe wheels, light weight. Best offer F) Mect that Sob AP aR cede alta nid: " ' in, light household duties, $35 per week. bas ce Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone > O. trade for acetylene cutting torch @- | 20% $8 door o after' 6 | sanders, floor sanders aca |Apply National Employment Service. ed te hen TREE To TRIM? i cdi) cut MANURE -- "Graver, Stone, Fil, Any-|?23-419 Le phone 723-5387 : 40" FRIGIDAIRE stove, excellent cond lene welding outfits, 200. iwoman io ao homework as how a omeltiee. for dale 8-04 ritime. "Anywhere! Dial Hampton 263-2445 ! BAYTONA MARINA LTD.) Fairport,|jimy $50/ also steel panel bed-springs amp electric welders day, must live close to Elena Avenue, re gp ge ay AON Sowanmowaxe GARDENS" plowed and disked. Cow Painting and Decorating 7 8. o 143 1288 Whart Street, Frenchman's." Bay, ll elephone 725-934 r j |Call' 725-8645 between S$ and 8 evenings. . F manure for sale. Loadin radin Outboard motor repairs, all makes, quar ARKING LOT striping machine port wre U > 2 ed ' ' ea - are Y Rg it Sal 0 i er orth, EXPERIENCED - 'aay emg 'saa y ree estimates delivery Y 2 Dunbarto qinn pier ta Sharpening & Renta!s Ltd de Eni Simcoe Street North our aarde aaah" Viste . . " ' y ting 2A c os 02.49 FEMALE part-ti me itehen help, éven« } rola Steak House, 1626 Siinese "Street North. @ 728-92 = terior xte All work. quaran- CITY TV TOWERS, anter r ertake boat rene pick-up andiprojector, negative and opaque, power Se ani TV TOWER SPECIAL ft. lowe BOAT TRAILER and ft, sunabout, with VIKING automa her d drye 223 King St. W., -Oshowa 8 yo own PAINTING a paperh, 1 to t ai entenns ampiete f 500: ndition. Both for $136 bull twe 1% years old "$200; 4" Hotpoint ming, Ever . ' ' ar aye ote "1 ry + 7 great selection offered daily in) your satisfaction. Estimates e #{Staited, one - year guarantee, Aerials w sell separately. Phone Hampto 3- is! 0. Co an heater, $30 WANTED housekeeper for family at col- 39--Notices GARDENS roto-tilied. Tele 77:\the Real Estate For Saie column Freeman, Brooklin, 655-4977, Towers -- Rotors, Ron's. TV 723-7521, '2832 ' ings lane PHONE 723-3224 tage, July and August. te Farally 723-9598

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