: 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Cae one ay 1 Ep, INSURANCE 4 epsy sew , | j Tuesday, June 1, 1965 SQUAW/! IT NEVER. ¢ ' HEF GET WRINKLED AND | Footy ---- BX Siksbee ae er BRIDGE 4 ' THE BOSSLL GO eae yyy, By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Chempionship Pley) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. JULIET JONES NORTH as AQ103 @A7652 aO5 WHILE FIGHING ON THE KLONDIKE, GEORGE OLS wi 1093 CARMACK 15 VISITED BY ROBERT OF - Ses 7 A PROSPECT TOR FROM P $198 SCOTIA» "ret Sivere UTH 80) aki KIJ984 @K104 hAG2 The bidding: South West North East \ " 3 19 1@ 39 Pass WAIT A MINUTE,CARMACK, bid Eh ag MEE AE AE Opening lead -- jack of clubs, INDIANS SNIFFIN' AROUND Declarer finds in many hands Sy MY GOLD CLAIMS £ that it is far more dangerous for him to have one opponent Re, ' . ) i] jead than the,other. This is AA THOSE FEET! I'VE GOT TO GET |! NO CANCELLATIONS YET? I TELL You IM on ' ' IF YOU GET A COUPLE OF \ Sn \ | NORTH TO A HOSPITAL OR GOMETHIN™|| A SICK MAN/ IGN'T THERE ANYTHING YOU A a VES, BUT ILL NOT LEAD YOU Pa WoW Tt car riaie usually because the dangerous CANCELLATIONS ON ANY PANE AK aH CALLED THREE AIRLINES CAN 0O TO GET ME PASSAGE NORTHE | | P . : THERE UNLESS YOU TELL Z - WAVE A cHANCE/ | \opponent, by obtaining the lead, GOING NORTH, PLEASE HOLD THEM NONE OF EM CAN FLY US ITS REALLY AN THOSE SETTLERS THEY WY ' 2" pipe HARDER!) \can either run a long suit FOR ME! SEE WHAT YOU CANDO 4S FOR A WEEK AT LEAST-- os "ASS WT RETUR Wy' : against him, or 'else can return LI'L ABNER iN besa fit. > ; .- 77" 4A \a suit which jeopardizes a key card in declarer's or dummy's hand. For example, in this deal, South should be concerned from the start with the danger that- East may obtain the lead and return a spade through the king. Such a lead could prove fatal, and declarer's attention. should |therefore be riveted firmly on all |possible ways and means of pre- jventing East from taking the scaiasiecthonicnien on 1 ---- a jlead. ikikiansiaiiaiitile - In line with, this, declarer y CANT GET ALL OF IT A 7 i : iplays low from dummy on the OBVIOUSLY HBG RECRUITING i ' A iclub lead, as well as low from 7" A pepe on ng RED & ; io Sa jhis own hand, He should not put x DY NIB { 2 T i Lay rarer jup the queen; first, because it Ae THE STATES / i "| Y ; lis unlikely that West has the > Pdi AN : [py C4 |king, and second, assuming that ws / j : East does have the king, that covering the jack with the queen |would almost surely éstablish @ jclub entry for East after he cov- fered the queen with the king. | Let's say that West continues with a low club, South taking \the king with the ace. Pursuing |his aim of keeping Bast out of the lead, declarer draws two jrounds of trumps and then. ré- Be Oe | EEE eS wae SIE OSES NT STEER RTE jsniissionainehaikidduiiasaniieae -------~ |turns a low diamond from dum- I AM READY TO ACCEPT | |{ cya en ye seu a aang (A may ai as gl ede , ' ra Brad jmy, playing the ten on East's CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM Ce rer capper Se ra Ride Reere | | eet aan "Ens aoney of av ae FE MY TEACH -d } " | 4 \ olicy 0 ince ni o CHILOREN | F ' TOO MUSH @ THAT PIE Me' ' CRACK! - . is ! \pays off because West, on lead f } SPELING re { } y ' jwith the queen of diamonds ,can do South no harm, and, in fact, juniess he cashes the ace of |spades a this point, he winds iV) jup losing it. | South does not do anything erage remarkable by playing this way; he merely displays a healthy respect for East by re- fusing to engage him in combat, |He knows that East has him out- igunned -- if he obtains the lead : : | ee : | and South ts perfectly willing BUT 1 DID... Mee YOU BUNGLER, AND GOT RID. || j} WE'VE TR > DISCREDIT HIM \-- ' inne -- =e |to openly acknowledge this by JNDER THE OF IT, BECAUSE THE POLICE TWICE ANDO FAILED, THE TIME | | ACROSS DOWN 15: stylish SDIATT LS . = jadopting # highly prudent AS COME FOR DRASTIC ACTION, | | 4. Intet of Fool! 19.G 'Al ii ee 4 the sea lunder fal: | ; | Hl «Long ne ~ ' Australian Takes jecting 8. Affirmative vian aral j == M4 mae ot ee a | Speedway Festival . Solid Scent r u vy 10. Arterial pad 2. Nuclei Lime) | ' | INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP)-- trunks Undershot of am ta | f Bruce Crampton of Australia 12, Insects water starch ; ane | |yaulted-into the second PGA 13. Produce wheel grain Vosterday's Answer | ba tA fs a |money-winning spot with a one- 14, Body of 5. Metallic 24, Sudden } : eth | ; stroke victory at the $87,000 salt roth 25, Ancient 33. Flaps | A state nee My Speedway Festival Open Sun- r 7. Lizare Greek 38. Wage 'fe 4 \ | ¢ day 15.Greek letter ge headbands price | \ - a | i i Crampton shook off a three- IF I CAN ONLY GET TO IT WITHOUT A - fale ee 4 Packing 28 " Shicike to Belvh | if rot : \over-par seven on the 425-yard COUPLE TONS OF ROCK SLIDING | 47. Blunder nib 50. Frolic jeaee } fifth hole at Greentree Country IN ON US..,.. | 48, Pagan 41, Fish D airics athe x : ny , ic lub_ and then finished with a 21, Voucher nets reflectior 40, Past ' 7) , \ }par 71 after an approach from 23. French . : : a | ' ;200 yards to within four feet of ever a 77, © 7 Te | he f ee, AN jthe 18th pin for a par five 24, Garret I } worth about $7,300. 26, Impudence } Crampton finished with. 279, collog poner ereerernen | 4 Tiglal wll A ES 2 ET pyepekes | CMRI Qyi\ |SALLY'S SALLIES 29, Hurls | | | | | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 'SECRET AGENT X93 DONALD DUCK / WABECILE! t THOUGHT YOU SAID You PLANTED Nee THEN HE MUST HAVE FOUND IT, ( THE NARCOTICS IN SAWYER'S PLANE, SEAT. UND NOTHING/ BUZ SAWYER --> Js oy S once more $1, Towns- JANE ARDEN ZIG ay =' organiza- - } tion [CUR | i SS Dittrit 35. Snoop sore | AND He HAD wee 1 | 36.M.D,'s | Ey SUCH A NICE SMILE! iw group ; 37. Capital ey 1] sb PT Le | MOHAIR SQUARES ea ' aoe 40. Nomad " f 41, Savors By ALICE BROOKS 42. Wise- _ Fae Fit for all year wear! The 43 irene p fluffy mohair jacket is made of pig ail ag J Y, //A \4-inch squares | oo Binale hh d | Easy to crochet 'single SMOCKING! "You really ought to curb thie pant |squares; join them to form this By ANNE ADAMS siesta business." llovely jacket, Wear it on any oc-! A . . 9 oxtra-easy -- no waist seams casion, Pattern 7157: directions| ex #045) | 3 apt ; Stitch straight-away to whip up * | YOUR HEALTH : a We acne Conte (eoins) es harming day-time casual] COLBORNE ' * 4 UNITS (col lene be s 3 | EA tor each pattern (no stamps at's rimmed wih hones | GROCETERIA _ ----------_{ -- erneseana <samncaanaenttes, -- rag, ude iam iplease) to Alice Brooks, care Oflooi, cioa RI, takes 314 vards Colborne $t. ot Churen St. DIDTHE KIDS Do | [No mmoris..its V] [1 was JUST TESTING Needed At Any Age The Gohawa Times, Needlecratt|22%, Size 10% takes 2% yards THAT PLAYIN' MY OWN FAULT.' MY NEW HOMEMADE \Dept., 60 Front Street West gpoesbitie i icssiic 728-6341 BASEBALL, GRANDMA, KT . STEREO WITH THE Al ' FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in A NE: - . r I] | Se Jents VOLUME TURNED UP bs VS. 9 Ree Regular Exercise ' egganed vera prey Raha ard PEIN (no stamps, please) for OPEN a i AB P| ALL. THE WAY... | # jeasea i 7" an ' SRN NUMBER, ¢ach pattern. Ontario residents | By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD ope! pessoa NUMBER, /"4a two cenis sales tax. Print! DAILY 'TIL 10 PM. Dear Dr. Molner; 1 am in my|ciency of our breathing. It aids) 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT jplainly SIZE, NAME, AD-| Seven Deys © Week 60's and am reasonably well./digestion, And so on ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free pat-/dress, STYLE NUMBER, | IDo you favor calisthenics for] As to the amount or the kind,|terns! Newest knit, crochet) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, |f ® Groceries © Fresh Fruits people of my age? For 10 min-|I refuse to try to specify sight)fashions, embroidery, 25 cents. care of The Oshawa Times, Pat-|f @ Vegetables ©@ Meots utes a day? Half an hour unseen. Ten minutes of calis-|) Now! Send for elegant, newitern Dept 60 Front Street} FREE DELIVERY MICKEY MOUSE Is walking a better exercise? thenics could be too much for|'Decorate with Needlecraft!"|West Toronto, Ont. : : How far? A mile? Or two orja person with a bad heart. An/5 beautiful: room settings, 25 COMPLETE F ASHION RE- ~ | three? Including some hills?--{hour would not be excessive forjcomplete. patterns for decora-|PORT in our new Spring-Sum- eosin Le W.R. a sound person of the same agejtive accessories in one' book! |mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- : = : Let's answer it this way: I)who has become accustomed to)Pillows, wall hangings, cur-|pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! [ "Ifavor daily exercise for every-|the routine tains, appliques, more! 60 cents. Everything you need for the F . og OST _ Eee : : 5 ier ores.) (our) Yeranomas (SOW, Now!..2M Pp NO!HONEST! ITS TRUE! } ['....HAT HER CHOLESTEROIL '# \hody of any age--within their) If everyone (except those who! Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --/life you lead -- 350 design WANT TO HEAR | age agen gp Speen ison i T OVERHEARD GRANDMA i] WENT UP A HUNDRED - limitations. Even a person who have ome' medical condition|i6 complete patterns. 60 cents,'ideas! Send 50 cents now OO Te ee MISTAKEN. } TELL SOMEBODY ON THE | by POINTS LAST MONTH! _ f te bedridden weeds exercise toprohibiting it) got into the habit! sts if ( : I 1 ASECRET? 4 } sTock <LZo™y. } ra -- | daart SZ 1 | Spon HONE o cas? Sie ' "ae some extent, Maybe in some of doing five or 10 minutes Offi ie ang puff, fee! shortness of} The person who has had but) ty ss ' ee ~~ 4 than brisk calisthenics every day ; LU MB E R dns | hi ie ie Sy) F ~~ cases. it will be no more than)" " my 1 "breath, tend to black out, orlittle exercise shouldn't go on a { # hs : SW) | ee wiggling or moving the toes, or/and of walking a mile, we ' pct turning over in' bed, or a mass-|would be a healthier nation. {develop chest pains from brief/sudden athletic binge, or try to) HTT RCUTTOD [tm ta ath) age or physical therapy, Even. ENJOY RESULTS lexercise, you are overdoing it.j\crowd a week's calisthenics into being turned from side to side But exercise shouldn't be aj(And you doubtless need 4a single Saturday, If you have if the patient can't do it for/chore of drudgery. Once you be-\checkup by your doctor) not been exercising much, ther FREE DELIVERY himself, is important gin to feel the invigorating re-| I doubt that people of 60 need|work into it 'gradually. That is "1 it's LUMBER, Exercise, in whatever amount sults, it should become a pleas-| does a great deal more than tare Even the most prosaic ofa half hour of calisthenics; iftrue for young athletes when call our NUMBER" } tune up the muscles, It is im- sittin ip exercises, or bendingithey enjoy that much, or more, they start training It is just av} portant maintaining vlood or stretching in be fun okay. The amount you enjoy is'true for anyone else And | PHOoWwr 725-1 12] a it has a' marked) The amount depends on youla very good gauge of how muchvercise regularly for best re | +3 ALBERT ST. and useful effect on the effi-'and your basic health. If youjis proper for you fsults i MUGGS AND SKEETER