Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1965, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 29, 1965 | By KEN KELLY | OTTAWA (CP)--The activity on behalf of at least three men is going at such a pace that an observer might easily conclude that a leadership convention in the Progressive Conservative party is only months away) Two national committees are hard at work lining up potential convention votes, raising lead- Signs Now Point To Leadership Meet | WEATHER FORECAST Continuing Cool 'Some Showers Due House leader of the Opposition.{the Montreal and Canadian He also appears to be Mr. Dief-|stock exchanges, has already' enbaker's choice as eventual/said publicly he wants to help successor |rebuild Conservative fortunes in Mr. Starr enjoys two advant-|Quebec, As a former president! jages over Mr. Fulton and Mr.jof the PC Association, he's said | |Hees. He's a sitting member of|to have considerable g:ass roots) the Commons, representing the|support despite his 1963 defec-| constituency of Ontario, and he/tion. has made a formal declaration} of his intention to seek the lead-| SEES FLAW TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast} Cochrane, White River: issued by the weather office at|Cloudy with a few sunny per- ee jiods gd -- Sunday. Occa- ' .. |sional light showers or snow- Synopsis: Today will be quite) turries, Continuing aaa Winds cool and there will be consider-| southwest 15 today northwest 15 able cloudiness. Shower activity | Sunday. is likely. to be very light and Forecait: Tempersiutes Drama Group To Get Aid | BROCKVILLE (CP) -- State Secretary Lamontagne sug- gested Friday the Dominion Drama Festival will get 'finan- cial help from Canada's Cen- tennial Commission. Mr. Lamontagne, who spoke jat a luncheon following the fes- jlival association's annual meet- ling, said the Centennial Com- jmission would welcome any re- quests for assistance in 1967 from the festival. The commission is already planning to assist the annual TB X-R Such scenes as the above are familiar in Oshawa these days as the mass tuberculosis x-ray survey RY SURVEY COVERS CITY ership campaign funds and aim-jership when Mr. Diefenbaker is ing at a maximum public ex-!ready to step down. posure for. Davie Fulton and| Neither Mr. Hees, who re- George Hees. signed from the Diefenbaker The two former Conservative |cabinet in 1963 after policy dif- cabinet ministers -- Mr. Fulton|ferences with his chief, nor Mr. was justice and public works/Fulton, who left the federal minister. and Mr. Hees trans-|scene in 1962 to lead the British port and trade and commerce |Columbia Conservatives, ran in minister -- are officially. un-'the last federal election declared candidates, National committees are at The unofficial nature of their work on behalf of both men. candidacy is on a par with the) Funds. have been raised for continues in the community. Mrs. C. D. Russell, clinic Dr. H. A, Richmond, gen- chairman, while Norman eral chairman of the mass LeLiever, x-ray technician, survey, takes one of the first assists Dr. Richmond. x-ray tests. Looking on is --Oshawa Times Photo Space Gun To Be Used | Four Specialists On U.S. Gemini Journey CAPE KENNEDY, Fila. (AP) When astronaut Edward White floats away from the U.S. Gem ini IV spacecraft, he will use a "space gun" to try and move within 20 feet of an orbiting, spent rocket. It will be the world's first rendezvous in space The dramatic additions to the flight plan of the Gemini Mes following quickly the announce- ment that White will leave his craft--were revealed Friday by a panel of U.S. space agency officials. "Tf we are successful," said Dr. George E. Mueller, acting director of the Gemini pro- gram: "we will have done some- thing the Russians have not tried, although I am sure they have the capability." Meanwhile, at Pad 19 in the Cape Kennedy complex, techni- cians unseated the Gemini| spacecraft from its perch on the} nose of a nine-storey-tall Titan II rocket, replaced a faulty bat-/ tery, and remated the two. Of-| ficials said that barring further| difficulty, Gemini 1V will lift off on time early next Thursday. Mueller described this se-| quence after Gemini 1V slides onto orbital path during the ac- tual trip | --Following separation of the spacecraft from the second stage booster, six minutes) after launching, command pi- lot MeDivitt will hold a tight formation with the spent Lutheran Groups To Build Centre EDMONTON (CP) Three Lutheran church groups will co operate in the building of a $125,000 student centre adjacent to the University of British Co lumbia campus in Vancouver The Western Canada synod of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica decided Thursday to lend $30,000 to the Lutheran Student Foundation for the project | Are Appointed TORONTO (CP)--Four spe- cialists have been. appointed to the agricultural engineering rocket, trailing it by about 300 service of the extension branch feet : of the Ontario department of --During the first orbit, the) acricuiture astronauts will depressurize) Martin Wrubleski of Saska- the. cabin while pressurizing | toon, a graduate from the Uni-| their space suits. McDivitt| versity of Saskatchewan in agri-| will manoeuvre the 7,000. cultural engineering, and Mart pound spacecraft to within 25) Kirik, of Toronto, an engineer- feet of the burned-out rocket.jing graduate of the University White will open his cabin|of 'Toronto and Ontario Agricui-| hatch, she go gi iggy tural College, will be stationed spacecraf gi 'Sstlin Guelph pass over the U.S.--will float) ric Jensen of Bowden, Alta free at the end of a golden 4 graduate in agricultural engi-| umbilical cord neering from the University of east Saskatchewan will work from St. Thomas. Gordon Tobey of Fergus, 12 ae miles north of Guelph, a gradu- Pavilions Due ate of the University of Toronto : i : ee and Ontario Agricultural Col- MONTREAL (CP)--Ford Mo- jege will be located at Brighton, tor Co., of Canada Ltd., Gen-|20 miles west of Belleville. eral Motors. of Canada and)" Chrysler Canada Ltd. will not waetcn net hd pe tay An t th f sH, England (CP) e- --~ ee phy: ren Ave yee cil Barham, a 52-year-old Suf- 1967 world's fair in Montreal, &/roiy man, has broken his own spokesman for the fair said Fri-\record as world champion egg day. swallower. His latest effort was The companies, 'he said, have|96 raw eggs in two minutes, four dectinsh th. taka io ts as.(Detter than the previous record. 'No Individual ship contest. John Diefenbaker|tour various regions of the coun- is as determined as ever to lead|try several times in coming his party into the next federal}months. The first of these. is election. scheduled for riext week when The third man -is Michael | Mr. Fulton moves into Quebec Starr, Mr. Diefenbaker's for-|and Ontario for a week of mer labor minister who now is| Mr. Hees, now president Pearson To Hear About The State Of His Party OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson, who has been do- ing some recent toe-testing of the election waters among his Commons supporters, has an- other opportunity this weekend) the state of party organizations across Canada. Informants say this survey and the other items on the agenda of the meeting are ex- pected to provide Mr. Pearson to do likewise among top party) with soundings of the party at- workers from across Canada. |titude toward a 1965 election, unofficial nature of the leader-|Mr. Fulton to enable him to| confined mostly to high terrain. A weak disturbance is just now) beg Ppa ipegcedig entering northwestern. Ontario} is ome party M€m-/and it is expected to sweep) bers who aren't committed to|cqutheastward across the prov-| Mr. Fulton's candidacy. There|ince, The main effect of this jis @ group at work dedicated to |feature will be to cause cloudi-| | finding an alternative | ' \three. certain candidates blocking Mr. Hees But his action of two years |ago also constitutes a liability and to'sg that frost will again be| : : i avoided, More cold air will flow) a "Sanu oe Pas gs in behind it Sunday so that the) GId to Wecaek MF Bla ae outlook is for continued very \ their rallying oint ust in case roe isbige sid veltah at ath hipaa dete: Ao or he milion ar lol frost Sunday night if skies Hess comial ' or'clear and winds become calm. | committees might tempt ' ) '5 ithem to make commitments for: Lake St. Clair, Windsor: the day when Mr. Diefenbaker Sunny with a few cloudy hth steps down. The leader reaches iods today and Sunday. Quite his 78th birthday next Sept. 18 Cool, Winds northwest 15. But all the figuring and) Lake Huron, Georgian Bay,| jmanoeuvring of the would-be|Haliburton, Killaloe, London: lleaders runs smack into the un-| Mainly cloudy and very cool to- lshaken determination of Mr.|4ay and Sunday with a few) |Diefenbaker to stay on. Twice|Scattered light showers. Winds} lthere have been efforts to re-;northwest 15. move him--once at an annual' Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake On- meeting and earlier this year|tario, Toronto, Hamilton:! at a national executive. meet-|\Cloudy with: a few sunny per-| ing iods today and Sunday. Scat-| Faced with a constitutional etred light showers Sunday) requirement to hold an annual|morning. Continuing very cool, | to the ness and light breezes tonight| Low tonight and high Sunday: festival financially in 1967 and Windsor ........ 38 68 a competition for Canadian St. Thomas 35 65 plays only will be staged at St. London .... 35 65 John's, Nfld Kitchener .. 35 65 Karlier Friday, officials of Mount Forest 35 60 the Canadian Association of Wingham 35 60 Broadcasters, which has been Hamilton ..... 38 65 the festival's major sponsor St. Catharines ..... 38 65 since 1960, announced that the Toronto ......+. ose 40 65 association would be discontinu- Peterborough ...... 35 62 ing its annual $21,000 grant to Kingston ... 35 62 the festival in 1966. Trenton... 35 62 ou Killaloe .. 30 60 day of the first cricket test Muskoka 35 60 against New Zealand, England, North Bay . - 38 58 'which won the toss, was given Sudbury RASA AEHE SE 38 58 a sound start of 54 by openers Earlton ..... sreeree 35-58 Bob Barber (31) and Geoff Boy- Sault Ste. Marie... 49 60 |cott (23), and Barrington joined Kapuskasing ; 50 Ted Dexter (57) in a third: White River ... 50 wicket stand of 88, Moosonee .. 45 nine TIMMINS ..c+eeeeee 50 NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Payment December--Coll PERRY Day or Night . . . 723-3443 BEGIN TEST EDGBASTON, England (Reuters) Ken Barrington Thursday scored an innings of 61 not out to help England score 232 for three wickets on the first meeting this year unless an Winds northwest 15. election is called, the PC As-- Algoma, Timagami, North sociation hasn't set a date yet,|Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy possibly because of the worry|and veny cool today and Sun- \that another "Dump Dief" ef-\day with a few scattered light fort might be staged. showers, Winds northwest 15. The occasion is the first of} Recently Mr. Pearson asked Do two meetings of the national ex-|his 128 MPs to write him their ; ooLt PLAY TENNIS * RIDE + SWIM ecutive of the Liberal Federa-| views about calling a 1965 elec- } Olh oss " fiat de tion of Canada. The federation's|tion. He is said to have re- constitution requires two suchiceived evenly divided opinion Can DANCE * PLAY LAWN-BOWLING meetings each year of federa-|from the 60-odd replies. MANOEUVRE A CANOE OR DEMOLISH jtion officers, provincial associ- = . - You... 4 PICNIC LUNCH... ation presidents and heads of) . ; : MOUTH-WATERING F . affiliated bodies : | Car Crash Kills Do You ELEGANCE « IMPECCASTE SERVI TAL Behind closed doors in the) gage a Eni RREATH TAKING SCENERY AND PEOPLE ome leumbarton, the party's Girl, 17, Soldier "NJOY +++ To KEEP... deersialal este Tien at ; BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Mar- cecutive c ttee will s ) executive committee will survey waret Cook, 17 of Beghion, ; Have cuioren. we HAVE ...A SUPERVISED Ont., and an unidentified sol You ;; . CHILDREN'S PROGRAM. dier were killed early today when their car crashed into a hydro pole here. Frost Danger LOW, LOW OFF-SEASON RATES! 1 Is Stressed Bonnie Smith, 17, of Belle- You're missing the fun at ville and another unidentified BRANTFORD (CP) -- To-S80ldier were injured) Miss Smith was in serious condition bacco growers who began plant-|* ' in hospital ing nearly 90,000 acres of to- bacco crops this week were| Condition of the soldier, who warned Friday their plants) W@S _transferred to a military could be wiped out by frost. hospital in Kingston early to A frost warning was issued|4ay, was unknown, for Friday night' with the tem-| ~ Sarr ar Ae! peratures expected to fall be-| low 40 degrees in southwestern Ontario, and even colder weather possible for tonight, Two frosts could kill the en- tire tobacco planting, making a a new start necessary. Planting weather had been ideal for the last week or two, and the seedlings are especially | * vulnerable to frost. | | | signed them on a temporary ba- sis in 1964, but there was the) possibility that they would have! 'joint participation.' He added that the federal minister of trade, Mitchell Sharp, will visit Detroit, where DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY the parent companies are lo- cated, on June 2 to give a din- ner for "Detroit businessmen,"' 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. which might lead to an arrange- ment for the companies' participation Gord's . ° e Dickivi Chicken joint 8 King Street East 360 Wilson Road South 1204 Wecker Drive "Vaces 728-7321 Save Your Prese for Pro Delivery "PRESCRIPTION OSHAWA WHITBY CALL US... PRESCRIPTION | Pick-Up & fa 723-2245 "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" "WE SEND MEDICI Commencing Moreh 1, 1965. Blue JURY and LOVELL LTD. McCORDICK' DRUGS LAW PHARMACY ATTENTION GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES Cross Preseription Drug Benefit Plan i fro Hifi on i A Phone 723-2245 Phone 725-8711 Phone 725-3525 ription Receipts will: honor receipts for p ph for re-imb Save the receipts issued by the m qi under the terms of the agreement. pharmacist of your cholee. for ib He will glodly assist you in making became eligible. THE OSHAWA PHARM mpt es you Recipes will be judged on variety in entries. ACISTS ASSOCIATION SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 2nd Prize .. Ist Prize JUNE 21s Heh y bere tomers e Over eye rere re ererel 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ZHd PHS kismet TEE PEO cece 1271 SIMCOE STATHAM B. COR. KING ST. E. A Lovell Y CHEMISTS" BOWMANVILLE NE TO EUROPE" CORNER WILSON 222 KIING ST CROWELL'S SHELL STATION 22 BOND ST. EAST SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 74 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES RUSS BOSWELL SUEPERTEST STATION OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE typewritten entries ore preferred 2. The full nome of the members included with EACH recipe, . Recipes may be for any type dishes, desserts, cookies, ST, NORTH A. STATION ND RITSON ROAD well as those in Oshawa, RD. & OLIVE REET WEST GRAND PRIZE 320. Best selection of recipes from all of those received. RULES 1, Recipes must be submitted on one side of paper only. Recipes must be legible, cokes, homemoker is proud to prepare for family and friends. Points for prizes will be awarded for variety of recipes. received. . Complete cooking or baking instructions are required. . Entries must be addressed to The Cook Book Editor, The Oshawa Times. Entries are invited from Whitby, Bowmanville and district organizations. as GRAY ROCKS INN St, Jovite, Quebec, Canada or phone: St. Jovite 425-2771 You won't miss anything if you writ brochures Attentio You Can Win h Judging for prizes will be done in two categories. Prizes will be awarded for recipes received by « June 7 deadline, and for those by « June 21 final deodline. A grand prize will be awarded for the best club entry in the two categories. bosis of number received, neatness, promptness and JUNE 7th DEADLINE PRIZES 16.00 3rd Prize 2.. cnepeceaneusen 5.00 15.00 t DEADLINE PRIZES ee) tel Phi a 12.00 with initials and the nome of the club must be. of. food or beveroge. They can. include meat lunches, pies, joms, jellies, anything the CITY OF OSHAWA CLEAN-UP WEEK The week of May 31st to June 4th, 1965 is Clean-up Week in the City of Oshawa and errangements hove been made for the collection from private residences, ON THEIR USUAL GARBAGE DAY of ali discarded h hold ace lati of furniture, clothings, rubbish resulting from the cleaning up of grounds or from minor household repairs, and domestic waste material such os paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and bottles. All materiols te be collected should be put out during the ebove-mentioned week only, and at the same time and in the same place as the garbage for the regulor collection, MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION Large quantities of waste building material end waste food - products (in excess of the normal emount handled In reguler gorbage collections) are not included in this eollecti This special collection applies only to PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS and NOT to apartments, stores, businesses or industries, Alderman R. C. Bint, Chairman, PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE District Women .. . Valuable Prizes! shawa Times Annual Cook Book CONTEST

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