Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1965, p. 12

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| JO'S JOURNAL BY JO ALDWINCKLE Women's Editor of The Times "Ali the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players ." This week's entertainment has in- cluded just about everything: a spectacle of majestic for- mality, an extravaganza of Canadian folklore, a theatrical drama and a farce of fisticuffs. Let's take a look. The visit of the Shahanshah of Iran and his Empress Farah Pahlavi to Toronto was a state occasion that will remain a "once in a lifetime' event for many. Over one thousand guests were invited to a banquet in the Canadian Room of the Royal York Hotel, among them the Mayor of Oshawa. Lyman Gifford and Mrs. Gifford, Mr. A. V.- Walker MLA 4nd Mrs. Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Best- wick, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yanch and Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Vivash. It was a glittering occasion. The candle-lit head table was massed with red, white and blue carnations and the guests of honor were regal and gracious. The Shah, tall and slightly greying, wore the blue sash of honor, two emblazoned medallions and full decorations (miniature medals) on a gold cord from lapel to shoulder. The Empress was a fairy-tale, eastern queen in a flowing gown on simple lines of Maybud yellow, pure silk, delicately beaded. Over this, as she left, she wore a full- length, lustrous silk coat in subtle green with an off- shoulder effect. She is considerably younger than the Shah and her flawless, olive complexion is illuminated by her big, dark eyes. Her shining, black hair, parted in the centre, swept over the tops of her ears and was piled high on her head. Against this she wore a breath-taking dia- mond and emerald tiara with pendant diamond ear-rings. She wore no necklace, but precious stones flashed on -her fingers and her yellow silk clutch purse sparkled and glinted. Candlelight And Wine The menu had an Ontario flavor which was well- considered. Canadian wines, presumably from Niagara, were served throughout. Sherry wih the shrimp cocktail and consomme; Vin Rosee with the filet mignon Rossini accompanied by new, buttered potatoes, tiny carrots, green beans and asparagus. Champagne came with the straw- berries Romanoff, followed by coffee and petit fours It was a strictly white tie affair but as usual the ladies supplied the color. Mrs, Earl Rowe, wife of the lieutenant- governor was elegant-in a gown completely beaded in pink and blue. and Mrs. Matthew Dymond wore chiffon in blended shades of pink.. Mrs. Lyman Gifford was in sophisticated black with a beaded black lace top and Mrs A. V. Walker wore mint green crepe with touches of handpainting in white, outlined with black. and green beads. Mrs. Walter Bestwick chose pink brocade; Mrs. J. A. Yanch, light blue crepe with a gold metallic thread in an off-shoulder design and Mrs. Vivash, a combination of black and black and white meeting beneath a black velvet sash. Mrs. Bestwick, 'president of the Oshawa Soroptimist Club was in Montreal Jast weekend for a conference and stayed at the Windsor Hotel where the Shah and the Empress and their retinue of 12 occupied 30 rooms on the first floor, Security guards were everywhere, she said, and all the guests were checked at the entrances and watched at the elevators. The approach to the hotel was crowded with people at all times and it took ten or fifteen minutes to elbow one's way through Maybe the people in Montreal have more time to stand and stare than they have in Toronto. I haven't heard that the Royal York was stormed and a mere handful awaited the arrival of the royal pair at the International Airport. Out Of The Shadows - Fireflies The next item of note was the presentation in the O'Keefe Centre by Les Feux Follets, Canada's National Dance Ensemble, in a program of dances, songs and music based on Canadian folklore from coast to coast This troupe made up of youthful performers from many different backgrounds traces Canada's folk culture in ten episodes, depicting in gorgeous costumes 'Pacific Coast Indian rituals, a Plains Indian betrothal, and a Yukon pan-handler and Gold Rush days. Eastern Canada is re- flected in sea songs, Scottish and Gaelic dances and Eskimo walrus hunt and a gigue and broom dance of the shores of the St. Lawrence. The lighting effects were imaginative and ingenious; the hot, red sky of the middle west, the chilly blue of the Eskimo sequence and the phosphorescent salmon leaping up a flowing blue chiffon river, of this remarkable Michel Cartier 12 vears to capture the Cana- dian Mosaic. After performing at Charlottetown last fall. in the Command Performance, a delighted Prince Philip asked Cartier and his troupe to represent Canada at this year's Commonwealth Arts Festival. I hope Prince's suggestion reality Les Feux Follets (The Fireflies) offer something creatively Canadian. 'The Play's the Thing...' This Domi place in and the group called 'The Little Theatre Foundation) Regional Festival. They presented their winning play, "The Cave Dwellers' by William Saroyan, at Hart House Theatre to help finance the Brockville expedition Founder who has been working for troupe is the becomes a because 1 the Drama Festival taking the Upstairs week ion is finalists is (North York Central Ontario Brockville among selected Theatre winners of the The play is a difficult one, blending fantasy and real ity. The director, Richard Howard, assisted by Barbara McMullen, met the challenge adroitly and the acting was excellent. It wouldn't surprise me if The Theatre Upstairs brings back the rent-money. I must interject a about Hart House Theatre. I wish the Board of ndics would attend a performance in a body and suffer the annoyance of the creaking seats and the crypt-like atmosphere line The farce on our entertainment bill of fare took place in Lewiston, Maine. It was unbelievably short, just minute,. and the performers Clay and Liston, weren't funny one even the of 1 can imagine good Ever old -Marauis Queensbury spinning in his grave since boxing became fighting it has steadily declined. Some say that television has ruined he sport. Television may have revealed the brutality and dirty business of the fight game but camera could never harm a: healthy, clean sport. Unscrupulous oper ators and promoters have taken over what was once the manly art of self-defence, reducing if to a disgusting fiasco.. Perhaps those who really enjoy boxing will see the true value of the amateur status and turn their attention to sport for sport's sake. A Word to the Unwary Other. inconsequential matters come to mind. have. seen an advertising medium showing that paint walls and ceilings in your best gloves, don't believe it. I tried it on a ceiling, Had to cut the gloves off; the clothes have gone to. the cleaners and I'm only just getting my head back to its normal position Do you regret the passing of some of the appliances? A friend of mine bitter about it toaster, he complains, would take any shape or of bread, but his new, last-minute model wi a certain slice, so he has to buy a kind of loaf he doesn't like much, Also he could time his shaving with the boiling of the old kettle but the new model has to be connected and disconnected and hopping be- tween bathroom and kitchen, all in a Some of us are in the jet age but a relief to see a red-headed woodprc hammering away at a dead tree trunk with bird-power and a cock pheasant running and taking off op its own volition without a count-down. the If you clothes and you ean long old-style The old size slice take only keeps him lather not of it, so it's nothing | MR. AND MRS. DAVID ROBERT TO BE WED IN ARIZONA FANTHAM GL 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Moy 29, 1965 Mrs, Robert Tod Gray, Lon- don, formerly of Oshawa, in a ceremony in St. Andrew 8' United Church last Satur- day afternoon oT Mr. & Mrs. Max Collis Receive WEDDING ALBUM Congratulations From the Queen A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon.as (a possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. PATRICIA DIANNE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Cornish, Oshawa, became the bride of David Tod Gray, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Max. Collis who|Oshawa Hebrew Congregation recently observed thtir diamond|presented the couple with five wedding anniversary were high- trees planted in Israel, and an- lly honored by their family and other tree was planted there in wide 'circle of friends. their name through their 10- They also received many tele- year-old grandson Gary Michael grams, cards, flowers and gifts. Collis. |A personal telegram came from Good wishes were expressed |Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Il|at an anniversary dinner in To- jand greetings were received ronto for the family and close : from the Prime Minister the! friends which was a heart-warm- Gray ~_ Cornish {Right Honorable Lester B.|ing occasion. - Pearson, Mr. John Diefenbaker A nephew, Mr. Max Collis of St. Andrew's United Church,,necklines. A full length panel|Leader of the Opposition; Mr.|Oshawa was the master of cere- Oshawa, was the setting last/fell from the shoulders at the|/A. V. Walker MLA; the Honor monies. Telegrams and cards Saturday for the marriage of|hacks. They wore matching|able John P. Robarts, Prime| were received from relatives in Patricia Dianne, daughter of|headdresses of Tom Jones bows| Minister of Ontario; the Honor-/England, the Hatton Family of Mr, and Mrs, Donald Franklin'and carried cascades of chry-|able Michael Starr MP and Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Many Cornish, Oshawa, to Mr, David)santhemums sprayed to match/Mrs. Starr more gifts were also received Tod Gray, Oshawa, son of Mr.|their gowns, The junior brides-| Mr. K. C |and Mrs. Robert Tod Gray, Lon-|maid was Miss Bobbi Cornish|the Imperial Bank idon, Ontario, formerly of Osh-| wearing a similarly styled dress,| merce (Oshawa) sent awa a circlet of tiny chrysanthe-|and a personal letter of congrat-|their anniversary a memorable The Reverend John F. G. Mor-|mums sprayed to match, on her! ulations among many more. The! one. oatiaeear ane aeenieepaee tala teanipnantt = sy Shepherd and wo oer, es " atrct' YWCA Announces Plans, Dates Of Annual Day Camp For Girls ils My Shepherd" and-two other|the best man and Mr. Patrick Day Camp. at the Oshawajthe Oshawa Recreation Com of her use Best Selection In Town @ CARRIAGES @ STROLLERS @ CRIBS @ HI-CHAIRS @ PLAYPENS WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 |appropriate hymns, accompan-)J, Judge, Oshawa, and Mr. Gra- ied by Mr. Calvin James at the'ham MacMillan, Kitchener, jorgan. were the ushers Given in marriage. by The reception was held at the father, the bride wore a fitted|Grandview Golf and Country lredingote: gown of silk faille|Club, where the bride's mother " fashioned with a ribbon lace|received, wearing a formal gown YWCA has always been a popu-/mittee, the of the Rotary) lhodice and tound tieckiine onlof champagne silk' chiffon and lar event and this year should Pool for swimming wlil be in \both gown and coat. The long|Guipure lace styled with a full-| Prove mo exception cluded in the program. ' lsleeved coat parted in front tolength back panel. She wore The camp will run four 'days Counsellors for the three week reveal the silhouette gown and|matching eccessories. and a\@ Week for three weeks, fromsession will be mainly from the} |formed a train in the back. Her|mauve orchid corsage. The|July 5 to July 22, and will be | Leadership Training Group that |headdress, a cluster of tiny silk|bridegroom's mother assisted,| held on the grounds of Adelaidejhas been mecting at the YWCA lforget-me-nots on pointed petals,| wearing a formal gown of blue House. Girls in the age group) during the winter months. Some lheld her double bouffant veil of|berry blue crepe with a lace| of eight to 12 years may attend) 30 counsellors will be assisting |tulle illusion and she carried albodice, matching accessories|and take part in such -inter-|Mrs Mary Johnson, Camp Di |houqet of pink roses and white|and @ gardenia corsage esting activities as dancing, na-|rector and Miss Lillie Sherwood lforget-me-nots. She was wear-| As the couple left for a honey-|ture study, crafts, m usic,/assistant ' ing a blue garter and a silver|moon in Nassau, the bride was|drama, games and sports Registration dates are eh jhorse-shoe sent from, relatives| wearing a turquoise silk shan-| Through. the co-operation ofiday and Wednesday, June 1, and lin Scotland, for the occasion. |tung A line dress and matching -- | The maid of honor was Miss|coat, white accessories and a| |Donna Cornish, Oshawa, and the corsage of pink roses. On their) jother attendants were Mrs. Pat-|return, Mr. and Mrs. Gray will | rick J. Judge, Oshawa and Miss|make their first home at 326 Karen Gray, London. They were'Surrey drive, Oshawa j\dressed alike in flamingo pink; Guests were present from De |peau-tique formal gowns in the|troit, London, Ontario; Kitchen- 1A line style with empire waist-jer, Toronto, Markham, King- The Brooklin, Bowmanville, | elbow-length shell'Oshawa and Florida ! lines hbodices featured|ston and Fantham - Cliff Canon F. G. Ongley officiatediroses, Ann. Cliff, became the bride of David sleeves carnations and chrysan- themums The best man was Mr. John n|MacDuff and Mr. Robin Wilcox George's|was the usher Memorial Church. The bride i ption was held at the the daughter of Mrs. WiliamiGrandview Golf Club where the Marshall Cliff, Oshawa, and the brid thar ' j = Mr. Cliff' Mr. Alan Reesor|Drides mother received wearing played the wedding music a matching dress and coat of marriage by her|Pink lace over taffeta, with a brother, Mr. William Roy Cliff,|corsage of white feathered chry- the bride wore a formal gown of/santhemums and __hyancinths cameo white satin. The bodice,|The bridegroom's mother, Mrs. enhanced with moulded appli-|Vera Fantham, Toronto, as- ques of Chantilly lace and seed sisted, wearing a_ three-piece pearls, scoop neckline and lily-)blue Italian silk suit with a lace ; (Oshawa Limited) point sleeves, topped a_ slim blouse and a corsage of pink sheath skirt. Her headdress, a/Toses. scalloped pearl edged satin' As the couple left on their 728-0622 27 Celina Street 728-0662 crown, held a waist-length veil|honeymoon to Florida and the -- Air Conditioned of tulle illusion and she carried!Eastern States, the bride was} a cascade of Easter lillies wearing a pink suit with a white ™ The matron of honor was Mrs, mink collar, a pink tulle and Peter Chryk and the junior|swiss braid hat, black patent) iesmaid was Miss Marilynileather accessories and a cor- Cliff. the bride's sister. They sage of white roses. Mr. and were dressed alike in formal|Mrs. Fantham are making 'their Carribean blue peau de soie/home in Oshawa with matching jackets. Their) Guests were presént at the headdresses were sélf wedding wedding from Brougham, Pick rings covered with tulle nettingjering, Ashburn, Toront6, Cooks and they carried bouquets ofjville, Preston, Harrow and variegated shades of yellowiWin when Patricia Osh awa Dunbarton ceremony St |Robert Fantham la ' If your hair is not becoming to you...» The rec You should be coming to us. The ? late Given in INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Register Your Wedding Now at 36 King East Downtown Oshawa 723-7611 Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-1371 iwhose jCountry Club. Purdy, manager of,at this time. Mr. and Mrs Col-|ecutives' Secretaries Inc. is a Com-|lis expressed their gratitude and|new and unusual club here, re- flowers appreciation to all who, made\stricting membership to one girl| \from each local business. Now| St. Mary's Roman Catho- lig Church, Chandler, Ari- zona, will be the setting where Miss Joan Elizabeth Jaco will become the bride of Mr. Donald H. Sawyer, | Oshawa, this midsummer. The bride-elect is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jaco, Chandler, and her fu- ture bridegroom is the son of Mr. Cyril Sawyer and Mrs. Jacqueline Sawyer, Oshawa. The couple plan a honeymoon motor trip to Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICES -- ENGAGEMENT FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. James S. Weir,, Mr. and Mrs. James Edward areous: shower at the former's Peterborough, announce the en-|Crawford, Oshawa' wish to an- home for school friends of the|@agement of their daughter, nounce the forthcoming mar- bride-elect. Victoria Anne, to Mr. Edwin eet PH oe ener eee Mrs. bi Mas 1} sley. 'a 4 fer ast her gahhng pg gy hy mage obigy Ongley, ap of Canon and! Montpetit, son of Mr. and Mrs. ane heen. ant * miscellane-| Mts: Frederick G. Ongley, Osh-'G. Montpetit, all of Oshawa. The cous shoWel for ttlends ohn The marriage is to take ceremony is to take place on the prospective, bridesrpomes|2iace_ on Saturday, June 12,|Saturday, July 3, 1965, at 2.30 "11965 at 3:00 p.m, in St. John's\p.m. in Cedardale United mother, The co-hostess was Mrs,| ; 4 ss * Charias Garter Anglican Church, Peterborough.' Church. : The Harmony United Church Women, with Mrs, Charles Twin- ing as hostess, gave a miscel- laneous shower. Following the wedding re- hearsal last night, the future) bridegroom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. K. Elliott Kennedy, Port Credit, entertained the bridal party at the Oshawa Golf and Showers Fete Barbara Holmes Miss Barbara Joyce Holmes | marriage takes place today in Harmony | United Church to Peter Elliott Ken- nedy, Port Credit, has been en- tertained at several showers and parties. Her bridal attendants, Miss Catherine Middleton and Mrs. Philip Lococo, both of Toronto, were co-hostesses at a miscel- Replace your old TV antenna, get Better Pictures with a New Super STARFIRE by 'LINDSAY'. . . FRIDAYS GET TOGETHER CALGARY, Alta, (CP)--Ex- with 24 members, the club is de- voted to improving secretary- employer relations. Each year local members take the bosses | and their wives out to dinner. | CLEAR-UP YOUR 1 PICTURE With this EXTRA High Performance TV antenna and be ready for VIVID COLOUR at its best. June 2, from 2 to 5 p.m, at the Y"' and: those wishing to take part in the outdoor fun of Day Camp, are urged to. register early to take part in the out- door fun of Day Camp, are urg- ed to wegister early. to avoid) disappointment. as only 150 girls} can be enrolled. Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy Improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures, Decide To Dance? LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS Brush up on the old favourites ARTHUR MURRAY franchised studio 11% Simeoe S$. 728-1681 -- ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT COLOUR BLACK & WHITE TELEVISION RECEPTION It Takes 13 SECONDS To Cell 725-3559 For the fastest, most efficient eleaning in Osh- awd, That's GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. Call us TODAY fer a Free antenna check up and estimate "'e R. i. Oo. TELEVISION Corner of Bond St., Division Street. OSHAWA PHONE 728-5143 Geld Seal PARCHMENT MARGARIN ne ae owe 9 tasty Teor BEEF Cteaketfee :

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