hockey the CAHA annual meeting. Buckland, treasurer of the On- Frank Buckland |, Bictiané, treasurer of jtario Hockey Association, has VICTORIA (CP) Frank|served in executive capacities , OR To Women Ss Group ing nation and express openly SEEK OLD AUTOS Buckland of Peterborough has|with the OHA since 1940, He is their aisapproval of United United Artists Corp. is lo0k-\peen presented the Canadian|a past president of the OHA. . ors ? ' 'States actions in Viet Nam and ing for 1940 models of a hearse, Aas eee (CP) -- Membersbut that women, who have the g P ii: hunni <| > Awa aK " : : _- the Dominican Republic which,an MG roadster, and a double-;"™#!eur Hockey Association's : The award was presented ability to give -birth,/are causing unimaginable suf-\decker New York 'bus for its meritorious award for "out-/Thursday by president 'Lionel as much at stake as menjfering as well as violating thelnew movie The Group. standing service' to amateur|Fleury of the CAHA. and as much right to be heard.jprinciples of the United Na- at Earlier, delegates passed @ tions and the right of all peo- resolution saying ples to self determination,' the "The Canadian people must accept the full implications of their claims to be a peacekeep- | CAHA Honors Latin America Bid Seen Blow At UN. |one in the Dominican Republic.|that eventually any permanent |Earlier, Pearson had said he|peace force would be handed favors any number of regional/over to UN jurisdiction. peacekeeping military forces as| e caiias long as they operate under the @UATEMALA INCIDENT United Nations. In 1954, it is recalled, Johnson did not rule out an|United States intervened resolution said. OTTAWA of the Voice of Women were! unique urged Friday night to be tire-paye less in their fight to be heard on questions of worldwide sig- nificance. They heard Mrs. Dagmar Wilson of Washington, who is to be sentenced- there next week By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer President Johnson's appeal for} a permanent peacekeeping force] i America y be) another blow to the waning Adults Only Allowed Specials We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities the to ~ powers of the United Nations. It clashes with the fears ex- pressed Thursday night by UN . Secretary-General U Thant just hours before Johnson spoke at Waco, Texas. Thant said in ef- fect that if the U.S. and Latin America--through the 20-nation Organization of American States --do fashion such a force out- side the jurisdiction of the world body, the same course of inde- pendent action is open in Africa, the Middle other world trouble spots where the United Nations has played and plays a useful role. such Ven pheric action as Johnson ap- peared to have in mind also would strike at the heart of Ca- nadian foreign policy, some sug- gest. PEARSON'S VIEW This is pinned on a stron United Nations, as Prime Minis- g ig feventual link with the United | Nations in his speech, which} primarily was a justification of the U.S. intervention in Santo Domingo: But neither did he {mention the United Nations. In one key section he said: "It is clear that we need new linternational machinery geared! to meet fast-moving events. "When hours can decide the fate of generations, the mo- East, Cyprus or;ment of decision must become tayen over. the moment of action." Johnson obviously referred to, overthrow a left-wing govern- ment in Guatemala, stalling UN action until after the job was accomplished. | In the Dominican strife, US.| Ambassador Adlai Stevenson} has resisted action -- which) picked up majority support--to| get the United Nations involved. A UN fact-finder was sent: an- noying an OAS committee whieh| also was there. | Now an OAS mediator has; Diplomats. suggest 'that the| United States fears Communist) on a charge of contempt of the United States Congress for hav- ing refused to testify before an in camera session of the House un-American activities commit- tee. Mrs. Wilson, 49, an illustrator of children's books and mother of three daughters ranging in age from 13 to 20, was one of the founders of an organization called Women Strike for Peace. Its members have appealed to governments around the world to work for disarmament his decision to throw in thou- influence wielded through the|\COMPARED WITH SLAVES independent hemis-|.ands of American troops before| United Nations will hamstring] She told the annual meeting |the OAS took any action. Later, | its efforts to keep the Reds out!of the VoW that, although the United 'States launched in-| of the hemisphere. Because U.S.\women have had the yote for tensive efforts to use the OAS las the over-all authority and an| OAS mediator today continues efforts to pul together the pieces into an effective government So far, five countries other influence is so much greater in the OAS, it prefers to work through that group. They also suggest that the United States, looking ahead to a time when danger of Commu- ter Pearson repeated in a re- than the United States have con- nist penetration in the hemis- cent speech at Kingston, Ont. Pearson expressed regret that ltributed military personnel. The American record on Latin phere may be much greater than today, wants to ensure in- the United Nations has not had America and the United Nations) dependent and speedy counter- a role in Viet Nam, or a larger|does not favor the assumption|action. Satellite Plan Is Predicted 2-Way Global Phone CallS ST. LOUIS (AP)--A satellite system that could handle thou- sands of two-way global tele- phone transmissions was pre- dicted Friday. The prediction came f Joseph V. Charyk, pres the Communications Corp., which has the Bird communicaions in orbit. Charyk, a native of Canmore, Alta., was a speaker at the an- nual conference on the peace- ful uses of space. . He noted that Early Bird is capable of handling about 240 two - way telephone circuits which he said "approaches the total capacity on all the cables that have ever been laid be- tween the United States and Europe." Charyk gave a technical de- scription of a modified and im-| proved satellite and said "we} would anticipate that this satel- lite would have a capacity of at least 1,000 two - way tele- phone circuits." rom Dr. Satellite Early satellite WASHINGTON (AP) -- Com- munications Satellite Corp. (Comsat). proposed Friday a rate schedule indicating that it will cost $6,700 or more an hour for one-way transatlantic tele- vision via the Early Bird satel- lite The rate schedule filed with the U.S. Federal Communica tions Commission will take ef fect June 27 unless the FCC ob- jects Comsat also proposed a rate of $4,200 a month fox each tele- phonic voice channel using the first commercial satellite The rates would be available only to communications. com-| mon carriers, like the Amer- ican Telephone and Telegraph Co., and are therefore not the 'retail' cost to the television networks or other ultimate users. The new rates are in- dicative, however, of the ap proximate charges Comsat may Energy Demand Will Be High NIAGARA FALLS, Ont The increase in Canada's de- mand for energy during he next 20 years will be equivalent to all fhe output of an addi- tional 50 Niagara Falls, Vernon Taylr, vice - president of Im- perial Oil Ltd., said Friday. In terms of heat energy, he told the annual meeting of th Gas and Petroleum Associatio of Ontario, Canadian demands will increase by an average of 158,000,000,000 British thermal units a year To supply the expected de mand, the Canadian oil and gas industry would need to in vest close to $1,000,000,000 an- nually for the next 20 years (CP) NEW ADMIRAL TELEVISION -- et -- PARKWAY $1.00 per dey @ $5.00 per week $15.00 Per Month (with option te buy) Speciol Rotes For Longer Periods - Minimum $3.00 Admiral PORTABLES SUMMER CLOSING HOURS Close 12 Noon Saturday During June - July - August Dehumidifiers For Rent "Your Color TV Store" PARKWAY TELEVISION We Service What We Sell Ourselves" 918 Simcoe St. N. 723.3043 post for the radio - Shey ssi networks, the press associa-) tions, a number of newspapers,| and other media if the FCC) rules that these organizations) are entitled to deal directly {a common carrier, and thus get a "wholesale" price WILL SUBMIT CHARGES Comsat told the FCC it will submit proposed charges for {such groups when and if they are designated eligible. The prices posted Friday. ac- {tually cover television trans- jmissions only part-way across the ocean -- from tthe U.S. ground station at Andover, Me., ito Early Bird. European author ities next month will meet to set the price for the transmission from Early Bird to Europe. This is expected to be at least equal to Comsat's charge, possibly higher, and the total would therefore come to $6,700 or more. This is about twice the rate for overground transmissions of similar distance. APPLY ONE WAY The rates also apply only to one - way transmission -- from the United States to Europe or vice-versa, . For two-way pro- WILL MEET SNEAD ASHFORD MANOR, England (AP) -- Charlie Ward,- 53-year- old former British Ryder Cup player British golf tournament Thursday and qualified to meet American Sam Snead for the world senior title July 4 at Lancashire. Ward shot a three-round total of 210 and edged out Dai former British Ryder Cup cap fain, by two strokes won the senior Rees | \g da Loo ONTAR We've just opene TWENTY-NINTH j tell the truth people like our service. We budget. When you need h just give us a call, or dro Office branch offices i be Service, Loar in Oshawa nearby can sure of prompt, OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M, CASH LOANS $25 to $5000 ITIZENS © OM fF Aw OY were feeling pleased. Everytime | open another Citizens Loan Office it's'evidence that 61 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA Phone 723-3451 grams the charge would be 50-, per-cent greater AT and T, International Tele- phone and Telegraph Co. and| other common carriers are ex- pected to put up a fight if the ident of|with Comsat, instead of through}/FCC moves to permit Comsat to deal directly with the net- works and news media. They complain that this would] amount to competitive "retail-| ing' by the satellite corpor- ation. The law that created Comsat authorizes it to sell service not only to the carriers but to) "other authorized entities."' The} Associated Press, United Press International and all three U.S broadcasting networks have} asked the FCC to designate! them as eligible "entities."' Politicians Asked To Use The Law KINGSTON (CP) -- Marcel Faribault of Montreal, a prom-| inent French-Canadian lawyer, | Friday urged Canadians to force "laggard politicians' tol use the law in improving Con- federation and making Canada a more united and progressive country Mr. Faribault, one of Can ada's foremost economists and| president. of the General Trust| Co. of Canada, told graduating cadets at Royal Military Co] lege's convocation that '"'there is no other modern view and no other possibility.' He said Canada will remain behind the times unless the law is used "'to bring order out of disarray, confusion, turmoil! and ferment." "Those who bask in the re flected success of Confederation as an ideal compromise can only be compared to the de volees of a century-old vintage locomotion in the jet age OUR to 0 LOCATION) Office i 10 awa and we think that our service will Please you, too. We specialize in timely cash loans, for any good reason, on ar epoyment plan to fit your elp with money problems p in at our new, modern At our Oshawa office or Whitby and Toronto, you courteous, understanding ee ee ee ee We like to soy: "Your Loon is OK' Teens | many years, tney are like slaves who are freed and do not know what to do with their freedom. Women have been brainwashed into thinking they have nothing to offer. ¢ "The freedom that we pursue today is not only freedom to participate in the great decisions of world af- fairs; it is' the freedom to par- ticipate as women -- to be ac- cepted as women and not merely as numbers." Mrs. Wilson added that women must impress upon men the fact that the world cannot be controlled solely by men, must the GOLF CARTS Large wheels, double tubulor construction to take the rough- est wear... GUARANTEE ONE FULL YEAR, Compare ot 14.95. FOR PRICE SAKE AT O.D.H. 11.88 LOWER LEVEL i i=ova O.D | & = FAMOUS "ARJAY" BRAND : Ww. "TREK" FOOT MEDICATIONS Large 5-oz. sproy can. compare ot 1.50. F.P.S 88° 58° Giant 2-oz. powder con. compare ot 1.00, F.P.S. MAIN FLOOR ONLY OPEN DAILY 'TiL 10 --- SAT 'TIL 6 P.M Summer Mixed Drinks KOOL-AID FRESHIE Your choice of brand and flavors, 9 Regular 5 for 29¢ FOR PRICE ¢ FOR 44 MAIN FLOOR SAKE AT 0O.D.H. SPECIALS AS Sain PRACTICE GOLF BALLS Package of Six SPECIAL MAIN FLOOR T-SHIRTS Sizes S-M-L in black, white or novy, Compare ot 1.19, 66" FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. MAIN FLOOR 8 MM KODACHROME MOVIE FILM 50' roll. Compare ot 4.95 roll. 3.37 MONDAY ONLY AT 0O.D.H. MAIN FLOOR Styro-Foam CHILL CHESTS Lowest price but honest quolity. Three populor sizes to choose from, SPECIAL AT 2 44 . 0.D.H. PRICED FROM LOWER LEVEL Top Quality Yarn DUST MOP Replacement Cover Regular 1.98. FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H, 88° LOWER LEVEL For Price Sake It's No Where Else OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. S wa Ke We sea <> ee j i \ i Vd el ed wd Vg wd eg Va LESTOHTSIOOSSOOSS Ve D<>+ ns | Come on, wouldn't you like to trade today ...and travel away in one of these? What better time of year to think about owning a new Olds? You're as welcome as flowers in May at your Oldsmobile dealer's. It's his Trade 'N' Travel Time. And he's in a dealing mood. Stands to reason it's an ex- cellent time to trade your present car in ona '65 Oldsmobile. Have you seen the new Olds up close? Better still--have perience. You ride. quietly in the lap of luxury, with smooth, sure power. The new Olds handles like a thoroughbred. The '65 Oldsmobile is a great car. Great lines. Great choice of colors and options. He has a wide selection of beautiful 1965 Oldsmobiles So go see your Oldsmobile dealer. During Trade 'N' lravel Time he's offering top dollar on your used car. And he can give immediate delivery on most models. Remember, you can afford a new Olds if you can alford any fine car. So trade today... and travel away OLDS (The one in the picture is a Delta 88 Holiday Coupe) in luxury. the Llew you driven the new Olds? If not, you're in for an ex- Going to New York? See the GENERAL MOTORS FUTURAMA at the New York World's Fair. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TRAVEL AWAY TRADE TODAY It's Trade 'N' Travel Time... At Your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer's Now | Authorized Oldsmobile Dealers in Oshawa -- Whitby ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 725-6501 ; HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario Phone 668-3304-05-06 Be Sure to see "Bonanza" over Channel 6 at 9 o'clock Sunday night