Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 May 1965, p. 6

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6 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 28, 1965 LBJ Tried, But He Failed To End Dominica Warfare EAcocet . A " four i j i Hel JAMES mAaRLow jyears under a dictator and nowjcans struggled through ee 'lexpansion is going on paral pres. Press News Australes two "'presidents": governments and then, in a free) grain handlers could put a se te' Vencouvers tablic pate. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fog] From 1930 until his assassina-jelection, chose Juan Bosch as|rious crimp in the activities . Capt. J. W. Kavanagh, mas- has settled over the Dominican|tion in 1961, Gen. Rafael Tru- president, He lasted sevenione of North America's busies' ter of the Fraser River Harbor It Grain-Handlers Strike By JACK BRAUCKMANN VANCOUVER (CP) --A ing the port past Montreal as Canada's busiest overall port. Port Activities Will Suffer' In adjacent New Westminster,) ; GUARD PRECIOUS FLUID STOCKPORT, England (CP) Part of the menu of a gour- U Of M Grants 1,635 Degrees [nx ec, us contin MONTREAL (CP)--The Uni-\2?™ored security truck. It was versity of Montreal held twol sum of Empower © Career In Crime -- --Williamjing the case. A warrant was iphine brandy, 1807 vintage and HAMILTON (CP) cagh tor We aieeae convocation ceremonies Thurs-|valued at £2,500. Alexander Edwards was' og er was Uulk Wi otita his day for the presentation of aj nd ( SAVE NOW! 5 POOLS - Creditors Forced mented for three years by Cred! i, 9 Windsor, Ont., rooming/record 1,635 degrees and diplo-| itors before he turned to a life|nouse, mas, 272 more than last year. of crime his lawyer told @) Defence counsel Walter Stay- Among those receiving hon- county court judge Thursday|shyn argued that Edwards was|0Taty degrees were Chief Jus- when Edwards and his wife,|'not thinking like a rational|tice Lucien Tremblay of Que- Muriel, pleaded guilty to de-jman" when he took $4,000 from|bec Superior Court _ and Dr. frauding a 62-year-old widow of/Mrs. Edith Harding of Hamilton James A. Corry, principal' of $4,000. |for a non-existent stock and ex-|Queen's University. i Edwards was remanded tojpenses he said had heen in- June 4 for sentence. His wifelcurred in the investment. was given a.three-month sus-| Judge Latchford read into the|the dire financial situation in} pended sentence. jtrial evidence Thursday the which his family was. When the trial opened Jan, 29,)note he had received from Ed- However; Judge Ratchford) the 50-year-old former evan-|wards in which Mrs. Edwards|said evidence indicated Mrs.| gelist and used car salesman|was absolved of any knowledge|Edwards was mitted sole responsibility for Completely Instelled Kidney Shaped wire... 2675 RELIABLE POOLS implicated in the} q and his wife pleaded not guilty /of the fraud, and Edwards ad-'fraud. 725-3974 or 725-9991 IMPORTANT NOTICE Storage FREE Pick-up & Delivery Storage Cleaning Repairs Fur Cleaning SHINERIZING Fast Service Dial 723-3012 OSHAWA FUR AND COLD STORAGE LTD. portance of conscie' ous and forthright. journalism. |™ "He said: "In Santo Domingo the role) of the press has been extremely encouraging. "Reporters on the scene and) ; ji i i i s thrown out|ports. P east ind Bis epublic where the Johnson ad-|jillo was absolute dictator while months until he was out! p Commissions, envisages the 40 poate has tried to endithose around him got rich in ajin 1963 by the military, which) aiks are being conducted ciles of river becoming to the revolution and failed. land of poverty. There were, of scrapped the constitution and petween grain handlers _and B.C. what the Thames and the First, this brief background|course, no real political parties./set up a five-man junta. |five' elevator companies aimed Tyne is to England. on a country which lived 31' After his death the Domini- Although the United States|.t heading off the strike that recognized this junta, it lacked|oyiq stop grain shipments|HARBOR EXPANDS mass support and was heavedithroygh the world's largest) In the twin ports, there is ex- Dominica Press Covera e out in the revolution which be wheat exporter. pansion in the tow and tugboat gan April 24. The military, de-| -ement Tuesday by|industry due to an upsurge in g fying the rebels, quickly set UD |p /Ade" Minister Mitchell ped coastal cargo movement; . -- lof the sale of 56,700,000 bush-|dredging is going on at a rapid ' i *hi lace; eC} ing space is P ; 2 |HOW IT IS NOW els of Canadian wheat to China|P Ping Face: Li man ippi a intervening.came in the midst of the dis-|added and completely new piers atva Skipping over the £ d 'elevat nd 'gone |weeks. this is the picture now:|pute that threatens seven grain pe by evRrers AYE. WEE But two days later, Edwards) q 7 i j | or e two warring fac-jelevators which have handled|S!ruction. had disappeared, leaving a note LONDON (AP) Walter Lippe ge oe ata =a has the Booman civilian-mili-|some 15,000,000 bushels a month) The gigantic power develop: for his wife saying he "could| mann said today that excellent)mingo cto Pines tert ai | 7 G An-\for the last several months. {ment on the Peace and Colum-inot face tomorrow" and was go coverage of the confuse d|the Washington handouts. tary junta headed by Gen. An \bia rivers has stepped up theling "to fac far greater events in the Dominican Repub-| "That created an atmosphere|tonio Imbert Barrera as presi) The | $00,000,000 | grain coal aftle 'abo d 0 Brittsh Co judge" te nether "to Judgel 4 . . . rer ; ° -| " § i iwi Bis Cc n ' § "judge an ar lic "saved that situation fromof criticism in the United States|dent and the rebels a by|will swell the tonnage to be enti wae suena of eianlitehe: Lauateea who was hear becom a moral disaster for|that has had an influence onj|Col. Francisco Caamano Deno'died by the port by some 1,450, , the United States." Oy, | policy las "president." 000 tons, roughly 10 per cent/machines, turbines and gener- . 4) | " F ; a ators. 5 : as "Santo Domingo may be aj April 28, President Johnsonjof all the cargo handled here f vator being built I commentator on 'American, a/poical darter bt it was alsent In marines to save Amerlin 1964 PE Basing Hogs F YOU KNOW YOU'RE A POSITIVE : jtriumph for the press." [can tives, Later ne sal ¥) Total grain cargo handled Jast| 1" catucite fae i fir, made tat slatement 1) iy apeethearier Lipp-were there to prevent a take-ljagr by "Vancouver. and New|til Mavs, a capacly, for more REACTOR TO THE TUBERCULIN TEST : i ing told nearly 300 news ex-jover by Communists who, Ne\wostminster, 16,929,776 tons, ch oye ag non-Communist world attending}™#"9 5 : ; ; oly.| Westminster, 16, land berthing space for two 50,- lecutives from 32 countries that| explained, controlled the revolu-)... almost equal to the total hyd peed ne Free tye conflict is inevitable between/tion us ie te handled by the seven major 000-ton ships. You SHOULD ATTEND THE CLINIC FOR n ists . In May e sent in his spe-|17,; ific coast , S DOUBLE ' : : spoke of the Journalists and government of i 3 ""|United States Pacific PAYROLLS JE Means tt acne tolficials both trying to do theirjcial advisor, McGeorge --: ports, In terms of Vancouver's econ- keep the public informed and|duty according to their ownjas his trouble-shoover, Bundy Grain exporting is expected tojomy, it is estimated that $200,- ' ' lights. returned to Washington Wed-| * i 100,000 finds its way in incomes then in answer to questions he 8 1+ onto exceed 6,000,000 tons in 1965. A } o cited the Dominican Republic "The right of the press to/nesday. He hadn't solved any- to the community, an amount as a case which shows the im-|know and the right of the re- thing : SURPASSES U.S. PORTS double the annual payrools from ; citie seri-/Sponsible authority to withhold He had tried to persuade both' The port now handles more'the waterfront five years age ri ith ust coexist," he said. sides to agree to a coalition) wheat and lumber than any, jt js also estimated that a < He added that in the United gy gh - rs lead' port in the world, more 4dry|prain handlers' strike. time States this divergence had pro-jers, to step down. But imbert\cargo and more exports than!would cost the local economy uced a system of tension ej Powe This was a blow. tolany port in Canada and is the\ypwards of $4,500,000 a month. WATCH YOUR LOCAL PAPER tween reporters and govern-)/ohnson busiest port on the North Amer-| por "alg say each t f . ment officials which is not neat) The United States had not\ican Pacific coast. Hae cg nf cairn Be FOR THE CHEST X-RAY editors back home who printed 'a3 a0 age ~ igre va ccale" ths 5 gota) It is virtually splitting its|$10 to the economy ¥ " j ion|tolerably well, at least in time a 3 : a smn ini d It would also halt flow of the news saved that situation fe : t op A eh jseams because of a mining an u from becoming a moral disas- of peace. ; ated at US. nar pga but ndustrial boom in British Co-|about 5,500,000 bushels of wheat IN YOUR COMMUNITY ter for the United States." Lippman said a government/two weeks "? Sed opgl Nice ce lumbia. Expansion is the or-jenroute here on CNR and CPR jneeds "to be able to deliber-)recognizing it as the govern- der of the day. lines and would stop movement : INFLUENCED POLICY ate confidentially before an msn é of the 13,000,000 bushels stored ONTARIO COUNTY TB AND . ne " hissticat? ; One of the biggest programs,|° Expanding on his remarks nouncing a conclusion ered iN SHIFTS SUPPORT symbolic of the growing raillin the seven grain elevators. jeter in a conversation with re-\the matter of foreign affairs Capt. Johnson says stoppage ; : But Imbert lacked mass sup-jand shipping traffic resulting : porters, Lippmann ms has a right to a measure of se- Sort and a week ago U.S, pol-lfrom the huge movement of at grain Would be. & serious * tune i wae et be said the public also|i¢¥, Shifted support away from|cargo on the waterfront, is ajblow, but would far from crip on } | an forming « coalition total $50,000,009 in the next : ee three years. | Bundy left the mediation task pe es rs dict to Dr. Jose Mora, secretary-| CPt. Johnson also predicts 'external Affairs Minister|French foreign ministry, met|the United States will withdraw ter Pearson agreed Thursday to Martin, employing some nimble|Mr. Martin in Ottawa Tuesday about 1,700.of its 21,000 troops. |look into the question of invit- footwork, is keeping one step|before going on to Quebec City., The Johnson administration|ing Princess Margaret and her France r. Basdevant a general or; The U.S. super-spy organiza-| Margaret's acceptance of an in- Th federal overnment isieain oo teen 6 ge rt gal gs ge omgy intelligence |vitation to. visit the United gists' that it dae can sign nada and *rance under whichiAgency, has the job of check-|states, This ticklish three-way im-/and Quebec which arises every| But now the' White House has| broglio began last year when|time the province wants a new in effect acknowledged the FBI! negotiations opened on an edu-jaccord with France. is in there checking, too. Feb, 27 this year. FEDERAL SANCTION Given Ottawa's claim to be tiations with Paris. This gives) the negotiations an aura of fed- eral sanction in advance. cussed the matter with French| Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville and other French point--before the arrival there of Quebec Cultural Affairs Mini- ster Pierre Laporte ported, I felt I was getting aljhas the right to know what its Imbert, urging that he and'planned $27,000,000. expansion ple port activity. general of the Organization of that Vancouver will be handl- ahead of Quebec in his current' The Canadian minister, how-\"0W is beginning to soft-pedal/husband, the Earl of Snowdon, international treaties and that en nig an ge negotiate! ing on things like Communists) ---- cational exchange program be nie NOW the sole treaty-signing author- So far, Mr. Martin has been) authorities some months be 3 > 3 3 slow us A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 142 King St. East 723-2721 Comet Caliente Convertible, is the best compact on the road today. Prove it to yourself. Test drive it on your choice of road. j ini Caamano both step aside » Canadian National Railways... Jt would merely much more accurate account ofladministrators are doing -- e) Gaamean in aagd ad said foo . ote 3 wad he bala Martin In A Ticklish Spot Martin In A Licklish yp American States ing 25,000,000 tons of cargo a Meanwhile. the OAS haaiyear within two years, spring- "domestic" foreign problem. over wants something better |*He idea that Communists con-\to Canada. The matter was "The problem has to do with/than this perpetual track meet|ttol. the revolution and eveniraised by Eric Winkler (PC-- agreements with Paris in fields|in other countries and Johnson any Quebec - Paris agreements|where they hold jurisdiction. presumably relied on CIA in-| are not binding in international : tween Quebec and France. The Quebec-Paris agreement and an ity, it is important that Mr.! Martin be able to say that! successful in having prior con-| sultations with the French au- fore negotiations opened. Quebec now wants a cultural) Johnson, man-\ _ he would step down. But Wed- ager of the Vancouver port, es- ont hes eee a non{timates harbor expansion will On 'Who Signs Pact' Battl vn " b sl bia By DAVE McINTOSH Jean Basdevant, general di-; voted to send in a Latin Ameri- oe : v acek z : t MAY INVITE PRINCESS t ffairs for the|C2" peacekeeping force of abou Canadian Press Staff Writer |rector of cultural affairs for the $000 troche, As they move in| OMFAWA (CR\feieus "elute: , iate| wi seems to be making its own|Grey Bruce), who asked os on tes sdaesionsl ot -- verre. double-check on its information| whether such an invitation had So n"\ That is why he discussed with about the Communists 'aaah : tee cultural agreements with), ® u been issued in view of Princess linea | Officials say such an agree-|formation when he talked of| law unless sanctioned by Ot-\ ment would tend to eliminate;Red control in the Dominican tawa. jthe bickering between Ottawa) Republic. Ottawa-Paris exchange of notes approving it were signed simul-| taneously in Paris and Ottawa he had held consultations with French authorities before Que-| bec has entered detailed neg-- thorities. In the case of the education agreement, Mr. Martin dis- agreement with France and earlier this month Mr. Martin had discussions in Paris on this Comet Caliente has the perfect combination of beauty, luxury, and performance to make it the out- standing compact on the road today! Comet Villager isa standout with rich, mahogany The Comet 404 Sedan is ideal for the economy- coloured side panels, power rear window and spacious minded yet offers all the handsome styling, extra 78.5 cubic foot cargo space! touches of luxury, and satisfying performance! Experience Comet's extra luxury, extra performance, extra size. Test drive Comet on any road you like--and Comet will smooth it out with its solid, smoothly relaxing ride. 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The result: no Stand a moment and look at it: the clean styling of the vertical headlight arrangement, the sweeping profile that makes Comet look like it's moving before you're even in it, the wide sweep of the rear deck, If you want styling, vou've found it. See Comet at your Mercury dealer's, Test drive it. You'll love it! Test drive COMET best compact on the road Open the door: inside, Comet is sheer com- fort and luxury. Deep, foam-padded seats let you ride mile after mile relaxed. (Take your choice of individually adjustable bucket seats IN ASSOCIATION WITH i CANADA PERMANENT ; | | | Models illustrated are four of the Ford Family of Fine Products built In Canada, | | | E MERCURY | Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563 diary of Canadi Corporation Limited OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- OSHAWA, ONT. STEVENSON'S RD. 5S, 728-1691 L4 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. 127) SIMCOE st. N.-723-4675

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