MAYOR OFFICIALLY The new Whitby Fire Hall was officially opened Thurs- day night when Mayor War- ren Mowat cut the ribbon binding the rear doors of the building. In attendance by Bandmaster Eric Clark, provided music. Seen from left as the ribbon was cut. are: Councillor Vernon Mac- Carl, who was master of ceremonies; Mayor Mowat, at the ceremony were digni- taries from neighboring Fire Marshal's office, Whit- by councillors and a large number. of citizens. The OPENS NEW WHITBY FIRE HALL UCW Members Packing Bale AUDLEY (TC) -- Mrs. Bert Guthrie conducted the meeting of the United Church Women. The members are packing a bale of clothing this month. Mrs. John Puckrin conducted the worship, Mrs. Arch, Bell read the scripture. Mrs. J. Breckenridge, Whitby, gave a talk on Christian Citizenship and Social Action. | Rural Life Sunday was ob- served last Sunday. The theme was the rural church. Rev. M. Buttars, of Pickering, used the text 'The Eternal is Present in Change". A joint service will be held at 2.30 p.m. May 30 to mark the Sunday School Anniversary. Rev. Mary Doughtery, BA, of Enniskillen, will be the speaker. The children's choir will sing. Commencing June 13, the church service will be held at 11 am. during the summer months. The Sunday School will Hospital Unit Rushed BOWMANVILLE -- Members of the board of the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, at their meeting last week, learned that the physiotherapy department is working to full capacity. It became necessary recently to put patients on a waiting list for treatments. The board was old this situ- ation is unfortunate but de- mands for treatments are ex- tremely heavy and there is a limit to the work that can be performed by one physiothera- pist with one full-time and one part-time assistant. An inspection of the hospital and ground will be made by the board on the evening of its June meeting. It was reported the spectro- photometer and flame photo- meter had been received and set up. Three stretchers and two wheelchairs were also re- Fire Chief Bruce and William Strong, roo, who drafted the plans for the building. Corner of Or- --Oshawa Times Photo Whitby Brass Band, directed Mayor To Open Fire Hall WHITBY (Staff) -- The offi- celal opening for the new Whit- by Fire Hall was held this week with a good representation of sion, The ribbon cutting cere- mony was conducted by Mayor Warren Mowat assisted by Fire Chief Bruce Corner, The festivities were actually Cuts Ribbon Officers Named By Garden Club BROOKLIN (TC) -- Officers meet at 9.45 a.m. |ceived. The sidewalk around the tront| of the new wing has been pour- ed. Work around the grounds is proceeding in a routine man- ner, The town has removed two trees adjacent to the hospital. | Baptist Women | Plan Picnic THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 28, 1965 Violets Lose 3642 Pounds WHITBY -- The Tops Shrink- ing Violets opened its weekly meeting with the weigh-in con- ducted by Barbara Hodgson. A loss of 36% pounds by 22 mem- bers was reported. Barbara Hodgson was again the successful loser of five pounds in the past week and won the prize donated by Ferg Robitoid and Helen Heffer. The gift was a handmade apron with motifs of shrinking violets with émbroidery saying "I Lost Again". Mrs. Doreen Carrington gave a demonstration. Acting as model for the make-up demon- stration was Florence Martin. Winners of the draw were Vera Wilkes and HQNE Forde. SEEKS HONORS Douglas Smith, Whitby Kinsman, will represent Zone "C" at the Public Speaking competition to be held at the. District Eight Annual Convention to be held at the Bigwin Inn, June 10. This is the first time Whitby has had an entry in the competition. WHITBY -- The Whitby Bap- jtist Society for Christian Ser- vice held its May meeting Tues- \day evening in the . Sunday! | School hall. The president, Mrs.) 4 i |Dudley Wilson, was in the chair,|committee reported a special | During the business session it/bed grant of $9,825 had been |was decided that the June meet-|received. Accounts totalling $18,-| Construction of a parking lot, on property adjacent to the hos- pital, will begin soon. The chairman of the finance) ing would be in the form of a|134.09 were approved. | jope jof Bandmaster Eric Clark. Th invocation was given by Rev |W. citizens on hand for the occa-|St. Andrew's Presbyterian) Church, Whitby. |Councillor, n i opened by the playing of "O Can-|\chairman of the fire and light ada", by the Whitby Senior! committee. of the 4-H Garden Club, elected at a recent meeting in the town- ship hall, are: Patsy Bray, pres- Brass band under the direction personnel were introduced Wivieteusant' Po hag! nag €\Councillor Harry Inkpen, secretary; Dorothy Roberts, i/TRIBUTE PAID treasurer, and Mrs. Eric Green During the introduction of the and Mrs. Albert Cooper, lead- ' ' | nel ers. The club will place an entry h \firemen, Councillor Inkpen paid|in the Brooklin Spring Fair, In- Introduction of guests, and|high tribute to the service Pro-| sect and weed control were dis- master of ceremonies duties|yided by the town's volunteer were handled ably by Whitby/force. He stated that the much cussed, Vernon MacCarl,| discussed "permanent force" Final plans for the Spring Fair would not be an actuality as on June 5 were made at a meet- long as the present volunteers J, §. McClure, pastor a Fire department Grievances Are Voiced By Dunbarton Parents ROSEBANK (Staff) -- The| Dunbarton Home and School As-| sociation appeareti before the} Area No. 2 School Board at its} meeting Wednesday night and| received answers to a list of grievances. The spokesman for the group, J. K. Scott of Dunbarton, told the board that at the last meet- ing at the school one of the sinks in the building was adorn- ed with the sign 'Do not empty sink, pail full'. He said that in addition to this there were four broken windows in the school staff room and a light at the rear of the building was out. FENCE REQUESTED The delegation also said chil-|the windows and rear school|tion of the Canadian Imperial dren attending the school are|light would be replaced and that/Bank of getting into trouble with the po-/the lice because of the new CNRjicaused the pail under the sink} line and requested that a chain|was being looked into but that link fence be erected along the|no work had heen done to the walkway to the school from|present because of the high| Spruce Hill rd., along the tracks to prevent children trespassing. The board was also asked) about the large turnover in 2) Pupils To Tour ing of the Brooklin Spring Fair |maintain the excellent service i Ne aye Ms Pay iene they are providing. The firemen A baseball ae will "ae 9 fag lare_a credit to the community]; She ges in which they reside, he stat- ture of the Friday night pro- jed, adding, the town owes the| 82m. force a great deal for keeping The Sunday School Anniver- fire protection service costs at|S@ty Service will be held at 11 such an economical level. a.m, May 30 at the United Presentation of the keys to the Pang Rg My ee pedinos teachers at the school (15 in the, 1, was made by Ronald C.| past three years) and why z 4 .~'\will attend service with their two of the best teachers were|Deeth, of eng sg ach yer teachers. : x s6 ie being transferred to the new task of building the station. The Bay Ridges School. : The delegation also asked| keys were accepted by William} about the further renovation of|5'?0ng, architect' a member of the Dunbarton School and asked|the Craig, Zeidler and Strong why the board appointed John| architectural firm who designed R, Williams of Bay Ridges to|'he building. the board instead of someone; Accepting the keys, in turn, Si i who had run for the school|from the architect, Mayor Mow-|, All families connected with board at the election. The Homel|at seconded the comments of| the United Church will be visit- and School Association also|Councillor Inkpen, again paying|°4 by & team of visitors on Sun- asked if it was possible to ar-| tribute to the firemen's exceilent|4Y afternoon next. range bus service for children|service record. His Worship de- living on the Second Concession|scribed the new building as the) HOTEL CHAIN SOLD who walk over a mile to attend|second step in the redevelop-| The sale of Labatt s Manitoba classes. jment of the downtown area,|Brewery Ltd.'s Community Ho- The delegation was told that|explaining that recent comple-jtels chain to Oxford Leasehold Ltd. in a transaction involving "several million dollars," was announced in Winnipeg Thurs- day. There are 31 hotels in the Community chain, 13 of them in the Metropolitan Winnipeg area and the remainder in the north and south sections of Manitoba Oxford is a Western Canadian development firm. A graduation ceremony for the 11 girls going up from Explorers will feature the May 31 Mother jand Daughter Banquet to be held in the Christian Education Centre. CGIT members and jtheir mothers are invited. Commerce was the that/|first phase. Mayor Mowat traced the pres- ent fire department back to the early days when horse drawn fire engines were the customary water level in the ground. japparatus used in fighting local SEEK SOLUTION |fires. He said the new fire hall The association was told the|W@S @ long time coming and township and CNR are negotia-|"0w that it was here, would be a ting about the safety of the spur|{urther credit to the municipal- line and the Spruce Hill walk|!ty and a sign of its growth but that the board would con-|@"d expansion tact the CNR about the problem. |1yGGAGE PRESENTED drainage. problem sentatives from neighboring mu- jnicipalities and the Ontario |County Warden, the public was invited to join in a social per- picnic at Greenwood Conserva-| The mission. highlight followed by a prayer session. A| tion Park June 15. |showed 221 admissions, includ-| wasjing 36 births, There were five) read by Mrs, Ruth Pickering,|deaths in the hospital. The statistical report for April| inations. 102 cases handled by the emer- gency department, 181 labora-| tory \treatments There treatments for in-patients, 679 physiotherapy and 208 x-rays. 3,579 laboratory 186 rations and 22 x-ray exam- tests, were ~ Whitby Community Arena ROLLER SKATING Every Friday Night 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. Music by the "Silvertones" Admission $1.00 WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC. | Out-patient services included) pin and life membership cer- tificate, in Women's Baptist Missionary Society of Ontario and Quebec, was presented to Mrs. Everett Pogson by Mrs. P. Allcorn. : | Miss Ruth Maw chose for her! jtopic for the evening "Mothers of Bible Fame". Tea hostesses) were Mrs. Murray Detlor Mrs. | Ross Ward and Mrs. Dorothy) Harding. | Staff Seeks Wage Boost TORONTO (CP) -- Nearly 50 staff members of the Ontario) One-Stop | DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals Custom Dreperies Broadloom C.1.L, Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER | The APPLICATIONS Are Invited For A CARETAKER For The WHITBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Please state experience, ond age in a letter pie "Application". Applications will be received by the references inly marked undersigned until June 7th otf 3 p.m, | Duties July Sth, 1965. to commence Seeretory-Treosurer, Whitby Public School Board, 1125. Athol Street, Whitby, Onterio, ANNUAL MEETING Mon., May 31st 7:30 P.M. at: Whitby Community Arena @ EVERYONE WELCOME @ DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 \Hospital at Whitby paraded in) |front of Queen's Park Thursday |protesting what they called "government stalling and dis- |graceful pay." | John Harkness, president of} |Whitby's civil service associa-| jtion branch, said some of the} |staff from the 500-employee hos- |pital decided to take the action because "it is no longer an honor to work for the govern- |ment."' The demonstration came one day after Dr. Alan Davidson, al ward director at an Ontario} hospital in Toronto, announced) he was leaving because moral! is terrible. | A brief from the. group says take-home pay for some hospl- tal employees is $45 to $60 a week, An association demand that base pay for workers in mental hospitals and reform institu- jtions should be brought into line jwith that of ordinary laborers jwill be sent to compulsory ar- |bitration. 'WHY PEOPL E USE 253rd_ CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that a quarterly dividend of Twelve Cents. per share has been declared on the paid up Capital Stock of VICTORIA and GREY Trust Company and the same will be payable on and after June 15th, 1965 to shareholders of record May 26th, 1965. By order of the Beard RB. G. Thomas, Q.C. General Manager Secretary Lindsay, Ontarie, May 19th, 1965. SPRINGHILL PARK Now Open For Your Playtime Pleasure! 3 Miles North of Whitby on Highway No. 12 75 Acres of picnic grounds, featuring mumerous picnic tobles, : Children's wading pool Fittered pool duty ot all times. Refreshment booth. Serving Hamburgers, hot dogs, coffee, tea, pop, ete. Children's train rides Musie and 8 shady pavilions for your eating pleasure See you at the Pork-- SPRINGHILL PARK Lifeguard on | Radiators With High Blood Pressure One of the most frequent service pro- blems in these hot Summer months Is overhecting. The radiator is the usual cause ond labor costs involved in flush- ing out a clogged radiator could have been avoided, Our experience shows trouble storts when the motorist fails te get rid of last Winter's anti-freeze, through neglect, or in thinking he fs saving money by using it again. Anti-freeze contains a variety of rust inhibitor chemicals, the most common being Borax. At the end of the Winter season, cll varieties lose most of their strength. Then loyers of rust and corrosion pile up .on the inside of the fine tubes through which the coolant circulotes, reducing the flow, ond thus its ability to cool the engine. An engine subjected to high-speed driving on a blistering Summer dey needs moximum cooling, which it can't get from @ clogged radiator. The remedy is to rain and flush the radia- tor, then fill with water te which fresh rust inhibitor hes been added. This labor eost ond tie-up of the car could have been avoided by attending to this in your Spring check-up, when it should have been done in the first place. Wherever you are having your service work done now, heve them drein and refill your rediator if they haven't already done it, It will have to be done in the Fall anyway, end you The delegation was informed) Historic Site |the two teachers being transfer: | In honor of a long term of} service, the mayor presented! Tours of the building and de- TRUST COMPANY could seve yourself @ service bill in the meantime. WHITBY (Staff) -- More than|red to Bay Ridges from the $0 local public schoo! students|Dunbarton School were being SERVICES GROUP JUDGMENT All important decisions affecting the interests of clients are made by a group of senior of- ficers, \Harold Boys and his wife with|tailed explanation of the fire) entrained for the Upper Canada| moved to get a nucleus of ex.|2" attractive set of travelling on was provid- Village early this morning, par-|perienced teachers and that|P@85, on behalf of the munici- ; ted ticipating in an adventure that|they would be satisfactorily re-|Pality. Mr. Boys was con): ------ has become an annual affair. | placed, y mented on the excellent job hel] SYD SILVER FORMALS Under the supervision of D. E The board told the delegation had performed for both the de-) For Weddings Etc. Swerdfiger, principal of King|John Williams was appointed to partment and community, Sty: --aiiniane Street School, assisted by Henry|the board by secret ballot and|!"8 @8 engineer on the volun-] Gpests @ JACKETS For Your. Team TENDERS --FOR-- 28,000 G.V.W. TRUCK Sealed Tenders addressed to: TRUCK TENDERE ¢/o Mr, J. R. Frost, Clerk, Town of Whitby, WHITBY, Ontario. will be accepted until 12:00 NOON FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1965 for « 28,,000 G.V.W. Truck. Specifications and Tender Forms are available from the En- gineering Department, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ont. Any or lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Councillor V. MacCarl, Chairman, Town Property Committee NORTHSIDE ¢ 918 BROCK HRYSLER DODGE 3T Wry DeMille, 52 pupils will tour the|was elected because of this in-|teet force for past 30 Avani d The "Village". Dundas Street School|terest in the board, Mr, wil. | retiring engineer previously Te- will boost the party by 26 pupils|!iams had attended a number of ceived a wrist watch from the under the direction of their prin-|board meetings prior to being tanga as an. expression of cipal, William Batten, assisted| appointed it a a. is aes | by Ross Drew. All pupils are\spupy Bus LE _ Winding up the official festivi- Grade 6 students who will write The association was informed| 2%: following the gy aed essays on the trip when they|pus service from the Second|°" oe ee ae poet "return. |Concession would be difficult tothe isvangelist' Roman 'Cathe The pupils boarded the train) arrange but that the entire mat- lie Chi ing Whitb ba ae around 8.30 a.m. and were met|ter of bus service and schoo! the heneae ti My se ta at Morrisburg by buses which|areas was under study. On the ae ene P the ollowing bi 4 transported the group to the|renovation of the school the dele evaded | t ranean op bales village. Leaving the village at egation was told the department | vot * ti z ' ee oh Maas i around 5.30 p.m., the students|of education had recently made Fire, Mas bh "sof e Ontario are expected to reach homeja grant available for the reno- Heth bord: ea oil Pgnecel about 9.15 p.m. vation of old schools and a con- she stile iahubhan shal hl The trip marks the first time|sultant would be brought in to Dundas Street students have make a study of the Dunbarton gone on the tour but, represents School. Agents for. . SAINT HILL-LEVINE UNIFORMS MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Whitby - Plaza aS OUTBOARDS MUSCLE POWE ENGINEERED FOR PEAK-POWER PERFORMANCE "V-Reed" intake volves create @ super-charged effect to Increase engine power by admitting fuel elong @ direct path from carburetor to combustion chamber, The "V-Reed" development is just one of the advancements built into West Bend engines de- tigned to provide full power with maxi. mum economy, 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY LISTINGS Urgently Needed W. Schatzmann Realtor 114 Broek St. N. WHITBY Ph. 668-3338 @ World's Ist 2-cylinder, ~ j 2-cycle 50 h.p. outhoa © Light and compact » © Full-power performance © Economical to operate. © Attractive styling © © Rich, deep finish @ Ideal for family fon WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3226 pils from King Street. to limit the board meetings to |Two Board meetings have been | Goes With Shah served that the members voting | ~typical Ontario scenes -- for|stay the long hours and suggest- Toronto artist whose religion--| meetings. The two oil paintings were WHITBY -- Saturday Matinee At 1:30 P.M, ser ~ | 11 p.m., was defeated. The mo- | dragged out into the early morn- | TORONTO (CP) -- Premier against the motion were the! the Shah of Iran and by co-jed that more of the board's/ the Baha'l faith--had its begin-| jam presented to the shah and Em- barts during their visit here. | NONE BUT THE BRAVE a 1 \ / ; 'Speedy's specialized muffler service gives you more for your muffler dollar | At Speedy. Muffler King only qualified experts, using tools especially designed for muffler jobs, work on your car. They install mufflers faster-- and better. You save time and money. Speedy's | mufflers are designed and engineered to the same the second such event for pu-; A motion by Trustee Williams, . . tion was made because Area Bit Of Ontario jing hours. Mrs. Pat Finn ob-| Robarts selected two paintings ones who were not willing to incidence chose the 'work of alwork be done at committee! nings in Iran. . BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 8:45 P.M. press Farah 'by Premier Ro- Artist Malvern Dollack, 39,) said the paintings were both Ontario landscapes, one of Georgian Bay in the late sum- mer and the other of southern Ontario in the winter. | They are valued at about $300) each. The Baha'! faith began in 1817 in. Persia which changed its name to Iran in 1927. FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning 8 Ibs. of dry cleoning $2.00 Blair Park Plaza Mon, te Fri. -- 9 om. to 9 p.m, Set. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. high standards as car manufacturers authorized replacement parts. Speedy buys these mufflers in large volume at lower cost. The saving is passed on to you. Come in today for a free muffler and exhaust system check-up. * Me | BRAD DEXTER TONY BILL- SAMMY JACKSON? TATSUYA MIHASH-TAKEGH KATO | 28hewa's Newest and Finest MuMor Contra Smt rear HOWARD KOCH Screg OHM TMT nt KASU SUSAN ane 206 KING STREET 728-6268 Produced and Dvected by FRANK SINATRA TECHNICOLOR®: PAMAVISION ®: FROM WARNER A | | Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 pum, Friday nights til] 9 pum,