Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 May 1965, p. 27

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Mine-Mill Claims Majority, ; . : Avoids Errors mR > ar I Pe Wor ers 4 There are many 4different|\; invariably used | The requirements of a 00d methods of Jaying bricks such| construction. roll of those eligible for the bar-/masonry wall are the correct). running or garden bond with) Stone work can be coursed or gaining unit has been given as)masonry units for the purpose/a header course every sixth or|proken ashlar pattem, coursed 1 : lintended, good mortar, protec-|seventh course (a header course eubble | "The cards now with the la-tion against freezing and pro-|bonds the face masonry to the SUDBURY (CP) -- Mine-Mill says it has a majority of work- ers signed in a bid to regain bargaining rights for Inco work- approximately 15,031. ers here from the United Steel|por board indicated a positive|tection gaaian. the. to rapid| Workers of America (CLC). |majority of Inco workers favor| Nels Thibault, president of)yine-Mill as their bargaining s jwarm summer days. | an | 'The most important necessity|stretchers and two | herringbone pattern, etc. jabsorption of w motar by the bricks duringlof headers \basket weave which 1s two! PLAN TO CHECK ABSENT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 28, 1963 27 Judge Dismisses | Betting Charges lises was a common betting house under the terms of the soldiers) ¢ANCHESTER, England \(CP) -- The Associated Metal "| The simplest method is the| . iecioty-t 'aid A or b hi orkers' Society Ss sugges rasic$ unning or garden bond which SIMCOE (CP) -- A Norfolk|Criminal Code. a re gt gia ae County magistrate Thursday' Magistrate Ross said there ai a y's paid dismissed betting house chargeS\was no evidence of any direct! holiday for every 10 weeks with-|against eight men following a). i direct gain by Waterford) out checking in late. police raid on a downtown Wa- rete a Fok Tecan fal terford home April 4. luk or his brother Nicholas, as Magistrate W. E. Ross ruled/, result of card games played, that the Crown had failed tojin a back room of the restaurant produce evidence that the prem-ibuilding. lfor good masonry however, is la skilled mason, and random _ rubble. back up masonry); Flemish|Brick or stone yeneer must be|noles provided at the base as bond which is alternate courses|tied to the frame with non-|required by plans. and and stretchers;!corrosive metal ties and drain'specifications. ater from the Fav go the -lateruaiional agent for 1965,""-he said: ine, Mill and Smel-| 4)... ae terworkers (Ind.), said Wednes-| Mine-Mill held the bargaining, day a total of "just under 8,000" rights for 17 years until ousted cards of membership have been|by Steel three years ago by a| turned over to the Ontario La-| margin of 15 votes. bor Relations Board. | ere = ogg 6 , 2. WILL STUDY CHINESE | 'uesday to make its final sub-| ,, . "h_, f mission of cards. On May 11 a| ©DINBURGH (CP)- Already union .delegation turned over|one of the few places in Europe 7,430 signed cards to the board.|where Chinese ean be studied at The board has announced althe graduate level, Edinburgh hearing on the Mine-Mill bid/University plans to set up a full- will be held June 15 after alblown. department of Chinese check on the validity of the Studies in the arts faculty next signings. \fall. Officials say there is a Mr. Thibault said the Inter-/growing need for knowledge of national Nickel Company pay-iChina, Separatism Will Burgeon If PQ Ambitions Ignored NEW YORK (CP)--If the am-jin its 300-year history French bitions of Quebec are ignored,|\Canada has begun to realize the separatist movement might!what it could become." poe egg a egg Ae French nationalism has been ison, -in-chie! | f Stenireal Star, told the Cana- nurtured through the two cen dian Society of New York Wed-|turies which had passed since nesday night. the defeat of the French on the French Canadian separatism, |battlefield of 1759. It had re-| he said in his speech at the so-|mained intact and had become ciety's annual Queen's birthday|stronger. Now it wanted its) dinner, is still unimportant in|place in the sun and no longer| voting terms, but it remains ato be considered a minority in reality not to be ignored an English-speaking Jand "Canada," he said, 'is in the, "French Canada's university throes of a basic transforma-|graduates, and as time goes on tion and this transformation is|its new elite, will demand in all] not a renaissance of French|Canada, but most certainly in Canada. It is something due to|Quebec, control of key posts in the fact that for the first timejthe Canadian economy." Plaster, Dry Wall Good -- Depends On Workmanship Either the traditional gyp-,tle, nails have a tendency to sum plaster or dry. wall type/break loose from the wood of finish such as gypsum board|backing and nail heads appear makes a satisfactory interior/beyond the wall surface, This finish if the workmanship isican be annoying if all the inter good. Plaster is still a veryjior painting and decorating ha popular choice and the quality|/been done, For both taping and of the finish depends largely on|cementing joints, the manufac the skill of the plasterer and the|turer's instructions must be proper mixing of materials jcarefully followed Besides obtaining a good wall)' Wooden interior finishes usu surface, ot other -- ally come in the form of ply that should be kept in mind), te ee : These include the fireproof as- wood panels, although other pect, sound proofing, Jeaving|types, such as knotty pine openings for electrical outlets|boards, can be used with good and the reinforcing of corners|results if a rustic effect is de above certain windows andjsired. Any builder or building doors. Another important point/supply dealer can inform the to remember is that plastering) home-owner about the various should never be done in an un-|types of interior finishes RR Re ee RON G0 AS Ra aE ee PRR SR RES | |] Choose from our Wide Selection heated house during cold wea- ther. | THREE COATS The inside temperature should be maintained between 50 and 70 degrees during the work and| for at least a week after the last coat of plaster has been ap- plied. Three coats of plaster are) necessary. The first, or| "scratch" coat is purposely made rough to provide a bet- ter bond for the second or "brown" coat. rent a new superfast Cascade 40 for only a few cents a month. The Cascade 40 electric water heater can supply all the hot water you'll ever need. ® Two elements produce hot water fast ® Large tank keeps 40 gallons of hot water on tap @ Needs no flue--can be in- stalled anywhere ® Flameless--so safe and clean ® For more information ask your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 --In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ....... ... TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ........ . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 re. Reed's Florists. BOXED PLANTS Add Colour To Your Garden ALYSSUM PETUNIAS PORTULACA MARIGOLDS ZINNIAS PANSIES CARNATIONS ASTERS CELOSIA IMPATIENS SNAPS AND MANY OTHERS : 5 Oc Box GERANIUM PLANTS 50c up Complete Line of Vegetable Plants REED'S Greenhouses Drive-In Flower Shop 163 Bloor St. West 728-7389 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. ..... .. TELEPHONE 942-2930 rmstrong The third, or "white'" coat) gives us the final surface which/ will later be papered or paint-) ed. There is no specific length' of time prescribed for the dry-| ing of plaster. The period de- pends on the interior tempera- ture as well as outside factors and humidity. Windows should) be left partly open during the drying period to allow air to circulate. Wet plaster contains a large amount of water and good ven- tilation is needed to assist evap-| oration. On the other hand, evaporation should not take place too readily or you may get cracks in the plaster. Unlike plaster, which is ap- plied wet and creates a moisture problem, dry wall finishes -- as the name implies -- are put on dry and enable the builder to proceed more rapidly with the interior woodwork. The most popular type of dry wall finish is gypsum board, but other! types such as hard board, fibre- board and wood panelling can be used. A dry wall finish provides an attractive surface when paint- ed. If the joints are well nailed, taped and cemented, they can be made invisible and the fire- proofing and sound-proofing fac- tors can also be ensured. If proper materials are used and the workmanship is good, a dry wall finish can be just as effective as plaster. However, special care must be taken with the nailing. LUMBER DRIES As the framing lumber dries out, the house continues to set- WEBSTER Lumber & Supply Ltd. Lumber -- Hardware -- Insulation -- Paint 701 Brock St. N. Whitby Ph. 668-4451 "FOR Insecticides VISIT VAN BELLE GRAN R 4 g se 0 : i ie DVIEW AND OLIVE AVE. ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES : INCLUDE THESE FEATURES . AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Some Plans Provide Walkout Basements -- Host of Optional Extras Available To Your Specifications ! VERY omes ommmmeees Your Choice of Two Altractively Planned, Convenient Locations Southwood Park ills Estates oe a: : bsg -- OSHAWA . Copper tone hooded exhoust fon in kitchen 12. 13, Front and side yards sodded. Sidewalks installed from front to drive- way and side door to drivewoy. , Double . Forced air gas heating -- or forced air oil heating. laundry tubs. rack. Clay brick. Built-in Kle 18. 19, 20. Stainless steel kitchen sink. . All elect: ht f z ' electric light' fixtures Fancy ceiling in living-room and dining- room Colored ceramic wall tile for bathroom and colored fixtures . 100-Amp heavy-duty electric installed. Divided basements with recreation fac- ilities All services included: paved road, san- itary and storm sewers, individual woter connections, curbs. wiring . Oak floors throughout where Asbestos in living Vinyl tile is not installed. falance boxes and. dining 10, 21, 22. 23. Vy . Metal iron railing installed on front porch where there ore three steps or more and» doors natural mahogony (custom Kitchen cupboards stained imported built window, . . . YOUR DESIGN FOR MODERN LIVING AT ITS BEST HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH -- AJAX 17, Copper toned built-in triple peper towel enex dispenser. Poured concrete basement (with life time guarantee). Mahogany trim. Built-in range ond oven. Your choice of bow window or picture GARDENS 3 Miles East of Oshawe on Highway No, 2 PH. 623-5757 MEMBER OSHAWA AND DISTRICT HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION

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