ive ' , 1 4 ¥ sy 5 C54 ew ad . ees A dead on Tn . Bea ate erie on ey " y o ed " or wens ernwrerwvs Me oe ag VO Oe PEEP POOF G9 FE Oey . y . ° ' e jury hampered her movements,|the family car to a shopping| they saw Mrs. Garten shaking ' ' if | she said. plaza, come out of -the store|a mop from her. front verandah ; oe , ? our 1ews ome ovies Defence lawyer B. D. Raph-|Catrying a large bag of grocer-jand her husband stooping over y s ibe: 4 j y ael, acting for Percy Singer of|ies in her left hand and a threes | |their garden, ° ° Toronto, owner of the second) Wart jug of milk and her purse' Mr, Garten stood up at one D car who had already admitted|in her right, get back into the point and berated Judge j e ore @ecl Ing amages lliability in the accident, asked|°@" and drive home Weaver for the defence actions. for and received permission to| Mr. Garten was shown walk- {When his lawyer interrupted TORONTO (CP) -- A_ sub-jmonth period. ust, and pneumonia, were screen two home movies taken|ing about his front yard with-|him, he turned and walked out urban North York family was}. Mr. Garten said he missed|brought on by the accident. by private investigators. out difficulty, Rosalie was of the courtroom. jawarded $1,770 damages Thurs-|work and claimed $3,900 for, Rosalie, who wept during her) They showed Mrs. Garten, shown washing the family car) 'The Gartens had originally |\day after a York County judge|joss of wages. He said a heart|testimony, said the accident|wearing a surgical collar, open|i" the driveway of the home. turned down a settlement offer jand _jury watched two homelcondition discovered last Aug-|had made her nervous. 'The in-'an overhead garage door drive ators a 1 so testified of 83 750. imovies, ~~~ smecrenerenensarnes ms . - cn ceaereseeinee sr csrneranaa iia mets. Seasomrerrs senna ware -- - ne - en ee ea aaemnane The family had originally \claimed a total of $26,000 dam- lages for medical and other costs incurred after a traffic accident. In addition to the low judg- ment, the family was assessed court costs after March 31. The case started May 7, 1964. when a car driven by Mayer Garten, 47, was struck from be- jhind when stopped at a cross- walk. His wife, Chaja, and their '\17-year-old daughter, Rosalie, were passengers, :/ The Gartens claimed spinal and whiplash injuries caused them pain and suffering and restricted their activities for months afterwards. Mrs. Garten swore before | Judge E. L. Weaver and the jury she could do no lifting, shopping or driving until a few #imonths ago. Included in her claim for damages was a $783 bill for housekeeping services she said she needed over a 10. History Project Of Agro Society laa Mitery of the Oniacio, aia OPEN THE jeultural Society is expected to |be included in the centennial DOOR TO f program of the Ontario Associ jation of Agricultural Societies, President William Macdougall CONVENIENT of Alvinston Thursday told the annual meeting of District 7, which includes the counties of LIVING IN Brant, Oxford, Waterloo and Wellington, ~| Mr. Macdougall also urged a 4\general improvement of fair- s grounds as centennial projects for individual societies Harold Buchanan of RR 1, Paris: chairman of the district, matin |was re-elected for the 1965 term "HAPPY 'ROOF ER AT DO JR STREET and Mrs. George Elliott of Ar- _ -- thur was elected 1966 director for the women's section, Need Proper Preparation 'SHAH CAN BE | , 1 Reet Before Concrete Poured '*4¢K Tour || @ 2eEmor i TORONTO (CP)--If Iran's os H ; Before placing concrete the|forms to prevent honey-combing) oi! wells ever run out, its | ¢e gubgrade should be properly/of the concrete shah might boost the royal | | ® i ci © a 2 TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO DEMAND THE ULTIMATE IN FINE LIVING . . . WHO INSIST ON ADDED COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE . . . YOUR NEW ADDRESS 1S IN-BRAEMOR GARDENS! Braemor Gardens offers every convenience -- here you are close to public, separate and high schools, shopping p!azas, churches of all denominations, and recreation areas -- Braemor is designed for prac- ' tical people who desire grace and ease of living, You will find a distinguished atmosphere where ex- cellent planning has assured an important address in a FAMILY COMMUNITY, After the concrete: has been revenues at the racetrack VISIT prepared and the forms should placed in the forms, to the el Before ending an eight-day ; e- f g ight-day po eget | and denne vations shows on the plans, the}. Canadian visit, he watched VAN BELLE q sty : top of the foundation should be| three thoroughbred races at | j ay ein ab aise levelled and smoothed. If frame| Greenwood track Wednesday | GARDENS (Stevenson Rd. N. at 4 from the concrete. No concrete| construction. is \ proposed, an-) --and bet three winners, 3 Miles East of Oshawa Annapolis) ii jchor bolts should be inserted The shah's winnings Hi j should be placed on a frozen} on Highway No, 2 subgrade or on one that con- into the concrete while it is stil amounted to $135.50 PH 623 5757 4 71 | wet. - . he tains frozen materials. Wall Never place concrete in forms; --------__________ % . . eeuiiinneil ne en forms should be tight to pre-|..: vent loss of cement and to elim.|Wnich_ contain inate fins on the wall surface. water, Never| leave newly placed concrete un Conarete should be placed in| Protected if there is danger of gation because the cementjor organization to supply: new tends to flow out ahead of the'to a radio station beamed to » able in its final position. It Ea 1 coarser material. South Africa which the pos 'a the forms as nearly as practic- wis stl orieoe mend bk 5 should not be placed in large DEFINES OFFENCE ; quantities at a given point and) JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) of . : allowed to run or to be worked/A bill now before the South ay , ; , over a Jong distance in the form.|/Frcian Parliament would make re | This practice results in segre-jit an offence for any individual "TT 1! | | : OUR NEW RUG Spade each layer and with ajmaster - general might deem hammer tap the outside of thel subversive THERE MOM' Yes little boy... more and more people in Oshawa and orea are relying on Angus-Graydon to take care of their floor covering needs. Satisfaction voiced by past customers is proof of quality ma- terials and the most expert workmanship. | i Hi | i \ 4 POL hekba : vaoe-e ee veue~ PO Cy de LLL ox, 'ee: 4 gat gable astonishing but true... easy to put on an oil and water paint! == easy to clean up PRATT & LAMBERT si "-LZJRAYDON poli ANGuUs- GRAYDON Policy HOUSE PAIN i We pledge to give our clientele the best possible advice in all matters within our field of | business to give our clients the best value per dollar spent . . . to never misrepresent | ' our merchandise to give you courteous service before, during and after the sale A dream come true--an oil base paint in water to refund your money within a reasonable time, if goods are not satisfactory . . . to give { the best workmanship. possible to guorontee our merchandise . . . to condurt our solution. It goes on so easily. It covers so well. It looks so good. It protects so thoroughly and lasts so long. It's hard to believe--but try } it and see. It bears a famous name and is of recognized, superior Pratt & Lambert quality. Your choice of White, Chalk Resistant White and bases for = custom color tinting. business to the best of our knowledge and in on ethical monner, AT THE DGAR'S cENTR A G Y Take advantage of "Shop-At- ' CENTRE eta ae ecb N & u 3 : RA u z N advice to. yqu... just give us a call for F; CARPET COMPANY LIMITED | "Ask Us -- We Will Help You" prompt, efficient service and estimates, i¢ 282 KING WEST OSHAWA 728-6254 | "34 KING ST. WEST -- 723-7351