'the concrete which at this: ; not. vet reached. its naxj- mum strength. The mimterial: uses for back-fill should he clean, native, sub-soil free of debris and boulders A The final step in foundation) - = _ |work is back-filling the space |between the foundation walls and the bank of excavation STANMORE. England (CP)-+ | Naturally the excavation had to Radio personality Sam Costa be made larger than the size of came home from a three-week the house to allow room to work holiday to find his house had and just as naturally it has to been burgled. The taider was be filled in. This work has to be evidently -a fan--he left a note done carefully, because care-isaying. 'Sorry it was you"--but lessly placed hack-fill could till took: £200-worth of .an- damage the water-proofing and'tiques i has THIEF WAS RELUCTANT he INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 vanced countries were preoccu TREES AND SHRUBS HELP CLEAN THE AIR £AST END HOME IN OLIVE-GRANDVIEW AREA pied with new developments. in i Wilson To Ask jautomation, color printing anc Fair Aids N.Y. Educational Midis ".2 oc To Saye Water "rn as at » we \newspapers was still a problem LONDON (CP)-Prime Min-|;, fob: parts of the world It ister Wilson says he intends to). vita) that the press in the The\circulate the same water. The} ask older members of the Com-} dered yen Wlbnenes ; lost through newer countries grow up in an monwealth to boost educational wind-spray Is lhave a disproportionate number 17.9 per cent, as opposed to YOUNG DRIVE BADLY collision' accidents--- other drivers' 7.7 per cent! | water from the Flushing River) f | Drivers aged 19 and underjof "non only s (CP-AP) is co-operating; amount of water om-|evaporation and NEW YORK world's fair with the city water aid to younger members|@'™0sPhere of freedom fully when the Commonwealth prime ministers meet here next month In the the ess advance of mankind gap in under- standing is the greatest single relent the The older have to help and to set an example Wilson said, pointing to the work of Lord Thomson, Cana dian born pub who has given 'an inspi lead countries isher ng missioner's move water in New York, it nounced Wednesda) The city-wide water-conserva tion measure went into effec Tuesday in an attempt to help ¢ cope with a drought that is con was ant ornamental to conserve|smal! enough to be replaced by ainfall ordered in the they re last Friday fountains even if water D'Angelo shut off ircuiate About the same 17,000 restaurants and An ALL-ELECTRIC 'Medallion danger facing the world, Wilson Providing aid to train reporters a a pe he jotarnationat Press In-\and editors in newer coun- tinuing to lower levels in the/other eating places are affected stitute Thursday at a closing|'Ties. Thomson ho publishes city's reservoirs b water measure. If a banquet in stately Hampton Mewspapers in a number of: It the Pool ofirestaurant serves a patron an Court Palace ountries, also done so [ndustry, largest fountain at|unrequested glass of water the Newspapers and other forms ™u to bring a fresh wind fair. which doesn't comeiproprietor will be risking . of communication had to help "to the somewhat musty allevs under Commissioner Armondicourt summons and a fine up close gar Education was °f Parts of our quality press.' d'Angelos jut is diction the ke Though Britain al- ; ~ - ready provided a great deal of such aid, more had to be done He hoped to explore with the prime ministers at their June 17-25 meeting how a co-oper- ative boost could be made While publishers in the ad- Times 'Weekly' Back As Daily ANCOUVER (CP) The Times, which had announced it would leave the daily newspaper field to be come a weekly publication, has - decided to remain a daily--at least for the time being In a statement Thursday, The Times announced it would con tinue as a daily until Wednes day, June 2, and that a public meeting would be held that night. Newspaper executives clined further comment In a statement Wednesday President William Val Warren said the afternoon newspaper would publish its last daily edition Monday, switching to weekly publication the follow ing Thursday, June 3 At that time he said the news Paper, which began publication Sept. 5, 1964. had lost 'more than $1,000,000" in the first nine months of operation. He said then that The Times would re vert back to a daily publication after solidifying its financial position Meanwhile. Harold (Brud) Delany, m g editor of The Times s in a statement Thursday as resigned over policy differences with man agement. He said he has no immediate plans Ready-Mixed Concrete Best The crete walls phasized fo the HOME is... te Home youll love live in... was noted that he the uses t¢ LES EVENISS SALES..Your jFy "UP fl For SUMMER BEAUTY & Year Round DURABILITY -- install -- Vancouver KAISER 20 Year Guarantee de Check These Benefits .. . MORE LEISURE weekends and be yo being spent in home maintenance MORE SAVINGS vaca- to enjoy in Evening tions wi stead ending rit irs of never MORE VALUE INFORMATION CALL... 723-4624 res pertect pone importance ' t ' footings of sound con and foundation be over em the foundations are not sound the entire stru ture is doomed. If the builder is using ready-mix con¢rete it is almost safe to say that the cor crete has beer scientifica blended and that it w pre duce I designed -- strengtt shown on the delivery slip afte 28 days « The strength of the conc ends on the proportioning of the material and to a lesser extent on the soundness of the aggregates Should the builder mix his own concrete on site the pouring op erations should be continuous until all required concrete is in place VANDALS LOCKED IN BOROUGH GREEN, England (CP)--Quick thinking by rail way guard James Palmer turned a train "ompartment into a mobile ja cell when he caught two men damaging seals and fittings in a southbound ex- press, Palmer locked the door and imprisoned them until 'po lice arrived can neve ' 3 a a »HERE'S WHY ALUMINUM 7% | ik Bas lio Na yer of cries in all APPLIANCE CONDITIONING--your assurance of electrical convenience Appliance conditioning in @ Medallion Home provides the electrical foundetion for All Medallion Home owners enjoy these advantages: @ on abundance of hot water fost-recovery wate completely installed @ heavy wiring for easy connection of en electric range and dryer @ plenty of special outlets in the kitchen counter and work areas for the convenient use of food blenders, toasters, sandwich grills, coffee makers, frying pans and all other similar appliances @ planned locetion and plenty of outlets in al! rooms for convenient use of el! electricol applionces and equipment radio, lamps and other sored by your homes your dreom home AWNINGS A Coke sierra in te Nah tar BUY NOW...and SAVE! oa Choose your style of awnings from our many designs Ask about our complete "PATIO SERVICE" . . . includes Aluminum Patio Awnings ond Cement work, always o op. A heater is rete de anticipatir present ond electric kettles, through a A 1 home. Discover for yours Medallion h benefit you in these important television Complete freadom in srrangement of furniture home furnishings @ Power Conditioning ® Applionce Conditioning © Light Conditioning ® Total Electric Living in a Gold Medallion Home * & CLOSE e@ STANDARD CyPE PEN LIGHT CONDITIONING--the right light where you need it in @ Medallion Home Light Conditioning provides the correct positioning of electrical outlets, lighting fixtures and switches to give you light where you need it @ planned lighting to brighten activity areas @ decorative illumination to odd beauty, spaciousness and atmosphere @ correct lighting in kitchen and bathroom glore or shadows @ outdoor weatherproof outlets to provide for summer and round decoretive lighting @ adequate and safe lighting to brighten hallways and stairs. @ lighting outlets iT in the o ge and location of lamps @ ottractive exterior illuminetion to provide proper light sofety and security. @ Light sonditioning mokes every Medallion Home radiate grace, beauty and hospitality. @ HORIZONTAL @ VERTICAL the heort of y Medallion Home @ POWER CONDITIONING In a Medallion home you ore assured of plenty of circuits and service eapacity for the safe, efficient operation of o!! your electrical equipment -- no service bottleneck when you wish to add more appliances 'Airlume' Aluminum' Awning, Now . Call Now for FREE ESTIMATES ination withou Featuring the beautiful manufactured in Oshawa . to provide effective activities yeor All Medallion Homes Have: -- @ Full Capacity 100 amp Main Service to allow ® Modern Full House-Power Distribution Panel @ Plenty of. Circuits for 'a3 Todoy's needs @ and Extra Capacity for the Future Your Dealer For: ® PRE-CAST STONE ® PERMA-STONE ® NATURAL STONE Serving Oshawa and Area for Over 14 Years ae oe se LES EVENISS '%:: TOTAL ELECTRIC LIVING IN A GOLD MEDALLION HOME FOR ntario homes proud efrigerators, air condit CONTACT OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION H. F. BALDWIN, Chairman VISIT . VAN BELLE GARDENS 2 Miles East of Oshowe en Highway No. 2 PH. 623-5757 LTD. 15 Prince St. Oshawa Phone 725-4632 Evenings 723-2707 R. J. FLEMING f. F. ARMSTRONG LYMAN. A. GIFFORD i FL N. MeCALLUM P Eno. Vice-Chairman MAYOR