against the employer and the' NEW YORK (AP) -- New| MADRID (AP)--The Spanish|the Canadian government for --_-- FER SAR ee | government has ratified lastithe use of nuclear energy in4arm and industrial productionjand health research Ss) No 7 bl jand prevent unfair practices) NAME ASSISTANTS | SIGN ATOM DEAL |\September's agreement with THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey. Mey 27, 1965 JF roupie, NAMES IN NE W employee," said Mr.. Gray York Rangers named veterans] t on other ust t For PR Hic Higgs mas gee of 23 Harry Howell and Don Marshall) dad' and 'Tobago, Dr pre saps hour this year and next assistant coaches of their Na- san and Tobago, Dr. KINGSTON (CP) -- A unique'year and 25 cents in the third tional Hockey League team| Eric Williams conferred ? clause in a new three-year con- year. Basic hourly wage rate) wednesday, The club also. an- oes "" ib sy i a 7 tract reached there provides/has as been $3.90, _ _ nouuced that Howell a defence- e Minister Lester. B. thi, t ak asian " Saeed Pearson this week. Dr. Wile y J se bap hota tg ino? THEATRES SUBSIDIZED man, and Marshall, a forward, in C ma d { » Norwegian government have signed their 1965-66 con- eee ernie iP te ; i. se . yearnot " guile . subsidized live theatres to the tracts. They will assist Red Sul- celve a degree from the Uni> i Z j 4 1 pain elat : ' of 8,700,000 kroner/livan, who recently was rehired ; versity of New Brunswick. p '4 Tye 4 Funued g00d rérmlions si, 318, 8,000) | in n 1965. as coach for one year. wa 4 | George Gray, business agent hiss TEER 'sini 7 5 5 Me yh for Local 115 of the Interna eo oo ee : , 7m tional Brotherhood of Electrical There Are ag wer Benefits For All long civil war in the Domini- p Gj, / TC) wi sida ] Workers (CLC), who announced can Republic abates, one i the new contract with the King- BUSINESS EXECUTIVES man appears to have an in , via ston Builders Exchange, said he AND SALESMEN side track on the presi 4 7 felt it was a major step forward dency. He is Antonio Sylves- in labor-management relations| For personel use or for @ ACADIAN ther se va wah sae "ec in this area Company use there ore @ PONTIAC Models P . 4 0 ie Guxman Fernandes, 54, p Local 115 represents electri-] definite odvantages when i" : a former agricultt y f e BUICK Request SUCHUURE. SEE YZ 4 cians in the Kingston, Brock- you lease anew... is i : ' : \ te the Juz ' re- iy le J Y y No insurance costs . 0 maintenance costs . . ne rate covers Eye the Juan Boseh re % 4 7 y ville, Belleville and Cornwall everything on one or two year lease items .. . Phone or come in > \ gime, and a champion of the areas and the contract will af- for full details. » 2 Fa "have-not" classes Wy 7% fect more than 300 construction THE An ex-boxer was a study ; vomrnree representatives from MILLS AUTO LEASE in passive resistance when FLOYD PATTERSON each side will meet three times |. PHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST ' police moved in on the Mon- a year to maintain -- harmony \ \e treal Separatist rioters on Kennedy and the children -- -- os -- | Victoria Day. Reggie Char- were present at .he unveil- aman Special Summer Value P ' & trand hugged his wife as fic SE IKA Wimotal 16 har y they awaited, on the ground, - al DOMINION é a ALITY ANDY removal by police late husband, and then spent WHERE QU Y two weeks at the home of VALUE ARE GUARANTEED New York Yankees' star "Mrs. Kennedy's sister, | Mm | 24 ey h@)°4 tod oui ® Rugged 2-ply NYLON construction right-fielder Roger Maris (61 Princess Lee Radziwill. g the lineup Tuesday night (---- te cod @ Truck tire tough, Super-Syn rubber "month of | Light Dependable after almost a month of in- } 1] . Li it d tit ch oy activity from a muscle pull om ; { q } imited quantity only urry in! green meen! | REPT || 20° RoraRyY | struck out three times as MOWER . the sagging bombers drop NEW ped a 51 decision to Sonny ADMIRAL Powerful 2 eyele 2% HP. Tecim , POPULAR 750 x 14 AND 670 x 15 TUBELESS Siebert and the Cleveland seh Engine gives years of trouble 5 free operation. Adjustable cuttin 4 'i eon TELEVISION height from 1" to 3". Shatterproot 7 ; Western Canada and mo Rt me steel housing. Staggered wheels ' A { northern Ontario will host PARKWAY avoid scalping, .Chrome plated , LL, Governor-General. and Mrs. handle : é j e George Vanier for the next $1.00 per dey » $5.00 per week Bae ; : 22 days. The Vaniers board $15.00 Fer Month 95 YF 2 AND TIRE OFF ia , (w ) : ed a plane from Ottawa mn Opren te buy p YOUR CAR ot & ee ADD $1 IF TRADE NOT RECAPPABLE WHITEWALLS ONLY 99¢ MORE yesterdat Speciol Rates For Lonaer " ONLY Periods - Minimum $3.00 g : Former | chame Floyd Patterson ap- | Admiral PORTABLES "CONTOUR CAR MAT pears to' be the next target for Cassius Clay, as the SUMMER CLOSING HOURS ie quer "mouth singled him out Close 12 Noon Saturday Savihia ruber 4c Tuesday night following his During June - July - August Be reais driv one-r ne-minute, one- > 4 dbl a green ath gon Maree eg of Sonny Dehumidifiers For Rent eS Tee Peco ack, greer ci 98 Liston. Liston has twice "Your Color TV Store" No. 35110 -- Front ked Patterson out in the 3 MN a fe B.F GOODRICH first ear 4 PARKWAY 0" RTO ' PP TOILE EE . ai e : HOME & AUTO CENTRE TELEVISION TIRE stones) 48 BOND ST. W. ¢ NO OUTSIDE FINANCING i 88 King St. W., Oshawa | 725-4543 Britain bade farewell to "We Service What We Sell : : Mrs, Jacqueline Kennedy Se Ourselves e \ ne OSHAWA 725-6511 ¢ TERMS -- 1.00 DOWN -- siti ogres y Open Fri. to 9 p.m. and children Caroline and 918 Simeoe St. N. 723-3043 rERMS -- 1 John Jr. vesterday. Mrs Every "GOODWILL" Car Has Been Thoroughly Safety Checked, Reconditioned and Carries the Millsville "Goodwill" Warranty ! There's No Guesswork When You Select a Millsville Car! They Tell You Exactly its Condition Before You Drive Away ! The reputation, and success, of your Mills Man and'the products he represents depends on a fair and honest presentation to the Millsville shoppers For this reason none of your Mills Men stands on past laurels; but. strives on every occasion to extend courteous satisfaction with integrity. They know it's one thing to earn a sound reputation; it's another to maintain it. Why not drop in and see your favourite Mills man! Let him SHOW you what we mean! @ RAY McLAUGHLIN e@ AL ATKINSON @ BILL HAYNES DAVE BATHE @ GARRY HOOEY @ ROSS SHEYAN @ BADE CRANFIELD DON GAVAS @ LEN BURTON @ GEORGE PRUNER @ BILL LING MIKE JACULA @ FRANK WHITE MURRAY FRANKLIN attest, For A Dependable Deal See Our Millsman , AS 1S SPECIALS . COMPACTS : / T y 1958 Oldsmobile 1958 Chevrolet 1959 Pontiac 1959 bi 1961 Vauxhall 7 § BES ' tooo, amoinamin, --raveomanconcn ME cu otttt u. x $1M9, tee, $00 GOODWILL 1129980, good car. Lic, No, H66351. oe somone Se "1959 Vauxhall 1957 Volkswagon CARS $379 $549 Phot hgns Scand . $329. DELUXE COACH $299 h ete e e Ni dante ed viny! trim. With raat apse in color, Lic, ; No. H483 1963 1964 1964 LOW-RATE 1964 1961 Chevrolet Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac M-I-C Pontiac Pontiac 1962 1963 Biscayne Parisienne 2-DOOR Strato Chief Saferi INSU RANCE Parisienne Strato Chief Pontiac Pontiac 2-DOOR HARD TOP 4-DOOR 4-DOOR 4-DOOR SEDAN : 2-DOOR HARD TOP a \ ne, qutomatic vn Sak oe STATION WAGON and a STATION WAGON Laurentian Strato Chief om "te ee 17,000 ectuol miles with bo Big V-8 engine, outomotic# 5, Vp engine, automatic 2-DOOR HARD TOP 2-DOOR SEDAN power brakes stom radio end | 1 oy mileage, one owner. Aqua | ance of new cor warranty. Sed. {raramiisions pushbutton Radic: , : IE au ates. deci with ke hes Aa 7 power brakes, custom radio ' hs ani deaths Sia Adc teananiicelas mans. : : ; cor) te eee et Le sands (hte aneak votlninh OW-COS White with blue t i Low mile white wall tires. Fawn beige Automatic tro smi in; cust i. Stondard tre $$ H46003 nS is 19003 on rent peguty. bic 483-189 ready for your summer vacatior ace. Lic. No. H39827 , with cordoven 9-tone 29,000 radio, Autumn gold wit h Moa ah radio, Soddle tan. wit H49 : with' th c. No. X8766 ge. b 4 octuol miles, Lie, No. 28475X, |: ine trimh, This car looks $1299 | 52399 | s2499 | s2499 |" | 52999 | 31699 | $1899 | s1699 Your PONTIAC @ BUICK @® VAUXHALL @ VIVA @ ACADIAN @ GMC @ BEDFORD TRUCK Sales and Service Centre The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 266 KING STREET WEST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 power . steerir transmission; . power steering,