27, 1968 F stagger when he walked, not; Two men who attempted to H Hi June 6. In preparation for the 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey i | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE en influence of alcohol. soe) ma sckemnonel rem the Rededication service, which will be one of ree | | parking lot of an Ajax apart- s edication, the members of St. 7 | F Y ths Pl d il | Theft of two spotlights from a|ment, were each sentenced to Service Planned Mark's will receive cards of our ou ea ul ty car parked on the Ger: al - a -- 0 49, of To... WHITBY -- "Christian Humil- membership from their elders. 4 tor's south-plant parking lot, arles McNamara, 32, 9! 4% ity was the sermon theme at ----__--- sentiments 4 . * { nth de ta ronto and Edward Cardweli.| ' To Entering Six Schools nao Byer esol 'ld. Garth| 44, of Kingscourt, Ajax. both) [Sunday morning. 'The choir Bs WHITBY Stewart, of 822 Glen st. Osh- said that it was the influence the anthem "Oh How Amiable'| DRIVING SCHOOL w HIT BY (Staff) -- Fourljail, after being convicted of awa. of alcohol that mace them do it.|) Hilsais New duel controlled cors. |area youths, who pleaded guilty] public mischief. Another youth, Anthony Peter, Magistrate Jermy. 90 T°/""i was enagunced thal» spe-| fcneneee'tot Root lin Macisirate 5 Court Tuesday; Franklin W. Lewis, of 164 El-|vesters, 18, had a charge of pos- jcommended that Cardwell be cial service celebrating the 40th Dial 668-4176 : ee coe cae ons rox street, evidence showed,|session of the two spotlights ag-\SeMt to the Mimico Al OhO! ¢! nniversary of the United | oeeaney Own enter and theft, were each|had reported his car stolen after|journed sine die. treatment centre -- Church of Canada would be held! A ii jgiven two years' suspended sen- jhe had been involved in an acc- es SeeSticscstietass REREAD tRNA ns jtence with probation, by Magis-: lident on April 11 Driving while his ability was PAY FOR JUST LIVING 'trate Harry Jermyn impaired, cost Orville Ashby, WARSAW (AP)--Poland has Douglas Chinner, 18, of Prince, Driving while intoxicated cost | Oshawa, $100 and costs or 5 jslapped a 50 zlotys ($2) daily A E |Albert: Wayne Dawson, 17, of Wayne Samson, 22, of Toronto, days in jail. tax on. foreigners staying at ho- T |Whitby; Edward Morrison, 19, seven days in jail Ashby, evidence -howed, had|tels. Called a "'local tax" here lof Myrtle and David Colbary, Samson, had been stopped on,peen the driver of 2 ear thai lit has been applied uniformly 17, of Oshawa, all pleaded guil- Bloor st., Oshawa, on May 22, lwent out of contre! on Dundas throughout the country lty to the charges. after his car had been observed' street, Whitby on Mav 8. | Police evidence showed that/ Weaving about the road. Anrol3 h the youths had broken into six ; : An 18-year-old youth, wno ap- F R BLACK O.D. |public schools in the area and Being drunk in a public place, peared for sentencing for mak- . . st Edward Mullen of Celina { lls |had stolen a total of $501 worth COE ing. indecent telephone cal re) METRIST B. jof equipment from them Pais st., Oshawa, $25 and costs or) was given five months at hard PTO So lalso. caused $135 damag 10 days in jail: He was alsojjabor in common. jail. Larry PHONE 723-4191 fined $10 and costs or an addi- Dawson also pleaded zuil 101 ional five days for having eevee: lhe Appenren Saree 136 Simcoe St. Noith 513 Kent St., Whitby a charge of theft of a car heater| iio, ins place other than Ris! nomenon the charge ESLER POLES TE BEE ATS TREE ' i Tae ava: juor in place other tha ----- = Sa the Bay Ridges Drive-In residence eatre, Are sorry to'announce that ofter 15 yeors Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck A 63-year-old Oshawa man, ANNUAL MEETING ook describe the work of the {wo IN| Herbert Harrison, who did a 1 OE Ne oe ee vestigating officers, Constable) dance at the corner of Simcoe WHITBY shop is closing, ond wish to worm Ernie rence rhe re on: and Bond streets in Oshawa, on * * \ ' stable Harold Hockins, ", BS May 20, was fined $5 and costs p 4 ss C t thanks to all their clientele' for their loye or oors . "magnificent" or 30 days for being drunk in a ro re ive onserva ive patronage in the post tine yeors "It took these officers 10 days public place. ek ne WHITBY KINSMEN PRESENT $500 CHEQUE to clear this thing. up, and it was the sixth offence to -- iga i see agnificent the way they Harriso Kicking off Cystic Fibrosis with a $500 cheque at its photo the cheque is present ded ag rgpeeia way " scala of lidontied: 6H Monday, May 31st Thank You Week ahead of time, fhe . meeting this week, The ed to Dick Hermansen by SRL : 'ing in. against Michae t : Whitby Kinsmen Club pre- cheque represented revenue Howard Souter, chairman of Taken from the ae ppiged sper Bcieve hin 4t + abet Ss ing KING ST. SCHOOL e 7:45 P.M. sented the public relation from the Kinsmen Carni the Kinsmen Cystic Fibrosis the break-ins ae af bes ! A tnldéod alter he tod Macisteat Election of Officers Wr. Carol Dragomolz officer of the Canadian val held recently at Kins- Fund Raising Committee telephone hs pg hsee aes Jermyn that it: was'a o64ho0d All Conservatives ore urged to attend Cystic Fibrosis Foundation men Park, Whitby. In the Oshawa Times Photo pepe _ proincint screen, a injury to his leg that made him projector and a science kit rd Joint Meeting , Restitution of $135 was also Metro Planning Boa «niet nee Ward, was fined $100 and costs Plans Information Rally vss cctmsgeggygt ooh ae ia aces pei convicted joint tine y 95 in | ae 7 J ae : mee g Ma r 1 4 breathalizer test sigue AJAX (Staff) 4 etition|/tha olving the dust problem 'e cnurc 1a that Ward: had 2.3. parts per from the Lake \ , Subdis was by no means cheap and. M Fred Ollen-Bittle chaired thousand in blood-alcohol ; ld. t tha pond the Unit 4 business meeting in . nt no on Burche d. would. be costly since oadi * residen ig on Bt the absence of M R. H. Mac on-vear-old man, who re was referred to the Ajax Works; would have to. be treated con-cay) Thir sven calls & A dd-yeu : nal $ arl r \ alls were! oa his car stolen to ne] 4. Chief Winters, who retired .in and Pr ca eee eer rae apc|Mrs. Arthur Archibal 7 ey Gt tease, 1 Somerrel Weaieearee tees ser gs fe W. Schatzmann | DELUXE =? "7:0" BAR T@ NE sco. i a told council in his letter the! jartment head to retire. All in- DRIVER TAKES REVENGE Realtor Jl PURCHASE 2x6's--8' to 16'....... M nou M area was being used as a dUMP-}/eecteq Ajax citizens are in-, ST. ALBAN'S, Engl (CP) 114 Brock St. N. REDIVUE $ JUST OFF THE S.S. 2x8's and 2x10's to 16'. $107.50 M $84.50 M ing area by some residents and| all back Ceade into it to provide 'q\Which tickets will be available motoring fine in this Her tford- WHITBY SASHLESS COMPLETE "GEDERA" From The Committee by the Ajas tinual made to sic k and shut-ins, The Whitby Police department wasl Council at its Tuesday meeting DOG CONTROL uni Mt ] Ho yt ' ne 4 mer t fined $50 and costs ot 30 days in} ' tition t cour ing June 22 at the home o | The he ion war ug Faced ee A etter wi be sent to 4'l'Mrs. William Davidson. Dona vip 'ep sues us apevent ay \ poll ¢ ~ ate a an ea ha a of pane ab ove y It i i ae ré dogs inning a Be. | the ppreciatior nner for the other sewer back-up which resi The letter will make residents!sunday, School staff Believe dents along that street exper). oe of the town bylaw confin- : 7 ' uncillor!" Mi Harold Hare. conducted ienced thi ring, CouncHlor!:s dogs to private property un. ,, : 5 bhi ot 0: 6. A nies requested repre-)) 0. a) a leash and will advise ia ae 1 , ae oe ate Or N ® sentatives from the petitione wners that all dogs in Ajax|,.. 4 a... ohsden st nt to attend the works committee Quit nave ioe be "licensed iy cussed: The members volunteer. | FREE Loan, of spreader pAb 8 5 cs meeting June 30 or fines will be Jevied.|., he Ane me rae ge el ai with any purchase o nc ee etn ie theme ger | ho SUTIN ruoon ax axo|! SAVE ON QUALITY MATERIALS ectiee town will be destroyed after 48 ssacleumaesiand P The Metropolitan Toronto). 1 the dog pound where |>)*™ conducted by' M Vlat ' MATERIAL LIST -- Siew aut Wala ammnetine r Rg I v snce Roper. Mrs. Cliff Gartshore an'S Planning Board will hold amoet-Wur" 2, We settetedat a cowtfence Roper. Mrs. Clit Gartshore | Sports SIMPLY visit on || _HERE ARE OUR TRUCK LOT PRICES ing all interestec artie te 5 : k the worship service. Tt ng ee ae a an in thelOl $9 for the -first-24 hours and them was "Christian Relizior Corner WRITE YOUR FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS! pies in rowi he 4 at the n add tional $5 for the next 24 Mi Louise Pe 3 on z who +t G00D DRYS Pickering Township Atta at 'H¢ hours. Patrols will be made day with Mra' damicern nattentina| 103 Byron St. S. Whitby CASHWAY CENTRE ' Dun varton High * "o "and night to cut down on the tha iniied Charek OF pie de | 1000 at 7.30 p.m arge number of canines roam Tropi Tip to " : ae : Tri Hi UTILITY 8 -- s ropic » to Bermudz n : -- JUNK IN PARK ng the streets. dad and Jamaica, spoke briefly oe Z The latest and most A letter to council, requesting RECEPTION the work of the church in these LISTINGS i : ' desirable in Summer chin SPRUCE f ee he cad A een ond ance in/teee Comred sides were U tl This is the "OAKS" -- 768 Sq. Ft. -- $960, ang: ow PREMIUM MONEY SAVING own on Pickering Beact ape ;'shown. Mrs, Hare read a poe rd, between Achilles rd. and/bonor af Retiring Chiet Cecil " "Tes hostesses were Mrs. Fred -- [OTHERS FROM $555 TO si285 -- 6 PLANS!) j peat BNO Lee If (lor aH) UTILITY oe» bi he oly aig 4 Bho munity Hall at 8.30 p.m.- June -- Sag ' a ng vied pe 7 Needed Wi I H UP a!) 10 YEARS LO. PAY!) 7 ' Ww as refer } rs arence oper and own topet sn 2x4's--10 to16....... $94.00m $81,500 | wite attend the rece for; When S._G. Parker -paid £2 that others had extended their' ed to attend the reception fo i paid a at the Municipal Office shire town, the town clerk re vegetable garden. Mr. Temple : '. sige iat pp is i coi Mins Biches tia FAR EAST! vepoesied i? s be mowed NEW CRUISER ta hah "480 re oreiane: me. 5682S WINDOWS y-6"? x 2'-6"* $14.86 FULL 3/16" TOP QUALITY 1x6 all lengths .... $99.50 M $84.50 M tnd trees be ited at the A tender of $2,796.58 from _ . 6 X26 * P YW property Peleshok-Starr Motors was ac St ilaitias In Foun C.M.H.C, APPROVED _3?-()"? x 3-0"" $17.63 4 e 7 Y SPRUCE SHEATHING PLYWOOD Ciatromany neice | |e Bet Salctin SEPERATED MALiOCANY [ERE RET Ramm ent ae eal pe beefed was not the lowest Council]? ree Dee x DOTA a elebig ye ew oe : 8 X4X ' ea. - 8 X4X : ea. eotctnn tis der was not the lowest Counc : : E ade from the Ajax Shopping Cen-(accepted it since monies would] 42.9 hig @ STROLLERS $6.94 _t_s14.36 _} 6-0" x 3'-0" $26.89 HN TSAR MISTCM 4x 8 ASPHALT SHEATHING BOARD ........ $4.97 ea. IP at 950 Am. to open annual Ts from the Police Station] oe) eo see 3 PIECE "A"GRADE | ECONOMY GRADE $ FU WEME GYPSUM LATH $39-60M 50 LBS. 4" NAILS $5.46 Sports De at Peleshok-Starr.. The cruiser @. PLAYPENS ro oi - ae fa ga Hag Top outieasd Hy baby, BATHSET 2? x 4 on 8' ge ' hg oo $36:25™. WALLB'D, $53:95M ] The Ajax IODE Chapter re- SWIMMING POOL ght ig FE : | ceived permission to set up {0U") Couneil was inforined Tu WILSON' Ss 0 17" x 19°" BASIN SPRUCE SMMC 4x8 FIRPLY -- $0.78 up 4x8 CHIPBOARD $9.38 cs. ee i Sa ing a wie day night that the town swim : bake Madd 10% Pade: » Saarinen? Gas - on | Ming pool would be opened June FURNITURE TOILETS 95 ¢™ eae pereitina LET US PRICE YOUR COMPLETE HOUSE, Mile o 1 e'i26 at 2° p.m. Tickets for the 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 e | we TILL whisk ara ats COTTAGE OR BARN JOB. NO OBLIGATION! Jar N y! . . CEDAR PARK LIGHTS whole family will be available the mun .|May. 31 Council approved the expend _oumell approved the 0 aT GALVANIZED acovours | STEEL | P.V.c, CORRUGATED -- at the. Coder st. besebs . ROUSSEAU HERITAGE CHAIN LINK FENCING "AT" GRADE | oveRHEAD q mond. The Ajax Bas 'the 5 AB : , @ AQUAGREEN ia aed HOUSE Vee (00 Foor ous!) som aus lease! VINYLGLASS Sc" from an estimated $9,000 to the atenen 36"- $1]17 ASPHALT present figure. Duin a INVITES YOU TO eee oa alin oak adsl = Seecerica| TIRES |, ENTER THE Bees 42" $1322 | SHINGLES [$39.55] oo x og was offered from Durfins me "HOUSEFUL OF FURNITURE CONTEST" eens © -- [6 T BAR POSTS 89] $ 67 ee i ice I B. D. Gowdy 5 s ' ; : PAVING REFERRED Cooper's Texaco During the Canadian Home WESTERN RED 4x4" 18%64. -9' x Te Less THAN 18¢ A Sah FOOT! Te cocina of Tionieane xt Bhat see cog Furnishing Fashion Time '65 CEDAR ALL LENGTH SQUARE $45.75 os. 35 PANELS OR MORE Just + $2.95. i in the industrial section itson 5 ' pig goes Ro iat Es ! hia ites Lid. 'was r oe COME AND JOIN lIS COTTAGERS! |OPEN) vinyi aspestos oe. Works Committee, Slough ee AJAX YARD ' FARMERS! D A ILY Fl OOR lots tates requested that the street May 17 - 31 be paved since it was creating The SALVATION ay 161 DOWTY ROAD Piles ga ---- OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 pe on agg 8am TILE (28GPas vaniiriex Tye AT INTERCHANGE 66 a dust problem and was becom- PHONE 942-1221 § WATER | /0 Sr _ ing a main thoroughfare ARMY when we join Canada's See inert be gives 9 ts furnishings industry in 6pm 4 SYSTEM BROOKLIN YARD 2 pump with 17 3 tank pear ee | Tan Gets Tae ee meaied Gaal coun CANADIAN HOME FURNISHINGS { ' < A Fashion Parade t Corner Highways No. 7 7 ALUMINUM for your H and No. 12 SCREEN & .35 ~-- WHITBY Ser anennatntete To RRR ETE that the dust problem could be j : salves cheaply and easily, Coun: and Sat. 10:00 to 5:00 P.M. lor 0. G. Ashley suggested before moving it. Deputy Reeve il should do anything it could : : : \ to Sal indentvies in the "sree 10¢ SALE Fashion lime GS STORM ce who pay the taxes Councillor William Legros said This Week . . . Thurs., Fri. a or PHONE 655-3313 DOORS FOOT VALVE INCLUDED T a N D E R S "YOUR HOME REFLECTS YOUR PERSONALITY" $ SO ee a : UP 10 600 GAL. PER HR. $9 }-88593.77 ee ae Details Available At Our Store. ' 32" y 24°) | 100 FT. a Suaere? * : Se er _ 3 LIKE A FREE PRICE LIST? geasement), #ROLL NO. 1 Se} 28,000 G.V.W. TRUCK ROUSSEAY H 4 CHECK THE SAVINGS. JUST FILL WINDOWS jel day MAHOGANY tick CASHWAY LUMBERS xxx \ IN THIS COUPON-THERE IS NO OBLIGATION. $ $85 1¢4 97 porns | BASIC SHELL HOME 1 See a Sr ere Ne HERITAGE? CASHWAY LUMBER Oe (PTE |5956.. [25" x 44° - 1008 SQUARE FEET d until 12:00 NOON FRIDAY, JUME 4, 1965 ¢ 4 HEAD OFFICE, BOX 330 MALTON ¥ 3.000 Pay W. Truck. ach Ee HAMIL 4 > Please mail free price list to iis wa ie EAVES All materials to close een ont ee ee ee ee oan b NAME... escecssssscsisesssssseensrsseseess BOILERS | FRAMES | TROUGH | so>uroree gineering Department, 405 Dundes Street West, Whitby, Ont. Ontario County's Showplace of Fine Furniture 7 Specifications only, onl ae OF Tomek fonter Get senemerrny Seaepren: | RODD pin tacesesnsscciesecevsvscssescqecass $ 95] $@.90 10' lengths Councillor V. MacCarl ' 216 MARY ST. E. - WHITBY 1 , . $1,17,,. NSIT YOUR CASHWay CENTRE FOR FREE PLAN Chairmen, | Phone 668-3483 Neg Ug FATE EPO ETE POO ANN Gere ea. ea. 3 3 or write BOX 330 MALTON Town Property Committee