sf 7 --_ y Vi THE OSHAW. MES, {> BUMSTEAD~| | OH, 8086, PLEASE PLEASE-- 4X! i HELEFT IN THE MIDDLE ) REMEMBER ~YOURE HAROLD NEVER TOLD ME | ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT Thursd = 27 ge IK YoUDOONE MoRE| |'YOU COULDN'T BE THAT CRUEL OF MY MOST' ? , wrsdey, Mey 27, 23 DUMB THING THINK OF MY HOME* yaa DRAMATIC MOMENT i he tile.« MY FAMILY =* 5 D, -- ee perme NS, ' PLEASE, s-------] Poa y Courveucor | [emcee ) SHAPPAPT | yf len men Sarena. "i a BRIDGE 3 j JULIET JONES By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' lindividuel Championship Play) West dealer. East-West vulnerable. so i HE TR. - SSeS "YASS aN es ee ° xe rR Ot: i CHIC Ph prin A RETURNED FROM ENGLAND, PAULINE | BY 903,LOVE OF CANADA HAS [S BUT ITS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA THAT 4QJ94 62 VOHNGON TOURS CANADA WITH A HELPED HER FORGET HER PAULINE HEARS HER DEATH @Ks 93108 | YAUDEVILLE GROUP, READING HER CHILDHOOD HATRED OF SENTENCE «46 et] 8-27 & 5 + 8764382 | POETRY _IN BARBER SHOPS, BILLIARD) WHITE PEOPLE IN HER : {] J HALLS, EVEN BARNS... « NeW VOLUME Sir A #KQI1073 oA) } ae SD COWAD SELF sie werres te | be LC SELF, YE WRITES £ 4A1085 I HESITATE 1 - 4 NO MORE. ++ | } - @AQTES ? "yy? @KQ 406 The bidding: East Pass Pass 29 Pass LI'L ABNER wots Telegram News Sen SRMAN DREW : f Twp WALT MEDAYTERS bien 7 a : y m Opening lead--king of clubs. Bridge is not a lazy man's)" YeAH--AN ITB 1 oe HMMM~I DON'T QUITE Z ai : auanteeatatS aie = = ee : . ~\game -- that is, if you want to BELIEVE ME, KID, ITS GOOD | A TERRIBLE || KNOW WHAT ae): : ¢ r 7 yu0, TONTO, AND UNimes sian] |Play the game well. You can't TO BE BACK IN A CIVILIZED baa / THIS 15 OUTSIDE MY 4. THERE'S NO PINK TREE HERE, BOULDER, WORSE iN / JA. CAN FIND THE Pass QUICKLY, Weis | |just sit there and follow suit, or (] EXPERIENCE ~ I On~ | LIJAH. NOT EVEN A STUMPS We ' a MaAGN Lad 4 aaa make mechanical bids and SUGGEST A THAT DOESNT . plays, and still expect to get the case | |best results. ded ES b You have to do some active 0 | |and independent thinking to figé | jure out who has what at the.. table, and then follow these |thoughts through to a logical' erred bt Here ig the kind of problem lyou occasionally encounter. jLet's say you've reached four, . jhearts on the bidding shown and «+ | |West leads the king of clubs. ; ' Kast overtakes it with the ace and returns a club, West wins Se 3 , ' j with the ten and continues with TARNATIONL i 4 7 the queen, East discarding a ae ous P =a ) 1h a Kh ; i diamond as you ruff, THING OFF! f 4 a [ ' | é ' Assume you now enter dum- my with a diamond and play a heart to the queen, losing the finesse to the king, Hast even- tually gets another trump trick . and you go down one, Now the fact is that this could happen in lots of bridge games and nobody would pay any atten- tion to it; The players might think that South was unlucky to lose the heart finesse and would attribute the result to bad luck. Despite this, if you consider = -- anne i ithe ee ae it is "sie -- : a SS aE in : eae NGRATLILATIONS if TVe ALUTTLE South goofed on the hand afi Mz. DUCK, DO YOU PALLY | YOU HAVE WON A LIFETIME ney LR ged dR ; wn should have made the contract ENTER : SUPPLY OF FISH FOOD! , 5-27 INTEREST : instead of going down one. eee 4b gaa at It is not difficult to conclude _. that Bast cannot have the king jof hearts and that a finésse is." therefore a wasted effort. De+ clarer should lead the ace and a low heart in the hope that West was dealt the doubleton king. If he plays in this fashion, he makes the contract, ' as | | s ; : , Po Since East has shown up with a0 © J 1G ~~ : ee the ace of clubs at trick one, "gs se) WAR South may reasonably assume + \ (ATER BUz FLIES BACK To CivoAD GRANDE, TOTALLY that he cannot have the king of. : < + ArWhAL An hearts also, East would surely sabato Motul de Job alld ' : cai j --------------- have responded to the club bid "1 -DE- DOM ACROSS 2. Otherwise . Sun A | | with an ace and a king; since (8 " te) 1, Repast 3. Birdsasa god RIA i [he failed to do so, West must be SY 6, Grave class 21, Wire credited with the king. 9, Ointment . Hire meas- ain cere 10, On the . Edible ure left side: rootstock . Pres- naut. . Precious ently 12. Beginning stone 23, Sea 18, Transistor . fashions eagle |to crime and sé@x, reports Nor- 14, Employs . Newly 5. Peach an wegian criminologist Ragnar. 15. City: married state: " i i a | " |Hauge. Ohio woman abbr. Yesterday's Antwer (| ] || 16. Nickel: 9, Noises .In- e { / sym. . Ind, forms 33. Seaweeds Oso i : ' SALLY S$ SALLIES 17. Goddess mahogany . Closer 37. Cut of + os ee Svegeonmanneaneia cnr COME of justice tree 30. Witty meat . : ee 18, Capitol 5. Greek yi 38. Finishes ----------) ~--~--=SsSPMMM y y 2 | fellow: letter : shange 39. Cripple HAC THATS WHAT IM AFRAID OF. Qacanwuile..... a ens fe tateee LAREDO MAY BE HAVING "-FROUBLE. BEN THOMPSON, WELL, HES UNDER THERE ...AN/ 19. Squirrel-like animal 42. Enclosure CATCHING THAT FELLOW..... YOU . HIS HORSE,100, MAN, I REALLY, mouse KNOW... SOME OF THOSE HARD- LAID ITONHIM/ eZ 24, Gastropod tie 7 7 CASE OUTLAWS ARE PRETTY 4 mollusk TRICKY, JANE # . ' r' 25. Musical instrument 29. Citrus drink $1. Body of water 34, Ahead 35. It proceeds: music 86. Biilfold 39, Den 41, Chemical element 42. Analyze _ . = x 1 .: AN' THERES THE | MS og // gtesunatt- , | pe one gm Weeckep toll oad |e. \ ve 43, Checkered a a on COLBORNE seen age SUN PINAFORE : GROCETERIA 45. Longs for By ALICE BROOKS a sss Colborne St. et Church St. a Y, YW Breeze-cool, breeze-easy! Sew : basags * | 728-6341 1, Stately |this sun + pinafore swiftly of residence S27 \thrifty percale, pique. a OPEN --e | - . Little girls love styles that THREE-PART NEWS! DAILY TIL 10 P.M , 8g : . Atkin > oll, | r jwhirl, Sew pinafore of rem- By ANNE ADAMS | ne is YOUR HEALTH nants, Pattern 7436: transfer;) Princess - on - the - go travels is printed pattern; child's sizes 2, with TWO tops! SEW one curvy|i ¢ ; ¥/4, 6, 8, 10. STATE SIZE. covet Of fabric, ENED We coe ° ee z : ' by rum GRANTS iher 'of fluffy mohair fi i] © Vegetables © Meats Li or And Beer §| THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) otner 0) ully monair for an : qu 'for each pattern (no. stamps, elegant, 3-part ensemble, Easy FREE DELIVERY . . ' - Sema|please) to Alice Brooks, care of|t0 make marvelous! | = = ; ) Hi h In Calories The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft] Printed Pattern 4970; Misses') i are \ g X Me Dept., 60 Front Street West, To-|Sizes 10, 12. 14, 16, 18, Size 16 LOOK! : \ | é By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ' Fe@eeronto 1, Ontario, Ontario resi-!akes 3 yards 35-inch, ; y\\ : ldents. add Ic, sales tax, Print) FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins A NEW COURSE \ ae | Dear Dr, Molner: My hus-|drink, he can do his own arith-/plainly PATTERN NUMBER, (no stamps, please) for each| lband and | disagree over the metic. If he is on a 1,000-calorie/ NAME, ADDRESS. pattern, Ontario residents add) is being offered by the i . ser. The ae mon 2c sales tax, Pr SIZE calories in liquor and beer. The qiet one drink means 10 per} 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT- c sales tax, Print plainly SIZE, Oshawa Business College doctor put him on a reducing : 'AL.OG -- 200 designs, three free) NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE bisce relied * taper te \NUMBER. First in @ seriés Of short, inten- ' * ale cent of his food allowance for| I ng + Hay Poveand eeemngg nenaaniaan NPE OP patterns! Newest knit, crochet)" cong order to ANNE ADAMS,|| sive courses designed to train My husband thinks I'm just ene \fashions, embroidery, 25c. care of The Oshawa Times. Pat-if Personnel for retailing, sélling telling him they have so many And don't let him be fooled) Now: send for elegant, neWltorn Dept.. 60 Front Strect West,{f ond serving the public. Especi- calories because [| don't want by the so-called drinking man S|"Decorate With Needlecraft!" Toronto " Solana ' Bull ally designed for. aimpléyable ; him to drink.--MRS. B. diet. A calorie is a calorie. [rive beautiful room settings, 25 COMPLETE FASHION RE-i| Odults and youna odults who lian. wa : = J | Many fat people have this) Dear Dr, Molner: If a manjcomplete patterns for decoraiivel pont in Our few Spring-Sum- seek employment or o career in Laas so : : jnisconception about alcohol. has an "extracurricular" affair| accessories in one book! Pillows,|mer Pattern Catalog plus ¢ou- meeting and serving the public. THE LONE RANGER | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK : [ Aniomaaane NO ONE'S LOOKING! NOW'S MY CHANCE 3 £ «AND HIDE THE PACKAGE TO SNEAK ABOARD SAWYER'S PLANE. UNDER THE SEAT. Cer eon en Ce vale Al Bee Sessa Du PRUNE CRIME REPORTS * | Oslo newspapers give no mord ithan five per cent of their space Bayern} @ King Features Syoiicae, Inc, 1965. Warid rights reserved. JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE ee : ------- |'Mhe fact is that alcohol is highonjy several times, could his|wall hangings, curtains, appli-Inon for ONE FREE PATTERN! In this course emphasis will be. ee ---- $e ig ie ettan di & ' é i sa st 6Ne ty i hi I s Gi-Ou!t HAVE You BEEN WHO HUNG THIS ae cz SAME "Wk CANE KD in calories. No matter how youlwile contract a disease fromiques, more! 60 Everything you need for the lifell 14. ahdling and serving of food (SAME ki in how Hotel! and restaurant proprietors ° ONE ON You ? KID? . > slice it, fat is the result of ab- him? I have noticed that I have} Vaijue! Deluxe Quilt Book --lyou lead -- .350 design ideas! ' ' SCRAPPING AGAIN, BUBBA' THAT GAVE ME THE sorbilig tore calories than thelhad a few: fashes and sdres.lig . Hote body uses up They have gone away but then A bottle of beer runs about come back, but not as bad RABBIT PUNCH complete patterns. 60c. Send 50c now Course will consist of EIGHT FOR EASTER? ° s ag : EVENING SESSIONS Tuesday . : ' woman who has the disband: tear then we'd control this] 0@ Thursday 7:00 to 9:00 150 calories; a jigger of whisky Now I've noticed that my P.M, commencing Tuesday, about &5 calories cocktails wife is breaking out with these i June Ist, 1965. about 185, Highballs made with rashes, and 'she has also com-|Wife In your case, I suspect that]} Special expert instructors én- water or soda will represent!plained about vaginal itching.| From your description, I/you may have taken home Some] 9°99 to present this course, only the calories of the liquor She does not know about myldon't think the signs indicate|sort of skin infection, and pos- Por complete details DIAL 728. in them. If they are made with/affair, J have heard that there/syphilis, but I have no idealsibly some form of vaginitis 1 AY Onell pede aa jginger ale, cola or other sweet/are no visible sores or symp-|whether you do or don't havelsuggest that you have a med: d mixés, the calorie value mayitoms from. syphilis, and thatlit, or whether you. have givenfical examination at once. to be ibe twice as much. This depends only a blood test would show the!jj to your wife. The originallfollowed by one for your wife im whethe { a fall arink diseas Is this true?--C.J.T ign is a painless sore, at thelltches and rashes may not be if your husvand figu ym mu Ca et. syphilis from)|point at which the germ eftters./syphilis, but they need being 'where around 100 calories per'ju ne contact with some lf only it were a very painfuiltaken care of, too, "yy M. ©. Barnett, Prineipal Ju DEFENDING MYSELF! \You can then give it to. vouridisease better! A minimum registration of 15. required to Start the edurse, 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA MUGGS AND SKEETER