Home Newspaper Weather Report Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- + Cloudy, showers today. Tem- manville, Ajax, Pickering and eratures will plummet to- neighboring centres in On- 3 morrow. Low tonight, 52, tario and Durham Counties. High Friday, 58. Authorized os Second Class Mell Post Office Department TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Ottowa ond fer payment of Postage in Cash, VOL. 94--NO, 123 ite bor Wank Toes Calwecsd ; OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1965 ' a) D T Fl i ] B i empsey, L:unney dl OxX1n NEW YORK (AP)--'This is weight championship bout in York Journal-American. 'Il was ditions that produce a Clay and the worst, most offensive de- Lewiston, Me., and joined forces particularly offended at the a Liston." basement of boxing that I've in a petition for federal super- presence in the ring of the Tunny said that Liston went ever seen or even read about." vision 0! the sport. United States Marine Corps down from a punch "'that would --Gene Tunney, Tunney, former world heavy- guard and the playing of the not have floored a baby" and "Maybe the federal govern- weight champion, was the most Star Spangled Banner at an in his opinion, it was a "badly ment will act now. Boxing is go- caustic in his denunciation of event involving two completely arranged knockout." ing from bad to. worse. It's got- the fighters and most vehement reprehensible characters like Dempsey, who Jost his title to ten to be a joke."--Jack Demp- in his demands for government the fellow who calls himself Tunney, said he did not see the sey. action Muhammed Ali and this fellow, fight but had read about it. Stunned by the strangeness of Liston." * "From the look of it, I don't Cassius Clay's one-round knock- SAW IT ON TV Tunney, who witnessed the like it," he said. "The federal out of Sonny Liston, boxing's "T wish Jack Dempsey and I fight on television, added: government should waste no most prominent citizens con- could go back and take on those "T'll never go back to a time appointing a commission demned Wednesday the princi- two," he said. in an interview heavy weight title fight as long to run boxing on a_ national pals in Tuesday night's heavy- with Bob Considine in the New as it's conducted under con- level. ® wi a U.S. SHIPS FIRE AWAY BAT VIET CONG TARGETS | Guards Lob | WHITBY HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES MARCH ON QUEEN'S PARK '| Tear Gas More than 100 off-duty $32.50 . . . Cooks, weekly ment distributed by John and superannuation is de- ducted, a civil servant's take employees at the Ontario pay $43.75. . , Starvation Harkness, president of Civil At N Fe Hhi a te = s ' Bee sen a ieiscs home pay is between $45 S Hospital at Whitby travelled wages, no food, clothes', Service Association, Whitby and $60, 'We have the right ew men to Queen's Park today to demonstrated in front of the branch and employees, said: to ask for and receive a BERLIN q er'| Americans Shell From Sea q First Time In Viet Fight From Reuters-AP | The spokesman said on some SAIGON (CP)--Four destroy-joccasions U.S, marine gunfire jers of the U.S. 7th Fleet have|control parties went ashore to lshelled Viet Cong coastal tar-jdirect the shelling. (Reuters) -- East gets for the first time in South| press demands for higher Ontario Legislature to show "Tt is no longer an honor to liveable wage in order that German guards lobbed tear gas |Viet Nam, a U.S. military Pa OT KILLED wages. The employees, car- the government that "we in work for the government, it we may not be ashamed to grenades today when four Co |spokesman said today. In other action, a U.S. Navy trying placards reading: the department of health are is a disgrace." The state- meet our friends and neigh- |nadian journalists went close to He said the four destroyers |Pilot was believed killed today "Cc I * » ai ent sai ~r th l s " > : s . A j i i Costs go up, our salaries tired of their stalling and ment said after the full cost bors,"' said the statement. |the East-West border wire. carried out fixed firing mis- when Communist groundfire slsions in the coastal areas of peopel down his aircraft over Binh Dinh, Dinh Thuan and|North Viet Nam. Two U.S. Phu Yen provinces, central|Army men were killed the day South Viet Nam, from May 20|before in. ground clashes with do not .. . Maid, weekly pay delaying actions'. A state- of the hospitalization, PSI --Oshawa Times | Photo Stanley Burke, correspondent] of the CBC based in Paris, sai jeight gas bombs were hurle \from a border watch tower Rebels Charge U.S. Coercion near Gatow air base, where | Queen Elizabeth flew in today to visit West Berlin. to May 26. the Viet Cong. 1/370 rounds with five-inch guns, The warships fired a total of | a U.S. Frame --_---- said the plane shot down was e sail ' s the spokesman said. one of several flying support for Burke said rt pas oe cal. He announced that one sailor,eight others bombing a railway } I l OI p 111 ric 'cil l i l @eTI 1d airs. pos ind wale de rh a sok was killed May 21 when thel|yard at Vinh, midway between a eating sige ga . | muzzle of a five ~ inch gun|Hanoi and the North Vietnam- a ithrewn when they attempted to| ; fcanead his ship, the U.S.8./ese border. Vv : From AP-Reuters jbut the: rebels had indicated|to place troops of the inter-|been discussed at a meeting ae onl the tower, | v '|Somers, exploded as the de-| Radio Hanoi claimed another SANTO DOMINGO (CP) --|they were in favor of it. American peace force in the| Wednesday in the U.S. embassy'a few feet into East German| § stroyer was firing at a coastaljnavy pilot was paige pened Leaders of the Dominican rebell| The congress purportedly national palace between Imbert, U.S. Ambas-|territory," he said. "We moved! 7" target. |Vinh after his plane was = congress sent a message to non-|Mustered 15 of its 27 senators Imbert's troops at present oc-|sador W. Tapley Bennett, and/pack with one or two tears in | The spokesman said the de-jdown on the night of April 20. Communist nations around thejand 41 of 74 deputies in rebel,cupy the palace which has been other officials our eves." stroyers shelled Viet Cong bases} Today was the second day in ; world Wednesday night accus- |territory May 3 and elected the|the scene of bitter fighting dur-) Informed sources also said. He said the. bombs did not installations, arms dumps and/succession U.S. planes had hit ing the United States of coer-jinsurgent leader, Col. Francisco|ing the Jast month of the Do-|that the Organization of Amer-\come over the wire. They training areas, Vinhe a major North Vietnam- It was the first time U.S./ese port and naval base, and Pjnaval gunfire had been turnedjpilots said groundfire was *~ 'on Viet Cong targets, he said. jheavy,. 7 : le f js ' cion in Dominican internal af-/C8amano Deno, provisional minican Republic s civil war ican States unified command)landed on the East German side fairs. president of the nation Plans to withdraw practically|had sent a stiff protest to the and the gas drifted through. The attack on the U.S. inter Informed sources said todayjall Imbert's troops from the|tmbert government over the vention in the Dominican crisis that Imbert has accepted a planipalace were believed to have!continued detention of Dr. Hor was signed by Arevalo Cedeno atio pementer an OAS liaison T {fi Sl sieadans ote canes) Speaker: PM Favors Tory, 0s 22: mics « railic YlOW deputies and senate dissolved p " y, nounced his detention On Autobahn xian ebanilaiditeianidaiall Gallery Director Charged by the overthrow of President a 'i McGeorge Bundy. who headed | . . ~ Juan Bosch in 1963 the U.S. negotiating team sent | ] owing scenl y q Sent to parliamentary lead 1e en a er ac S TUT | here to try to resolve the crisis,, HELMSTEDT (CP) -- Auto- j ers in the Western Hemisphere returned to Washington Wed. i traffic through the East ' a i ds ; " } Europe, the Middle East and By MICHAEL GILLAN 1e last week. Wednesday 'he nesday. He was reported con-|German border to Berlin was | TORONTO (CP) -- Dorothy] The picture, by Hamilton arte j Asia, the: message asked for oppawa (CP)--Prime Minis- Said a Speaker removed from'vinced he, had made consider-|slowed again early today, West) fo a jGameron was charged Wednes-|ist Robert Markle, is a tempera ' support of the 'free and demo-), ; Onposition Dolitics is essentia able progress in laying the German customs officials re-| lday with exposing obscene mat-|brush drawing showing three q Grate ya rlis mente" of theres . Pearson end Opposition, | prime minister. said the| basis: for a 'settlement. ported | ; iter to the public view as police|reclining female nudes as three world, It did not go to Cuba,|Leader Dicfenbaker are reach- | J) PYIme muller wale een fe wan not clear whether the) SHE LL PLEASE THUNDERGOD lseized seven pictures from thelfigures in black space. Mr. ? S § ul ay pen . ] ~ . ' f 0 } ( Haiti, the Soviet Union or Com-ing into each other's party for aised in closed inter-party di HANDS OVER REINS slowdown was because of road j ; Dorothy Cameron Art Gallery.|Markle said the painting rep- munist China possible candidates for a per sicne inetead Of. i ihe Com. bundy turned over the task repairs, German holiday traffic} 'Miss Claudia Miller, 19, chosen 1965 Maid of the | he pictures were from the|resents sexual love between The message obviously re-;manent Speaker in the House | mons, He dave 5 indicat ret of mediation to Jose Mora, sec' |--today is Ascension Day--or as| 9% Niagara Falls, begins Mist, is not an Indian, In- show Eros 65 which opened atiwomen and shows the three | Ssas >» no atior ; \ 3 ; yy st necial'of ¢ ns HN oo retary :- general of the: OAS.|, t . Fast Germe practising, amid crab. apple dian legend says Lelawala, |nudes alt * 'floating into one an- j ferred to. attempts by special of Common whether the government is s€- penyty U.S. Defence Undersec 1B protest. 3 rie ao rood blossoms the smile she 'will pretty daughter of a chief a other.' : envoys of President Johnson to Mr. Diefe nbaker, who says. @ riously considering proposing a| retary Curie Vance. eamnined |regime against the pre var have for visitors to the ane was sacrificed over Niagara jday police ordered Miss Cam- : ! get the rebel and junta factions permanent Speaker is essential permancnt Speaker no Megoing ne E West German Politicians in Se ee a a ate th anraane tie ron leron to take one picture down Miss Cameron, who will ap- to set up a coalition govern-if proposed reforms to House, 4+ procent th POA as More West Berlin for the Visit of Hye . 0 Nata nM he nesaeh 1 e land took photographs of 15 oth-/pear in magistrate's court June ment headed by Antonio Guz- rules are to work, last weck',), fed ue Cominek I ope nae Mora has ordered an investi- Queen Elizabeth Bice betwied S MINE der God. (AP) ers 24, said Tuesday that David man, agriculture minister un-|suggested the incumbent, Lib-\aner being nc ninated ae the gation of charges by Caamano| A border official said thal One picture seized Wednesday;Coon' chairman of the attor- der Bosch eral-appointed Alan Macnaugh si ecainbnks me. y '§e that the junta has violated hu- cars were backed up nearly was Lovers No. 1, the painting)ney - general's' committee on The junta president, Gen. An-jton, would be a good man for! The primé minister said he| man fishts in the Dominican half a mile at the Helmstedt ntario a an e ost |police ordered Miss Cameron to obscene literature, had said last tonio Imbert Barrera, also as: the job tetkea wilh sty. Mak aie ae Republic. Manuel Bianchi of checkpoint this morning ltake down Friday. |week the picture is not obscene, sailed the plan as "a frank ir The rime sitet ' . : : acnausnton chile, chairman of the OAS hu Wednesday night, traffic en alles F e prime minister came after the Speaker informed him Darl tervention in the internal af- hack Wednesday 3 iewonat "man rights committee, hasitering the autobahn to Berlin . : - x lay and suggested he does not intend to run in the nae int here 4 "andiiek: the Bite for about an hour CIT IWIQQGICATQ: 10 Tha Fan? oo fai rs" of this Caribbean nation, Roland Michener a formerinext election, Mr. Macnaughton sent here to conduct the was held up for about an hou e icare 0 e oor " Conservative MP who held th R inquiry. --the first delay since the Com onservative » held the represents the Montreal riding inists partially blockaded the Speaker's job from 1957 to 1962, of Mount Roval mt ity a ai , a Slonk TORONTO (CP)--A Conserv-,erly in the first instance. The ould be considered along with Mr. Pearson said the Speake la monn: in Fy ative whip told the. le iture! le lation, if passed, is to go \ \ gainst a plenary session of the ,,, g' Macnaughion and Depulyifeels: that ane Me J SRUE ee in S orms W est ( nan Bundestag (lower Wednesday that if ex ience into effect June 1, 1966. . 0 . P { : Speaker Lucien 1 amour ux raised in the Hou he could ats Se aa . shows that low-income families The government has rejected| Medical Coroners System ut: aper \ permanent Speaker for the not express his own views until ; sian % are not buying medical care in-|compulsion as contrary to Con- x ; I vn v t » East Germ: ave ig- facts | ae ' Youth Picket Commons has been discussed debate on rules changes'is con nord < y Gens car visit of surance, the government may/servative philosophy. But crit- TORONTO (CP) The --_--, evigs the age for many years. But no provi- cluded ip i wes Wes Arniahy meen to say take Steps to see they are cov- ics of the plan, which also sets} government is going to cna me medica i gee te TORONTO (CP) -- Two sep- = m for it was included in the . The prime minister also said ae any, : oe ered. our regulations for the sale of| tem as- it now is constitute ie paper quotes fe youll ' said Wed. 20¥ernment proposals to proposals for rules reform are CHICAGO (AP) -- Tornadoe: they have ae cotease ot OR a Harris (PC 'Toronto,medical insurance by private| sources as saying the decision will not be announced for rate youth groups sé tine * aoe de ' ' » he oops ir t. J, Harris < - t ; : . dene See' pian daminietre: streamline House rules now un- not necessarily final. The gov- and thunderstorms hammered sega shane sane HL Weil Saati Beaches)' one of three govern.\companies, say mainly the sick} some time but ail the plans have been made. The paper tions. when Adlai Stevenson, der debate ernment was willing to listen. to eight states Wednesday, xing Mayo Willy Brandl, ment whips, was speaking in|and the elderly will seek cover-| Says: "Coroners will be replaced by magistrates at in- United States ambassador: to Mr. Diefenbaker raised the is- suggestion, from 3 all. parties, at least. two persons, injuring|"_2%°° , -\the debate on second reading) 8e- quests but will still have a job to do, in the new setup. the United Nations. is at thel several others and causing ex- of a bill to provide non - com-|~ --__--_----------| Instead of acting as judges the doctors who are now University of Toronto Friday to a lint ae pulsory, publicly - operated| | caine, i became siodleal examiners and the chief , ary dewre he twisters whipped acros medical care insurat f | vitness y inquest, receive an honorary degree ween 0 S ron aia I i cars ulin medical care insurance fo ) An execu of the Metropol- ' - tions . Illinois, socom digents and small wage « earn- ar hsurance ; 2 sare: & = ee issouri isconsin, Michigan, : Re h K ll M I J itan Toronto division of the New| lowa, and Oklahoma ; ' 'e Tv 5 Per Cent | yp. oon 1 S, alms n apan prt ght ie ty fon ey oo Jnitial Ti ame In Red World 4 lineman was killed in Elk-| ou ie S Bhai g as a ihe p TOKYO (AP) -- Typhoon Amy, accompanied by heavy . s Il age al ' ay y st f s ; 5 i pica A aay which may turn hart, Ind., when strong winds sovas ioe i oremiunis for individua : and) MONTEBELLO, Que. (CP)--| Tain and wind, slammed into Japan today, leaving 17 pei om dows 'darananirallon BERLIN (CP) -- Queen E The t a fs oa oe he eet tanilie: with 0 taxable fn Automobile insurance rates in| Persons dead, 10 missing and 18 injured before roaring off ew : . sa n ie trip Berli took 1 nst e oT as Sands of south letnamese are|t¢ eee Wak * Liaeate 7 ' iti ij : antes dtie oT Mas ee 4 hen Mr. Stevenson .attends a beth flew deep behind tt : ig n took the against him, One person was ; aoe ioe; 'lcomes. and part of the pre-jmost provinces will increase| into the northwest Pacific. The early-season typhoon, with when Mr. nin ne iron Queen: over Communist t led by lightning in Sylvania,/So badly disfigured by gunshot} ; I or yest" pe ; dinnef at the university Curtain today and was accorded|, , cies sepacantae mason Pa TE Toledo ukurh: a vounds' and burns that they!mium costs for individuals|from five to 10 per cent, the) 9 - mile. - an - hour centre winds, flooded thousands of He said a group ut 50/an enthusiastic reception from\(0™ for the first time in her Th - 'py pig et litan never will be able to lead use-|Whose taxable income ranges Canadian Underwriters' Asso-|| houses and inundated an estimated 2,000 acres of rice 5 ne t . a PP he hicazo metropolitan neve > abie é s sp see A ' oe | high schoo! and university stu-| West Berliner 12-year reign ae : wax" tanned : "ia ite tna lful lives. says: an Americ anit » to $500 a year, couples with ciation announced today. paddies. dents will take part inthe dem- More than 100,000 cheering East Germany claimed that w ; ts Pid a bin sol ean SALA" SUPE _itaxable income of up to $1,000, In a statement released fol- 4 many aimed at weather including five torna-|plastic surgeon who recently te I onstration, described as a pro peoy le waving paper Union| West German agents were plan-|dov At least 11 persons suf-|turned from the Southeast Asian and families with taxable in- lowing its annual meeting, the | 2 y mt nny test against the granting of the/Jacks, line the routes halfway|ning "'terrorist attacks" on the fered injuric Twisters hit/country come of up to $1,200 organization representing 107}- ' favenstth , h P ' > Pe ca diate y 5 honorary degree to Mr. Steven-|through the Western half of the Berlin wall during her 51-hour some populous areas. No deaths' Only four South Vietnamese) Opposition spokesmen have,!surance companies said the ee In THE TIMES today eee 4 son because. the group 4d divide d city visit here were reported plastic surgeons are available|argued that low income groups premium rate for passengers in| a agrees with.U.S a ig ¥ cy The crowds slowed down the The Queen's twin engined In .suburban Skokie, high/for 14,000 000 people, says Dr,;May shun the plan even if the|Britisht Columbia, Alberta and| Train Service Decision To Be Queried--P. 13 or yee ee : at motorcade considerably|turbo-prop RAF aircraft landed winds ripped parts of a roof\Richard B. Stark, chief of plas- \3 government subsi dizes a part of|Ontario will be increased by Youths Admit Entering Six. Schools--P, 5 ag ere 1 of Student sa . time the procession|at 10:40 a.m. at the British mili-/from a junior high school while|tic surgery at St, Luke's Hospi-|the premiums, estimated at Bye per cauk i wie boas ie Green Gaels Pummel Long Branch----P. 10 ig Ta tud wa t > aditapey -s BS bet vine . Hrgons ge wiles Ma ee laipian ite an of icial a 2 i ov bo 15 minutes behind sched-'ta airfield in the suburb of/850 pupils and 50 teachers hud-'tal, New York. about $175 a vear for a family.|Jury and property damage ca § "ace n: S@ ule tow. s a k Hint ' : pa vO re ae ere " eac aan a 'A SY, u ra ne : Gatow after a 65-minute flight/dled in the hallways. None was Stark returned recently from)The government has not yet tegorie: Ann 'Landers--1'6 Obits--22 ro cog ) and Ms or ie . it to West Berlin from the RAF base at Gueter- injured Saigon after spending a month /|dise losed the exact premium Fire, theft and physical dam-| City News--13 Sports--10, 11, 12 a n ie uNni- maxes her -day F i " Pp q Rebate is eee sage a vigi a "G cere e es West Germany. A tornado struck a Romanitraining and assisting the four' cost. age. insurance rates for cars Classified--18, 19, 20, 21 et OF ely F i Will mas 1 igi! Wes 1 any, re first time The 110-mile flight aver Kast Catholi hoo! in. suburban|So > ss will i ease 10 per cent in all ' ' tevensc in ar wine » Ver tue i 1 i ' ) an South ,Vietnamese plastic sur wp se hei" ncrease i n Comics--23 j as M Steven on walks in, ana reigning British monai as|Germany- through: the centre|Rosemont while some 380 pu-igeons who face, he anid. 'a stan. Mr. Harris.told the house | but the Atlantic provinces, the| pion i ag A ion = rs ) come to Germany in 52 one of three Western-controlled pils hovered in corridors. A por- gering task of treating casualty had faith that the government s<cocjation said Editoriol --4 | . to receive his degree Her : 5 iy ridnte { : SiS, q at 8.30 pam. EDT. |day tour ends in Hamburg saat ley corridors was without inci-|tion of the roof was ripped off.|cases that includes civilians and Would amend its plan if it was) The increases are effective). Finoncial a ra oa : dent. iThere were no injuries, \soldiers, lfound not to be working prop-|immediately. Ti insenantainienensiniaieemmeniuateiaaeaia . q ES