These summer styles can be yours for very little knitting time but with the luxurious effect of beau- tiful mohair. There are two styles, the cape stole and gentle gentle Church i ie MOLANA CAPES the little round cape. If you would like the leaflet with the instructions for both these send a styles, simply stamped self-addressed en- T x velope, plus 10 cents for handling to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting MOLANA CAPES, Leaflet Number 5-65 S. Courtice Students Entertain |Parents At Ebenezer Church | Many of the senior students |participated in the program when South Courtice Home School Association held the May imeeting at the Christian Educa tion Centre of Ebenezer United Mr. Ross Metcalf, music pervisor, directed and introduc- ed the following most enjoyable program: A piano solo, 'Rondo by Paula Worden was followed by a triple trio singing "All Through the Night'? accompan- ied on the piano by Karen Hawke, This triple trio with Esther Cryderman, Carol Down, Margaret Down, Donna John son, Gordon Ormstrup, Lee Penfound, Susan Van Camp, su- RECEIVES B.A. |Paula Worden and David Zach- Miss Patricia (Pat) Find- | lay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Findlay, Sandra street, has successfully com- pleted a general arts course at Queen's University and has received her bachelor of arts degree. Miss Findlay attended Perth Avenue, To- onto, and South Simcoe, Osh- awa Public Schools. Her secondary schooling and graduation was attained at Central Collegiate Institute, Oshawa. Miss Findlay i planning further work and travel France study, in Paris, Jr. Gardeners Get Instruction Mémbers of the Oshawa Jun- ior Garden the Upper Hall of Children's Arena for their regular méet- ing Tuésday evening and were instructed by their leader, Mrs Earlé Sandford on planting their garden for competition. Seeds were distributed with planting Space arrange- ments were made tion of plants at In view of the which will be held tion with the Tulip Horticultural Society Satur day, May 29 in the auditorium of the I A. Lovell Schoo! on Centre street, the instructed how their éntries for competition Final arrangements were given for a picnic Is land in To: o whi group are taking June The door prize winners Kimm Lee and Robert worth Club met in the to. those and for distribu- planting time Spring show In conjunc- Show of the on We on fo prepare to Centre h the in were Holds GIRLS WAIT WEEKEND LONDON (CP) When the booking Office opened one Mon _ day morning for Maria Callas season at the Covent Garden Opera House this July, the first people in line were two girls who had been waiting since a the previous Friday 5 _ito q Cialion anowich came second in a class lof seven at the Peterborough Music Festival recently. Karen McKnight who ranked second in a large class at the Festival, sang 'The Voice of Spring'; Carol Down and Mar- garet Down entertained with a piano duet, 'Dance of the Shadows'; Honna Johnson play- ed "The Pixies Drijl' and Karen Hawke played Sonatina on the piano The school students sang Dance" and Spin". To of over 30 Norwegian Maiden choir "A "Spin Close the program the choir sang '"'Happy Birthday' Mr.. Fred Wright who was celebrating a birthday that day Mr. George Gudgeon, host of the Outdoor Show on CKLB Oshawa, a Deputy Game War den and Conservation Officer spoke to the boys, girls -and adults about the use of pellet puns, air rifles, bows and ar rows and 22 rifles, He stressed the fact that the parents weré held responsible for children using these weapons when un der age. He also described some of the laws 'concerning hunting and fishing. Mr. Gud geon was introduced by Mr Fred Wright and thanked by Mrs. William Colville Mrs. Archie Campbell sided for the busifiess period She thanked Mr. Metcalf and the students for giving such an enjoyable program. There was an attendance of 85 The Home and School Asso will donate $20 toward Grade & trip Pioneer Vil lage and other places of interest es TET KAYE"S LARGE SIZES SHOPPE Sizes from 1414 to 321% SPECIALIZING IN LARGE SIZE CLOTHING FOR YOUNG LADIES U LARGE KAYE'S | sizt'shor 4 King St. BOWMANVILLE 623-5102 pre- fo TIRED OF THE SAME OLD STYLE? .. Mrs. Doro Engiond, w © pleased to leading thy Smyth; formerly of ondon, th seven yeors 'experience in "West-end" be advise you. Salon, will THE : Oshawa 728-0622 27 Celina Street Limited 728-0622 and; Toronto. Several parents with serving of lunch and and the events at Field Day in |June near jassist 14 \past-president, Mrs, Fred Ball; Wemeon THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 27, 1965 Mrs. Donald Netley Elected President Of Oshawa Jaycettes Mrs. Donald Netley was elect- ; ed president of the Oshawa : Jaycettes at 'heir annual meet- ing held in the Hotel Genosha, recently. Offier officers elected were: cm & vice-president, Mrs. James Roy; secretary, Mrs. John-Tuch and treasurer, Mrs. Roy Atkinson. They will be installed at the Jaycee's Presidents' Ball to be held June 5 at the Oshawa Golf and Country Club. | Mrs. Fred Ball, president,| 7 conducted the meeting and wel- | | SOCIAL NOTICE comed two spécial guests, Mrs. Edwards, wife of Jaycee Sen- ator William Edwards and Mrs.) 7 Brown, wife of Jaycee Senator Donald Brown. Mrs. Edwards spoke briefly on the aims and objectives of the Jaycettes -- to be an auxiliary to the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce; to promote friendships among the wives of the members of the Junior, 1" presenting her annual re- Chamber of Commerce; to fam-|P°rt, the president pointed out iliarize Jaycettes and Jaycee that, although the Oshawa Jay- wives with the objectives and cettes have only been active) program of the Junior Chamber since December 1964, each of| of Commerce and to preside! its purposes had been achieved the members with an opportun-|in Some measure, but she cau- ity for self development. tioned the membership that the ' slehitaniiien wane --jensuing year would be a chal-| ilefiging year and a crucial one in the unit's development While coffee was served the MRS. DONALD NETLEY ENGAGEMEN? new Jaycettes enjoyed discuss- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan L. Coch-jing club with Mrs rane wish to announce the en-|/Brown and Mrs, Edwards, who gagement their youngest/ were members of the first Jay- daughter, Beverly Jean, to Mr.\cette Unit established in 1954 Robert Earl Burtch, son of Mr.|Since a Jaycette must be the and Mrs. Cecil Burtch, all of) wife of a Jaycee, and, since in| Courtice. The weddin; take! 1962 t! iber of married Jay- cees was very small, the orig ce Satur July 3 ti. ; rt oR te 4 pla on Saturday, July 3, at inal unit fell into inactivity, until) activities of GRADUATE NURSE Miss Lavina Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Hogan, Brooklin, graduated last Wednesday from the Women's College Hospital School of Nursing, Toronto. Miss Hogan plans to continue her nursing car- eer in Toronto. Workshop Homes For Petty Offenders TORONTO (CP) -- A report tabled at the annual meeting of the Elizabeth Fry Society *'ed- nesday suggested a system of workshop residences to get ehronic petty offenders out of *he prisons Each residence would house '9 to 12 people over the age of 45, the report stated. No at tempt at retraining would be made, but residents would be required to help with cleaning and repairing and to do profit able work when possible. The the result of a study of the chronic petty of fender begun in 1962 'It should be possible for 10 people living together to have a higher level of nutrition and comfort than the same number living separate, miserable and lonely existences," it said The report claims that such a scheme would reduce the number of prison sentences and save public funds, and suggested Proceeds from a bakeless bake 2.00. p.m. in Courtice Unitedithe present Jaycettes reorgan-|a women's residence be estab sale, convened by Mrs, A. Tam- blyn and Mr. Garnet Goyne have purchased 14 school sweat ers for boys and girls softball] and hockey teams | Mr. and Mrs. Garnet were thanked for Goyne donating crests to the Senior Boys Hock- j ey team which won the South Darlington School Champion- ship toom count banner and $2.00 prize Were awarded to the prin- cipal, Mr. B. Church, who had 31 points. The meeting adjourned and refreshments were served by s0- cial convener, Mrs. Arthur Paats and her commitiee BLACK'S Ladies' Wear WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE .. Choose a gown of exqui site Chantilly lace, snow- flake white, melting at yoke and apron into crys- tal-pleated net inserts. Immaculate fitting by ex- perienced personnel, for your entire bridal party. Everything for the Bridé, from to going gowns away outfits, t Ah' Abe Call 725-1912 BLACKS LADIES' WEAR LTD. nent 72 Simcoe North rie Friday to 9 PLM Church ized last December RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIAN Open 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday & Friday TO 9 P.M. HOOVER quality -- now available Traditional for upholstery too! sofe odourless Shampoo CHA GIANT 16-oz. bottle of HOOVER UPHOLSTERY SHAMPOO Use with your present 1 79 ecial HOOVER Introductory Offer Upholstery Kit Evérything you need to get all your up- holstéry 'Hoover clean', Handy easy-tos use applicator plus big. 16-0z Hoover THIS WEEK ONLY lished first ZELLERS HOOVER bottle of Upholstery ay RGE-IT Gpplicator ...... COMBINATION OFFER Complete rug-cleaning kit HOOVER adds extra beauty, ex life t6 your carpets. Shampacer lightweight_and attractive - built years of use, Large 16 oz. bottle safe odourless HOOVER Rug Sham included, 7-99 ~ CHARGE-IT Upholstery : Shampoo 3 HOOVER RUG SHAMPOO ce LGB % Large 16 oz. size % GIANT 32 oz. size by tra iS for of 200 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN STORE Simcoe South today. Sdine are. open to high school graduates. Others require some |kind of training beyond a high jschool diploma. Any Opportunities| For Non-U Types? By ROBERTA ROESCH |_| can't begin to mention them What job opportunities existall. But I'm pinpointing some for people who don't go to col- of them here, s6 you can see lege? the wide choice of jobs even | 'That's the question one reader when yo.. don't go to college. j In the health field, for ex- asks in the mall on my desk ample, there are jobs for sales- re men or saleswomen; laboratory My son gets turned down technicians; x-ray technicians; everywhere," this reader from nurses aides; dental assistants; Ohio writes, "because he's not dental hygienists; medical as- academically-minded. lsistants:; laboratory workers; if he doesn't go to college?" As far as a job goes, lots of good things can happen--even|FOOD FIELD POTENTIAL without going to college. That} In the food service and food is only une route to job success.;management field, there are Happily, there are other routes,|spots for restaurant hostesses; too, and they don't all come via/food distributors; hotel man- college! lagers; food service personnel: salers; and physical therapists. "But what can happen to him)nosnital attendants; drug whole-| istore managers; butchers; bak- ers; cooks; chefs; cashiers; food wholesalers or retailers; waiters and waitresses; stew- ards; caterers; and restaurant managers. In business, there are oppor- \tunities for salesmen or salés- 'women; clerks; stenographers; - photographers; télephone oper- lators; programmers; office ma- chine operators; credit man- agers; travel agents; office su- _ pervisors; court reporters; file clerks; insurance agents; book- |keepers; typists; secretaries; 'bank tellers; public stenograph- ers; real estate brokers; fund raisers; data processors; recep- tionists; and purchasing agents. Besides this, there are many -- other opportunities in the more than 22,000 different jobs with over 40,000. job titles listed by the employment service. bs | ALSO CLEA REDUCED SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FINAL 2 DAY BLOUSES --SLIMS-- SKIRTS SWEATERS -- SHIRTS--JACKETS CO-ORDINATES -- RING AT PRICES RAINWEAR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ITEMS TO WEAR NOW AND THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER SHOP TONIGHT--- TOMORROW AND SATURDAY STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OS BATHING SUITS 10.98 up SKIRTS 3.98 up JACKETS .,.. 10.98 up POP-TOPS .... 2.98 up SHIRTS 3.98 up T-SHIRTS . 2.98 up SHORTS ia eee ue BERMUDAS .. 3.98 up JAMAICAS ... 3.98 up SLIMS 5.98 up -- Summer Time is 'Fun Time In The Sun" WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST DECK PANTS CULOTTES . BLOUSES SWEATERS COTTON KNITS 3.98 up HAWA 4.98 up 5.98 up 3.98 up. 6.98 up OPEN TONIGHT AND FRIDAY NITE TI SEIGNEUR'S LL 9 P.M. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE