Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1965, p. 17

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MEMBERS OF Sth OSHAWA CUB PACK PREPARE FOR SATURDAY'S ANNUAL CUBOREE AT CAMP SAMAC CLL Oshawa Zines OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1965 MORE THAN 1,000 Osh- shown with the wolf head awa cubs will make Camp Samac their den this Satur- day for their annual "cub- aree". The above pictures show members of the 5th Oshawa pack at Northmins- totem which is used in the opening and closing cere- monies of the cub meetings. Bill Elliott, the bagheera of the pack, is shown in the picture at the right, demon- Property Development strating the correct techni- que of tying a reef knot to Murray Johnston, 10, Alex Scott, 11, David Carson, 10 and David Kimmerly, 10 Col R. S. McLaughlin is the patron of cub and scout ac- tivities in the city. There are more than 1,300 cubs in Fund Totals $200,000 ohana tines oo a ee: be TWO NEW SCHOOL SITES | Bylaw Passed Setting ee a ee « OK'd BY CITY COUNCIL | Up New Reserve Fund The purchase of two future school sites was approved last night by city council. More than $200,000 has been| Charlton Transport Ltd., will set aside in Oshawa's i paid $30,916 for land expro- ' Oshawa's Board of Education plans to build a new high school on the east side of Park rd. s., south of Went- |property Development Reserve|priated several years ago. Of Fund jthe total amount, the provincial worth st.-The 15-acre parcel of land will cost $85,000. The board also plans to build an elementary school on City council last night passed|government will pay a $10,000 a bylaw officially establishing! subsidy. 3 12 acres of land fronting on Thornton rd. n., south of Ross- - 4 p a 3 | land rd. The land will cost $47,000 the new reserve fund. It was} Mrs. F. Chiplick, 413 Bloor st. first approved when council/e., will be paid $10,100 for land, WHITBY (Staff) -- The tire *hinias' Drive Tovento a : : # i " noe Backus, board business administrator, said today d | ef a car in which a Brooklin|the driver of the oil tanker said y , ; | specific plans for the proposed schools have not been made. |struck the 1965 mill rate. adjacent to city-owned land. It man died were all badly worn|that his vehicle was loaded with| j 4 P | 'Development in the particular areas will determine At that time .5 mills ($129,000)/will have a resale value which and two of them were complete-/some 5,800 gallons of fue when the schools will be built,' sadi Mr. Backus. was levied, on the taxable as-|Fred Crome, city engineer, said ly. bald, a Whitby coroner's in-|His vehicle weighed some 74,000 the issuance of debentures sessment for general municipal|in future could amount to about quest was told last night bs., the jury learned purposes, for the fund. |$10,000. : The inquest was into the death Reserve funds of $108,000, ear- Land, in both cases, js re- of 36-year-old Roy Barville)just marked for specific purposes| quired for street widenings Thomson, of RR 1, Brooklin whol? |(such as a new fire hall) will) Ald. Richard Donald said it aie re jalso be transferred to the new|was his understanding that re- died almost instantly when his/li Soha car smashed headlong into al qt was fund. __|serve funds would not be used fully loaded oil tanker on High a rite ae Other sources of revenue goes road widening land pur- ne ge Phare an ad wa come from the net proceeds, in|Chases. He suggested the bylaw j mn r 29 ar van a excess of $35,000 received by the|be amended to prohibit the use Mrs. Thomson's : Joan ; city in 1965, from sales of city-|of fund monies for: future road and his young son, Steven, were | been owned land and net proceeds re-|Widening land. purchases unless both badly injured in the smash s he jceived in any year subsequent|the circumstances are "very After retiring for a she |to 1965 from the sale of city-|unusual". He said this would heed ruled Thom owned land guide future councils. ee fae Sern ase ise Council agree that the "spirit ceived in the collisior -- RENT ' and intent'? of the fund ro to They concluded Net income rex eived by the|save money for major capital from the rental of city-|expenditures so the city will not owned land or e Police Tee-Up ayy have _ For Motor Race received from li-|have to issue debentures cences to use city-owned land|. However, Ald. Donald's sug- ty belts Cause of death, said Dr. R With the largest ever crowd, Asked about the parties and, Wilf also be channelled into the| gestion was not incorporated in M. Clark, pathologist at Oshawa in Canadian sports history ex-jdrinking that are an inevitable fund the bylaw. General Hospital, was se pected to attend the Mosport|part of the overnight camping) The fund will be administered] Included in the $108,000 re- skull fractures to both side motor racing track for the)Sgt. Barker said that police of-|by the finance 'and parks, prop-|serve funds transferred to the the head. The brain had been|was "Player's 200" event on June 5,!ficers would use discretion erty and recreation committees|new fund, about $20,000 was ear- lacerated by the of thelshoulde police authorities are taking no We won't be bothering any- of council marked for road widening Jand collision : curred chances one who is not blatantly defying From time to time the com-|purchases, said Ald. Gordon The best part of the law," he said, "The drink-|Mittees will make such recom-|Attersley, finance chairman. He officers will be on ing will be okay as long as there/Mendations to council "'as will]said the two. purchases were lthe Mosport weekend is no trouble, We are hoping for|eSt ensure the adequacy of the) "unusual". An extra 39 constables are the full co-operation of the/fund to meet the property de- MONEY NEEDED being brought in from othericrowd. We want to see that velopment needs of the city on|' Council er d t y areas to cope with the tremen-leveryone has a good time the basis of the priorities estab-|_ agree A buy the alin GHi Sct lished by council" properties earlier this year and dous traffic that will converge : Ald. Hayward Murdoch said on the: cireutt 'Anyone who causes property Money in the fund shall only v damage or gets drunk and starts|be used or expended for money which was not budgeted annoying people will be im-| --The acquisition by purchase| WOW/d have to be found either mediately charged though," he or otherwise of land and prem-|!@ the reserve fund or be cut in said ises required by the city for] Pits _ pieces from other civic : budgets. ter United Church hall at their regular weekly meet- ing last night. The above picture shows Miss Beverley Rogers, an assistant cub- master, testing 11-year-old Bob Gingerich's knowledge of semaphore flag signals In the middle photograph, Brian Green, 11, left, and Jim Swayne, 11, right, are 'Bald Tires meat Council approved for the two land purchases The board originally asked council to approve the purchase of six acres of land on Thornton rd. n. at a cost of $35,000 Ald. Gordon Attersley, finance chairman, said at a meeting with the board it was suggested that the board purchase the rear six acres of land for another $12,000. It was also suggested that the rear portion or part. of: it might be suitable for park purposes He told the jury that he had crested a hill on Highway about four miles from Brook nowing at the time na It was had covered now y morning and the road anded the the began to descend ne t a low speed he saw on 'T} on ca re that 300 yards eared to the centre avoidec e | lir I f th hicle . was On wearing the oad over to hé on veered coming road blast my said his air then to the oid a collision. He road and on to the when the co ide the He gave a horns. and to ay vere of} right off t force ision oc 100 duty police over City Family Recovering From Hit-And-Run Smash ar of the Bolan ff olled over seve é § The whole operation, Sgt. Al ¢ Baker of the Bowmanville OPP detachment told The Times this morning, will be directed from a radio equipped trailer inside the circuit OPP cruisers will patrol from the 401 right through to the cir- cuit Police will also be keeping a special watch inside the cir- cuit. A vast number of overnight lcampers are expected to pitch their tents on Friday night The three members of an Osh-|cat awa family are recovering in ihe Ross Memorial Hospital, road. The car Lindsay, following a hit and run al times before accident Sunday which sent ° their car spinning off the road Twenty-six-year-old William Bolan, of Buckingham ave., wife Laurie and their two-year old son William were al ar sé it erashing MRS. FOGAL WITH COTTONTAILS Quick Action By Woman Saves Baby Bunnies Lives What happen the or-| Plainclothes police will cir- phaned bunnies? Two are al-jculate among the crowd to stop ready spoken for and Mrs. Fo-|the petty pilfering of car equip- gal says a pet-shop will take|ment and other valuables. experl-|the others off her hands when|~ ns they are five weeks old the | The race itself will be featur-|public purposes Mr. Cr ing some of the fastest cars} --The payment of claims for mr Crome. sald most land and drivers in the world today./compensation arising out of such|PUtchases for road widenings Latest entry to join the all/@¢uisition; are budgeted by the works com- ae . . Ah --The construction of build-|Mttee. But he said some pur- star line up is the 1964 World ~~ \chas b nl : < who wil]jimgs to be used for municipal|°!@Ses Cannot be predicted Champion John Surtees who will secens : | As an example, he said, land be driving the new Lola T70.|PurPoses on city-owned prop- which the city will require in Reputed to be the world's fastest |°"tY the future, may bechitie avail- sports racer the car is powered/SPEND FUNDS able this year: Instead of letting by a massive Traco tuned 327) After the bylaw was passed,|someone build a $30,000 house Chevrolet engine two motions were. approved tojon the land and by so doi in- : p h ng in It is expected that a late entry|spend about $30,000 of theftrease its value, he suggested may be received from former|money in the fund for the pur-|it would be wise for the city to world champ Jimmy Clark 'chase of two properties. buy the land at the lower price. coming to rest.) the acc police aban down. the t caused dent was found by doned a further road, There was no sign of the occupants. The car had earlier been reported stolen from Sun-i derland Mr juries His ed as mile his all taken to hospital with serious injuries The accident took place in the! southbound lane of Highway 12 near Derryville According to witnesses a car attempted to overtake the Bolan wife ; | car. An oncoming car forced thejtions to head, arm and legs cottontails to do something like this vehicle to cut back into its lane.|Her condition was described as; A week ago looked out | "Tt In doing so the front of the'slightly improved lher rear window to see a cat} " : ------ - nen --|pouncing on something. She|®nce, * she said went to investigate and found) six baby rabbitts, still with their eyes closed Bolan suffered head and acerations condition today was describ ig improved. His sustained lacera in serious Mrs the first will Kingsdale dr to four baby Mrs opportunity George Fogal of 100; This is to S a foster mother}¥ogal has had the time she certainly is an UAW ELECTION RESULTS Democratic Right Scores Again (4137); Donald Lee (4030); Don- ald Read (3891); Frank Mackin (3327); Harley Steeves (3228); Wesley Gierucki: (2977); and Elmo Lymburner (2883) The also-rans: George Young (2819); Patricia Kress (2631); John Robinson (2557); Douglas Philips (2552); David Johnston (2336); John Stanley (2110); Gerry Riggers (2023); Arthur Cormier (2017); and John Shay (1990). UAW Canadian Council repre- sentatives from the Duplate Unit were named today. They are Howard Powers (339) and Engineers' Salaries Hiked By City Council Salaries for were rushed $2,365 last night by council. Finance committee, which re commended the increases at a council in committee meeting last week, said the city's salary range is not competitive and Contract Awarded Bennett For Major Road Rebuilding A $525,453 tender for pave- of) ment, sidewalk, curb arid gutter,| work is eligible for a 75 percent alsewer and watermain construc-| rovinctal aubetay b tion was awarded by city coun-|? aeare nahisial nose a ha » {cil last night to W. B. Bennett/Toads are connecting links. Paving Ltd Other tenders awarded The tender was lowest | cluded: three. received. Fred Crome, said the contract includes work|improvement on Bond st. e., from Riverside|Signals. It was dr., to Wilson rd.; the exten-|two received; She took them into the house, borrowed a hampster cage from a friend, and fed them a corn syrup-milk formula with an eye dropper | Mr. Fogal Democratic Right Wing mem- bers continue to knock off the opposition Right Wing Unity Group in the bierinial Local 222 (UAW) elections. All nine successful candidates for positions on the Recreation committee are DRW men, Elec- tion Committee chairman James A, Lee said today The DRW swept all 10 Execu- tive Board posts as announced last: week. The Local's recreation com- mittee for the next two years: Lloyd Clarke (5169); Gordon Pilkey (4247); Stanley Westfall Jack Meagher (229). Trailing them were Terry O'Connor (107), Steven Melnichuk (104) and Adrian Goverde (41). Fifteen of the 20 members on this District Council are from the GM Unit and these results will probably be made known next week. In addition to the two from Duplate are two from the Houdaille Unit and one from the balance of the Local. These last three gained office by acclamation. They are: Wil- fred Duffield and William Ruth- erford,. from Houdaille, and Greg Jessup. The engineer said most of the city was relieved little charges by engineers/ $6,460 minimum and $7,875 max up as much as|imum two of the Building engineers wil] be paid friend a minimum of $8,350 and a They're a old now, maximum of $10,240 instead of|she said, beaming a smile, "and t present $7,090 $8,665! alre ady they are eating a little range grass and dandelions ; The see A will also advertise} Mrs. Fogal was told by neigh : or a Subdivision control engin-jbors that the bbits wouldn't the city isin danger of los-/eers_a new position--with allive -- ing some employees. salary Of $7,720 to $9,450.| 'They certainly are still very Assistant design and field en-|T ton control engineer! much alive at the moment," she/sion of Bond st., west from Ste- E. A. Horfon Sales Lid gineers will be paid a minimum | process all plans of subdiv- said; reaching for cotton-| venson rd.; and on King st. w., $3,821 for portable bleachers for of $8,350 and a maximum of prepare reports and check/tails as they scampé about from Stevenson rd., to the Kin men Stadium. It. was the $10,240 instead of the present|charges the kitchen table, icity limits, 'lowest of two received, | week in- the ; --Stacey Electric Co. Ltd., city 'engineer,|$10,299 for the installation and of traffic control the lowest of of the red west

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