she was able to pursue @ Holly-|summer hiatus, and she'é hop- wood career in earnest. ing for a movie in which she Now she's aiming to earnjcan wear something beside a more money during the series'|full skirt and shapeless blouse. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 25, 1965 Liberals' Time Runs Out Interest In Money Natural CROSSROADS OF HISTORY China: Revolution To Worl By JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON (AP)--Do you ever get the feeling that at this moment you're standing in the lobby of history, just chewing the fat, between acts in one of the great dramas? The world now i; in the period between the Chinese conquest of their poverty-ridden land in 1949 and the time less than a decade away when they will have H- bombs and can deliver them. The United States at present is taken up with its troubles in Viet Nam, trying to prevent a Communist victory in the belief it would lead eventually to Chi- nese domination of all Southeast Asia. Recently the Chinese had two atomic explosions. Dr. Ralph Lapp a nuclear physicist who worked on the first American A-bomb but no longer is with the government, guesses China will have the H-bomb in two or} three years. For China to get this far so fast has required fierce concen- trations of energy and resources and perhaps explains why it has avoided conflict over Formosa and direct involvement in Viet Nam. MAY FORCE ISSUE Why be distracted if, within a few years and with nuclear power, the United States can be confronted with the grisly choice of atomic war or pulling out of Asia? It is not stretching the imagi- nation to think China will in time try to dominate all South- east Asia, or all Asia. Just re- member the attitude of the United States toward Latin d Threat in Asia would act differently from the United States in the Western Hemisphere, other big powers in the past, and even Russia with its satellites now. It was President Eisenhower who enunciated the falling dom- ino theory: That once commu- nism dominated Viet Nam, its neighbors would topple in time. President Johnson shares the theory, as he shows with his efforts in Viet Nam now. The Japanese sought Asian domination and as a_ result drove the British and French lout of their colonial holdings on the mainland and tried to eliminate the U.S. from the western Pacific. By their reckoning they could turn it into a Japanese lake. But the Chinese would have even stronger reason for at- tempting the same. They have more than just national ambi-| |tions, Their ideology calls for the |spread of communism every- where until it dominates the |world. They have denounced the |Russians for ever mentioning |the possibility of "'peaceful co- lexistence."' | If the time comes when a new! and powerful China tries domi-| nation, the U.S., even' though) resisting, could hardly condemn| it, in view of its own actions in| the Western Hemisphere. | When some of the old and | original leaders of Chinese com- munism, like Mao _ Tse-tung, Chinese socety becomes more affluent, the Communist mis-| onary fervor may lose some; steam, as it seems to have done| in Russia. | But the national interests of} 'their preliminary reports. For Present-Riding Vote To Pat Priest Of 'Munsters PatiCAN'T LOOK SEXY ~ lade that might be the least bi jsexy. Once in a while i them, 'Look--if you Once a commission makes its) HOLLYWOOD (AP) , ifinal report to Parliament there| Priest comes by her interest in OTTAWAKYCP)--Time is Talis an inexorable schedule which| money quit tee ae pidly dwindling in which thelooncjudes with the commis-| mother used to make it. Liberal government can call @lcion', findings becoming law.| federal general election on thelthe latest date on which this basis of the current distribu-| could occur, unless Parliament tion of parliamentary seats. ji, not in session, is next April The point will be cond this] 19 fall where it will e virtua Y! 'The only way the government : impossible to do anything about! ...1q avoid that deadline nell oe tierce tea eke ered eieee! oo a nh wd ae be to recess Parliament for ex- of The Munsters television se-| new alignment of parliamentary |jonsive periods. This is consid: ries . z ' ' constituencies. ered an unlikely step. . By KEN KELLY Mother. is Ivy Baker Priest,| jtreasurer of the United States) during the Eisenhower admini- | stration. Pat now is making a goodly, 8 s }|seems to be that The Munster: of sex should be eschewed. The "I'm not allowed to wear any- tell wanted someone in this part to look like a boy, why didn't you hire a boy?' The production thinking here is a family show and any notion show's other stars are This week Pat was doing the Vancouver native Yvonne de Carlo, Lewis. Pat 1s mot the first of the Priests to enter acting. Her sister, Nancy, was under con- tract to 20th Century-Fox for a year, but didn't take to the act- ing life. The wife of a navy officer, Pat moved from one city to an- other, doing little theatre work, television and modelling at each stop. When her husband was as- signed to nearby Point Mugu, Fred Gwynne and Al 8 The reason is the rigid time-) Authorities nere expect some, CBS series in tight blue jeans "and checked shirt--the mad ._'"' Munsters had. moved out west of representation| +, a ghost town. Nelson Caston-) phis costume is a bit ex- uay by the end of November. treme for me," she admitted. Ithough the commissions could) «Usually I am stuck with Pais- hold off until Jan. 20,!16. prints, checks and stripes. I've worn so many full skirts you'd think I had a hip prob- Diem table contained in the actiir yo all, the redistribution] passed last December entrust-\.gmmission reports will be ing 10 commissions with the job the hands of drawing new , boundaries. The only flexibility as to time is during the current period when the commissions--one for each province--are drawing up and holding public hearings on constituency | .ommissioner \8 ja \legally ae HAVE A TIMETABLE | From the date on which eac Th : mplete thet y/commission's report comes into ey must co € the hands of Mr. Castonguay,| ..\ : ; work by Jan, 20, 1966, a year this othe Himetaiie of pe -- ee ye mig from the date on which they 1, Mr. Castonguay must se qioutline the figure, Sweaters? "I'm not allowed to wear any GLECOFF'S suPERMARKET SPECIALS ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH Box . Plants 39c box FOR ANY GOOD REASON for vacations <> car repairs < to pay overdue bills <> home repairs and refur- nishings for unexpected expenses, Hamburg 3 lbs. $1.00 Salada Shirriff TEA BAGS 79c *50 to *2,500% OR MORE GUARANTEED PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ni es were established. _ |the report to the Common sine you kidding? Cae As it now stands, six sora Speaker "forthwith." sions have made preliminary) 2, The Speaker must table it C d Sil reports and have scheduledii, the Commons within five| anada Jl ent public hearings on them. They|qays of receiving it. If Parlia-| are Newfoundland, Prince Ed-|ment is in recess, he must ta-| 0 Chi S ] ward Island, New Brunswick, /pJe jt within five days of Par- n Ina a e Nova Scotia, Quebec and Brit-/\jament resuming its sittings. ish Columbia, 3. Within 30 days of the re- HONG KONG (AP)--A Cana- LATEST HEARING OCT. 5 port being tabled, any 10 MPs| (lan wheal delegation left Hong The latest date on which pub-\who want to object to the pro-/Kong for Ottawa Friday, keep- lic hearings have been sched-|posed boundaries must lodge hed = how much grain if uled thus far is Oct. 5, by the/their complaint. ad sold to China. B.C. commission. 4. Within another 15 days,) Pk iggiad cag b face delegation It is generally conceded here|the Commons must deal. with/©"e Pr Page oor! hype that once public hearings are/their complaint, either by send. ard o id len apart eat concluded and one of the 10jing the report back to the com-| pan ' hag sd thar EEA on 4! commissions hands in its final|/mission or upholding it. about the agreement signed report it will be impossible, per-| 5. Where a report is referred] With at in ot the he haps even illegal, for the gov-|back to a commission, it must} ing government after a wee ernment to dissolve Parliament|be considered by the commis-|° negotiations. : voluntarily--that is without be-|sion, amended or reaffirmed) , my per] ay aged of the ing defeated in the Commons--|within a further 30 days. esatcllisiels Prin aah y from gov- for an election on the old elec-| After these steps, the cotti-| tie One sabes a tion map. lmission's last word becomes|{ied that China would buy be- GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 286 KING ST. W. 728-1636 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED America, past and present. Even in the early 19th cen-|China will not diminish under a} tury, a weak and new United/new Newfoundland so far is run-|law--a maximum of 80 days i ning ahead of the others. Thelafter Jan, 20, 1966, unless Par- ee eer ee liament is taking a holiday. States warned Europe to stay|ideological zeal. They are basic|!ast public hearings are sched-|li : . Pag! } out of the Western Hemisphere,|and will remain undiminished, led for July 1 and the final re- Each vd vd sager' - i inal and that's still U.S. policy. jas they have in the U.S.--keep|Po't should follow within a pe-jcess sags, anouier: Gay t° | The Chinese would run con-|outsiders out. |riod of months. rossmnum: trary to the nature of nations} For these reasons the present} and their own nature if, once|U.S. activity in Viet Nam, and| they had the power, they didjits sacrifices and anxieties, in-' less than try to exclude the in-|tense and important as they fluence of the West from Asiajseem now, may turn out to be| where its colonialism has left ajonly an intermission before the bitter legacy. lbig act. RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY- aueact cna MILEAGE CHARGE At one time China held Vict! Nam for 1,000 years, lost it be- cause of internal anarchy in| Tr China and then pecked away at|Charles Jarvis wants the com-| it over the centuries. Later it}mon sparrow declared a pest,| controlled Viet Nam again. For anyone with a knowledge of history and the national use of power it would be a dreamy condition to think the Chinese BIRDS NEED PILLS LONDON (CP) -- Farme saying he has lost 50 tons of grain during the last five years to these birds. He suggested some sort of birth control to keep their numbers down. 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa foie ike While it may see effect in this case Oshawa and Distri fast-action Times Comments like ' "best results ever, only .72c per inse magic is defined by Webster as. . agency that works with a wonderful effect, . It's easy to place your ad too, simply dial 723-3492 Its MAGIC... m trite to liken classified advertising results to miracles, sometimes that's the only comparison that gives © clear picture. When you consider that ' 'any the simile becomes apparent. The wonderful is the results that ct people are getting from Classified Want Ads tremendous," fantastic," " are heard from hundreds of satisfied customers. Why don't you take advantage of this terrific advertising media. . « advertise in For Sale, Wanted to Buy, Employment, Help Wanted, Properties and Rooms to Rent. The cost is very small . . rtion on the low weekly rate, tween 108,000,000 and 180,000,000, bushels of wheat from Canada between 1963 and 1966. 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH NF.65-4 It's three inches taller than a Cadillac. We didn't believe it, either. So we measured a Cadillac sedan twice we are three inches taller. Which is nothing fora VW owner to get swell-headed about. But even if he did, he'd still have plenty of room for his hat. From where a lot of people sit, the Volkswagen has always been a roomy car. It has as much legroom in front as most of the big cars you see around, to make sure, And And for a very simple reason. We put the engine well out of the way in the back of a VW, Of course, we thought of more than your head and legs when we built the Volkswagen. That's why the two front bucket seats in a VW adjust forwards and backwards, And that's why the seat backs can even be moved to three different positions. Which goes to show that you don't always have to be sitting in the lap of luxury to be comfortable. Times Action Want Ads "Read by Everyone SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Ag ) veryone'"' sed by Everyone TEL: 723-3461