Hees Slams CDC: Source Of Scandal WINDSOR, Ont, (CP) -- The new Canada Development Cor- poration will be the source of many scandals--it is politically and economically unsound, George Hees, president of the Montreal and Canadian stock exchanges, said here Monday. Mr. Hees, trade and com- merce minister in the former Diefenbaker government, said in an interview that the scan- dals will start when the Can- ada Development Corporation comes under the scrutiny of a parliamentary committee, The CDC is a Crown agency established recently to encour- age Canadian investment in do- mestic enterprises and curb U.S. entry into Canadian busi- ness. | While the Canada Develop- ment Corporation sounds great, Mr. Hees said, there will be) "an awful lot. of dogs that haven't got a chance of mak- ing a profit in it." He said it will be such profit-, able companies as Poly- mer ahd the Canadian Over- seas Telecommunication Corpo- ration which will be for sale un- der the plan, to divert Cana- dian savings into unproductive issues. Mr. Hees added that the gov- ernment, however, knows that revenue from the profitable companies will go into a gen- eral fund and all profits can hide losses by uneconomic com- panies--brought into the plan By JOE MacSWEEN LONDON oxide deal. lief there has hardened nounce the North moment ripe. the issue: nium concentrate to France. --A further international known by few ganizations and the United Nations. are being made to overcome late-stage difficulties veloping a French hydrogen bomb. |CONCLUDED TALKS The Daily Telegraph. says in a story from Paris that the be- that President de Gaulle will de-\pas dug in its heels Correspondent Anthony Mann/ writes that three weekend de-cause President de Gaulle's velopments have a bearing OM| sovernment turned down Cana- --"Abandonment for the M0-\ingsnection of French : i it F 4 ag gg pigs og oe plants planning to use the ura-\councij and the 64 recorded in initials' -- apparently NATO --A report that special efforts) in de- Makes U.K. Fret ition of energy during at least 30 months," Sharp said. 'This : (CP)--Some Brit-\ uranium should not serve any- ish newspapers see far-reach-\thing but peaceful means. On ing implications in the interrup-| tion of talks between Canada cation." and France on a big uranium-| The Daily Mirror, mass cir- this subject there is no equivo- culation London tabloid, says in mas: "The Canadian government and refused clear prograni. 'Talks in Paris collapsed be- dian demands for on-the-spot nuclear nium. "The French apparently _ speech by deifeared that such an inspection) _---- Gaulle extolling Franco-Soviet| would give away some of their collaboration and deriding "al nuclear secrets." or- their COMES AS SHOCK "The breakdown has come as a shock to the French, who were convinced that they would ipersuade the Canadians to waive the control conditions in their case. "De Gaulle's long-term nu- clear program now is jeopard- ized because he was hoping to | Mitchell Sharp, Canadian) buy Canadian uranium fuel ove: jtrade minister, lin Paris Saturday on proposed concluded talks/the next 10 years." The Financial Times says the accept the main "Canadian con- sale of 45,000 metric tons of Ca-|French government refused to | nadian uranium to France. He said talks had not reached anjdition of the sale, that there! work but was unable to|must be adequate outside super-|said, '"'but we are already dis- they would be re-|vision to ensure that the ura-icussing the car with a manu- "impasse" say when sumed, "Canada is still ready to sa-| purposes." : Z\tisfy the uranium needs of the|peared "totally deadlocked" on nium is used for only peaceful The negotiators ap- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 25,1965 3 France N-Treaty Weekend Claims 85 Lives; 54 Die In Road Crashes By THE CANADIAN PRESS During the survey period, from} p.m. Friday to midnight Mon-| 6 Accidents during the long Vic-lqay jocal' times, the province itoria Day weekend took the lives of at least 85 Canadians, with highway fatalities account- ing for 54 victims. A survey by The Canadian |Press also showed 27 persons fire and three persons killed in accidents of miscellaneous ori- in Atlantic|tg give France a no-strings per- the ¢ F peat The Canadian total fell short Treaty as soon as he judges the mit to buy uranium for its nu-iot jast year's mark of 94, the highest since 1952 when a rec- lord 100 persons died in acci-) dents. The number of roa jdeaths this year was also less than the 60 deaths predicted by ithe Canadian Highway Safety 1964. Ontario had the worst record. Ruto's Cheap 'And U-Fix-It LONDON (AP) -- A designer made public Monday details of what he called the world's first repair-it-yourself automobile. It will be seven feet long, cost about £200 ($600), go 65 miles on a gallon of gas and seat five persons, a spokesman said. "There is still a lot of design to do," the spokesman \facturer."" The designer is John West, who helped turn out the Pacific and Orient liner Canberra. His reported a record 38 deaths--25| iy road deaths, 12 drownings and jone man apparently asphyxi-| 'ated, The previous Ontario high} total was 33 deaths last year! fi land in 1962, | ja Paris report by Aubrey Th0-\ drowned, one woman killed in @'CQUNT 17 DEAD Quebec reported 17 deaths, including nine on the road, seven drownings and the woman killed in a fire. Two provinces reported no fatalities at all--Prince Edward Island and Alberta. i British Columbia reported nine road deaths and thre elf \drownings, while Saskatchewan ihad six traffic deaths, with five persons killed in a single acci-| dent. Manitoba had one traffic) jdeath and two drownings. In the Atlantic provinces, Nova Scotia reported two traf- fic fatalities, three drownings and two persons killed in other accidents. Newfoundland and New Brunswick each reported one traffic death. The survey does not include industrial or natural deaths, known suicides or slayings. IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK .»» THEN YOU SHOULD BUY WR TODAY! the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting M... Nature's) Remedy! There is no letdown, no|iy uncomfortable after-feeling. NR is] an all-vegetable laxative. For over 70 years, Nt has been giving folks pleasant, effective relief overnight. t HMPORTANT NEWS FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES 1f you ire eet neuen gtedes, why not make the ; rh , A teckewel 4 p y your ie mag 3 =, makes a better than average salary. Some day you may own your own pharmecy. There is also a great d d for hospi 9 ment end research pharmacists, You will have « se- cure + If you like people you will love being « Pharmacist. You will help them to be healthier and dispense pre- scriptions which often save lives. Many student loans « holorships ore iloble. Visit us and we will be gled te give you more informetion, e YOUR DOCTORS CAN PHONE US when you need « medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping neer- by, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fast--Free--Motorized Delivery P, B. Francis, Phm.B.--J. R. Steffen, B.Sc. Phm.B. Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION i, Seabetionamnebueeeaiig eS by political pressures j |French reactors for the produc-|this issue "Thus Polymer profits, and) aR ORES it those from other companies, will be lost, and taxes will have to be raised," he said US. Thinks, Drinks U.S. NEW YORK (AP)--"A policy of think American and drink American,' instituted at the White House under President Johnson, is being put into ef-| fect at the state department and in American missions jspokesman said a prototype has lbeen developed at West's de- |sign centre in Epsom, near Lon- don abi a '/House Starts Fourth Day i" """ DOUBL gem ametne il bo aaa fn Marine Pfe. Charles Knick- dor in Santo Domingo, Domi- | Ot Rules Reforms Debate , ' ; P erson of Reading, Mass nican Republic, Rains late ee a jumps mud puddle on way last week turned lot in front . T f to dinner for troops stationed of the hotel into quagmire OTTAWA (CP) With two in front of the Hotel Embaja (AP Wirephoto) (amendments already proposed, er ae : land the likelihood of more to come, the Commons today en- ters its fourth day of debate on ithe controversial rules reforms proposed by the government There are indications the de- bate will continue for many eee on Savings Accounts, Paid casenvt M tonight... and compounded quart- tomorrow alright! erly. \ aw Helps you feel better | = ... and look better! REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED > JUNIORS on Chequing Accounts from the dey the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balance. No charge for cheques written. one that only interim supply and the) his wil] take 10 to 15 min- main spending estimates be in-| +o. and can be done by the cluded in the 36-day debate|o. ef in his own garage. limit. Debate on other spending have tibre- programs, such as supplemen- The car will tary estimates, should not be|2lass body. Its color will be im- included pergnated and it will never A'subamendment from H. A|teeteee wig a doit Sages Olson (SC--Medicine Hat) also|, i; . sa more days, although there has|carried the same message. He} __ been some speculation that any said that otherwise extra spend-| lopposition blockade could|ing estimates brought in after! prompt the government to dis-|the 36-day period could be ap-| Pentagon Puts Down Gu That Fires Nuclear Load abroad, the New York Times CHICAGO (AP) -- The Chi-|"secret struggle in the defence ion cago Tribune says the Penta-|department"' were learned Sun- , A Washington dispatch adds gon has placed a virtual ban onjday and that Defence Secretary solve Parliament and call anjproved without debate unless) that the selection of wines Of-lthe yse of the most effective-Robert McNamara has re-/election. But there appears to|there was a specific provision fered to guests at the Whiteltjnited States Weapons against|mained obdurate despite warn-jbe a general belief that the for such debate cua tas ca oe House has been entirely Amer-|mase invasion--a gun-tube type ings by an army group that the|proposals will not be held up) Meanwhile, the Creditistel eyisy LICENseD iM. ican since early 1964, White of tactical nuclear weapon present course could lead to|to that extent _ |party has served notice it also] aarnis abeia House sources said. In a dispatch from Washing-\disaster by the 1970s. | The proposals include limiting) will introduce amendments, and| The story also said in part: ton, the Tribune says the ban.! The weapons are reported|!9 36 days the time spent eachithe government has indicated it HOTEL LANCASTER Johnson ordered the use of|which came over the alarmed/apie to destroy massed tank|/Session on all appropriations|may "soften" some of its pro-| 27 King St. W., Oshawa U.S. wines. ' protests of high-ranking mili-/adyances, a favorite Russian and supply debates. Po grip days|posals. Attention was drawn to the/tary officers, was imposed byY|tactic. or wipe out the rush of] ere yp bs this a White House preference for do- civilian leaders. hordes of ground troops, a man-|sion. new rule wou in- ° mestic wines when Johnson, The weapon, usually handled! oeyyre connected with the Chi- serted to allow for an arbitrary travelled to New York City to|by two men, has a Gestructiveinese bevel pergetin A geo "< | ten fund-raising dinner Sa-\force of one kiloton (equal to) ,, 4 jques - Saar 'night of the New York|1,000 tons of TNT) or less, Fy A ey OA learned |stricted to 30 minutes a day.| President's. Club. The club is;newspaper says, and the mere}, a saad Burope aod mad! Opposition Leader Diefen composed of persons who don-|possession of such weapons in 6 . 2 '|baker refers to the debate-limit | i ibe withdrawn from the Contin clause as the uillotine ate at least $1,000 to the Dem-/the front lines deters the enemy ul jing ¢ p "g ocratic party. from contemplating invasion, |ent. None has been sent to Viet) rule A spokesman for the club| The: Tribune says details of a|Nam __.|TWO INTRODUCED said the White House had re- me : The two amendments already) quested that only U.S. wines be s d I L k introduced, but not yet voted on.| Chutists Drowned In Lake During Practice Exercise Ont., raider broke into a house in this} when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 years. Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable on death, GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH io Ne a 2 EM City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N, 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M *Yearly Rate a 22: TE Tr | > ead P3939 744, . S5S559" Barrrseelad REE i 655955953: SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs, 9 to 6 Friday 9to9 Saturdoy 9 to 3 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 If you think you don't need disability insurance, you haven't seen the statistics. Of 1000 persons aged 35, 33% will be disabled by ill- ness or injury--for three months or more--before they reach age 65. That's what the statistics show. What kind of a statistic will you be? It makes sense to look into a Manufacturers Life Personal Income Protector Plan, Nothing can give you such peace of mind as the sure knowledge that if you are disabled and cannot work, a guaranteed in- come will come your way: Our Plan has many advantages. It offers you a wide flexibility in amount of income and the length of time it will be paid. For exampi2; you may be able to arrange for income benefits right through to age 65 for total disability due to sickness or for life when an accident is the cause. Accidental death and dis- memberment benefits to age 65 are also offered. You ean co-ordinate the plan with your other resources; tailor it to your needs and your pocketbook. Manufacturers Life cannot cancel the poliey nor can your premium rate be raised--ever. The plan can be adjusted to correct the inadequacy of any short-term coverage you already have. If you are interested, call the Man from Manufacturers, When advising you on disability income he offers you the same competent counsel available to you when you are planning your life insurance security. : ~ MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 90% mortgages! The Canada Permanent Companies and Canadian Acceptance Corporation announce a combined mortgage plan offet- ing loans up to 90% of appraised value under a single mortgage contract. This new plan is available to existing home owners or purchasers at any. Canada Permanent or C.A.C, Realty office across Canada ; CANADA PERMANENT ' CAMADA PERMANENT BORTGAGE CORPORARIOR CAMADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPARY OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT Dead Shads Ring Shore PENETANGUISHENE, Ont (CP)--A 50 - mile stretch of shoreline on the southeastern tip of Georgian Bay between this community, 30 miles north- west of Orillia, and Collingwood is infested with a yard-wide row of dead alewives, or gizzard shad An estimated 10,000 owners are faced with the job of removing the four- to six- inch fish, which began piling 18 inches deep a week ago Other dead fish are still float ing on the surface of Georgian rh : ; av to one-quarte ile e meh were practising for ol trove CE ihe Cane dian parachuting | 100 King St. E They are thickest at Thunder|championships scheduled for Bay, six miles west of here September near Pembroke. - mrt NEED... The infestation is bad along the A third jumper on the nine -- southwest shore, but tapers off/man team that bailed out at FUEL OIL ? . Call PERRY toward Collingwood, 45 miles about 10,000 feet also fell into Day or Night 723-3443 COMMUNITY BURGLAR GAVE ADYICE WARLEY, England (CP\-- A| P. Andrey Representative Bus, 728-7391 Res, 725-2502 and Social Credit parties Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win-| nipeg North Centre) proposed DEMERS CENTRE, Que.|Jay 23, of Willowdale, (CP)---Two men participatingj|was able to release his para-|Staffordshire town, left a note in a parachute jumping exer-|chute and free himself of some!to the occupants telling them to| cise were drowned Saturday|40 pounds of equipment be more careful in future, and] when they landed in Cranson| The other six jumpers landed) went away without taking atiy-| Lake three miles east of herejat the small airport that was|thing and five miles north of Pem-|the target of the exercise, f(t a broke spite gusty winds They were Lieut. John Car A spokesman icr the pare son, 24, of Camp Valcartier,|chutists said all the men were Que., and Leo Straus of Water-/ highly-experienced jumpers and loo, Ont had learned how to descend Simon W. Martin, an official safely into water of the Parachute Club of Can- ada, was jump-master for the exercise and also took part in the jump. He sa'! the men leapt from an aircraft donated to a Montreal parachute club SMOKING PROBLEMS? -- Call -- SMOKERS DIAL 728-2221 Anytime -- ALSO -- Enroll in next 3 day plan te quit smoking. Dial 725-9273 2-4 and 7-9 daily cottage A New Fashion In RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.6. CHIROPRACTOR -- 728-5156 Fine Living Creative thinking, intelligent plonning, coupled with controlled operations bring southwest of Orillia the lake but was rescued, Allan the finest in community living for YOU, the Oshowa home buyer! Convenience - » + choice, value, quality and location. A host ef dramatic new ideos and ap- pointments provide @ new stondord of Qrocious charm ond elegonce. We hove the home in your future, why not see it today? SUPERIOR SECOND @ interest: % of 1% above current rate fot conventional first mortgage loans. e Repayment: Equal monthly pay- ments amortized up to 20 years, plus 1/12 of estimated annual taxes. ® Available at any office of the com- panies listed below. Over 100 offices across Canada C.A.C, REALTY LIMITED y There's A MORTGAGES }, e Terms up to 10 years @ No brokerage fees PLANNING A ; Better Future © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 Ge HOTEL : * No hidden charges © All or part can be prepaid at any @ No bonuses time without notice or penalty For a FREE brochure on SUPERIOR mortgages, write, phone or visit the SUPERIOR office nearest you THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR CREDIT CORPORATION LTD. For YOU in 3 _ braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis) Deity to 5:30 p.m; Friday to 8.00 p.mz Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you Wrete or telephone the office nearest jot 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Den Rees, Maneger ees