Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 May 1965, p. 2

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ae er nea gy eee ee * post bat operations centre 2 THE OSHAWA TASS, Tuesdey, Mey 25, 1965 mead ereo?t Details of a Boys' Club of Canada memento are shown to Miss Isla Barker by T. L. Wilson, secretary of Simcoe Hall Boys' Club Miss Barker presented a By FRED 8, HOFFMAN mountain, installing gear that granite have started new electronic tack on North America This is the final phase of &); g99 four-year, $89,000,000 effort for the North Air Defence Command The NORAD command five miles away BOYS' CLUB GIVEN $200 $200 donation to the club on behalf of Simpson-Sears Ltd, The cheque was in addition to donations given in the past by the company. Oshawa Times Photo | US. Instals New Defence For Immediate Retaliation ton steel blast doors and ca ee the shots for the defence--send- CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN ling up jet Colo. (AP) -- Deep Inside this!janes, launching anti - technicians) ang anti-satellite weapons secret will enable U.S. commanders to ré interceptor officers steel Air force claim complex of "lresting on 937 unique anti-shoc act within seconds of any &t-cnrings and wedged into a net- beneath about solid granite--| {0} would be safe from all but per- build an atom-proof command haps a direct hit by the biggest American hydrogen warhead work of tunnels feet of All phone cables Springs, and is vulnerable to an'crete, steel and copper atomic knockout other fancy 'have been checked out, the U.S 2 and Canadian military staff will|the 11 interconnected rectangu-| * take over the underground com-'lar steel buildings are dormi-| +arted with tories, mess halls, food storage|aowntown Dorchester Boule-\'luding a computer rooms).o.q in the Prudential Assur-|Sitls, dressed in dungarees and "experts will maintain a 24-hour|and the main theatre where the!.,.4 Co, Ltd. building without|Wearing their hair 'long, re-|, park area in small There, these keenly trained areas, offices, The normal 300 - man » \tries and institutions. fighter) missile this buildings-- 2 staff ries of "Gestapo!" By early 1966, after the spe-/manning the centre would swell) The use of force and whole-|the street. "clally designed computers andito about 800 in a "button up new equipment|emergency By DOUG MARSHALL {seek out chances to learn more LONDON (CP) of medieval pageantry to Brit- jain's first Commonwealth Day -oynt iservice- Monday high Amory, former. Britisn commissioner in who is touring West Germany Commonwealth Society's read by 23-year-old Prince Wil-| 64) liam, eldest son of the Duke of) {ny his sermon, Rev. | iservice, The Abbey was packed|ary and ecumenical council of by more than 1,000 representa-|the Anglican Church assembly, tives of Commonwealth coun: aid the Commonwealth exists "as a single universe of trust-| At the head of the processionjing consultations and in this) \were Canada's new flag andidivided world that is no small \Britain's Union Jack. thing."' | Special guests included the Canada was represented by Duke and Duchess of Glouces-\Gordon Bull, a second - secre- ter, most of the Commonwealth|'aty. The high commissioner high commissioners and agents-|the deputy high commissioner] general, members of both and the third - ranking repre- houses of Parliament and dis-|Sentative at Canada House were |tinguished businessmen and all absent from London : other leaders connected with, Britain has no official holiday) iCnieetonwaaith activities on Commonwealth Day and un-| til this year the Queen's mes QUEEN GIVES ADVICE sage was read at a Sunday| In her message, the Queens ervice for Commonwealth! said each individual Put Own House In Order, Speaker Tells Graduates KITCHENER (CP) -- Cana-jously to believe that Canada is dians should put their own|more of a jigsaw. puzzle than house in order before going out\an exquisite mosaic,"' he said to conquer the world, graduates) 'But no major country found of Waterloo Lutheran Univer-jits unity within a century." sity were told Monday at their' Honorary doctorates of law) convocation | Rev. Henri Legare, former|gare, Rev. Earl Treusch of Win- rector of the University of Ot-jnipeg, executive director of the| tawa and currently director of|Canadian Lutheran Council, and) studies for the Oblate province|Allen Thomas Lambert of Tor-| | | i lthe record 287 graduates that|the board of Tordnto-Dominion| day-to-day co-~ operation is|Bank needed if Canadians wish to) Rey, Alex 0. Potter of Kitch-; change the atmosphere in their/ener, first dean of Waterloo Col-| ,own country lege -- forerunner of Waterloo "Sporadic outbursts of discon-|Lutheran University -- received tent in various sections of thejan honorary doctorate of country could lead one errone-iters CROWD SCREAMS 'GESTAPO' are buried POS! in steel conduits several feet be- now is above ground, aboutiiow ground. They are embedded in Colorado|jn granite and sheathed in con- paddy wagons. which ithe hundreds of youths gath-jier Jean Lesage of Quebec Inside the windowless walls Of ored around the park vigil for signs of impending at- battle staff would assemble. »tack by missile, bomber or sa- "tellite, "WOULD 'BUTTON UP' If attack should come The centre has its own seven-) room hospital. | Hewn out of rock nearby ar deep reservoirs to hold 1,200 the|000 gallons of drinking water, building NORAD commander - in - chiefjanother 4,500,000 gallons of wa- and his battle staff would "'but-jter for cooling,and diesel fuel ten up" behind a brace of 15-'to run the many motors violence INCLUDE GIRLS Many of the marchers, number of Victoria Day an explosion on The : in-) young} jur turned to the injuring anyone. K The blast, the worst in/8oups where their efforts to re- |Montreal for some months, de-|form were thwarted by police. €)molished the front door and| The marchers failed to at- "Ipart of a wall of the 12-storey|(Tact participation of severa thousand Montrealers relaxing Glass from windows as high in the park, a as the sixth floor of the build-|block area of greenery and re- ing, which also houses the Brit- creational facilities HERE and THERE Ten people were treated at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital during the week- end for minor injuries sus- tained in motor accidents, None of the injured were admitted Four were injured in an accident Monday afternoon in an accident on Highway 401, east of the Highway 115 interchange. The vehicles in- volved were driven by Wil- liam P. Emerson, 109 Hunter St., Oshawa and Richard G Mackenzie, 70 Lakeview Ave., Fairport Beach, Con- stable Murray Joynt of the Bowmanville OPP detach- ment investigated Three vehicles were invol ved in an accident on High way 35, at the Twin Oaks Motel on Highway 35 early Monday afternoon. The ve- hicles were driven by Les ter Highfield, Ontario St., Bowmanville; Paul Wong, Toronto and Glenna Slighte Willowdale. Five suffered minor injures in the acci- dent Constable Ken Laton of the Bowmanville OPP inves- tigated Miss Jackie lowers, 3'4 years, of Burketon, was ex amined at the hospital and sent home. The child was struck by an auto The Whitby Detachment of of the OPP reported 11 ac- cidents, one of which invol ved a personal injury, were investigated between 3 and 10 p.m. Monday. Seven of THE ULTIMATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF 1-2-3 BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE * UNDERGROUND PARKING * ADULT BUILDING * yey the accidents occurred on Highway 401 where the flow of westbound traffic was ex- tremely heavy Chef Theo Oortwyn of Tony's Refreshment Service Lid, attended the annual one day Baker Production Club conference in Toronto re cently, Over 300 registered for a day of lectures on baker food production and merchandising A demonsiration .of an insecticide, which when ih- jected into a tree will kill Elni bark beetles, will be demonstrated this Thursday morning at the Provincial Forestry Station at Orono The Darlington Township Council, at a meeting last week, authorized the road superintendent and the road commitiee to investigate the possible closing of a forced road through Lot 24 and the west half of Lot 223 in the Broken Front Concession A large number of the clergy and laymen of the United Church in this area are in Kingston this week attending the dist Bay of Quinte Conference. Close to 500 delegates, representing every pastoral charge in the conference are attending the five - day rally, The ordin- ation of ministers wull be held Wednesday night IN LUXURY LIVING!! Cg as i CEILING ELECTRIC CABLE RADIANT HEATING By Appointment 723-1712 er 728-2911 G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA about the people of other Com-jated Secondary School coun-| for David| predominantly French Gloucester, began the hour-long paton, secretary of the mission-ling, SARNIA (CP)--The Associ Ontario School Trustees) The Eastview board, such schools in ANYBODY SEEN A MAD ROBOT? HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Missing: An 84-foot-tall ro- bot with a warped mind, Escaped? Police prefer the theory he was stolen This robot is Tobor the Great, the 450-pound alumi- num star in a 1954 movie of the same name. Tobor gave a subtle portrayal as a suc- cessful international coun- terspy whose personal life was marred by emotional problems Tobor fell rapidly from stardom, however, and was bought at auction for $30 re- cently by antique dealer John Shiels, who stationed the large automation out- side his West Hollywood shop. Shiels reported that Tobor disappeared late Sunday night | were conferred on Father A of Manitoba-Saskatchewan, toldionto, president and chairman of! |peratures and increasing cloudi ness should occur today, ticularly in the western regions . ; " Scattered showers or Each time the crowd noticedjteau" (down with Lesage), they|storms may drift into south-|Muskoka .. |police herding more demonstra-|were stopped after a six-block western Ontario. More frequent|North Bay... tors toward the waiting wagons,imarch by a wedge of 50 police! showers are expected in North-/Sudbury there were shouts, boos andireinforcements backed by twWOlern Ontario tonight as a weak|Earlton blocked! disturbance moves across the|Sault Ste, Marie... 60 Kapuskasing .,... 60 7 Freedom Plea : 2A a lsale arrests finally dispersed) They were referring to Prem Lake A few thundershowers and evening. Wednesday mainly Niagara, Georgian Bay, ight For Child Act sunny |Toronto, Sudbury cloudy periods today and Wed- veral nesday four-by-seven-|[2ne, . ; ny ; (cloudiness and warm with a few|!n the Montreal Museum of Fine scattered showers late. this ,afternoon and tonight. Winds and| Soon afterward, the St. Jean|tight today puatherans 15 Wed {work and said provide school boards for storage spac' calling 12 Ottawaj|for the resolution at a four-day A message from the Queen-- and now chairman of the Joint/convention, 'said there ts a needjin a Leamington-Kingsville res- Ontariojolution calling for an investiga- areas where the population is|tion into the quality of the book speak-bindings. The books are sup- posed to last for three years, but are not standing up, dele- gates said. The resolution was passed. Another Eastview resolution, additional grants Also adopted were tol\visit to Canada, e\strongly in support of Canada's stock of free text booksisuggestion that there should be by the govern-ja permanent United Nations ment to Grades 9, 10, 11 andiforce when he answered ques- itions at a 'tT free textbooks also arent ek: 'Color Marks Day |Association Seeks Query Shah Backs NATO w= e-m'is Of Commonwealth Into French High Schools Permanent Force MONTREAL (CP)--The Shah , Boards\adopted by the 200 delegates, jof Iran, on a three-day visit to -- Trumpet} monwealth countries "so thatlof Ontario voted Monday to askicalled on the government to|Montreal as part of his state fanfares and a parade of thelwe may have the warmth oflthe 21 Commonwealth flags down'reliow feeling and the vision to|Council to study the advisabi the 90-year-old aisle of West-\work together for the good oflity of establishing French-lan-|for the minster Abbey added a touchithe world in years to come." guage non-sectarian public high made available The lesson was read by Vis-|schools in the province, came out press the American actions in Viet Nam and the Dominican Republic, the Shah said; "Ei- ther you are for or against the principle of standing against ag- gression, and I see no differ- ence between standing against aggression in Viet Nam and Berlin. In the other place (the --A resolution urging appoint-/Dominican Republic) 1 think it ment of a special committee|more the responsibility of the to study teachers' salaries to|OAS to get together and find @ establish common schedules within designated provincial zones; --An Oshawa resolution ask- ing the province to release parents from the payment of additional Ontario Hospi- tal Service Commission pre- miums for students who reach the age of 19; for night schools in commer-| cial and technical subjects) leading to certification, simi-| lar to that from day courses,| Rejected were two resolutions! from East York. One, for intro-! duction of French in the curri- culum of elementary schools, was rejected on the ground that there are not enough qualified| teachers to carry out such @ program. The other resolution asked permission for lay per- sons fluent in a language to teach in schools as is the case now in Manitoba WEATHER FORECAST Sunny With Some Cloud; Milder Today, Tomorrow TORONTO (CP) -- Synopsis: Slowly rea Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Huron, London, Windsor scattered showers or this afternoon and warm. Winds light Haliburton, Killaloe, Hamilton, North Sunny with a ario, few Winds light. River, Coc Variable! Warmer Algoma, White Timagami: inesday Forecast Temperatures ish Information Service trade commission, was scat-|Baptiste Society of Montreal, a tered the width of the eight-/branch of a large French-Cana- lane boulevard jdian patriotic order, held a The bomb. made with four)peaceful but noisy rally before|Low tonight, high Wednesday: stipks of dynamite and a tim-jthe Lafontaine Park statue of!Windsor .......... 60 85 ng device, was found and ex-'Dollard des Ormeaux, a French'st. Thomas aes 80 |a amined hurriedly by two patrol-officer said to have been killed), ondon 50 80 Then he ling policemen seconds before it}by Iroquois during a seige in!Kjtchener 58 80 went off. No one was injured.| 1660 Mount: Forest..... 55 75 'spirit?' Cries of "Gestapo" were CHECK REPORTS heard when Montreal Alderman Police were kept busy paul-Rmile Sauvageau and a throughout the day checking re-\cjty policeman. placed a wreath! ports of bomb. sightings. Mostiat the monument proved to be false alarms but) Before nightfall, 200 march two sticks of dynamite, MinuUSlarg pe grouped without being a detonator, were found at the spotted by police and staged a central post office noisy parade through downtown The largest rally of the day-- streets, breaking some windows about 400 young marchers --\as they went | formed up shortly before % They joined with still another p.m, and began to move from ceparatist group, the Rassem- east-end Lafontaine Park tO/blement pour |'Independance ward the city centre Nationale, at Victoria Square in Some of the marchers came|the heart of the city's financial from a group named the Che-idistrict, but their planned de valiers de |'Independance|monstration before the monu (knights of .independence),)ment to Queen Victoria was forced to disband earlier when|broken up quickly by police. they defied a police order not' In a further incident a short to march from a rally at anitime later, police detained for east-end monument to French- questioning as a preventive Canadian patriots. A dozen measure, were detained and girls gathered at an inter They and youngsters carry- section ing signs labelled Parti Pris a group of 40 boys} Forecast|Wingham let-'issued by the weather office in)": .uilton Toronto at 5:30 a.m rising tem-|Toronto thunder-| Killaloe BAY, budding child artists need is freedom from adult supervision, |, says Arthur Lismer, noted Ca- h jnadian painter Art during its annual children's exhibition, of ignorance. How many pro- fessionals bining without bumping into each other |'*What kills the child's creative Prey yy 55 15 A 55 80 St, Catharines, 55 80 setees 55 75 -| Peterborough 50 80 par-|TrentOn ...+++- 50 75 .|Kingston . 50 75 50 80 50 80 . - 75 soe =660 75 ove 60 75 See 5 MONTREAL (CP) -- What tions salary |solution, "It is clear the United Na- has assumed." SHARES OPINION Iran, conference Later the couple will watch Shahanshah Plate in their honor s Le permanent UN force should be Is it that 4 set up. This force, he said, should be subject to the Gen- a\ eral Assembly, or to The Secu- rity Council without veto power, gging or even simply to the secretary- backache general. J The Shah and Empress Farah 1? again? leave today for Toronto, where woe Ey mighty their re- ee maining two days in Canada, © If it's bac that's Tonight the couple will at-| te wes ee tend a dinner given by Lieuten-! and bladder discomfort. I ant-Governor Earl Rowe. pk help ine yo ibe, Wednesday's round of activi-| Dodd's Pills stimulate the ties includes a visit to the de| condition causing the Havilland Aircraft of Canada hen you feel Ltd. plant in suburban Downs- view. Kidney. Pil is not as strong as it should be. If it was, no coun- try would have to take on the responsibility the United States | the Shah said, shares --A Weston resolution calling|Canada's opinion that a strong CAR CRUMPLED, BUT NOT BEAR ORILLIA (CP)--A driver from Willowdale, Ont., came off second best Satur- day in an encounter with a bear. Gary Welsh told police he rounded a curve on High- way 103 and ran into the bear The car was wrecked. The bear "took off for the bush at high speed," Mr. Welsh was not in- jured ai 12,900.00 Attractive Two Bedroom Birch Bungalow With Garage Well Kept and Clean -- Call 728-7328 Curb Service Goes Nautical VANCOUVER (CP) -- West Coast, tradition, down to the sea with chips. Chris Laursen, member of a group building a $150,000 marina just outside the harbor, says his jdevelopment will feature boat hops. The girls will wear bath- ing suits and operate a nauti- their putt- |putts to cruisers--alongside a reach for a 'button. The girls will appear, take the order and return with |the food from the kitchen 70 feet Yachtsmen will berth vessels--everything from long wharf, then away Another novelty is the dry storage shed housing 72 boais long and each up to 20 feet weighing 4,000 pounds, The steeped in naval may have come up with a new one--girls who go KEITH PETERS REAL ESTATE Want higher interest on your savings? Speaking to a group of adults he pointed to one "Here we see courage born could to achieve join in this com- mural nd chewing each other out?) posed a question HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS COMPLETE easy to buy, free estimate. 43 King 'Now's the time to add a LENNOX cooling coil to your furnace Enjoy whole-house air conditioning More economical than "room" units Put the furnace blower, filter, ducts and diffusers to work 365 da '7 a year for your comfort! Lennox cooling is thrifty to operate. Call for Street West, Oshawe 723-358) (position taken), the name of a group which publishes a monthly separatist magazine here, again disobeyed police in structions not to march Chanting rhythmically 'Re- volution" and 'Lesage au po- LOOK! A NEW COURSE is being offered by the Oshawa Business College First in @ series of short, inten- sive courses designed to train personne! for retailing, selling and serving the public. Especi- ally designed for employable adults ond young adults who seek employment or a career in meeting and serving the public In this course emphasis wil! be BUY YOUR n handling and serving of food Hotel and restaurant proprietors note Course will consist of EIGHT EVENING SESSIONS Tuesday and Thursdey 7:00 te 9:00 P.M, commencing Tuesdey, June Ist, 1965, pecial expert instruct er j gaged to present this course Built by For complete details DIAL 725- 3375. ACT NOW! REGISTER AT ONCE! A minimum registration of 15 required to stort the course 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA M. C. Barnett, Principal HOME IN anyhere else... H. KASSINGER Construction Limited Beau Valley Of course you may pay a little more in Beau Valley We invite you to come and see for yourself. Sold by . . . But what you get in return cannot be equalled SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 King West w+ « 723-2265 ~ Look into National National Trust SINCE 1898 You get a big 4% interest* on your savings at National Trust. But that's not all. You also get free chequing privileges on any reasonable number of cheques. And National Trust stays open longer hours for your convenience. Look into National for your savings-- and while you're at it, inquire about National Trust's complete range of personal trust services. They're worth looking into too! interest calculated on the mini half-yearly bai $2 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA AND 12 OTHER OFFICES IN GREATER TORONTO

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