Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 May 1965, p. 1

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! Weather Report Sunny with cloudy periods today and Wednesday, Warm- er. Winds light. Low to- night, 55. High tomorrow, 75. Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, he Oshawa Times Authorized os Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottawa and ter payment of Postage in Cash, Police Arrest 154 In Separatist Riot | 10¢ Single OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1965 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Copy B0¢ Per Week Home Delivered VOL. 94--NO, 121 menfolk as Brazilian troops leave Rio de Janeiro today WOMEN BID their soldier GRIEVING farewell to Junta Firmly Against Coalition 2.0." But Americans Stay Optimistic From AP-Reuters coalition government, He called " py mp, U.S. Ambassador W, Tapley that the SANTO DOMINGO (CI )~The| Bennett Jr, and Jose A. Mora,\has refused to step aside injof the capital, has been ex- \ Dominican rebels were optimis-|seoretary-general of the Organ-|favor of a coalition, The rebeljtended informally tic today = the ee ization of American States, tolchief, Col. Francisco Caamano pessimistic about prospects [Oras them for an explanation of Deno, has said he would resign|would not initiate renewed fight: a coalition government, The|the negotiations. jente showed no sign of RIVINE|" Bennett was reported to have wey. told Imbert that the U.S. was A rebel spokesman said ne! not trying to impose a govern: OBSERVE TRUCE gotiations to form a govern-| ment headed by Antonio Guz-|ment. man _ Fernandez, minister under deposed presi-\compromise choice. dent Juan Bosch, were 'very! va doe advanced," Other rebel sources said the talks were nearing "'a successful conclusion," Ruby Gulped But a U.S. spokesman, noting strong opposition However, the U.S. is! if an agreement is reached on|ing while negotiations for a Perline the coalition agriculture|known to favor Guzman as ajtruce between the insurgents) and the junta forces, arranged J Jets Strate lise i <<. 'South Viets By Mistake | y, SAIGON (CP)--Four U.S; jets) which had strayed off course made a strafing attack on aj; South Vietnamese outpost just} south of the North Viet Namjj border today. | A South Vietnamese com-) mander said he had eyewitness! lreports the planes were Com- Imunist MiGs but a U.S, mili- tary spokesman in Saigon said # will become part of the in ternational peace-keeping force, (AP) for duty in the Dominican Republic revolt, The soldiers Five South Vietnamese were | wounded in the attack. | No Communist air attacks on \South Viet Nam have been re-| ported since the U.S. and South) Vietnamese air forces be ganip week fo remove the dead| Striking at targets in North Viet | from the streets) Nam. JS, raids against the north ilcontinued, Four U.S. Navy\f Both sides indicated that they plane i Mage gar pe |three bridges under repair in manent settlement of Aaya hae a PF month-old civil war continued. | = "| | ee jsouth of Hanot, } Despite the outward calm,| Qn the ground, the Viet Cong In the meantime a 24-hour|/however, it was learned that) today blew up three more rail- Supporters of Gen, Imbert in an|way bridges on South Viet enclave around the national pal-iNam's main north - south rail ace had been secretly re-|jink and then ambushed govern: inforced to between 500 and 800\ ment relief forces as they hur- . men ried to the scene | ep | S It was understood that the re-| The sabotage brought the to- inforcements, dressed in civil-ita) of railway bridges blown up ian clothes, had infiltrated|/and destroyed by the Viet Cong | | | | | demanding) last andjand wounded Imbert has been rebels surrender to Guzman! (tea from gh the U.S. lines, Rebellin the last two days to seven ee ae ee B f H G d 0 [djserrees charged that arms had/paralysing all north-bound rail for @ quick settlement were still e or e e unne swa 'ee dropped to the palace P ee) ye ng forces by helicopter. | The relief column, travelling The Washington Post reportedjin armored cars, was ambushed that President Johnson has: or-jas it approached the scene' of dered a team of FBI agents so ego Init "ig reports g,isaid six government troops into the Dominican Republic to) yore Killed with seven missing. investigate the extent and na-| The Viet Cong Monday blew] loudly as police carried him ture of Communist influence injfour bridges and two culverts} to a nearby paddy wagon. the Caribbean nation on the same north-south rall-| The youth, wearing a black sell nat ci enti - road line they hit today, shirt with the fleur-de-lis in- The rail line carries almost! gorihed on it. was one of 75 1 Youths Start tiers 'nresa a" ei Be oe, men Murder Of DeGaulle Tried || Fire, Fight -oasopel cae By Bomb Rigged In Statue Firefighters On Route 19 about 250 miles} From AP-Reuters TORONTO (CP)--A gang north of Saigon, a government \juveniles set a fire in downtown Mese are THIS YOUTHFUL FRENCH- CANADIAN separatist yelled... detained by police during londay's demonstrations in ¢ downtown area of Mon- treal, Many sat down when 'police forbade separatists to march through the city. Those detained were releas- ed later. (CP) convoy ran into another Viet Cong ambush, In the battle that four pounds of explosives which followed, three South Vietna : Z a ' ; ,. |were to be touched off by a ra- mese and one American were, PARIS (CP)--Interior 'minis-\qiq signal, 'The fusing system of wounded, Eight South Vietna- try officials announced today) failed to function 5" ee missing that another extreme right-wing! : Policemen Battle 10 Hours To Control Montreal Mob By TIM PETERS an id MICHAEL BLAIR MONTREAL (CP) -- Squads of billy-swinging police waded f into separatist demonstrators 4 and "hooligans" Monday night to end 10 hours of violent Vic- toria Day celebrations in the downtown area. Police said 154 persons, in- cluding 15 juveniles, will face charges today for disturbing the peace, resisting arrest and assault on police officers, In addition, 59 others have been released after questioning, By midnight Monday when the demonstrators had been dis- persed, 14 police officers, in- cluding an RCMP plain clothes officer, had been injured by flying rocks and other debris, none of them seriously. Seven police cars and a po- lice ambulance suffered minor damage and scores of windows were broken near east-end La- fontaine Park, where the dem- onstrations were held, A fire set by young demon- BLOODIED OFFICER strators destroyed the ticket «+. victim of a rioter's brick woetn of the park S00, |crowd spilled onto Sherbrooke SEIZE FIRE BOMBS Street, tying up traffic. Five Molotoy Cocktails were) Before police could control seized from youths as more|the spillover, a group of 300 jthan 1,000 persons milled|marchers, led by youths carry around the park. Police tried tojing a Quebec flag and another keep them bottled up with fly-|with a 'Quebec Libre" (free ing squads which were con-|Quebec) sign, were marching stantly forming 30 man wedges|along Sherbrooke Street, @ to disperse large groups. jmain traffic artery. The day began with a bomb]. Police cars came from sev: blast in. the downtown area,jeral directions, and. drove @ continued with protest marches|wedge into the marchers, whd and rallies and ended with acts|ran back to the park. : of hooliganism, They reformed in the park The demonstration brought ajshortly before midnight but po- stern warning from Quebec Jus:|lice waded into the group and tice Minister Claude Wagner,|made dozens of arrests, throws who said further incidents by|ing those caught into paddy wa- "misguided extremists" will re-jgons lining the park. ceive harsher treatment from) SEE CROWD SCREAMS 'police than in the past. Continued on page 2 The demonstrators gathered , originally to protest the cele- bration of Victoria Day in |French-Canada. 'Crooks Try It was the second consecutive! , year of serious separatist Vic-| " = toria Day outbreaks. In 1964, 85 persons were ar- Using Bomb rested when mounted rs po- jlicemen were called to break up) a crowd of firecracker and mis-| TORONTO (CP)--A bomb po+ |sile throwing demonstrators in|lice believe was meant for them the same park, was found early today shortly after an explosion destroyed a THOUGHT IT OVER jbank depository in a suburban | Following separatist rallies at)Port Credit shopping plaza. |Lafontaine Park in the after-| Police said burglars were ap> jnoon police thought they hadjparently frightened off by an le : ve '" . re: ssassina resi |FAS N NEW ; i | Stanley Park Monday night, On the political front, Pre iplot to assassinate President de| FASHION NEW BOMB the situation under control andjalarm that was tripped when OL) "THEY WILL HIT WITH EVERYTHING THEY'VE GOT' OVER VIET NAM Russia, China Will Join Against U:S.: Eaton By R, J, ANDERSON DETROIT China will po eda officials would onl! DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -- Jack say: pedlompcae Ruby told Monday how he took sations have taken place and! numerous stimulant pills before are continuing." |killing se pend boo pas Sources close to the junta/he said he fears that an president, Brig. - Gen. Antonio| Oswald will be linked in the as- jsassination of President Ken- Imbert Barrera, said Imbert) jeqy, had not been consulted on thé) whe warren commission re- jport said Oswald killed the |president, Truce Comes "To the American people and jthe world... I'm going to be branded a part of a conspiracy with Oswald," said Ruby As Aftermath °™: going to forget how I felt about the beloved President Kennedy, There has been so much torment, so much hard- amage *,.." Ruby's discourse, wandering from topic to topic and punc- LA PAZ (AP)--Bolivia's mili-|tuated with emotional pauses, tary junta agreed to a cease-|came during a hearing in which fire wen striking tin miners Jos ew von Wes 08 Be- th ttacked T to firefight-;mier Phan Huy Quat announced|Gaulle had been thwarted with) Interior ministry officials) | ter heavy fighting took many/by's trial defence team, was en attacked Toronto firefight-;mier Pha y Que ced )/Gaulle he pe ee stry sials F "tga : br be acgla dod pat ia 8 "taken out of the case for Ruby's ers who came to put it out,/a long-awaited reshuffle of his|the arrest of six secret army|said today that the secret army rics ag gg heal po gag ee oe er eet fon The Aahealive called for an/forthcoming sanity hearing. stealing equipment from the|cabinet at a meeting of the na-|members gang had fashioned a new elec- less. than we had expected » " |wial Bank of Commerce end to the "strike now in its. Tonahill's removal was or- fire truck and jeering police, tional legislative council, The latest attempt to take the/tronically controlled bomb However, acnha ae police| They said the first Konsh wk eighth day, and withdrawal of dered by Judge Louis T. Hol- About 700 persons, including) Earlier reports said the lastilife of the French president} Which they planned to hide in) vere rushed into the park arealdropped into the depository by troops trom the mines land, who said the question of many adults, stood by while the|two military men in the cabi-|was to have been made with ajoF near a statue of Clemen-| 34 nightfall as leaderless "hooli-/burglars in an abortive attempt gc SENS Ruby's counsel would be settled lyouths set fire to pieces of fenc-|net would be replaced, but only|booby - trapped, statue of the/ceau at Sainte Hermine, in the| ans" and a sprinkling of sep-|to enter the building The truce shen signed after . by the Texas court of criminal ing, old. mattresses and other|one went out, He was Maj.-Gen.!First World War Premier,|Vendee department of west-cen- aratists milled about The second bomb 'a piece of battle seen government) a yneals following the sanity ltrash by tossing gasoline-filled|Linh Quanh Lien, who was re-|Georges Clemenceau, during de|{ral France, The -explosives| Shortly before midnight pol-\piping containing nitro-cellulose forces and workers a the In hearing. JACK RUBY bottles into the pile, placed as information minister|Gaulle's tour of western France|were to have been fired as deii.¢ with megaphones began|and wired to a six-volt battery. Sar whatemee Po inte 'be Ruby, his face pallid from, When firemen arrived, they|®Y Dinh Trinh Chinh, a Saigon|last week, Gaulle placed 'a wreath at the| tearing demonstrators and|was found near the rear door night Monday, At least 19 per- more than a year in jail, said|ing to die a horrible death." (were attacked by the youths, lawyer, _ The six arrested men, , rang: statue, : spectators out of the park, Thejof the building. sons were killed and more than|°, '00k 30 antibiotic pills and) Speaking of that Sunday, heiwho pulled some firemen to the ing from a school teacher to a _. The plotters operating in . others that "stimulate you and)said, 'I shouldn't have tried tol,» anitnw tha doctor, were part of the same|France were in touch with). pee are Maes " 70 were wounded jground in a tug-of-war for the ' Pp rae eatin nv f f make you want to do positive|play the part of:a hero, My/hoses 5 loang that tried to kill de Gaulle|French cohorts in exile in It- sary amare also adie things' after awaking Sunday,|background wasn't clean isnt 95 policemen were PORCH PILFER last August with a hoetiy: aly), evenerities said, They said NEWS HIGHLIGHTS reported in mining centres|Noy, 24, 1963, the day Oswald enoug ay the par a a trapped flow the 'i yas Jean-| south of the capital where min- en Pct aye AP 6 , ae to play the part of a), ought in to disperse onlookers| STOOPING LOW Ride psbetetze Pot. \jeorer Beene sae tr vie pl ; = - . , reet cor De Gaulle and several mem-|"* tatteininesn) & ers tried to repel troops under! fe said he brooded about the) Ruby and his family had{W Stood on street corners and Pete is ohh scaped|Wing European leaders who government orders {to occUpy|Kennedy children being father sought to remove Tonahill as|!" the park, hooing and jeering NORFOLK, Va. (AP)- IBeath p Rag hs Ib. while vat-(ttied desperately to reverse de Armed Robber Grabs $100 000 In Jewels the state-owned mines ess but noted: 'What quirked his lawyer and replace him/®S police took one youth into) won people stoop to theft, landing . Pinbe LB: Pe Tou-| Taulle's policies which led to; ' The ceasefire agreement was|me after that I don't know, As with a group of lawyers they custody its surprising how far they fion during the comm naan tte independence of Algeria, EAST AURORA, N.Y. (AP) -- State- police sought signed by Gen. Alfredo Ovando God is my judge, that is the had selected. But Tonahill had) Michael Rende, 18, who lives) will go lot the Ganted World War allied) Susini, who once worked| today a young gunman that Mrs, Alice Scobie says broke Candia, the armed forces com- truth 7 : contended he had a valid con: near the park, said it was an Police report that some landings in southern France. closely with former Gen, Raoul} into her home and at gunpoint made her turn over jewels mander, and leaders of the Bo- At another point, he noted, "Ijtract with Ruby, He said thejannual event on Victoria Day tO) gne stole the front porch | : ea lsalan. is still at large some-| Worth more than $100,000, Mrs, Scobie was alone and livian Drivers Union who have walked into a trap when condemned man signed it while/start a fire in Stanley Park, from a vacant house -here |, An ornamental flower pot at) Shag han Rader tl ha een ] in her 16-r h wh th nman, between . t re tolhe was sane and that "he icunih: Gara 'd the foot of a staircase leading|where in Europe, Salan, former| #S!¢ep in her 16-room home when tie gu , been mediating the dispute be- walked down _that ramp (into he was sane and that he now! Firemen were called to at) during the weekend, | Pes is | : 22 and 24 years old, entered her bedroom early Monday, tween the junta and the leftist/the city hall basement where he is insane and incompetent to de-|least 200 small blazes in the city jto a military museum at Montihead of the secret army, is police said, miners union shot Oswald). 1 know I am go-'cide who his counsel will be. {during the night Faron had been loaded withiserving a life prison term, : | Three Teens Charged In Island Attack TORONTO (CP) -- Three boys were charged Mon- day in connection with the May 16 fight on Centre Island in which members of a Jewish youth group were attacked by a gang. The 15-year-old boys were charged with three counts each -- of assault causing bodily harm, conspiring to commit an assault and possession of offensive weapons, . . ' Clay Weighs In At 206; Liston, 215% LEWISTON, Maine (AP) -- Heavyweight champion Cassius Clay weighed 206 pounds and Sonny Liston 215%, Russia and China were so far apart ideologically that they could not act in unison, This drawal from South Viet Nam, It was the same thing in This would not be appease- Czechoslovakia and Hungary, ment on the Munich pattern, They wanted to trade with the Eaton said In my sober judgement we (CP) are on the brink of catastrophe. "Russia and strike together in CYRUS EATON Viet Nam within one to four weeks, says Cyrus E. Eaton The United States will not yield and there will be world catas- traphe "They will hit with everything they've got," he said. "I tell you that they mean it." The sombre prediction voiced Monday by the land financier and industrialist in a'report to the was Cleve- Economic Club of Detroit on a three-week visit to Russia and other Iron Curtain Ountries in His audience industrial and Eurépe eaders of the ely s Dusiness community, was Unreceptive, Unless some miracle occurs in the next month I feel that man- kind Is doomed." In a subsequent press confer- ence and interview, the 8l-year- old native of Pugwash, N.S., said general war in Viet Nam is certain. Then the losing side would - dre an atomic bomb » can do is accept one's fate." CALLS FOR 'SANE' POLICY Eaton called upon the lead- ers of American. business to band together to force a 'sane' » Johnson admin- mad clear that a would mean immediate Americano with- ane" policy The Vietnamese would be able to choose their own form of government and it would not necessarily be communistic. In the last six months, "anger and bitterness" have built up in Fastern Europe against «the United States, he said. The Eastern European countries wanted to trade with the U.S, but were unabdle to do so be cause of Washington's restric- tions, In his talks with Russian leaders, he learned that they probably would purchase $200,- 000,000 worth of goods from Britain in 1965. This was trade hat would go to the U.S. if con- ditions were favorable, United States but could not do 80 TELLS OF MEETING Eaton told of his first meet- ing in the Kremlin with Pre- mier Alexei Kosygin last Thurs- day. He said "TL was terrified by this man's attitude, I have never met a man so grim, so wrought up, so serious," He "couldn't get a smile out of him" in a 90-minute audi- ence He said Kosygin told him: "You -have left us no alterna- tive but to fight.' Eaton was critical of what he said was the U.S, state depart ment's apparent feeling that was.a fallacy, Russia had to support North Viet Nam or else China would consider it would not fight for socialism anywhere in the world, So would other commu- nistic countries, Eaton also had words of advice for his native Canada, 'Shout from the roof- tops" that Washington is on the wrong course in Viet Nam, he said. There were times when good friends should speak up, and this was the time. Eaton's forum was the Sist annual meeting of the Economic Club, which six months ago ar- ranged to hear his views on Eu- rope. There was.no applause during the 40.minute speech. today for their 1l5-round title fight tonight. , ' nn . manent ...In THE TIMES today Youngsters Look At Yesterday's Autos --- P.13 OPP Keeps Close Watch on Highways -- P, 5 Listen Out To Show He's No Quitter -- P. 10 Ann Landers -- 15 Sports --- 10, 11, 12 City News -- '3 Theatre -- 11 Classified --- 24, 25, 26, 27Whitby News -- 5 Comi¢s --71 Women's -- 14, 15 5 alla e ny Editorial --- 4 Weather -- 2 Obits

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