Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1965, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, -- Friday, Mey 21, 1965 25°: FIRST THING IN Wa nonwe oer 7 ? ieaty i? oe BRIDGE PAPERG AND STUY @ VW. ' By B. JAY BECKER COLUMNS. (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) QUIZ PERGONALLY, LTHINK HEOWNED Pig =~ the dealer, neither : ) M A BIG HARDWARE side vulnerable, and have open- TIRESOME, JIMMY. Ss "| { STORE IN HARGROVE.! |ed One Diamond. eed hing 'YOU'D BETTER GO NOM/ AND COME WHATS HEGOTTO | |sponds One Heart. What would BACK IN THE 7 12a Oo WITH USF you bid now with each of the scctenee ae MORNING, H ° ; following five hands? WAIT HERES? THERE YOU ARE/T A CLEAN a = oe N re 1, @KQ3 YQJ72 @AK62 @AD LL GETTHE /@ TITLE TO CHICAGO!' 1S AURIER SA ite 'S3UES ARE| THEN AN UNBELIEVABLE ALLIANCE £ TY THe CANADIAN Vor GNDRED™ ) "Oxcue d wenenr | | From aimee stella ind | Pei eee 2) eae mr) CMe meee" beer See wv ateeave| |6 Qaaee ee Gane pe c "eR rm frie, ADICTIONS ; QT 8 | \VE_US RI), BOURASSAS ' WECAINT ) KIDDINE7) J) X_OFFICES yoy i OOF NATIONALIST PARTY ov Lan ee Wel 79 Thee 4 @KQE2 YAS $KQID6S MT | READY L ; ¥ : / WDD \ dea F il INTELLIGENCE © |B, @AQP W74 @AQIS BAKDE' | JULIET JONES 1, Four hearts. You can't af- ford to play this hand for Jess. than game, since it is mighty: difficult to imagine partner !os- ing four tricks. The jump to four. a - not regarded as a clos- ing bid; on the contrary, it Ties Gon Ba Sn aS ee paws ahost 20 points, since the WHILE BOU) A _HINTS one, heart response does not eer eee ire a than 6 points = w e pr ary sor parva, WROr Fs ee Pera ce uer Wee uc eS) | ere og ieee ~ lta only three hearts, which par YOU TELL ME My FEET ACCURATE, MR, FLING TN INL ; ] 4 7 OR - leeties | NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION Suc' S\)| WE POHAVE A PE WASN'T | it~ THEY WANT US WANT THOSE eerriahe Se mae dur--aur On OME eee stlived to pian Te "ony te |FAST, BUT HOW CAN T GET $i; ap RADIOPHONE THAT 4 y rey) ¢s UP THERE /N THE MOUNTAINS /_ J CONPIT/ON === ' ag 'tor beth po Boardenrgtirne Sod + har rer AND " , : four is more accurate for both HAVE NO RADIO SN eerie P hoe, ie FOR | PEE gv f |. 4 ---. 3 game and slam purposes. COMMUNICATION = die cake stl ae Fay i \ 7 . : / ; ' 5 ' | 2, Three hearts. While the ; | i i io [ its ae ( A , |high-card point count here is lonly 15, the good trump support jand the singleton spade raise jthe value.of the hand to approx. limately 1) points and make it |clear that a raise to two hearts {would be inadequate. Partner is not obligated to bid again over three hearts, but the feeling should be that, if he maeraeiraan ron ' : passes, the chances of making "0 z ING GELF-RELIANT. SOA ve Soe * 3 aS ME zi uta sa ae _____ |game are only fair, and, in fact, OPN GENE bya d ge Nes" yt , . that even three hearts may ga OF SELF-RELIANCE) | ENTIRELY BY YOURSELF am Neg gd earn omy our Pe _ ' down, It must be borne in mind SOU WiLL PEVELOP A MORE WILL DOUBLE FOR A DELIVERY- JR , Mi Us Mi Nn that partner is bound to have a FRIENDLY PERSONALITY, MANS UNIFORM / 5 | THIS DOES IT, poor hand if he passes. PEOPLE WILELIRE YOU / ; < PERFECTLY' 3. Two spades. The chances AND e+e? of making game are excellent and no risk should be run of playing below a game contract. The jump-shift to two spades is forcing. There are prospects of a game (or slam) in spades; hearts, diamonds, or even no- trump, though the right con- tract is highly uncertain at this point. Partner's response to the jump-shift will no doubt help te clarify the issue 4, One spade. This is the best bid available, despite the strong preference for diamonds as Ce aha Aare 4 : trumps. Our hand pacity ga anh Filohe 2 not a minimum, but it wou ytd ated fe improper to show the excess -- ; values by jumping to three dia- monds without first meas | spades. The strong action, { any, should come later 5. Three notrump. It is rea- sonable to assume that partner has a minimum of 6 points and that a game, at least, must be undertaken, The jump to threo notrump in this sequence shows at least 20 points and is hence @ mild slam try. A jump to twa | WE HAVE NO C.T.A."SPIESS AS me Jn You CERTAINLY, MR. SAWYER 15 A Inotrump would permit partner | | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 Wotd ghee renewed, @ Bite Cccsmes Speteans tan, 1008. 'DONALD DUCK ¢ 7 r ee i to pass Gnniner sie. AnD WEDD RETURN, ; TUNE ADOCIORS REDRT : ---- . | The three notrump bid identi- THEIR PERSONAL LIVES ARE A HIM TOTHE STATING THAT We HAD BEEN AOROSS 50, German 19, Man's FT ReBIATe rena . } |fies not only the high-card point THEIR AFFAIR. STATES? DRUGGED. 1, A classifi- cathedral nicke CARES: > | |count, but also the balanced dis- \ cation: town di (am ' ' at tribution. The picture thus Bot. s iS ae , rawn enables partner to choose Defensive Down \ the best final os covering . Gun: sl, secretly Tie : . Insurance . Self . Slope G ra 7 3 representa- Saul's 5 Aero cerais RIEU ; i | 3 RUSSIANS READ MUCH tive uncle a RAN NWaaaac : } j ' i '| The Siberian city of Brats ee cae pare VST Olu | Thas 65 libraries, and its 120,000 3. Trunk of 5. Tale . Label . i people buy 1,000,000 books and human . Lofty . There- Yesterday's Answer | : ; |pamplets each year. body mountain fore | | " : . Segment . Enclosures: 30, Compass . Narrow $ ote Seo point: abbr. street | 'SALLY'S SALLIES flower 8. Military 32. Large » Demands, ' Pf 4 z 5. Attempt equipment roofing as payment . Bristle- 9. Egg-shaped slate 42, Scottish- like organ . Abate in expunge Gaelic . Examined, intensity 35, Irritated 43, Observed as ore Still 7, Kind of 45, In low . Harrison . Wing rock spirits of Oscar fame 2 Y 9 10 3, Branch . Small BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN wrinkled cloth , Outfit 3, Genus of A) ae f | \ | lily , t . Unit of -- - \ : "Tf the light bothers you so work LL | 5 on . ' much, dear, close your iad 5. Pant - , se / | - REN aaNet sen e RACE READS . Little . Kites: Bur, -- | i COLBORNE 'Assumed | APPEALING PETS | Ab4 4 GROCETERIA name 46, Sky-blue By ALICE BROOKS SIZES 10-18 Colborne St. at Church St. - Species of Dress up a den, add charm i cassia to a child's room with pets in| WRAP. TIE TREAT! 728-6341 48. Under easy single stitch, : is OPEN se oaserperuass "s paler ed Cuddly pets win everybody's By ANNE ADAMS eee - heart! Embroider them. on pil-/ Gay, giddy, flirty ruffles turn DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. : lows, or for pictures, Pattern/a snappy-wrap dress into a sum-| Seven Days a Week | oR 7265: kittens 94x10 inches;;mer sensation Easy fitting YOUR HEALTH pups 984x104: color chart plus open-flat ironing are theji¢ Groc @ Fresh Fruits | ' ' THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|practical side. Choose linen, | . vegetables © @ Meats MICKEY MOUSE Sifor each pattern (no stamps, pique, Dacron Ho e For Cerebral : y .™ Alplease) to Alice Brooks, care| Printed Pattern 4844: Misses' FREE DELIVERY | p : ick lof The Oshawa T Needle-|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Size Times HAVE ANY THING TO a Se BELOW THE BELT.' jeraft Dept., 60 Front Street|16 takes 3% yds. 44-inch. WORRY ABOUT... a)>- 3 \y P l S$ ff me West, Toronto 1, Ontar On-| FIFTY CENTS (50c,) in coins U meameeen, em | ; Wa a sy u erers : oy vasidant add 78 ealeal(ba stamps, please) for ach Oshawa's Finest BOXING TIPS I GAVE You, _/ OSCAR... jas tario residents : 7 : . tax. Print plainly PATTERN/pattern. Ontario residents add By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD MM NUvmer, NAME. ADDRESS. (2c, sales tax. Print -- plainly Nightly Entertainment Dear Dr, Molner: [| noticed}woman who has a small boy; 19645 NEEDLECRAFT CATA-|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, the letter from Mrs, J.- A,/with a mild case of cerebral 1.0G -- 200 designs, 3 free pat-- STYLE NUMBER | ; whose son has cerebral palsy palsy. Maybe she worries toOjterns! Newest knit, crochet) Send order to ANNE ADAMS I am a 23-year-old palsy vic-;much or is over-protective fashions, embroidery. 25c. care of The Oshawa Times Pat tim. I attended college and am) | have a mild case. It af Now! Send for elegant, newjtern Dept 60 ~=Front eines now operating a travel agency.|fected my right side. 1 couldn"t}'"Decorate with Needlecraft!" West Toronto 1, Ontari | \( graduated from Syracuse walk very well as my right heel|5 beautiful room settings, 25 COMPLETE F ASHTON. | University in 3% years.) would not go down, My parents|complete patterns for decora PORT in our new Spring-Sum | ] REMEMBER yal | AND YOU WON7T | fig wn AS LONG ASHE DOESN 'T HIT | GRANDMA When I was a baby the doc-'took me to several doctors anditive accessories in one' book! |mer Pattern bene log plus cou i 1 " tors told my parents to put me!found the right one Pillows, wall. hangings, cur-ipon for ONE: FREE PATTERN! @ Fully Li d in an institution and to forget), when i was five, a night|!ains, appliques, more! 6c. Everything you need for the ully License + ae VERE ee, ieee THE KIOS pes ~ Cvow io USED MY INFLUENCE T peconmcres we) | 'about me. | tell you this be-/prace was put on my leg and Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jlife you lead -- 350 design ideas! WELL, THAT TAKES --/\ WHAT ON THE BUTTON ige 2 You EVER en PULLED A TVs, THE Hi-Fi, THE RADIOS cause I think it shows (1) the : ; Fetes at|/6 complete patterns. 60c Send 50c. now ee | foot. | also had to learn to e (one you hos HOMEWORK! Yauoueser kee si Lk 7 Few wires! 1 ANO THE REFRIGERATOR ! advances' made by medicine; |jstihanded. f was a tight ~~ O!UTT!!OOC eae a COTE Ne Ee DOING, PA? ye THINGS GOT yp LES j(2) that doctors are not always!handed child, but couldn't: do people say,. 'Harriet can't dojbut fright or excessive nervous- SUDDENLY | | + |, < ' M jright.--R. J. D. much with my right hand that.'"? They didn't know me toojness can make one perspire VERY QUIET ; 3 : : I don't know of anybody who) | wore the brace until 1 was well. Right now I'm. playing} Cold sweat falls in this latter IN THERE... : f EY a D is always right, but I'm sure|15 and saw my doctor only once|basketball in my gym class and/category. In some people, the! that a great deal has been ac-ia year, 'This past summep he really enjoying il.--Miss H. T.|involuntary nervous system is complished in the last 20 years discharged me, saying 1' was. Miss H. T.; I hope a lot of;overactive or unstable--that is, in making cerebral palsy less!j99 per cent all 'right people have been reading. to-|the system which controls such | ' jof a handicap. I am now 18,-a senior in highiday's column things as sweating, blushing, | | Definitely 'children with cer-|cohool. and having loads of fun Dear Dr. Molner: Has. cold etc en ra 0 e ebral palsy should have thet ean co out, do things that oth- sweat any diagnostic signifi Hence they may perspire ua} A henefit of some of the things ors da, even in sports; and inicance? Also perpetually coldireadily even though 'the body King at Simcoe Sts. that. have heen learned. which fact sometimes 1. can outdo hands?--J.T. does not require cooling. A sec PARKING OFF ATHOL : brings us. to another letter other Rasically sweating is an aulo-.ondary result can be cool, damp Dear Doctor; | read about the! It used to hurt me to havelmatic way of cooling the body,' skin, Sn a ie ie A" Se 4 MUGGS AND SKEETER

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