Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1965, p. 18

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Pn may ES _ " PR eS hecnwnlb Mancte cw wie ob a ead a DD, le Ga eae) nS ead tee ee ae ils 0 Se Dear- Ann Landers; Why do| Dear Ann Landers: If you can| Saturday she brought her people who write a daily columnjtell me path to free hg Ofthree children over and said insist on putting in a picture of red ae fad ere be back for them Sunday themselves--and a picture thatiworker, afternoon, (They had made was made 20 years ago at that?) | ton married 19/Pians to go to the mountains 7 on Ponape months. My husband's sons.and the sitter fell through.) could be recognized from his have borrowed money which My husband says I have to picture, I'm sure will never be repaid.get along with them because P ae ee They come over and drive his|they are his kids. How can I~ fhe space your picture bt car out of the driveway without/and still keep my sanity?-- up could accommodate about), ving 'They borrow his fishing §-ball ee pen ' : A 85 words. 1 would rather read ; St - Ms Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burley,,| Dear And Landers: I've\causé my office is next door to what you say than look at your equipment, walk off with his pour g- You can't do any- lection of dance music of Au-|Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mr./known Warren a long time but|the ticket agency. He said "I'll: og 7 sy ic.{80lf clubs, then complain be-tning about a father who is a i . - ; rr . ggest you drop the pic-)" g i ' lbrey --_ poy ges. ay elgg agg bo -- he never asked me out until ewer et is -- lure. Miss Landers, Thanks a cause the golf balls are Old. |-hnook, but you don't have to vision of Mr, an rs. Douglas}" Age en ag ere 0 te." : i * 'jot.--Photofinish My husband's daughter car-be one, too. rol, Mr. and Mrs, Alec Mar-months ago. On our first date) j7, asked me to select a birth- ried off my steam iron. last) Tell your stepdaughter to cheer Paoli Thunderbird Country Club --| ANN LANDERS Opens Season With Dance _|Con-man Warren The opening dance at thejMrs. William Gliddon, Mr. a Has Rich Pickin's! Thunderbird (formerly Whitby)|Mrs. William Carrigan, Mr. and Golf and Country Club last Sat-|Mrs. Wilfred Gliddon, Mr, and urday night was a tremendousimMrs, Kenneth Ward, Mr. and) success due to the efforts of the}yy,. John Bourke | combined executive and staff.) .)" : together with the wonderful se- Girard. ; , 'Yr § ested t e , rahe The lounge was decorated in poate 4 Be fips agg . on, nim day gift for his mother. 1 spent) Fong ------ ; deal -- week. When I asked her to re-\keep her pea-pickin' hands off delightful spring colors by Mrs.lrovko, Mr. and Mrs Willian might be late. He said, "I hope|#!9- He keeps saying, "I must/* ots _ S ARTER hat Mecniiae turn it she said, "I thought it your appliances. Refuse to al- John Liston and a tasty buffet/ciorey. Miss Beryl Price, Mr.|you won't mind buying your own|P4Y you for Mother's gift"' but|ames 'et tpinke he te beautiful (725, ™y mother's." I told herjlow her to dump. her children supper was served at midnight Philip Dismond, Miss Beth Em- ticket." ' ' { have yet io see the money hee -shepalte bi . erongis the iron was mine and she re- on you. Let your husband know by Mr. Dick Lee and his staff.| ie Btanley: 'WMarohutt a lata Wad ited Ew ice 1 have heen stuck for| ne aaah DP plied, 'I dropped it and it's not you will not allow his children erson, Mr. Stanley Marchut,| A week later Warren inviteditayic pecause he didn't have|reader find the column imme-lonp fixing." to use you so shamelessly, The door prize was won by|Mrs, Jean Pretty, Mr. Robert|me to .a concert and asked me) P diately : Hie 7 afi eile re er? site| : : o lanything smaller than a $20 "atety. Mrs, John Ellicott, The 'follow-|MacDonald, Mrs. Bernice Ver-\to pick up a pair of tickets be-}pill, Last night he asked me to When my column 'first began ing spot oe a denburg, Mr. and Mrs. Bert|---- bring an extra pack of cigat-no picture was used, After sev- ALUMINUM SIDING ary Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. David/Mrs, Murray May, Miss Anne ' : "¢ , ras ' : a er a 2 y May, Miss / jettes because he hadn't' haderal readers accused me of o or ee yam ne Fantham, Mr. and Mrs, Claire|yarie Craigon, Mr. George Ful-ltime to buy any. being a cigar-chomping male I , Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Miss|Meeks, Mr. and Mrs. Steveljer, Mr. and Mrs. John Randle, I've never known a fellow who asked my. editors if they would CALL 723-2619 Gemma Koenen and Mr. Stan-/Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. John El-\\qy Mog : wag Pan saa alas 4 ed sere MTB, !-|Mr. and Mrs, Richard Ablett,|nehayed thi é but wh yrun my picture ley Carroll and Mr. and Mrs.|liott, Mr, and Mrs. Bernard/Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sweet,lan, iach Waren ihe Gite ace Now, aren't you sorry a) SIX REASONS WHY! pe | Guarontee Richard Ablett, Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, Mr.\pine and I can hear the birds said all those mean things? |f = Quolity Plus | -- | * 025 Heavy Gouge : - = Attending the party were the Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tyson,,Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Weeks,|«j : te if DRAMATIC ACCENTS following: Mr. and Mrs. George Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dionne,|Mr. and Mrs. Scott "Hickting. hokey' Dies = Direct 'From Manufacturer Re KNGrt vei sate Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bawks,/Mr, and' Mrs. William Jenkins,|Mr.. and Mrs,. Gary . Sharpe, FUR gies MOST BEWITCHING and que done in a floral pat- |Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drinkle, Miss\Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jollow,| Dear Donna; Have you lis- 10 Years experierice in aluminum installation. 25 Years in Oshawa dramatic of the new tex- tern, Designed with a demi- |May Conway, Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jubb, Mr./Mr. and Mrs. Murray Duncan,|tened to those birds carefully? tured stocking styles for tow and w aheed feel, they Ewart, Mr. and Mrs. John Har- and Mrs. John Goverde, Mr. and/Mr. and Mrs, A Cruikshank, |! think they are saying "Cheap Storage HOME ALUMINUM PRODUCTS evening is this pair which a basdoulany attentive jris, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wright, Mrs. Garnet Fursey, Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Doolan,|cheap : 723-2619 perfectiy complement 4 aii the t 3 ioe ne si Mr. and Mrs. John Bergen, Mr. Mrs. John Mason, Mr. and Mrs.)/Mr. and Mrs. T. Tushingham.| Put an end to the bumming ] 160 Wilson Rd. S. It Busy 728-6663 beautiful black gown. They vocative dit' daetl and Mrs, Sidney Temple, Mr. Grant Taylor, Miss Jennifer Ed-|Mr, and Mrs, John Dermo andiroutine. If Warren disappears FREE are 15 denier and seamless, = Vocative sill skin's _ land Mrs. Jerry Cooper, Mr. and wards, Mr. lan Fraser, Mr. and others. you haven't lost much : wn ne enema eeeeeen : with a velvety black appli --By TRACY ADRIAN | eeeeessseeeeesiamasn si emma Plek-up & Delivery TAXES -- 1965 Current Culture Boom LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE = e Highly F ble To Wome Cleaning Township of East Whitby ghiy ravorandie n TAKE NOTICE THAT: © Repairs sik sdlbdiciee oie By ROBERTA ROESCH acute that several major foun- +; Lior 4 Council of _ peace - the City . Oshawa intends to construct granulor bese, asphalt pavement, asphalt pavement ® Fur Cleaning j 1 1965 P dations are now. considering wtih concrete curb and gutter, and g for base and asphalt paver with concrete curb and gutter, os ¢ local improvement ne Ist Culture is a Haniel pri training programs for the arts and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: ° SHINERIZING - , oA 'fulltime' jab sppertunities| management field, Toffler told ESTIMATED 'COST Annual vos : Taxes May Be Paid At for women," says Alvin Toffler. vas oe i es Ok pe 'i ~~ Owner's Cost Owner's ast Service THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE, COLUMBUS, ; . | His advice to any w w i ide ity' P. f° P H He's the author of The Culture' oq jike to break into this Name of Street From To Totol vid Fr - vga . Dial OR AT Consumers, a book that's growing job field is to make the GRANULAR BASE ern 723-3012 uae i cen conn careful and colorful explanation 7 nds of all the cultural institu- 14 27 SIMCOE $T. NORTH, OSHAWA of the causes and meaning fe tone 1h her Aten Farewell St. Dean Ave. Chesterton Ave. 32' $33,715.00 $29,887.00 $3.30 $0.45 t cult oom an : Gr Ae opportunities in tt 'in general, there are two ASPHALT PAVEMENT OSHAWA FUR READ YOUR TAX NOTICE ze z things the average woman in- ; ; Penalty will be added to first instalments unpaid efter June Ist. Leaving aside the jobs as : ' ns Athabasea St. $. Limit Lot 29, 13.91' North of N. AND Y ; performers, there's a desperate mig agli eg oa ee ; Plan 745 Lt. of Mackenzie Ave. 16' East 1,654.00 1,503.40 1,50 0.20 COLD STORAGE Discount will be ollowed on oy ag ee ag shortage of people with training) "".91 oan try to get a job in Elizabeth St. $. Limit Lot 30, 33' North of S. Limit . Tox Collector, Coluwies, Out in the new = ge od Bho the field through 9 skill such as stnithatiigs te ' _. " Lot 30, Plan 692 14 East 116.00 65.15 1.50 0.20 LTD, | in rand the climate is highty/Public relations, bookkeeping, Plan M-55__ Orchard View Blvd. 28' 5,577.00 3,528.78 1.50 0.20 a favorable to women." "\clerical work, or something sim---& Orchard View Blvd. W. Limit Lot 26, E. Limit Lot 23, Plan Witkin the cutture flél¢, for| ust Or she can offer her serv, PlanM-55 M-55 28" 1,700.00 --*1,283.00 «1.50 0.20 instance, there's a wide variety /C°® 3% volunteer worker and Poplar St. Olive Ave. N, Limit Lot 25, Plon ' THE OSHAWA BU IN DIR TORY of job i runiibe with thea-|Use her eyes and ears to learn M-54 28' 577.00 427.40 1.50 0.20 : : Poor nd dance compa.(tte procedures in the business Oshawa Bivd. N. 19' South of N. Limit N. Limit Lot 7, ves os serce Pa-'as she does her volunteer job.| Lot 8, Plan M-10 Plan M-10 15' East 322.00 224.50 1.50 0,20 nies. Symphony orchestras, mu- 'However she does it, she'll seums, art galleries and li), cetting into a field' that's| ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER braries. And the range of jobs expanding just about as rapidly Oxford St. 465.38' South of S. AN GU s-(5 RAYD 0 N runs the gamut from bookkeep- rt cde se 3 : ing to bookings and from secre-[te, "ui!" Con mention' TON ai Murrey Ave. Onferd Seen Coder Ste 32 4032400 3316842 «3:30 0.48 tarial to supervisory work. | ""-An indication of the cultural cal ieee : -- _ oo CARPET COMPANY e superviso ss Y, fOr oom we are now experiencing RANULA ASE AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER oz. a college cultural manager|/",° fact that three times a5 plerien Cour W. Limit Lot 177, ! e BROADLOOM ¢ TILE © CORLON © RUG CLEANING h verall responsibility many people attend New York s Plan 671 Riverside Dr. N. 28' 2,053.00 1,841.53 6.60 0.90 F of setting ty and. ovmniaating eacepeiias Memento AE Mentors Ave. Gibb St. Frontenac Ave. 14' East 2,307.00 1,779.00 6.60 0.90 282 King Street West, Oshawa 728-6254 all the art and cultural pro- oe attend. tootnidl je ' beschall Nipigon St. Anderson Ave. 36' North of S. Limit : ' ' ' rams on campus--from secur- ' and vasena Lot 51, Sheet 13C (2) 14' East ~=--- 2,091.00 1,932.60 6.60 0.90 For the finest in service and top g games in Yankee Stadium Plan 357 ality workmanship visit or calt ing the talent to seeing to the . q' y Pp . roper lighting te ee eo a rn Russett Ave. Somerville St. 360.23' East of E. ' Modern Dry Cleaners the following business. You will Oshawa Stenography Service ao ab a p portunities WOMEN NEED RESPECT Limit of Somervile St. 18' North 5.073.00 2,695.48 6.60 0.90 & Shi t Launderers find they have the finest in mer- , ' theeaghout the country are) CALGARY (CP) -- Modern Somerville St. 11/0" South of S. Lt. ir chandise at prices ycu can afford. i i posts as directors of local arts)woman has thrown away the Orchard View Blvd. Russett Ave. 30° 31,018.00 25,844.52 6.60 0.90 Oshowa, Ltd. councils--the community feder-|"'garment of authority," says 2. The estimated cost of the k is $134,362.00, The special t is te b id in ¢ i " , 1 D i ations that bring together the| Mrs. Edgar Grinsted, wife of the pees ea - : 5 ee Charing GO MODERN" STAN'S SHARPENING , \ eultural institutions and events Salvation Army's commissioner 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said & RENTAL LTD © Typing, Mimeo: raphing in a town. for Canada and Bermuda. "'It is work and any owner may, within twenty-one doys after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection 725-7193 ' © Club Bulletins, ete. gudmrace ACUTE la garment that can be worn to the said work being undertoken. --_ 3 "if Ite office work . . « | ioni 'e can do it!" Qelte naturally ve sealed Gea = 4, The a Board ge --" "4 ~ 9g vet ig undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint « time and place when 321 OLIVE AVE., OSHAWA SALES icici tie SERVICE 130 KING st. . ' 723-1157 visory jobs are at the top of allow government and school of- 9. wpe iad tig cd ie og Ja ctl leh gM al cee mea acd "We Sharpen Almost the job heap in the culture field, ficials to usurp their authority! DATED at Oshawe this, 21st doy of May, 1965. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshowa. } Everything and it's here where the reallas mothers, Mrs. Grinsted told! | DEPENDABLE (Give Us a Call) CAPITAL shortage of trained people is sola rally here. EA EE PR A EST EE STRSTR SNE A NRE VEEP ARTE RN RNR SSE. ------ G 723-3224 aan iain c ANNTIN 223 KING W., OSHAWA T.V. SERVICE IN re pe eee oats Pat --- SERVICE chicas xfor »V. Enterprise Ltd, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL k Rodio ond T.V. PAINTING & DECORATING of the Wee Service and Repair "DELUXE PAINTERS | L ELDON NELSON | | 'scsclace.ccgve 216 MeNAUGHTON 728-1373 | INSURANCE AGENCY | station pLaza 728-9481 Mr, Nelson hos been o resident of Osh 1951 is married and y BILL'S hos five children, : L. ELDON NEL SON : Start h A VICE yeti with initietive ond dive. INSURANCE AGENCY WHITE SER he has operated it successfully for ROSE STATION [nine years. During this time he hos created a thriving business * : with determined effort, and most 2 Licensed Mechanics important of all, friendly service. LIFE AUTO General Repairs He has been of great assistance to FIRE @ Front-end Alignment his many clients by helping them MORTGAGE INSURANCE @ Wheel Balancing with problems of various types. 723-3584 Mr, Nelson is a member of the 352 WILSON S. 723-4812 GiterisInkaranca Agent' Arsoclas 53 HILLCROFT, OSHAWA | e e W ole fay ! i] L7 tion and the Oshawa Insurance Agents Association, He is well Oshawa versed on all phases of Fire, Auto, Bending, Life, Mortgage, and sleeps better FUEL SO eee son | be Nelson was a Diamond Drill Oper- ator for the Provincial Government e of New Brunswick. Arriving in y Ou 1ns a an STEVE KISIL, Prop. Oshawa he worked in Fittings Ltd. "We Stress the Quality as Inspector, and then worked in Products and Plant Security at General Motors. e e 8 e 24-Hr. Free Service' This illustrates that Mr. Nelson is CLECTLIC AIL CONAITIONEYL _ [2 moore" Mra.oreajomier wns nos te on is able to advise each and every person honestly and conscientiously on the type of coverage they need. McKEEN'S " f Mr. Phedbeal is an active member of OSHAWA wooD ; ewe = his Church and aids it by serving His iatereens |R PRODUCTS LTD. Day and night, the whole family is healthier and more comfort- ° A ' in several offices able in air that's fresh, free from pollen, dust, smoke and a clude such sports os hockey ond] COMPLETE cooking fumes. Add to your family's comfort and health. In- Furnil ure Gera « faviey man ha resizes tha stall an electric air conditioner today. & Appliances Tor [urgent necenalty of Insurance, cov. : New and Used Furniture | eroge. Mr. Nelson hopes to make & BUILDING SUPPLIES you conscious of your Insurance ti ; The Prices ore KEEN needs. Please feel free to call him Builders' Hardware at MeKEEN'S" anytime at 723-3584 or visit him -1611 at 53 Hillcroft St., Oshawa. He is iforw phd 2 your hydro | 426 SIMCOE S, 725-5181 sox sak maw at your service always. This Ad is worth $20.00 off any water system, softener, or 3-piece remodelling job -- one per customer - March 1 to July 31, 1965. We sell, install and repair plumbing ftoucets, fixtures, water sys- tems, softeners, rental water heaters, disposals. DO IT NOW! JIM HURVID PLUMBING & HEATING OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 as ESTERN | HOME LEWINGTON'S WESTERN LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY -- In Co-operation With -- i ELECTRIC WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . . . . . .TELEPHONE 668-5878 a fastens RESIDINTAL COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC HEATING AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION . . .. . . .. .TELEPHONE 942-0500 _ frestsimomerd. [Tayo une, | "Oe PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . . . . .TELEPHONE 942-2930 ae ay Aa emg | ater hoor Si ceininn Shy Ne tia 28-62 s Duty Ranges, Hot water Tanks, Ete : @ Railing LAE L LETTE ELL TEES LEE LSE LL ATE T LDL LENE, TEASDALE ELE EDEL LEELA ALLL LLANELLI: SAREE BET, 160 Wilsen S. 723-2619 24 KING E. g } OSHAWA -- 725-0842

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