CIVIL WAR CURTAILED Blanc's Murderer Sentenced: Death TORONTO (CP)--A 24-year-jsentenced to be hanged Sept. old man, just sentenced to be) 22 hanged for capital murder, told Russia Rap On Officer Repudiated 'OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- dian government repudiates the He claimed he had committed PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE | By THE CANADIAN PRESS WEDNESDAY, May 19, 1965 The Commons started study of government resolutions to streamline Commons _proce- dures. Prime Minister Pearson said the change to disallow THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 20, 1965 Lake Vista Will Hit City ao Unless More Roads Built , 3 Dominicans Hate America' 'And Its Monroe Doctrine - |Associated Press News Analyst|stabulary there under Gen, An- WASHINGTON (AP) -- The/astasio Somoza.) | Monroe doctrine of 1823 was a| Within a few years after the! rather pallid piece of paper un-|Dominican Republic, Trujillo| Fifty miles of city streets|be constructed this year. til President Theodore Roose-|took over. His dictatorshiphhave a dix-seal surface and) Ald. Cecil Bint, public works | velt put some decorations of his|lasted 31 years until he was!about 50 miles are gravel roads,|chairman, said if residents peti- own on it. He was president/shot in 1961, says Fred Crome, city engi-|tioned for dix-seal, and took pectic jtheir names off petitions for permanent pavement, a dix- seal program would be consid- ered. _-- allegations made against Col. Curtis Greenleaf, Canadian mil- itary attache in Moscow, by the Russian news paper Izvestia, External Affairs Minister Mar- tin said Wednesday. Mr. Martin, replying to Oppo- sition House Leader Starr, said in the Commons that Canadian Ambassador R. A. D. Ford's attention was drawn to the al- legations Monday by the Rus- sian foreign ministry. Mr. Ford, having had an op- portunity to assess Col. Green- leaf's work and character, im- mediately took issue with the suggestions of the Russian for- eign ministry, Mr. Martin said. He reiterated that the gov- ernment has the fullest con- fidence in Col. Greenleaf. There was no basis whatsoever, ac- cording to the information sup- plied Ottawa, for the Izvestia allegations. the court Wednesday, he still believes in the violent over- throw of the government. Men would have to die to change the government and to fight corruption and apathy, Matthew Smith said loudly. | civil war, with the overthrow of the robbery to stimulate vio- ifrom 1901 to 1909. (After the marines left Nic- ess lence which would touch off a| @ppeals of Speaker's rulings should enhance the office. Mr. Pearson also announced loans and grants will be made to workers who have to move fo other areas when their jobs run out } the government as the final object. SAYS CLIENT INSANE Defence counsel John O'Dris- ing a conservative junta. Since then the United States,|aragua Somoza took over and on and off, has had troubles|his dictatorship lasted 20 years) with Latin American countries, Until he was shot in 1956.) including the Dominican Repub- lic where rebels now are fight-| |neer. Replying to Ald. Clifford Pil- key's questions, the engineer : Py ' ) But, for that matter, the Said the average life of dix-seal| United States had quite a his-\is five years and maintenance jtory of friendliness and support) costs are lower on dix-seal than Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION coll had asked for a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity. He admitted there was no doubt that Smith was the beatle- wigged bandit who shot Blanc, ja customer who engaged in a shooting battle with the robber after the holdup. Smith: told. police he wanted money from the bank to finance | his revolutionary plans, but Caught Again | Deputy Crown Attorney Herbert KINGSTON (CP) -- Guards Langdon testified that after met- from Kingston penitentiary and|ting $25,361 in the holdup, Smith provincial police captured John|did nothing more about the olution and behaved like a Kenneth Tryon, 20, of Kingston, |Tev a prison escapee, and another normal bank robber, aS man in wild bush country 30) Two psychiatrists and a psy- Smith was convicted of cap- ital murder in the fatal shoot- ing of Jack Blanc, 56, during a bank robbery last July 24 in jsuburban North York. He was Pen Escapee The government would set up a $5,000,000 fund for grants and another $5,000,000 for loans during the fiscal year. THURSDAY, May 20 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. EDT to continue debate on the rule changes. The Senate meets at 3 p.m. President Johnson's efforts to \get the Dominican people to agree on a coalition govern- ment with representatives from both sides would be one way of saving the United States from being tagged anti-rebel and pro-conservative. It wouldn't be the first time the United States tried some- Robarts Hints 'New Booze Law TORONTO (CP) -- Premie ithing like that in Latin Amer- ica. But whenever it happened, |just as now, it was intervention in the affairs of another nation. It is one of the reasons the Do- |minican people have been grow- rl; : +) ing anti-American. ifor dictators. In 1954, for in-, i ing | Istance, it decorated mo on oe |Perez Jiminez, the Venezuelan) \dictator, with the Order of The questions arose as coun-| |Merit. He was driven out two) ojp adopted a public works com-| jyears later and the United| ak Goes dation that the| |States gave him refuge in Mi-|™itee recommendation tha | a mi. Lake Vista. Ratepayers' Associ-) The rebels faction fighting the|ation be informed: that Phillip) conservative junta in the Do- Murray ave. will be paved from minican Republic includes all! qxford st., to Park rd., in 1966.) shades, of thinking, This year the city plans to) Johnson 'said the marines) |were there to prevent a Com-|Pave Phillip Murray from Cedar st., to Oxford st. jmunist takeover. Since the junta was conservative, this) Le meant the Communists had to) be among the rebels, and the! | rd on Savings Accounts, Paid ~ compounded quart- erly. on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly belonce. No charge for cheques written. imiles north of here Wednesday. |chologist told the court Smith/Robarts hinted Wednesday effect was to make Johnson Icok| is mentally ill with paranoid|wide changes in Ontario liquor) The Monroe doctrine simply] schizophrenia. Another psychi-|control laws lhands off Latin America it did|tive. He got a bad reaction in atrist claimed Smith is not in-| Asked in an interview aboutingt say whether the United|many places. | es ap Jaana sane but has a warped person-\reports that liquor licences|states would ever interfere. After a couple of weeks his ear sentence on nine separate|@lity. : : 4 would be granted to two legit-/ Actually the U.S. butted into|administration, anxious to re- Lad Smokers 'charges including robbery while| The jury of nine men vei jimate theatres in Toronto, the\ratin American problems for|Store peace but undoubtedly! y armed, auto theft and uttering/three women deliberated onlyiq'Keefe Centre and the Royallyears, some times outra-jequally anxious to avoid the ap-| iforged documents 25 minutes--after a trial that) Alexandra Theatre, Mr. Ro-\geously, which built up a long|pearance of preserving conser- U d Stud Purtell, 24, also of|lasted a week and a half --be-lparts remarked: 'That's only|history of anti-American feel-|vatives or reactionaries, sought nder y arrested with fore bringing in the verdict. naif the story." ing. to get both sides to agree to a| Tryon. Another 10 minutes of deliber-| But he added: "I'll not com-| When the Dominicans in 1905\Coalition government, It didnt TORONTO (CP) -- A study They were arrested about five tion failed to produce a reC-\ment until I'm able to deal with\couldn't pay their debts to the/succeed. And, up to this point, of the effects of smoking on |ommendation of mercy. the whole thing." United States and a number of|it is stuck with the revolution. women begins at the Univer- - -- -- - | sity of Toronto faculty of medi-} eine this August, Dr, Golin R.| miles from where two men, Peek were seen running from an| Feeeggren es soe wach! ~ | \took over the job of collecting Woolf said Wednesday. Gallant Clan NO COCKTAILS eee & MARTIN Dr. Woolf, given a $32,350) OR COURAGE nsurance abandoned car Tuesday morn-| the. Dominican Republic's cus- rant from the American Med-/ R 1 Sl d F 67 King St. E., Oshawa f ith eunion ate TORONTO (CP) -- There ' ing after a chase through the village of Westport toms duties, giving them some} Thirty police officers and, of the receipts, using the rest ical Association, said five to pay off the debts Ab tes of 728-7515 groups of 100 women will be CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)--A| Will 'be no homeward-bound inserenee. aos ps EE studied. Prince Edward Island clergy-| businessmen getting sozzled : man is trying to find enough} 9 the Ontario govern- ree tracking dogs had been searching for the two men | He said the United States a ta a a eb . |would intervene in Dominican! "We will approach the larger firms that employ many women Gallants to hold a family re-| ment's commuter trains. union here this summer. He's| Highways Minister Charles 's problems any time it pleased,! | Auto Making lasking bearers of the name to|; MacNaughton said Wednes- jas for example, when there} and ask for volunteers," Dr.) into| Tapers Off track down as many members| day the trains won't have | were disorders, Woolf said in an interview. three groups; Those who have) TORONTO (CP) -- Scheduled of the clan as possible lounge cars The newspaper accused Col.| Greenleaf of "hooliganism" after a drinking party. Tryon walked away from a work gang near the penitentiary) _____|Tuesday, He had about six lmonths left to serve on a 3%4- }y' told the Europeans to keep) anti - rebel and pro - conserva- when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 years. Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable Martin J. on death. Kingston was *Yearl a early Rete i City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M ic (gsSsesess! ma set cy 3 RasnvveeOced RUS Oe SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday 9t09 Saturdoy 9 te 3 FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 Do you have a chilly room? at With supplementary electric heating -- you can add a room full of heat... without spending the same time last year. China Fallout Passes Canada WASHINGTON (AP) -- The leading edge of the fallout cloud \'gallant man" while secretary jto French colonial governor La- | Valiere. | | Shortly after the arrival at} |Port Lajoie in 1720 of French! settlers from Rochefort, Michel Hache-Gallant was sent to the new community as harbor nightly a room full of money entertainment master and commandant of the ' militia, He was later joined by LICENSED UNDER THE ONTARIO LIQUOR ACT In 1916, when disorders in the} o vont Dominican Republic spilled They will be divided over into revolution, President s 1 ». § never smoked; those who havelcar production in Canada this! The purpose of the search and oconge tho ae ry is se stopped smoking and those who|week is 16,390 units compared|proposed family gathering Aug CHINESE LIKE BOMB But there, as often elsewhere still smoke. . . . We will study|with production of 17,349 last|i4 is to honor an early island) TOKYO (AP)--Successful Ex-|American tutelage in democ- only women who have smoked) week, the Canadian Motor Ve-|settler, Michel Hache-Gallant.|nlosion of China's First Atom|racy wasn't effective for 10 years." 'hicle Manufacturers' Associa-|who helped found Prince Ed-|Romb, a color documentary) While the United States ran He said that up to now mostition reports ward Island's first permanent) film, is a hit with Chinese audi-|the show in the Dominican Re- pia a Pree "eres a ce PP gill -- Port Lajoie veapee! reports the a public M7 ee a constabulary iD ' bh 294,3 ile ; s ew gency s e rv "e, women seem to have the idealcompared with » 271,395 cars Rev. Denis Gallant of St sinide "at the. tat ak Oct. 16 tala huciuanl suas, Meshal that smoking doesn't affectimade at the same time last Ann's parish at Hope River.|was first shown May 1 and "by|by Gen. Rafael Leonidas Tru- them as much. lyear, P.E.L, is looking for Gallants popular. request many cinemas|jillo Molina : ~| Truck production for the week|who may be descendants of this/are giving several shows daily,) (The marines spent 19 years v ' . jended May 15 was 3,319; 3,056|18th century pioneer. He is ex-\always to full houses." lin Nicaragua and built up a con- Rebel Priest are scheduled to come off pro-|ecutive secretary of the Gallant - duction lines this week. Truck/family reunion. production to May 15 stands at| Father Gallant says Michel Get N P £5642. compared with 48,903 at/Hache was probably born in s ew os 1663 at Trois Rivieres, Que., ~iand earned the English title PORTSMOUTH, England | (AP)--Rey, Joseph Cocker, the 26 - year - old Roman Catholic priest suspended for publicly criticizing the church's. opposi- tion to birth control, will be given a new job, diocesan -au- thorities said Wednesday. ~ Father Cocker, a parish|from last week's Chinese nu- priest in the Isle of Wight, has\clear test may already have been in retreat since March|passed high over Canada and| his family of seven sons and five when he got into trouble for de-|the northern United States and|daughters fending Rev. Arnold McMahon,|out to sea without depositing --------- another young priest who advo- any detectable debris. cated contraception. | This was the word Wednes- Father Cocker's new post will day from fallout experts of the be at East Hendred, Berkshire. U.S. weather bureau, They said en ona - --|they were talking about that part of the multi-layered cloud that was soaring at altitudes jbetween 35,000 and 40,000 feet where the winds are faster than Salinger Sued For Divorce --viowerievais HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) -- ponent of the cloud -- at about| A divorce suit against Pierre|the 30,000 to 25,000-foot level-- Salinger, former presidential| should pass out over the Atlan- press secretary; has been filed tic Wednesday, they said in chancery court in this Arkan-| A spokesman for the U.S sas resort city public health service's fallout The suit filed by Mrs. Nancyjdetection network said no evi- Salinger alleges general indig-'dence has been reported yet of nities any increase in airborne radio- It was filed last week andiactivitv over any part of the came to light Wednesday. wheni\U.S. The service monitors areporter recognized the radioactivity in air close to the names on a court register, ground, reo; 2. AN ELECTRIC WALL-MOUNTED HEATER OR CEILING UNIT CAN TAKE THE CHILL OUT OF YOUR BATHROOM QUICKLY AND ECONOMICALLY, 1, YOU CAN HEAT YOUR BASEMENT REC- REATION ROOM WITH A WALL INSERT HEATER, OR YOU CAN INSTALL UNOBTRU- SIVE, ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATING UNITS, 3. HEATING CABLE CAN BE CONCEALED IN THE CEILING PLASTER OF ANY NEW ROOM OR ADDITION TO YOUR HOME TO PROVIDE THE GENTLE, SUNLIKE WARMTH OF RADIANT ELECTRIC HEATING, "AN URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL CITIZENS The Oshowa Fire Department is greatly concerned with the number of unnecessary fires that are being coused by the improper use of 'Fireworks', and the reports being received of injuries to children from fire crackers. As Chief of the Oshawa Fire Department, | would sincerely request the fullest co-operation of all parents in providing instructions and guidance to their children for the proper setting off of 'Fireworks'. Children are not aware of the dangers thot can result from the use of firecrackers, and it is up to us, as parents, to make sure they are advised of these dangers. Since the 9th of May, when fireworks legally went on sole, we heve responsed to nine (9) fire calls that have been directly attributed a1 being coused by firecrackers. During the some period we have received reports of at least two instances where children have suffered burns from firecrackers. As a result of these fires and reported injuries, we would draw your attention to the following basic rules with regard to the setting off of "Fireworks". 1, Impress on your son or daughter, the potential dangers thet can result from the improper setting off of "Fire- crackers". (a) The possible fires that can occur from a carelessly tossed lighted firecrackers, in or near buildings, rubbish, ete. {b) The serious burns thet con result to children and other P from the improper use of fireworks, 2. Plan your "fireworks" display with friends and/or neigh- bors, and conduct such disploys under the strict supervision of adults. There will be @ number of "'tireworks" displays in city neighbourhood parks, under proper supervision, te which you can take your children. If attending a Public fireworks display, impress on your children the importance of staying safe distance from the display area, 4. Keep matches Gwer from children. If we, as parents, make every effort to keep matches, lighters, ete., away from our children, then the problems involved in the use of "'fire- works" will be greatly reduced. A "tireworks" safety education program is being held in Oshowa's Public and Separate Schools, in an effort te point out the possible dangers to all school age children. Eech and every yeor « lerge number of fires ond injuries are caused by "fireworks", and it is only with the fullest co-opere- tion of all parents that we shall be able to eliminate these unnecessary fires and injuries. "MAY WE DEPEND ON YOUR SUPPORT" H. R. HOBBS, Chief, Oshewe Fire Department. LAWN-BOY A PRODUCT OF OUTBOARD MARINE CORPORATION C7) OF CANADA LTD., PETERBOROUGH, CANADA Lawn care is a two-step job: cutting and raking. A Lawn- Boy grass catcher does it in ane step; you cut and rake at the same time. Your lawn ends up looking as reat as a new haircut, The grasscatcher will also collect leaves in the fall and tidy up the lawn each spring. The grass catcher clips on and off the mower in sec- onds, without tools and is zippered to empty in two shakes, Even wet grass and leaves won't clog it. |Clean, flameless Supplementary Electric Heating |is easy to install, economical to operate. It can't create dust, dirt, film or soot. But best of all, you | avoid the high cost and inconvenience of extending and overtaxing your present heating system. For full information about. Supplementary Electric Heating, talk to a qualified electric heat- ing contractor, or your Hydro, your hydro FOR ELECTRIC HEAT ESTIMATES -- CALL "JIM" McTEAGUE ELECTRIC LTD. ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTORS 415 Cochrane, Whitby 668-4278 Choose from 6 different Models -- Pay as little as 1.25 Weekly ne 4 3. ENJOY THE COMFORTS OF ELECTRIC HOME HEAT -- PHONE TODAY! TOWNSEND ELECTRIC LIMITED 385 KING STREET EAST 723-2343 FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIR AND METAL LAWN TABLE > with the purchase of any Outboard "Lawn-Boy" 19" Deluxe Rotary "'Lawn-Boy" .... 93,50 21" Deluxe Rotary "Lawn-Boy" .... 98.50 For Complete Home Electric Heat Service Call:-- WESTERN ELECTRIC », S Optional Grass Catcher available . , , $14 Extra Phone 5-0842 Trull's Rd.. South