Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 May 1965, p. 27

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i G King Feanees Sopdicats, Inn, 1965, Weald gh pmeme i | STOP INSULTING MY ELLENT COOK~ Ww ' - HENRY HE APPEARS EITHER DRUGGED OR DRUNK, SENORITA, A BLOOD- 13 A COMING .20. WON'T ATHING UNTIL ITS 100 LATE! « Peateres Syndicatia MICKEY MOUSE Distributed bey Kin Tt DON'T THINK GRANDMA HAS FORGOTTEN THE LAST TIME WE DELIVERED A CAKE TO AUNTY JORDAN AND GRANDMA Is PHONING THE COMBINATION ON AHBAD OF Us / GRANDMA | | | we WEVE STILL GOT THE POPCORN IN THE LOBBY GOING FoR Us! MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES THE OSHAWA TIMES, -- Thursdey, Mey 20, 1965 27 BRIDGE By 8, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chempionship Pley) North dealer, Neither side vulnerable, ysTER. | MAN DI ANGLOPHILES NA URIER 2 CANADA WILL BUILD A NAVAL SERVICE OF HER OWN, WHICH COULD GO TO BRITAIN'S DEFENSE IN EVENT OF 'WAR... RI|BUT WHEN LAURIER PAGSES NAVAL BILL IN 19110, STAUNCH DEMAND , 4 ON iN QUEBEC, ATTACK LAURIER ANOTHI FRONT « "BUT WILL YOU LEAVE THOSE PEOPLE TO FREEZE JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE SETTLERS ? "] REALIZE HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THE GROWING POPULATION OF THE WEST, BLWAH-- A MISSION FoR YOU, ROZ YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER HAs A PROP-CLOSET IN THE STUDIO, DOESN'T HE ® SECRET AGENT X9 COSTUMES AND SUCH © TELEVISION LOG | Channei 2--Buftalo | 11:20 PLM, | Millionaire Channel 3--Barrie 1--4---Late Show 4--As The World Turns Channel 4--Buffalo @--Night Metro ie Channel 6--Toronto 11:30 PM. 00 P.M. Channel 7--Butfalo } wad 9--Abracadabra 11--Wrestling 7--Fiame In The Wind Channel 8--Rochester Channel %~Toronto Channel 11---Hamilton | %--Pierre Berton |6--Gunsmoke | 3--Movie 4--Password | 2--Moment of Truth | ee '" 2:30 P.M. THURSDAY EVE, | FRIDAY rFour oF 8 Kind 6:00 P.M. 5:00 A.M. | &-2--The Doctors | 7-Day In Court éLoretta Young 4--House Party 1l--Schnitzel House A---Family Theatre 4--Captain Kangaroo 9--Five O'clock Matinee Superman 6:30 AM. 3S 8 | 6--Magilla The Gorilla 9--News: Miss Helen mei Yogi B: A | bpd efi 9:00 A.M. | %--People in Confilot ae oe | I--Romper Room | §-2--Another World 5:30 FM. } 7--Dialing for Dollere | 7_¢, | iia! B-Leave it To Beaver Girl. Talk at ad ag RR é--Music Hop 4--Mike's Carnival | To fel) The Truth 3--Maverick 2--Mickey Mouse Club ea yk 6:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. --Funny © jn! 7--News Central --Ed Allen Show unny Company ' 9--Its Your Move | 'Meta 8-2--You Don't Say | Musical interlude 7--The Young Marrieds You and Your Family 4 } &3--Take Thirty ~Ann Southern Show 4--Edge of Night 6:30 P.M. 19:00 A.M. 1--Family Theatre No, 2 1!--Super Bingo 9-43--News; Weather 9--Playtime With Bobby Chuck Healy $--Today, 1965 J 4:00 P.M. \l--Lloyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club and Sports 6-2--Truth or | #-2--Huntley-Brinkley Consequences | Prine eaeoene News | 63--Canadian Schools | 7--Rocketship q J--Highway Patrol | News | 63--As The World Turns | 4--Secret Storm é--Across Canada | 10:30 A.M. 2--Rocky And His Friends 7:00 P.M, 11--Father Knows Best 4:0 Pe 9--The Munsters ¥-2--What's This Song? fg soo Lint 6--Littlest Hobo 7--Trailmaster 7--Early Show 63--Across Canada pe tet 4) Daurle =} Lave tury 4-The 4&Thirty Show Sports 11:00 A.M. 2--Hercules 4 " [MEANWHILE - BUT IF Wh DON'T GET HELP, WE HAVENT A PRAYER! i ! 1 r A i Opening lead--two of spades. Some players falsecard all the time, whether the role they _ \are playing at the moment hap- pens to be that of declarer or defender. Presumably these players gain by their tactics when they become declarer, since they may succeed in fooling the op- ponents without at the same jtime fooling partner, but they joften come to grief on defense when their efforts boomerang and mislead partner instead of declarer. Despite this, there is no question that a well-timed de- fensive falsecard can be highly | | NOW, WHAT ON EARTHS HE GOING To DOWITH THESE effective on a particular occa- sion, as proved to be the case in this hand from a team of four match. At the first table the play went smoothly and South made three notrump. He won the spade lead with the jack, ran six heart tricks, discarding three clubs and a diamond, and then led a diamond to- wards the king, The cards be- ing distributed the way they were, South could not be stop- ped from making three no- trump. At the second table, against the same contract and the same opening lead, declarer DONALD DUCK Me, Thee Satad oy King Pemturee Spmczonin Zo AE BY BOYS, HAVE. YOU DECIORO) WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTH -- fed J] fA NEW TENNIS RACKET! went down one as the result of a diversionary attack by West. Here also South won the spade lead with the jack, but when he now played a low heart to the queen, West falsecarded with the jack: This apparently 'innocuous play caused South to change his campaign .of action, In- stead of running the entire heart suit immediately, which he had intended to do, he play- ed a low heart back to the ten, trying to protect against the possibility that West had start- ed with the singleton jack and East with the 9-7-4-2, When West followed to the second heart lead, declarer real- ized that he had been mis- led, but it was then too late for him to do anything about it. He played a club and finessed the queen, but East: took the king, returned a spade, and South had to go down one. MUST SHAVE IT OFF NEW YORK (AP) -- Middle weight Rubin Carter has been ordered to shave off his mous- tache for his fight with Niger- ia's Dick Tiger at Madison - Square Garden Thursday night. The ruling was made Tuesday 4--Ba! Masterson V--Albert J Steed | $--Cain's Hundred | %-Dear Charlotte | FRIDAY BVENING Bachelor Father $-2--Concentration 5:00 P.M, 7:30 PLM, &3--Friendiy Giant \i--Family Theatre t--My Three Sons | 4--Andy of Mayberry | 9--Five O'clock Movie $-2--Daniel Boone 115 AM, | 8--Superman 7--Johnny Quest |9--Maria De Nagay's | ¢--The Kings Outiew $--Candid Camera Showcase } 3--Movie 4--The Munsters é3--Chez Helene | a--Lioyd -Thaxton £:00 P.M, 11:30 A.M. 0:30 PLM. 11--Special Movie %--~Toronto Today t--Leave it to Beaver 9--Andy Williams Show |§-2--Jeopardy Music Hop 7--Donna Reed Show 7---Price Is Right | 6:00 PAM. 63-Gomer Pyle 6-3--Butternut Square S--Meet The Press 4--Perry Mason 4--The McCoys 7--News Central 8:30 P.M, 12:00 NOON +A Lae Carte #2--Dr. Kildare lies Call My Bluff 4-News, Sports with 7--My Three Sons | 7--Donna Reed Chuck Healy 63--The Serial | @-Elwood Glover Today, 1965 9:00 P.M. | 4--News and Weather a) PM, %--Peyton Place |. Sports ic |1l--Famlly Theatre No, 2 7--Bewitched | 3--Popeye and Fale | 9-43--News; Weather; 63--The Defenders | 12:18 P.M, | ports 4--Password 4--Bpeaker of the House) 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley 9:30 PLM, | 12:30 P.M, News 9--Branded 9%! Love Lucy 7--Cheyenne @-2--Hazel 8-2--I'll Bet é--Acroas Canade, 7--Peyton Place 7--Father Knows Best 7:00 P.M, 4--Celebrity Game Panel | 4--Search for Tomorrow %--The Flintstones 10:00 P.M. | }--Noonday Report 8-2--Dobie Gillis 11--The Mery Griffin Show 9--Jack Paar $-2--Kratt Theatre I 7--Dick Powell Theatre 1t--Four rik Men $3--The Rogues | %--December Bride 4--The Defenders | @-AAatines 11:00 PLM. 7--Atternoon Show N-4-4-7-6-4-3-2--News, |@3--Movie Matinee 12:48 PLA | 7-6--News, Weather, | 4--Gulding. Light | Sports | 4--People Are Funny 3--Hawailan Eye 7:30 P.M. !|--Jamboree %--Andy Griffith §2--International Show. Time Sports | 4--Meet The Millers | ; ts 1:15 PM. 2--Mike Douglas Show aa | %--Metro Final 1:30 PLM. é--Wendy and Me 4--Rawhide éViewpoint 1i--Mid Day Matinee | YOUR HEALTH Operation Is Wise | For Boy's Hernia By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MDjview (not just the question of Dear Dr. Molner: My 16-school sports). A hernia, ed year-old son has a hernia which rupture, does not tend to get) annoys and hinders him in/better as. time passes. It can} sports. He wants to be oper- only get worse, This boy of ated on, thinking he would then|yours, evidently a healthy lad be able to run and -exercise otherwise, surely isn't going to more strenuously, go pkg t life with a sages I imagine that he would be) Better to have it repaired now auilloned to exercise only with- and be done with the problem in reason, and therefore I pre- Further, even the small asigther, may not be good candi |phasizing the value of milk) CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, Obscures 5, Perform 8. Ghost 10, Golf term 11,"------ Joey" 12, Music note 13. Vent 15. Part of "to be" 16. Trice-a-day devotion 18. Type of novel 20. Moslem com- mander 21, Trees 22, Owned 24, Period of time: abbr, 25. Ventilate 27. Male sheep 29. Copper: abbr. 31, Trouble 33, Twilled fabrics 36. Metallic rock 38, Marsh plant 40, French resort 42. Monetary unit: Romania 43, In bed 44. Preposition 45, Winter driving hazard 46. Pepper plant of Borneo 47. Consents (to) * 49, French river 50, Journey IR] 1. Predica- ans ment [ATRIA] 2. Emerald [AL JIATR| Isle: abbr. oe 3. Italian city 4, Lo Yesterday's Answer 5. Projecting 35. Great end of a quantities church 37. Each 6, Kind of lily 39. Spanish 7. Depression . dance or hollow 41. Castor's 8. Extra killer 9. Pleading: 48, Ruthenium: law sym, 7 VY "A: Y bf Frank Morris, chief deputy of the New York State Athletic Commission, after a protest by - Tiger's handlers, Tiger said he .! had been told by a recent Carter knockout victim, that s}|Carter uses the moustache as . a weapon in clinches. SALLY'S SALLIES el EIN 3 NS V4, S-20 fer a truss to surgery. He rarely|well as the larger hernias canidates for surgery, again a truss!(skim or regular) or cothdge will use his truss. Who is right?/incarcerate (that is, a portion of the bowel is forced through --Mrs. F.S. A I think he is, for these rea-/#%4 becomes trapped) and this sons: , 2 Gia ab his apa: "auweltanl gency operation. First, a age, excelle' cites eins" hee eal healing and scar formation Trusses have their place in controlling hernias---a tempor- ary protection besides making the patient more comfortable-- Naturally, he would be re put they do nothing to repair stricted for a few months inine condition. They may, there- vigorous sports, but eventually|fore he a stop-gap if an oper he will be able to participate im atign is being postponed for a any way he wishes, time. In the case of older peo- takes place, and he should ex- pect complete relief, has its uses But for a young fellow of 16,/ : : depending on a truss is merely means an immediate, emer-/, matter of puttipg off what can best be done now. Dear Dr, Molner: Whether it is my body, arms, legs or any other part, after | bump myself I am left with big black, blue and dark green spots. They stay for several weeks. Am I lacking in something?--MRS, A. K, Calcium, maybe. This is one|be |cheese, spinach, greens, ete. for In other cases these easily. acquired but hard-to-lose bruises the capillaries, or very tiny blood vessels near the are unusually fragile, And in a few cases some fault in the blood, a shortage of the encourage quick clotting, can be involved For this, careful blood tests may] A bruise means} Second, let's take the longer'ple who, for one reason or an-'of the reasons why | keep em-'bleeding beneath the skin, | JAMES | 'O'MALLEY! I Construction Ltd. | 723-7122 |p @ Homes @ Additions i Offices @ Remodeling re | COLBORNE | GROCETERIA Colborne St. et Church St. 728-6341 OPEN -------, DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Doys a Week @ Groceries @ Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY

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