around them. 1 de not doubt this\four-vear-old son by the arm! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 20, 1968 17| 'story for one moment, '1 dashed out and ordered her ace Dear Ann Landers: When 1\to take her hands off my child.|19 pieces after I hit her andjchances of a suit thani can. | |married my husband five years/She shouted, "Bernard is al-\they had to call the doctor. The But apart from possible court) A \azo we were both in our middie| ways hitting my Albert and I'm'jasi thing he said was, "There/actior you owe this woman an) 40's. Bach year our marriage|not going to put up with it any may be a law suit." apology, pius the price of the! seemed to be rockier than the/longer." -- If a woman can be sued for|doctor's visit. year before. | = howe Boe Fae -- .. _. years orotecting her child what kind| no tte et professional he ut his)of age, bul my Bern is " is way? Stock reply was, "Lam all right,|ttle bit larger than her Albert. Please comment --Mrs. X. ABLE & CHAIR ou are the one who is nuts," 'ost my temper and slapped) Picci) lueote ago when my|the woman's face. She had) Dear Mrs: The kids are four | RENTALS husband became abusive {| metal curlers in her hair which) years old, What's your excuse? AND PARTY SUPPLIES packed up and left him be-\caused a small cut on the side Hitting people is called assault Sargeant's Rentals | cause I feared for my life. of her cheek, and battery and your Jawyer'lligg3 Ritson S$. 725-333 I haven't seen him for three The minute my husband drove |can tell you more about the'lE - "oss | SPORTSWEAR Lid weeks, but he telephones everyjinto the garage my neighbor's! -- : aaa ee mae 'o day to say he loves me. He| husband was over here. He told wants a divorce so he can start|my husband his wife was in bed| | FOR THE FINEST courting me again and decide with an ice pack and tinder 'se- if we should be remarried, dation. He said his wife went Custom and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ; I'm hoping we can recapture | guugpeeemmees KA ve's 'pemiseene 17 #4; Ready Made the wonderful joys we knew 1 . IE Siisce"'-treant'e ne'ean| = KAYE'S iN '¢'s "a4, DRAPES p A Dear Past: No---and if you LARGE SIZE SHOP i > in the latest Shodes ond | DANISH STYLE OPEN SANDWICH rms'e"nnone? ahi tet] sim tom ver wane |] PAR IUP UG) For ALL ROADS LEAD 10 4 delicious summer lunch one tablespoon of oi! from nowy tolls as Wier ae ae onl ryileg sai a | } Le Mé&C "FUN IN THE SUN" or supper main dish is this a can of sardines and one |think your husband is going to) Y70dings. Frervthing for the Lerge , --. -- of po" teaspoon of lemon juice will treat you ogee - second | y ; ORY GooDs THIS LONG HOLIDAY WEEKEND soned cotlage cheese a vibes ime around? Get with it, sister. | - sardines on rye bread. But- spread five bread slices, | od : KAYE'S Pha | LE ; & DRAPERIES are: ter large slices of rye bread To complete each sandwich, Dear Ann Landers: This after- : A DRAPERY TRACKS ' and cover with cottage place several whole sy esa ar I erie out ee 4 King St. BOWMANVILLE | PXPERTLY . INSTALLED ' sheese mixed with a little oil on the cottage cheese and jas I was doing my dusting an . a / BUT FIRST : One cun of ton with a thin cucumber |1 just happened to see the 623-5102 74 Celina Street 723-7827 om LESTE LLL LIE LE LET NILE | and lemon juice cottage cheese blended with slice and three capers, woman next door shaking my ANN LANDERS ere ad vam ame wg ear TO SEIGNEUR'S | : Where you will find by far the largest D I SCO VER f +. collection of Sportswear in Oshawa . . . Dog's Devotion ie | The I Sa ou ce oo, et ver . GG dise. Not Unbelievable 3 | Dear Ann Landers: We have|can't buy her story, What do J i \ \ some close friends who are 40g you think?--Doubters -- Lar Tine Ftd = Dear Doubters: Animals have , and was telling a 2 ; ZELLER S eight-year-old son's unusual in- distinet personalities, It is not} DAISY, terest in science, The dog-lover uncommon for personalities to 1 interrupted to tell a story about be influenced by what happens \ i} S her poodle. Three years ago ' Vil 2.98 u she said, the dog began to take / ~ ' Pp on the personality. characteris BATHING SUITS Y ) BERMUDAS 3,98 up ties of her husband P Cole of California \ "When Tom suffered business yi : Jantzen " ny JAMAICAS 3.98 up reversals and became depressed ' na ogg SLIMS 5.98. up the dog became depressed, too,"' she said, "He would not eat a ® i ~ ' 10.98 up thing. Tom had to be hospital ' e ized. That same day the dog . f ' had to be hospitalized because e ' re ' ay 7 he had become so weak. from Pi fe malnutrition he could barely You're in the walk." Pepsi generation! She continued Six weeks later Tom returned home feel Ing much better. When the dog was brought home he was still melancholy. Upon seeing his PEPSI-COLA master improved the dog perked! J right up." My husband and I believe ' that pet-lovers who become in Smith Beverages Ltd., volved with their animals im- 750 Farewell Street agine all sorts of things. We HONEST ae ; ofl oe eee DECK PANTS 4.98 up KIRTS 39 SKIRT .. 3.98 up CULOTTES 5.98 up JACKETS.. 10.98 up_ BLOUSES SWEATERS 6.98 up COTTON KNITS 3.98 up , = \ POP-TOPS 2.98: up . . ' ' * f 5 LOVELY 5-PIECE z , ' eee : ' | ee COMPLETE | CHROME SUITE . hy SA ; oy f SHIRTS 3.98 up BEDROOM SUITE GROUP We Biveoay.s a\ Was: B | T-sHints 2.98 up BUY sine GROUPS pees F : Ae. ; j '5 Z Ry A F s a Te Ee, ih y sy. MIX & MATCH short sD 2 a 8 NC i" . Jd n TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT From 29.00 Down } ' ar ' ~ \- MONTHLY . ia y f 7 ; : g DS " = Summer Dresses Hundreds to choose from FAMOUS GIBSON APPLIANCES Lerge 13 Cu. Ft. OTE ; ' "AN . REFRIGERATOR = [= = | fe, . Bxty; 8.98 up with san ea : it | \ 100-LB, FREEZER s: = ¢ ' GOTHIC ELFIN" white embroidered ent 198-88 | sea Cee Ay * ha a at SEN. Summer Suits g-leg pantie girdie with ; As YOU'LL LOVE! A--DAISY FRESH cotten handeau bre with = ry : i) i sian elostic sides and back embroidered, padded cups. elastic insert doisy-embroidar satin lostex front panel at waist 30 to 236A q Detachable garters 1 00 \, 32 to 388 . 4 Avernge hip, S$-M-L-Xl ' \ ' WITH APPROVED TRADE PRESH average length pontie 5 . t sallow dot design--elnstic sine : me b slestic. Insert at. wot, two-hook "adiust: OOK \ © MPS AUTOMATIC we ie TONIGHT C----GOTH ELFIN" 34 bra of white OVEN CONTROL broadcloth, Cordtex* inserts, breathing J~-DAISY FRESH girdle with gay yellow .dot- design elastic sides and back, doisy-embroid- t. Fab ' hire ing : ~ " Sajusimeni, 2 feratAr 32 10 "9 50 A tied, satin' lostex' panel for extra contra! : AND. FRIDAY 30 RANGE apd as ssi pia nie uel . Average hip, SeM-L-Xt 5.00 D--SARONG girdle with tton jacquerd eed? TO 9PM, With all the modetn Bid conal ane ie tis Get toe See (not shown) GOTHIC "ELKIN" long-ling bre pr . , smooth broadcloth ith Fobrilast should a ws "{ -- Easy-to-Use Features ssn i a 11,00 : straps. White, 32 to IBA. 32 to 428 3.00 WE REFUND OR EXCHANGE to 46C and 34 to 46D, 1 68 88 F--GOTHIC ELFIN" white broadcloth : ; A-DEPOSIT, WILL HOLD = erbe po bras with breathing waist" b on shoulder straps. 36 to 36AA, 32 to 3BA, 32 to 42B, 32 to 0 ' WITH APPROVED TRADE Se 2.0 a Me Remember... You can SPRING into SUMMER SALE IS ON! girdle of elastic, cotten and BUY ON EASY TERMS batiste jacquard. 13" length with 2" waist r nie vi s ay '8 ity hi U] bad ten Famon re anon) . Charge-It"" at Zeller's! Reductions to 2 PRICE HONEST CAL LTD. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA , | OSHAWA FURNITURE and APPLIANCES gach al SHOPPING SHOPPING 424 KING ST. WEST PHONE 728-9191 -- CENTRE