SHOWING GOODWILL all around the table, members of Whitby service clubs join hands with their guest speaker at the annual Inter- Service Club meeting, in the Branch 112, Royal Cana- dian Legion Hall, Tuesday evening. The heads of the service clubs, shown with the guest speaker, from left, Norman O'Leary, presi- Whitby Lion's Club; are dent, Tolerance Seen Need To Asian Prob WHITBY (Staff) -- Strong re-|gested that Canadians become presentations from all Whitby|better informed of the issues at service clubs were in attendance stake, 'better informed of meals Tuesday evening at the annualjof communicating with the less Inter-Service Club banquet at/fortunate nations and begin a the Royal Canadian Legion program of immigration. Guest speaker for the memor-|The latter part of the recom- able evening, sponsored by the|mendation dealt with a new ap- Whitby Kiwanis Club, was Dr.|proach to immigration allowing Claude Vipond, of Oshawa for-|selected persons from these na- mer medical advisor to the|tions to enter Canada. "Unless government of Malaysia. we open our doors at least Having first hand knowledge|slightly, we can never make of the problems besetting South|them understand we wish to East Asian countries, the speak-| help them," the speaker stated. er called on all Canadians to, The > faulted Canac in promote an atmosphere of tol-|and Auux..can foreign icy erance in dealings with these na-| which did not recognize the Re- tions, He suggested Canadians! public of China, stating this na- should be thankful they live in a/tion must be recognized if country abounding with natural|means of communication are resources and one which, as yet,/to be established. has not become over-populated.| Dr. Vipond called on Candians| "We have a tremendous poten-|everywhere to realize the South tial in Canada," he said, re-|/ East Asian people are human as ferring to future growth and|we are, have likes and dislikes} Dr. Claude Vipond, guest speaker; Dr. John Davies, president, Whitby Kiwanis Club and Clare Hewson, president, Whitby Kinsmen Club. John Mclvor, presi- lems speaker faulted American bomb- ing attacks. He stated the at- tacks and raids would instill a feeling of hatred in the minds of the people of that nation that would take centuries to remove.) He lauded Prime Minister Les- ter B. Pearson for his recent attempt to halt the raids when he visited Washington and talk- ed with White House officials Commenting still further on the subject, the speaker de- scribed the South East Asia problem as a boiling pot of in- itrigue and despondency. He said the new independent nations are unwilling to take advice on how they should conduct their af- fairs "They will not accept advice," he said, pointing out also that one third of the world's popu- lation is living in this area. He said the tidal wave of these na- expansion. much the same and join or be-| tions will not be held up long} hia aiea|Dy the threat of the naval ships/ KNOWLEDGE ESSENTIAL [JON f0 service, clubs and rais|paroting the China Sea, The address presented to the pags I s Winding up his address which combined service club members will go far in lowering the bar: took the listeners through the revolved largely around the dent Branch 112, Canadian Legion and, Richard (Dick) Matthews, president-Whitby Rotary Club were absent | when the photo was taken, --Oshawa Times Photo | | TRIBUTE PAID POLICE OFFICER | WHITBY (Staff)--A_ pub- lic tribute was made to | OPP Constable R. S. Good- | win, in Magistrate's court here Tuesday Constable Goodwin was commended by Terry Kelly for his treatment of injured passengers of a car, that had been in an accident on County road No. 1 April 21. Magistrate Harry Jermyn and Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck also paid tribute to the police officer. Bowls Club Ready To Go WHITBY Members of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club held |their annual pot luck supper at Red Wing Recreation Hall last week, It was an occasion for renewing acquaintances before the beginning of the bowling season. President Len Weeks welcom- ed the members and guests and announced that bowling would begin as soon as weather per- | ithe staff. of this school: |Mrs. Evelyne Carriere from St jand Miss Mary Anderson, now 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 19, 1965 CREB » Hush Puppies) Where can you get them? ae "at me COLLINS SHOES of course !" 119 Brock St. S. WHITBY, ONT. Ph, 668-3476 Open Fri, till 9 p.m. / . / Separate School | Fireworks | ae Staff Changes Show Planned Elm Disease Control WHITBY -- The Whitby Sep-| low a e | m 1S€ e on TO arate School Board announces) ey -- All ae U d W | Whi b i . in its|blow its lid, for reasons other) ci ---- ver a 4 han storm sewers, Park Vista n er ay n it y eaching staff, effective with the! Gardens Subdivision is planning opening of school in September,|, mammoth fireworks display) WHITBY (Staff) Elm|the tree. The next step is to push 1965. jin celebration of May 24. The Beetles beware, Whitby town|a small capsule of the toxic, re- St. Theresa's School -- Two)big 'blow-up' is open to all chil- ficials are on the war-path. First|ferred to as 'bidrain', over the new teachers will teach in this/4Te" nine and ninety with)step in what may be a lengthy/end of the tube, forcing an en- 3 j 4 jyounger and older folks also battle to save the town's majes-|trance to the solution. Squeez- school: Mrs, Wilma Hurley, now|invited to attend for the fun and tic elm trees was started this|ing the capsule starts the solu- on the staff of St. John's School, | frolic. week when the Davey Tree Ex-|tion flowing into the tree where has been appointed principal, | Operated as an annual event|Perts from Cobourg moved into|it spreads throughout by means and Miss Anne-Marie Williams since inception of the subdivi-| town with a control measure. |of the sap system. Trees must) of Oshawa, now on the staff of|<ig, the display will be held) The program now being car-|e treated when sap is going up the London Separate School), the R. A. Hutchinson School|ried out, involves a new type of ito the trees from the roots. ee er oo ie ip bc grounds, the first 'whizzer' cut-|solution developed by Shell Oil) Capsules are numbered ih re- iano, whos have rst cad. ting loose at around 9.30 p.m.\Company Research chemists)gard to varying strengths, the effecti as 29 signed,' Preceding the fireworks, hot|which comes in capsule form.|strength to be used depending iar Sone ee. |dogs and soft drinks will be dis-|The material is very toxic andjon the size of tree, location, St. Bernard's School -- There|pensed on the site from spe-can only be administered by li-| nearness of obstructions and. in- will be only one new teacher on cially established booths. jcensed operators wearing prg-jnumerable other factors. iss | ' : itective clothing and plastic) "This process is Beth Brennan, of Ottawa, who aor avcriiss te stike it| shields over their faces, conten: rong sll gp gle will teach Grade 1. Park Vista Ratepayers' Associ-| Heading the team of experts|Dutch Elm disease," the sales St. John the Evangelist School), |/,, responsible for the en-|i8 Murray Linton, field repre-|representative said, "it can by --r)The following teachers have|tine broduction, is planning to/Sentative for the Davey Com-|no means be related to a pre- been added to the staff of this! one of the firing area from|Pany. Explaining the necessary|ventative." He stated further school: Miss Velma Duffy, NOW| nectators. Parents are ad-\Procedure, the representative|that trees already infected with teaching at St. Bernard's School,|,;-.4 to keep youfig children|stated the program must bejthe disease cannot be saved Orillia; Miss: Frances Colton,| 0) hack from the rope to pre-|conducted annually to assure|while other trees close to the from the Guelph Separate School) ot burns. ete protection of the elm trees/infected one can also be written Sigal eit Vandenboom, a Despite all sreeautibns acci-, Which can be stricken by the off in most cases. by; William Nolan, from Strath-|eventuality has been covered. The disease, rapidly spreading|tennial Park with an indefinite roy Separate School staff; Miss|Members of the 425th Division, through the country, is trans-|number of other trees already Ann Foley, present principal of Whitby Branch, St. John Am-| mitted by. Elm Beetles, an in-\affected. The experiment in- St. Joseph's School, Bowman-|bulance Corps will be in at-|sect carrier of a particular type| volved use of 146 capsules at an ville: Mrs. Veronica Marr and tendance. Whitby firefighters of fungus. Once stricken by the estimated cost of below $200. are also expected to be on hand r urtemngy Meage a pass ae oe Frances de Sales, Pickering; |t0 provide manpower for addi-|one to the other via entwining Mrs. Terasa' Fraser, Brooklin,|tional prevention of injures, Toots and other related methods FRIGIDAIRE Anticipating a large turn-out,|_ The sea expert gitcthagial tg Rapid Dry Cleaning on the staff of the Cobourg Sep-|members of the ratepayers' army wube Fate ue see T 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 arate Schools. organization will be available! "© peheepge a penapiees : aie Blair Park Plaza Allan Oerton, a member of the|to serve as parking attendants|#"C, PACtt SMpiveul ts Y ltr] Mon. to Fr. -- 9 a.m, to 9 pum. 1964-65 teaching staff, has been|With all motorists requested to, n°'es 8Pat' around Die Ut Sot. -- 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. named vice-principal, commenc-|heed directions. FIT MORE SEAT BELTS ing in September. Admission will be nominal! ay; foyr major American auto| C Mrs. Jean Harrison, a mem-|with proceeds being used to off-\ manufacturers will install rear| ber of the supply teacher staff,|set the cost of purchasing the) oot belts in their 1966 model | |joins Mrs. Judith Tripp, who is|gun-powder loaded --_decora-|------______"] Jy aya 9 Settle Fo |teaching Grade 5 at St. Bar-|tions. 'The entire community is) by, : . inard's this year, as regular sup-|invited to attend the gala event} n // Wl Mie, jply teachers. jand watch what is described as | Mrs. Evelyne Carriere will|the hottest part of town, blow |teach Oral French in Grades 7|\Sky high. and 8 and will rotate as princi-|~----_-- \pal's relief in all schools. |Katherine Heitzner, on the St. Resignations have been re-|John's staff, and Mrs. Carol ceived from Miss Louise Con-|Luke, relief teacher at St. Ber- nelly, Fred Sprager, and Mrs. 'nard's and St. Theresa's Schools. "We've re-decorated | our home Dinner is served r Less ZS With cosmopolitan 'savoir faire' at the Canadiana, every guest is a V.I.P. You get preferred pampering from vichysoisse to pistachios... each course @ gourmet re- ward, and service that will delight the connoisseur. Make a rendezvous where the elite meet for a relaxed cocktail and gra- cious dining. Pick up your phone and re- SINGLE VISION $779 thanks to a octal COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE serve your place in the charmed circle soon. Licensed Under the Liquor Licence Act 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND Now Official North Metro Ri the COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Here at King we are proud 4d say that we use nothing but NATIONAL BRANDED' PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, er EQUIPMENT. Should you pay more and often times get less Airline Limousine Terminal the anadiana MOTOR HOTEL ight on Hwy 401 at Kennedy Rd., riers of communication between) . ay pics . , the eastern and- western worlds,|Cttire South East area, country South East Asian problems and) the speaker suggest-| how they can affect Canadians} A | by country, he explained. led again that Canadians shoul an and the entire world if not cor--BOMBS BRING HATRED take more interest in world af-jand everyone is waiting eagerly rected. In order to eradicate) Referring lightly to the exist-|fairs which could well shape|t? get going again. ioe the troubles, the speaker su- ing war in North Vietnam, the'the history of the future. After the supper a short busi-| jness geen was held. For the| i | rest of the evening alley bowling} Work On Articles| PERSONALS For Fall Bazaar | Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Munroe,| and cards provided entertain- ment for those present. and their daughter and son-in-) WHITBY The Salvation law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Army Women's Home League Interchange 59, Toronto, Ont. Tel. 291-1171, Area Code 416 TOWN OF WHITBY CLEAN UP WEEK May 25th-- May 28th, 1965 Extra trucks and men have been assigned through- out the week to handle the extra load that results from spring clean up. Your co-operation is request- ed in having all garbage out EARLY on your re- gular pick up day. value for your money? The thinking person buys at King for first quality glasses at ONE LOW PRICE... SEE KING NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR TINTS OR SUNGLASSES @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT e We fill all PSI, Oculist ond Optometrist Prescriptions eat seme low prices, q|mits. Bowls are being polished Evening Guild Names Officers WHITBY -- All Saints Angli- 17 BOND ST. E. did Paar HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M, - 5 P.M, Closed All Doy Wednesday sme PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA Pras Branches in Me SAW Disposal area, Hopkins Street will be open from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY IN MAY, JUNE AND SEPTEMBER. Please place all materiai beside your regular gar- bage. were and B Stanley Armstrong con- the election of officers HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no garbage collection on Monday, May 24th. Garbage normally collected on this day will be picked up on Tuesday, May 25th. Councillor T. Edwards, Chairmen, Sanitation Committee. WHY PEOPLE USE TRUST COMPANY SERVICES Oct \ Mrs. Stanley Armstrong said grace preceding the supper. The Whitby Lawn Bowling Rogers, attended the graduationican Church. Evening Guildjed in this game will be most} held @ work meeting under the Munroe's son, Arthur, lar meeting. 7 p.m. and we are sure that you period was held. nights to Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe, 138 with prayer and welcomed The following are the dates of Everyone was reminded tojTo celebrate the occasion they who assisted at the auction) May 29 -- Farewell Trophy,| Army 'Summer Camp at Roblin Whitby Women's Institute to at- A sum of 'money was voted|23 Anderson Trophy, Mixed Ewen MacDonald Mrs. |King, Mrs. R. A. Smith, Mrs,|Charles 'Rycroft and Mrs.jdies Trebles; July 24 Mc- 'he following mombersot Bi nounced the following slate of/Doubles; Aug. 12 Filly, g f one of the few national songs of| 45th annual quoted Cup, Men's Rinks; Aug. 21 9 f ae cent Graham; first vice-presi --in this case Alexander Muir, Mrs. Desmond Newman, Doubles 2 -- Fowl, Mixed Finan, Mrs. Edward W. Waring, Town: secretary, Mrs. Geotge . BROCK WHITBY Murray Valiquette, Mrs. D etait Sha Reet was Executive members: Mrs. EdimMrs. Alex Scott was presented 4 Whitby resident. Attending the|\, its Starting 7:30 . Watson, Mrs. Ron Agg, Mrs.|activities in September. Club is looking forward to an en- ceremonies at Queen's Univer-|closed its season with a pot/welcome. Come down to the} direction of Mrs. Captain Clar- graduated as a mechanical en-| The president, Mrs. Alex,will soon become an enthusias- Members have complete articles for the sale|Lupin dr. are celebrating their members and guests Mrs.\the 1964 tournaments of the fill in their application to. at-| will be dining out sale held last Saturday which|Men's Doubles; June 2 -- Tour- Lake June 1 tend the district annual at Kin-|(0 the wardens for double| Doubles; July 9, Twilight, Men's Albert Carr. William Pellow and as alternate,Ja@mes Speers in charge of the|Bride Trophy, Mixed Trebles; TEACHER WROTE BOTH laftionr atin. Welahing John the Evangelist CWL wili| cers Peal Ceemles. ue. 18 4 icw 'ony : < : whieh hath: words and: thusic CWL Convention banquet at the Wilson 'Trophy, Mixed Trebles: ; "pete y ,;\dent, Mrs. Horace Hiscox; sec- a Toronto school teacher. Joseph Corrigan. Mrs. Ed Trebles Mrs. Robert Mackey, Mrs. Paul Gouldburn; treasurer, Mrs Valiquette Mr ire y ~ NOW PLAYING aliquette and Mrs. Gregory Ryzek, Mrs. Ralph Stratford,|with a corsage. Se ee ee _ | full Convention dune 1, and 2 Kitchen ' "The THIRD SECRET" "Sugden: card : 7 : EXPERIENCE joyable season. Anyone interest-| sity, Kingston, when Mr. andjluck supper following the regu- greens Monday or Thursday at) ence Janes. A short devotional Mrs. decides to gineer. Scott opened the meeting'tic bowler. hold several work to be held in the fall. 19th wedding anniversary today.| Scott. thanked all members| Whitby Lawn Bowling Club tend the Home League Salvation| Delegates appointed by the Proved to be most successful. |nament, Mixed Doubles: June Tea hostesses Mrs.\sale, May 20 are: Mrs. EverettihmortgSage payments. Mrs.|Doubles; July 17 Gala, La- Mrs. Geneva Curl. nominating committee an-|Aug. 4 Rose Bowl, Mixed The Maple Leaf Forever is a alienind | dhe Rev Whitby - General Motors Gold a > Ra ter 4 _|as follows: President, Mrs, vin- were written by the same man Royal York Hotel, Toronto, June Sept, 25 Fruit, Mixed Mrs ond vice-president, Mrs. Harry Kaiser, Mr Sullive fsa iser, Mrs. Don Sullivan, Mrs Fred Read. Carter, of Willowdale, a former|,,¢.. Rena e ah One Complete Show Mrs. John Everett, Mrs. Cliff! The group will resume as delegates will be Mrs. 3,|Oscar_Moore : Sugden; card Munro, CWL President oi aie or, Mrs. Erane 7} ht e ane 3\sales, Mrs. Joyce Atkinson; John Ever John Spelle Spiritua venes _ ree ven get-well cards, Mrs Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, s social convenct; Mrs, 2d No. 132, is celebrating its 52nd tyzek : birthday today. For the occasion Pelephone LOUNGES, , Mis a special program has been ar- Bert Hill, Mrs. Jack Wilson, ranged at the IOOF Hall. Past Mrs Rea Hudson, Mrs. Donald President Mrs. Clark, Toronto Gibson, Mrs "esl Crofton and and several other dignitaries|™"5 Ted Evans; children's will be present. General conven- fund, for the French boy Mrs Wor the Wench ia Moe Farl| ¥ictor Ryland; for the Chinese Ward assisted by Mrs. Kathleen girl, Mrs. George Gouldburn McKelbie, Mrs. Cora Fallow and Mr. Armstrong thanked | the Mrs. Tena Roberts, Past Grand,|°Ut-80ing executive for their EAR aE NR a ae BE _\term of office and wished every : : success to the in-com offi- NAVY STILL SAILS age ciugipre J pick The Royal Canadian Navy has| Past preside i A 7 E: presidents in attendance a strength of 20,133 officers,\were presented with , flowers. men, Wrens, and cadets, and 42\Charades were enjoyed by ail men, Wr MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES May Be Simply Sluggish Kidney Action Family Monuments 6ES/ Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD, : MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Estate and trust administration has been the specialized business of Canadian trust companies for many years. They are the nation's most experienced execu- tors and: trustees, "Our home was in need of re- | pairs and decorating, but we | felt that we just couldn't man- | age it. A good friend of ours suggested that we see our |Trans Canada Credit Man about a "Special Occasion" Loan. You can imagine how pleased we were when he made it possible for us to re-do the whole house now. He showed us how we could finance it | comfortably fromourincome." TROUGHTON MEATS 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA USE YOUR CREDIT -- 6 MONTHS FILL YOUR FREEZER NOW SIDES OF BEEF (250 lb. average) Cut, Wrapped and Fast Frozen, A 4.85 WEEKLY ONLY RACKS of BEEF Cut Bar-B-Que Style (All Steaks) vu 49° FRONTS ) OF BEEF : A | TRANSCANADACREDIT | LB. 39° CORPORATION LTD. ALL RED & BLUE BRAND PHONE 668-4633 Created To Y er DEPENDABILITY A trust company's services are available whenever required. It is operated under governmental authority and its books and accounts are regularly inspected by government and independent auditors. Adult _ tntertoinment Also 2nd Feature "THE SECOND TIME AROUND" Whatever your reason for needing money your Trans Canada Credit Man would like to help you with your special occasion. See him soon about your financial needs. He can arrange loans from $100 to $2500 or more. CALL 668-2345 PROTECT Your Furs & Cloth Garments WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, 150 Colborne St. E One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Broadloom C.1.L. Paints ond Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints ODD & SOUTER | D | DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 oT PROWSE THELMA wTe stort kidneya urinary irritation and bladder discomfort may follow. The result can be an annoying, nag- xing backache. This is when Dodd's ry Pills can help bring relief, + n, help re- ESTABLISHED 1889 OWEN SOUND MEAFORD CANNINGTON LINDSAY WHITBY BELLEVILLE ORILLIA PETERBOROUGH KINGSTON Whitby 48 King Street West OSHAWA Telephone 728-4628 1 & 308 Dundas St. W. -- Whitby any drug counter | by millions for over 70 years,