i | q { | : | / | | grant covers 1964 and justment to accept elther § perjanswer any questions, if they, George Fletcher, on behalf of crossing Thornton rd, The CNR; THA OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 19, 1965 13 jeent of the land involved or 5\did not wish to. Most 'members| three Rossland rd, residents,/plans to construct a sorting! to|voiced objections to the city's yard west of Thornton rd., to) , land in cash when granting a' participate. proposed removal of trees on serve General Motors sout ee sonia srg 4 consent to a land separation. . r the south side of Rossland rd. e.,|plant. The industrial lead, which The resolution was referred to} Accounts totalling $4,955,912, between Masson and Mary sts. ends at Thornton rd., should be were approved. The matter was referred to the extended west across the road public works committee, to connect to the proposed sort- CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS =. A policy for disciplinary ac-jand has been operating success- | tion against an employee whose| fully. He ,o Tee first pe a. co Fryarven yd hw Maps es are garnisheed or as-|steps have been sufficient and)struction lanes to pa or collection|no pond has yet been sus-\phalt pavements and curbs and the planning board. agencies because of the em-ipended. His motion to adopt gutters at a cost of $134, 262. ee ost oa ployee's failure to arrange hisithe policy confirms a commit-Three readings were given tO (Oshawa Jaycees wrote coun-| H. T. Dyas was awarded a ae + Wics "ES, CNR manager. personal financial affairs, was|tee recommendation of severala bylaw dissolving areas ofci! informing members of its\tender to locate a refreshment! Frost Stee = ~ h ° ad, -- by council. The proce- years ago. subdivision control in the Glen|proposal to conduct a weekly|booth at Kinsmen Stadium. He| was ypetwrnge age ; _ | dure to be followed is: oral Stewart subdivision. civic affairs program on radio.|submitted the only tender at; isupply mr ge at iad warning; written reprimand;) Council approved a grant of Fred Upshaw, past: president of|$100. Tony's Refreshments was the lowest of four receive suspension of ne week; dis- '$30,280 to the Women's Welfare 'The City of Kitchener asked the Jaycees, told: council that awarded a tender to provide! asking for an amendment to missal, Ald. Hayward Murdoch League to help defray operating council to endorse a resolution|aldermen would have a list of,mobile refreshment service at) Canadian Nationa! Railways the Highway Traffic Act to Council told council the procedure hasiexpenses of Simcoe Hall Boys"to amend the Planning Act toquestions before the show is Alexandra Park. The $500 tend-asked council to prepare a by-|provide that large trucks be storm sewer been followed for several years\Club, Ald. Gordon per cent of the value of thelindicated their willingness roads less than 14 petition to council The City of Toronto asked referred to council to endorse a resolution committee. adopted a construction feet $51,523\rezoning of a re-ird. The request Attersley'permit local committees of ad-itaped and would not have tojer was the only one received. jlaw to provide for a track| prohibited from travelling on port, presented by F Fred Crome, to the planning board. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY -- CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED STEAKS = 791 "IT'S BARBECUE TIME' PORTERHOUSE ROAST 3 89. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY- COOKED READY TO SERVE - SMOKED AMS -39.=49. CENTRE CUTS ..2:,;"69° - WHOLE HAM 49° + SHANK HALF ®49° - BUTT HALF 59° TURKEYS Sat' -49: COLD CUTS = 69. 43. Tt 2:89 PORK SHOULDERS 69: BUTT PORTION SHANK PORTION 14 10 16 POUNDS SUPER-RIGHT, REGULAR or THICK SLICED SUPER-RIGHT ALL MEAT MEANG JUST THAT... ALL MEATY, NOTHING ADDED WIENERS Aiwa; «49: SIDE BACON POUND Wi EN ERS .2..89 PACKAGE g f a FOR AN EXTRA [For AN EXTRA DELICIOUS HOT DOG -- USE| HOT DOG -- USE wt 389) | WIENER ROLLS ?29::39 HIGHEST QUALITY FOODS AT GENUINE MONEY SAVING PRICES HAMBURG, HORNE'S SLICED (PLAIN or GARLIC) 15-FL- OZ JAR M, 5 BARBECUE SAUCE § 4.5: McLAREN'S DILLS PEANUT BUTTER =~-69 - APPLE JUICE 2% 69 33 35 MIXED PICKLES NOODLES ALMONDINE, ITALIANO or ROMANOFF or MACARONI and CHEDDAR 7 9 STOKELY FINEST, NEW ORLEANS STYLE, RED (IN TOMATO SAUCE) AS OZ JAR NABISCO CASSEROLES BETTY CROCKER Pxc 4. 3 1-LB PKG PKG OF 12 28-OZ JAR 15-PL- OZ TINS 15-FL- OZ TINS ROSE BRAND, SWEET TENDERLEAF PKG OF 60 TEA BAGS KIDNEY BEANS HEINZ BEANS SHREDDED WHEAT 2**49 in\city engineer. A $17,174 Depart- width. The resolution was re-|ment of Highways subsidy is ex- ferred to the traffic committee.|pected, leaving the city with a balance of $34,348. Sewer would Mr. and Mrs. D. Munroe, 664\be constructed on portions of Shakespeare ave., submitted a|Brock st. w., Centre st., Church requesting|st., Colborne st. w., Prince st., the paving of Shakespeare with|Simcoe st. curb and gutter. The letter was|st. w. the public works n., and on William William Wasylyk, 339 Malaga rd., applied to council for the lot on Malaga was referred I, F. Markson, city treasur- er, informed council by letter that the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the city's 1965 capital expenditure quota of $5,480,000. George A, Mathews, 914 Park- lane ave., asked council by letter to consider an exchange of land to enable two owners to subdivide their properties. The letter was referred to the prop- erty committee. Hon. C. §. MacNaughton, Min- ister of Highways, informed council by letter that an ad- vance subsidy payment of $118,- 000 will be made to the city. Subdivision agreements be tween the city and George and Irene Ihnat and the city and Holshawa Ltd., were approved by council, Council has been asked by the City of Hamilton to endorse a resolution for an amendment to the General Welfare Assistance Act so that those welfare bene- fits presently available to widows and unmarried women over the age of 60 be also made available to widowers and un- married men over the age of 69. The letter was referred to the finance committee. William Hrycyshyn, § Bloor st. e., asked council bv letter if the city will sell a vacant parcel of land near his restaurant to be used as a parking lot. The mat- ter was referred to the parks, property and recreation com- mittee. Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate, on behalf of Daniel VanLeeuwen and Murray Borth, offered to purchase part of a lot on Glen st. for $5,200. The offer was re- ferred to the property commit- tee. Kalyta Construction told coun- cil by letter it wished to pur- chase five feet of a lot north of a lot on Linden ct. The letter was referred to the property committee. Contractors M. Hummel and Son, Scarborough, told council they wished to purchase city- owned land on Oshawa bivd. n., near Ritson rd. The letter was referred to the property com- . mittee. Beacon Homes Ltd., told coun- cil since a "hold" has been put on a lot on Ansley ct., and a building permit will not be issued by the engineering de- partment, that the city should purchase the lot for $12,000. The letter was referred to the public works committee. A letter. from Jack Cains, complaining of diesel engines running throughout the night when they are parked in the Annis st, area was received and filed. The property committee reported that the object of Mr. Cains' complaint has been rec- tified. : Council was told by the prop- erty committee that an applica- tion from Mechanical Advertis- ing Ltd., to erect poster panels on the west side of Townline rd. s,, has been withdrawh. Oshawa Shrine. Club will be refunded its two-day $500 circus licence fee, council decided, since the proceeds will be used exclusively for the Shrine Hos- pitals for Crippled Children. Council agreed to enter inte a contract with Allward and Gouinlock, architects, in connec: tion with the Oshawa Centennial swimming pool project. An offer by Daniel Leeuwen and Murray Borth of $5,200 for part of a lot with frontage on Glen st., was accepted by coun- jcil, A. H. Collins' request for per- mission for ingress and' egress from Bond st. w., over the nar- row strip of city-owned land at the rear of his parking lot, in view of King st. w., being made a one-way street, was refused by council. Counci!] adopted a planning board recommendation that Fri- del Ltd.'s application for rezon- ing of property on Beatrice st., from residential to commercial to permit a shopping centre be approved subject to several con- ditions. Planning board's recommend- ation that no change be made in the zoning of lands at the south-west corner of Thornton rd., and King st., was adopted by council. Planning board recommenda: tions that land on the north-west corner of Rossland rd. and Fern- hill blvd., be rezoned to permit a professional office building and land on the north-west cor- ner of Taunton rd., and Ritson rd., be rezoned to permit a shop- ping centre were approved by council. adopted a Council planning {board recommendation that no ichange be made in the zoning of land on Park rd. s., north of the CPR; on land at 783 King st. @.; and on land on Colborne st, @.