THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 19, 1965 Qj | City Adopts Restrictions . On Side-Street Parking Fast Berlin through the Com»using a diplomatic passport tojchange his mind and return. munist wall early in May and|pass through the East German) Immediately after his defec- Boy Defector defected to the West, U.S, offi-|border controls at the wallli5, tecame known here, un- ported Tuesday. \dividing East and West Berlin. j bere: ' "asa '| He is the son of the economic|founded rumors circulated that | A high - ranking member of didatd in the th . BERLIN (AP)--A Polish di the Polish military mission|counsellor at the Polish em- oe 'nates a p Boal ge ae | t lin. He re- here defected Sunday. bassy in East Berlin. He ni '4, ehdét ot the Pats up with the Saoceatle Io =~ Marek Radomski, 19, made jected all attempts by Polish lin May 5,\officials to persuade him to military mission in West Berlin. der communism,"' walked from'his way to West Ber! HAWES FLOOR GLOSS is nanay HAWES FLOOR GLOSS i: hava HAWES FLOOR GLOSS i. pure HAWES FLOOR GLOSS is seit potishing HAWES FLOOR GLOSS is non-yeowing HAWES FLOOR GLOSS is the wax For a brighter, harder, clearer sheen on your floors, use that lasts longer self-polishing liquid Floor Gloss by Hawes. Hawes Floor Gloss: "the one that polishes better". @) ANOTHER >) PRODUCT Insist on Hawes Floor Gloss Collect the Golden Book for Charity tokens, HOLIDAY SPECIAL! LOBLAWS FAMOUS PRIDE. ARABIA COFFEE 3-LB, BAG 2.3 7 HOLIDAY SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS Chocolate Delights HOLIDAY SPECIAL! ALCAN ALUMINUM 1-LB. BAG 16 BIS, PKG, Parking restrictions on several streets, recommended by coun- cil's. traffic committee, have been adopted by council. On John st., parking will be prohibited on both sides from Simcoe st., to Park rd. Parking will be prohibited on both sides of all intersecting streets within 50 feet of the intersection of John st. Parking will be permitted on the south side of John st. on Sundays only from 50 feet west of Simcoe st., to 50 feet east of Centre st. and from 100 feet west of Centre st. to 50 feet east of Nassau st. On both sides of Elmgrove av. from Park rd., to the Oshawa Shopping Centre, parking will xe prohibited, It was also recommended by he committee and adopted by -ouncil that parking be prohib- ted on the north side of Wayne *., between Algonquin st., and omerville st. 19 29° 'n other committee reports, dopted by council: --Oshawa Safety League will be advised that the traffic com- mittee is willing to discuss any !matter which the league wishes to bring to them but that a representative from council is not considered necessary; ~--Public works committee re- commended that in cases where pavemeni construction necessi- tates the rebuilding of adjacent sidewalks, the cost of this re- building be included as part of the cost of the paving rate and paid for out of the general rate and not as a separate local im- provement charge against abut- ting properties; --Public works recommended that council approve in prin- ciple the granting of a non- exclusive franchise to Domestic Oil Transmission Systems Lid., to install and maintain a fuel oil distribution system in new subdivisions; --Finance committee recom- mended that the salary of Har- old McNeill, probation officer, be increased. Twenty - five committee chairmen are hard at work under general chairman Jan Drygala looking after the million and one details asso- ciated with the upcoming Dominion Day Oshawa Folk Festival in Alexandra Park. MEN ON JOB Meeting Monday were, from left: Giza Angi, gates and programs; Walter Naklicki, stage and platform erection plus seating accommoda- tion; Steven Czaban, con- cessions and distribution; John Ivanco, gates and sale of programs; George Fox, security and conifort of pub- lic. Anticipated are 100 floats and 30 bands for the parade kicking off day-long celebrations at the fifth an- nual festival. co --Oshawa Times Photo THIS WEEKEND ONLY AT ALL 3 LOBLAW OSHAWA STORES HOLIDAY SPECIAL! SOVEREIGN FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON JACK & JILL SUPERMOGENIZED 7}-0Z. TIN 23-LB. JAR al 19° 45° Peanut Butter HOLIDAY SPECIAL! COTT or MASON SOFT DRINKS SPECIAL! FROZEN -- AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS -- FANCY FRENCH CUT. SPECIAL! HOSTESS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS 63° 35 10-0Z, PKGS. 10 FL. OZ. TINS JELLY BEANS SPECIAL! HOSTESS | EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS 2) 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT | GALLON CARTON TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM 2) COUPON EXPIRES MAY 98 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME FaMiLy Sizt TUBE LUSTRE Crime SHAMPOO 11} COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 148. PKGS. MONARCH COLOURED PARCHMENT MARGARINE 22) COUPON HPNES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 16 FL. OF. JAR Gaimsey SWEET GHERKINS 397 COUPON Expines MAY 26 of EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS 0 2) EXTRA STAMPS 1.LB, CELLO BAG WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT 30s BOTTLE TABLETS MILK OF MAGNESIA 22 COUPON HERES May 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE PKG. FAB 710 COUPON ExPIEES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY TWO PKGS. DUCHESS PICNIC PAK E22 COUPON EXPIRES MAT 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHAIE OF ONE 16 FL. OZ. JAR HELLMANN'S SANDWICH SPREAD '222 COUPON EXPIRES MATOS 33: af al 2) 2h EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT 20's PKG. SHEER PLASTIC STRIPS BAND-AID 22" COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10.02, JAR CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE 212 COUPON HXPINES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHAME OF ONE 71-02, SHAKER. uaweyt SEASONED SALT 222 COUPON HXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHAIE OF TWO 6FL. OF, TINS TREESWEET FROZEN ORANGE JUICE '32 COUPON EuPIRES MAY 26 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) 2) EXTRA STAMPS COTTE eee WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02, PKG, LosLaw POTATO CHIPS 14 COUPON ExPINES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANT TWO PRGS, ALL VARIETIES MONARCH POUCH PAK CAKE MIXES 214 COUPON HxPiRES May 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20 FL. OF. BOTTLE GLASS CLEANER 224 COUPON EXPIRED MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 148, CARTON FROZEN COPPEL WoiTeneR COFFEE-RICH 294 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 VALENCIA CARE ....uc MILK CHOCOLATE BUDS. dj d di EXTRA STAMPS 37 WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF ONE 2.18, PKG. VELVERTA CHEESE 23 COUPON ExPiNES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF 2 REGULAR BARS BANDED 'TOILET SOAP LUX 21S COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 225 COUPON MuPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG. DRAGON FROZEN | CHINESE FOODS '238 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 HOLIDAY SPECIAL! DOLE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL of 20 2) ds EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 PL. OF, JAR SHIRRIFF GOOD MORNING MARMALADE Te COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25 FL. OF. TIN ST, LAWRENCE CORN OIL TI COUPON EXPINES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2).48. CONTAINER DOMESTIC SHORTENING 224 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 9 PL. OF. JARS PRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD 296 @oUPON PCPS MAY 36 d I di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ont au, TH WESTLE'S QUIK 37 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two 11 A. oF. ETS, & B® amiTH KETCHUP 217 COUPON EuPIRES MAT IG WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OF. TIN HUNT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE '327 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE CELLO PKG, FRESH TOMATOES 'RYT GOUPON DUPE MAY 26 al EXTRA STAMPS di dS I EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02, BOTTLE HORMES BARBECUE SAUCE TH COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE ® FL. OF. JAR WETHEY'S PURE APRICOT JAM 218 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 20 FL. OZ. TINS CANADIAN STYLE IM TOMATO SAUCE AYLMER BEARS '228 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 36 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO PKGS. SPINACH 28 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 d BICK'S. HOT DOG RELISH 'ER® COUPON EXPURES MAY 36 GOLDEN RIPE BAWANAS 'EDP COUPON DUPIRES MAY 36 15 FL. OZ. TINS al EXTRA STAMPS 20 EXTRA STAMPS 20 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 49: WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 60's PKG. SALADA TEA BAGS 210 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9.5 OZ. TIN MONARCH DESSERT TOPPING TIO COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OF. JAR MeLAREN'S CRISPIE RELISH 228 COUPON EXPIRES MAY 36 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE ROSE BUSH BED COUPON EXPIRES MAY 26