Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1965, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 17, 1965 15 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Piey) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. OTHE BEST HOTEL iN TOWN, AND ae ig Liv KEW RECORD US IIT Now TAKE ANOTHER | 1] POP>-OME MINUTE | | || DEEP BREATH- HERE'S! " c ITY "A, A THE n i. FoR yi Pi aa . MY NEw | i, = SUMMER FF. 2D wARDROBE! (WAIT, MOMM-- S POPS SEEING | HOW LONG | HE CAN HOLD | FOLDING MONEY AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT, ,, JULIET JONES <a STILL NO?-- WHY, THIS VARMINT WANTS US TO BASH IN 1CO INNERCENT HEADS, FOR. NOTHIN'S" OKAY, CHEAPSKATE 7" WE'LL BASH IN 100 HEADS FOR $100.00? FAIR 'NOFF P TN 1904, FEELINGS GROW SHARPER LAURIER GOES TO GOVERNOR c, RAL LORD MINTO TO HAVE DUNDONALD DISMIGGED, BUT. .+ PRIME MINISTER WILFRIO LAURIER DECLARES » «+ i OHDOT NEVER AGAIN WILL A BRITON CAST THE DECIDING VOTE WHEN THE RIGHTS OF CANADA ARE AT STAKE Y Trudy Dany Ue Opening lead -- ten of dia- _ |monds. This hand occurred during the Trials held in Phoenix to deter- mine the six-man team which would represent. the United States in the 1963 world cham- {pionship. The deal was remarkable chiefly because the correct con- tract of six notrump was reach- ed at only one table out of the seven at which the hand was played. When Texans Robert Nail and James Jacoby (who eventually finished first in the Trials) had the North-South cards, the bid- ding went as shown. The four club bid was the Gerber con- vention -- it was only a coin- cidence that North had a club suit -- and asked South to iden- tify the number of aces he had. The response of four notrump showed three aces. North now bid six notrump, which was easily made. The contract was certainly very sound, even though it was not 100 per cent sure to make. It required a successful club fin- esse or, failing that, a success- ful finesse in either spades or hearts whichever declarer elected to take It is hard to find a rational explanation for the failure of the six other North-South pairs to reach the slam. Presumably, the responsibility was North's, since South had told his story in full when he opened the bidding with a notrump. One of the contributing fac- tors probably was that some of the pairs were not playing Ger- ber, and North therefore had no way of learning whether South had the requisite number of aces. Thus, in two cases, North responded directly with four no- trump. Since this was merely an invitational raise in notrump and not a Blackwood bid, South passed. Probably the chief factor was that the North players realized there could not be as many as 33 high-card points in the com- bined hands, and therefore elect- ed to invite a slam rather than take the risk of bidding one that might go down. Consider- ing the strong club suit, this was a decidedly over-cautious view to take. Wisdom Queried Of Harlow Film HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Pro- ducer Larry Jackson wonders if Hollywood is wise to make movies about itself, such as the Jean Harlow Story. ' Jackson believes the Harlow Story, as done in Irving Shul- man's bestseller, painted a sor- did picture of the town "Hollywood has spent millions to get rid of the sinful city. image, to play down the eccen- tricities of some of its stars," says Jackson. "Then a_ book about the town becomes a best- seller and producers fight to film it. "For years we have wanted to be as pure as Paducah, as sensible as Seattle, as demure as Des Moines. And we can bust that sought-for respectabil- ity with just one film." Jackson asks: "Is it 1it?" Joe Levine, who is making the |Harlow Story, Says yes, if the picture makes money. "After all, Jackson is working on the premise that actors argy like other people." SALLY'S SALLIES I OH -- THERE SHE 6 7 WELL, WELL~I Haven 1f) NOW SHES STILL MEANS WE RISK Bl hs é v 3 YEAH, I SEE you iN, A LITTLE SAILIN' / KNOW STOPPING FREEZING, BUT THE WAGONS ARE S7TUK/ ff KIO THAT BROKEN-DOWN EMPTY JB BOAT-- THE LAPYI ] VILLAGE 16 SUPDENLY FILLED TALKEP TO CALLED a IT A SCHOONER -- 4 WEARIN' THAT THE LONE RANGER | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY | WE'RE LIVING IN AN AGE OF SPECIALISTS! whoever HE Passep \ you 6oIne THE DOPE 0 IS STILL. i SORRY: MAIAM, ; / ee PING! AN' foe relent 'CLANK! MECHANIC! : g TRY GENTRY'S GARAGE, HE'S 'ok 'KER-POWIE' gt LIFE IN THAT BROWNSTONE, raz % Wares ear] | -- ' | | bad bad oO x ae faa fo) oO ta 77) | | | | | | | @ King Fonew Syeda in, 1 [aezyeyf@| TELEVISION LOG | Channe) 2--Buftalo | 11:00 PLM 1:00 P.M. Channel 3--Barrie | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; Channel 4--Buftale Weather and Sports Channel 6--Toronto 11:19 PLM, Channel 7--Buffalo $~Viewpoint Channel &8~Rochester 9--Metro Final Channel 9%--~Toronto Channel 1)--Hamilton 11:20 P.M, roeerenaemar armen 7-4--Late Show 4--Night Metre MONDAY EVENING ie we on Travellers Preview l--Famiiy Theatre $--Plerre Bertor 9--Five O'Clock Matinee $:2--Tonight Show $--Superman 6--Sullivan Brothers 4~--Wor'd of Nature 3--Movie TUBSDAY &--Lioyd Thaxton 4:00 A.M 3:30 FM. 1--Schnitzel House S---Leave To Beaver 4-Captain Kangaroe @--Music Hop 8 News 6:00 PA, 9:00 AM 7--News Central 6--Generation 9--R omper Roor 4--News, Sports with J--Dialing For Dougies Chuck Healy Girl Talk 3--Today, 1965 Mike's Carniva 6:20 PM Mickey Mouse € N--Family Theatre 9:30 A.M Allen ae DRAT! THIS TIME DONALD DUCK a just Men Bride --Four 9--December §&--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 6Movie Matinee 4--Meet the Millers | 3--Mike Dougias Show | 1:30 P.M | Mid Day Matinee { 9--Millionaire 4-As [The World Turns | 2:00 P.M. 9--Abracadabra 7--Fiame in The W | 4--Password Moment 2:3 PLM 9--Four of A Kind 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court +-Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 PLM. --$potlight 9--People in Cont $2--Another World 7---Generai Hospita $3--Moment of Truth 4--To Teli The Trutn King Festaree Syndicate, tna, 1964, Werk stghte remanrad nd | LOOK, MILA, THE CAFE PEOPLE CLAIM 'SAWYER WAS DRUNK AND JUST, WALKED OMT, oti' a LIE! of Truth WELL, THE SECURITY POLICE YT'M STAYING ARE STILL RUNTING SAWYER, RIGHT HERE Fw Buzs 60 ON 0 BED. ue APARTMENT Qe HE SHOWS LF, [XS lle 1 TELL YOU IT'S ALL VERY NATURAL. THE GUY CAME IN DRUNK, GOT SICK. A WHILE HIS GIRL WENT FOR A TAXI, HE > JUST WANDERED OFF, eee » AM Miss Helen yb ie Weather -Ed 6-2--Huntley- Brinkley News |} 7---Cheyenne 6--Across Caneda 1:00 P.M 1i--Rawhide | 9%--The Addams Family $-2--Movie ¢--News, Weather, Sports 4--Phil Silvers Show 3--No Time For Sergeants 1:30 PM. ucy Show Interlude It To Beaver n Southern Show AM. 2:30 PM Funny Program %--It's Your Move $-2--You Don' Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty 4-~Edge of Night | 4:00 PLM Dennis The. Menace 9--Mickey Mouse Club &The Match Game 7----Rocketship 7 +3 As The World Turns 4~Secret Storm 2--Rocky and His Friends 4:30 PLM. \-Yoo! Bear 9--Sea Hunt 0:00 Bingo 9--Playtime With Bobby @-2--Truth or Consequences 63--Canadian Schools 4--Nows 1--Super 10:30 A.M 1--Father Knows Best §-2--What's This Song 7--Tralimaster 63---Across Canada 4--~! Love Lucy 11:08 A.M 1--~Albert Stead 9--Dea Charlotte 4-2--Concentration 43--Friendiy Giant 4-Andy of Mayberry CROSSWORD ACROSS Pieces out Crowns Belonging to the axis: Bot Dirmnish Acclaim Prickly Orb of day Speck Wife of Shamash Well-known verb form Vent Half of a sawbuck Liberate . Slam, as a door . Bulky timber . Friend Begone! . Yellowish, as skin . Morse! left at a meal Miss Havoc Period of time: abbr. . Dyspros- ium: abbr. Spigot Employ | . Plant | insect Pieces. . Shop . Thing of value Plant . Mast Messer's Jubilee 4:00 PLM, 1---Untouchables 9--Bewltched +3--Show Of The Week 4--To Tell the Truth 4--!'ve Got A Secret "3 PM %--it's Your Move 7--No Time for Sergeants 4--Andy Griffith Bhow 7:00 PLM H--Twelve O'clock High 9--Cara Williams 2--Andy Williams 7---Wendy and Me 63--Danger Man 4--The Lucy Show 7:30 PM 9--Take A Chance 7--Bing Crosby Show 4--Star Performance 10:00 P.M The Mery Griffin Show 9--Dr. Kildare 8-2--Altred Hitchcock 7--Ben Casey 63--Healthier and Wiser 4--CBS Reports 10:g0 PLM, 6--Toronto File 3--Musical Showcase i i BEE MmiaH IBIOTRIOIN MOIR IAI TIE] ONL TSMC TH /AISITIEIN] ) RIEIT) Baking chamber 3. Guido's highest note Brood Italian navigator Touch end to end Golf term Overtax Chief gods of Teutonic pantheon Ogiling Female deer . Assess- ment 7~The Early Show $3--Razzie Dazzie 4--The 430 Show 2--Woody Woodpecker TUESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M 11--Family Theatre %--Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Superman 63--Fireball Xt 2--Lioyd Thaxton 3:30 PLM. B-Leave It To Beaver 6~--Music Hop 3--Rawhide 1:15 AM %--Does Mother Best ez Helene 11:30 A.M, Toronto Today Jeopardy Price Is Right 63--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON $-2---Call My Bluff 7--Donna Reed 6:00 PLM, 6--Elwood Glover 1~-News Centra #-News and Weather | &-Gilligan's Island 3--Popeye and Pals 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 12:18 PLM. $--Today, 1965 4--Speaker of the House 6:30 PLM 1 ae A ott Family Theatre A 8-2-1" Bet Movie No. 2 4-3 i 7--Father Knows Best 2 ABE 5 Sporte 4--Search tor Tomorrow $-2--Huntley-Brinkley 3--Noonday Report News é 12:48 P.M. 7--Highway Patrol 4--Guiding Light é~Across Canada YOUR HEALTH Teeth And Diabetes Are Inter-Related By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MDjteeth are better than average Some questions that' have|because they don't encounter) been asked convince me that athe dental problems that come few words about diabetes and/from eating sweets and candy. | teeth are in order. The subject Still a person with diabetes.) isn't mentioned much, but per-|like anyone else, can develop} haps it should be deep root abcesses or pyorrhea, | First of all. anv focus of in-00th of which are infectious \fection in the body is harmful Kither can creep 'up without for diabetics. (It's harmful for|being suspected at first by-the| lanyone, but more so for diabet-;Patient. You don't have to ics.) wait. for a tooth to get loose There was a time when some)¥efore your dentist can detect diagnosticians refused even to/8U™ infections jsome added caution is wise,|/betes--so tell him! examine a patient until he first CHECK TEETH jsimply because infection getting) Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any had his teeth checked. In those' So have dental checkups atjinto the system is double haz-|way of removing the color from Know 43 IC ! Diia Aas Mer ' ITILINIKIEIRISMMGIATY] SIEIGIOISMMAlWIAIRIE} oa mia 42 ' Zz ZA || Ww || Bers Cf Gee Wz | I CAME AS SOON AST }o ARI f if) é Mouthful worth \ Edible mollusk Usurp Tired . Vi Weaithier Y > WHEN ARE TINY YOU CAN'T WAIT FOR 'EM TO | | | | | | (e/7 "T'm so relieved . . . I thought you were killing a snake." COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. st Church St. DOWN Pardon rz li Rig Poem Sent tee oT "TTS ONLY A FIVE- MINUTE WALK To THE | }when the patient has diabetes,/ing at you that you have dia- BUBBA! YOURE GONG NO, TLL MAKE (T, To MISS THE ScHooL Bus! i 0 MUGGS AND SKEETER © nw few Sopdinay ions Wai Wood wal days focal infection wa prominent concer. Wel infection still exists, and focal notoriously bad teeth diabet well-halanced diet drugs. i sible fo to eat is po a j 'tact, in many instances their stillicians I idoes its dirty work, often subtly.|granted that everybody will dojin advance with the patient's In earlier years, diabetics had|so. But the fact is that somejmedical doctor concerning the Today,/don't with the widespread use of in-| {sulin as well as sugar-lowering at times be necessary for regular intervals. This has been said so often that we (physi mean) take it for Finatly, tooth extraction may any number of reasons having noth ing to do directly with diabetes |Their teeth are much better. In|In such cases, dentists take pre- cautions against infection. But ardous for a diabetic. I know of jfine dentists who, when the pa tient has diabetes, double check amount, type and timing of pro- tective drugs (sulfa or antibiot- tics) For the patient himself, if you jare going to have an extraction, be sate your dentist knows abotit it. He can't know by look- a brown mole? Something like a freckle cream, maybe?--B.B. No, there's no way to do it, short. of removing the mole it- self. That, however, is not very difficult for your doctor to do If it is in a place that shows, have a plastic surgeon or derm- atologist do it to leave little if' any scar. As to' freckle creams, I don't know of any that really remove freckles. 728-6341 ---- OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days o Week | © Groceries © Fresh Fruits ® Vegetables © Meats i FREE DELIVERY

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