Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1965, p. 14

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--_ in San Juan, whose sym-jthe language of the revolution- 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 17, 1965 pathizers were behind the revo-jaries sometimes contains sub- ais nae : : ; nvo vemel l arge panier that came within an eye-'tleties of phraseology reminis- lash of succeeding cenit of the Cuban revolutionary Ambassador William Tapley|mowvemenit in Fidel Castro's ° bd F bd ht eset Jr., however, stands by|pre-Communist days. his original evaluation that! "1 is hard to say, however. if | n ominican 1g brought U.S. troops here. Andittis is innocent mimicry, pure | eestor tet Boating meee, £F a | : : : t 9 J . js 2mnda: r "anisharp Marxists who, it is said, An AP News Analysis A force of about 22,000 US.jment of the conflict, but it iS Republic, fusisie the rebel rg af Bok one ccates y ROBERT BERRELLEZ (marines and 82nd airborneino secret that Washington backs) ement now is Communist-| : By OBER? troopers was sent here to pro-\the new civilian-military junta, |movecent 6 cag esreaed visit "the rebel SANTO DOMINGO (AP)--It\test American lives and to pre-iset up as @ rival.to the rebel' whii, he does not say how he sometimes seems there are vent a Communist takeover f/regime. reached this conclusion, Marti more Americans than Domini- the Island |was a staunch supporter of) cans involved in the Dominican The question of a _ possible SAID TOO HASTY mS: ¢ '| Republic's conflict Communist takeover has raised| The criticism that followed|"05ch. He quit the foreign serv-| A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. The involvement is at allithe quéstion of the length of the|(he intervention seemed aimost|)"° jag A eyeaighbitrg neal OPTOMETRIST levels and has brought. criti-/American stay. Lt..Gen> Brucelinevitable. It has been said that) py of 1963. ; 141 King St. East cism from Dominicans, a few\Palmer, commander of U.S.'Washington over-reacted and . Americans and some foreigniforces here, has said the stay was too hasty in labelling the To longtime observers of the 723-2721 Officials. But it is also ap-'is indefinite rebels Communists and thugs. Dominican and Cuban scenes, plauded by some Dominicans U.S. authorities are trying to This is the estimation of ex-| nie RRR . and Americans help arrange a peaceful settle-\president Juan Bosch, now in CITY OF OSHAWA 36 Kill e d Nude Burglars | ene |Report Haul | Printing Clerk 10" 581.00 week | I ° { | LIMA, Peru . (Reuters) -- | : lL eau 5 R $68.0 k Ih i Cir nt | Police are breaking up a Ass t Printing Clerk ging Rog _ gang of nude burglars who | | have made numerous hauls | in the San Isidro residential suburb here By THE CANADIAN PRESS |suffered in a two-car crash near St. Thoma The accidental death toll, wre Donald Faison 41, Tor Police said Friday night : climbd to at least 36 acrosSionio, in hospital after being| they had caught two of the |] To operate Offset Machine, Wuplicetor, Camere, Burster end Canada during the weekend. struck by a car | gang's leaders as they Phote Copy equipment. IN GOOD COMPANY IN OTTAWA Sole oe ae Ad Tnid. SATURDAY Sere ware wc sites Ass't Printing Clerk is on atternoon shift commencing at 1:00 Prime Minister Pearson created Company of Young chairman Dr. Francis J 2,000 youths for service in (night Sunday local times in Constable Stanley Thompson Several days ago one P.M. talks with members of the Canadians at Ottawa Satur- Leddy who is also president poverty-stricken areas of jcluded 25 road deaths, Wye opi, provincial police,| group of naked burglars got organizing committee of the day. They are Duncan Ed- of the University of Wind Canada et wd overseas jdrownings and one hunting Robert McCullough, 26, and| away with a good haul Previous experience on theye mochines preferred, general r ' y , retary 7 service in developing coun- talit ; 26, an : A " ene! federal government's newly monds (left), secretary, and sor. It is hoped to recruit : vic oP "h 8 "nage fatali y. : ; Robert Haley, 24, all of Mathe when the lady of the house working knowledge of d t of printing ries ( irephoto 4 province-by-province count surprised them at work-- trade, paper stocks. d ,|son, when their boat overturred showed Ontario and Quebec in a lake 52° miles east of| and fainted at the sight } with nine and eight traffic),, Full High Schoo! Ed | bed | e Timmins "a u igh Schoo ucetion. t act y fou 1 Debits deaths respectively and four)" per cieven beviéi, {drownings each, Ontario . also Marys, when struck by a truck : 7 A i ] , | Mary pplications close Fridey, Mew 21st, 1965 at 5:00 p.m. Populatio jreported the lone hunting fatal-) 13%: Ten vecle Triplet Dies ity James Flanagan, 6, Hamil-| Personnel Officer New Brunswick, Manitoba . . | Decreased and Saskatchewan each re- pad gg a gr be -- In Hospital City Hall, Oshawa een or 1 ages ported one traffic death, Brit" Dwight Genge, 7, Bramalea,, WATFORD, Ont. (CP)-- | nF ie thea ; "\drowned in a pond on an aban-| Wayne Persall, one of the trip- sia aE Se a poise three doned farm lets born to Mr. and Mrs. Stan- By JAMES NELSON ;construction of 25 modern trawl-; Port de Grave's present popu n There were also two drown Philip Rossi, 50, Canton, N.Y,|ley Persall April 9, died in hos- Jers as well as improvement andilation of 1,500 will increase to ings in Alberta "aban 8 ' tbh eeraee high pital Saturday ; ; OTTAWA (CP)--A dramaticlexpansion of several processing/4,000 when 250 more workers) MONTREAL (CP)--Debits to| Newfoundland, Prince Ed- When fils car wen The child had # congenital| j i illustration of the impact on &jpjants are required for the expansion Canadian bank accounts inward Island and Nova Scotia way 'oid Aicky 1 3 Wil-feart condition and had been) jag / PrinGARA small community of a singleIMANY NEW JOBS of Birds Eye Foods April totalled $41,502,000,000, a were fatality free Harold Ricky Tyo, § Vin hospital since birth, The| OE 5 new industrial development is! [n the town of Harbour! North Eastern Fish Industriesiaecrease from March but a sub-| The survey does not . highw other two children--Stanley and) 77 . XY given in the current issue Of/Grace, which now has a popu-jhas been a pioneer in the fro-lstantial increase over April,\industrial or natural deaths, truck on yale Holoway, Scolt--are at home and in good! - , the fisheries department's|jation of about 3,000, there will|zen fish industry in Newfound-'1954 the Canadian Bankers' As-|known suicides or slayings ar Bell 'lle "when accident health monthly publication, Tradebe jobs for 600 additional work-|land. It has operated a fillet-\sociation reported toda} The Ontario dead lie. fied wills hunting It was the first birth for the} News ers in the fish plant, another/ing and. freezing plant at Har The figure for March was , J i 'i 1./18-vear-old' mother Because fish processing and 459 fishermen on trawlers, and bour Grace and subsidiarviga) 704,600,000 and in April last SUNDAY ae Gordon Sheridan 36 Hamil ' n freezing facilities are to be ex-'a further 50 in maintenance|plants at Fermeuse, Port de|year was $35,277,100,000 Danie! Hilliard, 8, Hollandton, and Howard Fallowfield | panded in the Avalon peninsu!a| work Grave and Old Perlican Despite the decrease com Landing, of injuries suffered|s5 woodstock, following a car of Newfoundland, the depart-| What amounts virtually to an But North Eastern's plants\pareq with March. the total) When @ car struck a bicycle On|truck crash near Woodstock 3 ey t sees the population of , ; le i which he was riding men le pop explosion of the population of have operated on a seasonal|marked the third time in the seehs Dunbar, 18. St FRIDAY LISTEN HERE: ens | 361% hour week ---~ all fringe benefits include) amston, when struck by three villages and towns jump-|Harbour Grace stems from the|basis. Under the new partner-\history of the banking system : ing in the next five years to) fact that it will take a lot more | ship with Birds Eye theeelhet the figure ee Thomas, in hospital of injuries None e 25,800 from 5,300 than that to provide the serv-|plants will operate on a year-' $4 900.000.000 : This five-fold increase is at- ices required for a community|round basis Debits -- representing money . tributed to the creation of 1,650 enlarged by 1,100 new workers. Birds Eye supplies about 70\withdrawn from deposit ac-| President of Local new jobs The prediction is that the total per cent of the frozen food mar-|coynts other than federal gov The industrial development|population of the community|ket in the United Kingdom, em-jernment accounts in chartered concerned is the merger of/will grow to 17,000 from 3,000. ploying 11,000 people in Britain.|pbanks -- as. reported for last ® aa8 Birds Eye Foods Ltd. of Lwn-) Similarly in Fermeuse, a fish- In the last five years, Birds\month from cleating house Resi ns Position don, # subsidiary of Unilever/ing village of 800, there will be Eye sales have doubled and the!noints in Ontario (in millions): ! g Corp., and North Eastern Fishinew employment for 300 fish company expects them to Industries Ltd., of Harbour/plant workers. Those 300 new/double again by 1970 April March April) yWinnsor. ont. (CP)~--Jamesyhe tendered his resignation dur- Grace, Nfld workers and their families will, Said a company official: 'We 1965 1965 1964 Beattie president of strikingling a membership meeting and| Birds Eye Foods plans to in- require community services to are going to have to get twice|Brantford $2.3 846 722 po 61 of the International/it was to take effect from the} vest $31,000,000 over the nextisuch an extent that the totallas much fish to meet the de-|Chatham 68.9 76.3 Distillery Union. resigned Sun-lend of the meeting Sunday aft- five years in expansion of New-|population of Fermeuse will/mand, and we hope to get that Cornwall 51.5 ge a " 5 4 » «Ga because the membershipjernoon 4 ' : | foundiand fisheries, throug h'grow to 4,800 fish from Newfoundland," F William = 54.2 52 46.5 has repudiated my judgment.) Mr. Beattie, elected president) ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH a Een Re é S ae oe eee va. aka 53.0 Distillery,jin January, said he felt that) 3 fl Ree Ke " " The union the | Hamilton 3 687.2 . 1 | 66 : > d k-/ fi m . Rectifying, Wine, Allied Work-|"we had achieved a good pack-; Absent | Red Involvement jinn it wad ampifes international Uninage agreement trom the com FOR ANY GOOD REASON Kitchener 9 182 jiof America (CLC)--voted Sun-|pany in negotiations earlier this} , i } Londo $56.3 3 474.0) * ' haane i id! Seen Deeper Nia. Falls 5 54.6/0ay 260 to 79 to continue its\year. But the membership did . { : ; jalker|not : h ith what had : H At "Teach-In' | "WASHINGTON (AP) --Aver- Oshawa | se6 sing rsjitie, again! Hiram Waleriol seem happy with WHA! "4 BOW) Hegtetly | for vacations <> cat repairs < to pay jell Harriman said Sunday the Ottawa 2 7 786:1);, the company's 107-year his-, Sunday's meeting followed WASHINGTON (AP)--A_ na-jand government officials turned tional "'teach-in" or academicjout for the "teach-in."' debate on U.S. foreign policy 7 | ' United States has "good solid|Peterboro 18 Glory recommendations from the un- i i fu information" of much more|Pt. Arthur 462 457 38 officially ion's international headquarters spied overdue bills <> home repairs and refur- ; 7 ! I . S. S. Marie 1. 8 wound up Sunday after 154 CARRIED ON RADIO : vet made public HE : 1 m7 hours with volleys of displeas The debate was carried to Jh yes, there's further evi ro Communist involvement in the St. Cath 9.5 pan oe a { , . nishings <> for unexpected expenses, 5 the union and the company 0 Sar *\May 6 when 450 members of|that the strikers return to work) Dominican revolution than it 9arnla lithe local walked out after thejand continue negotiations. "KEEP | 7 - erie a. chee : : ' } | | ure directed at the absent Mc-\other parts of the U.S. andjdence," he said. "We can't give Leys 9 ' 999 5 Mr. Beattie said Sunday nigh Oshawa 8 Finest INFORMED " | 5 $50" to 2 500% OR MORE George Bundy, President John-| Canada by telephone and radio.|up all our information This Re er ee ses | ' | collapse of negotiations between gon's adviser on national secur-| Bundy through a statement!will all come out in due Toronto ie nea . A Ni hil Entertainment 124016 Woman, 73, Dies a= ity defended academic discussion course." Academic critics of the pres-\of foreign policy and govern-| Harriman, former U.S. state # A SORT OF NEWS SHISKABOB! GUARANTEED BROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ident's foreign policy hadjment participation in it. Andjundersecretary and now an am P li Ti Of Injuries You'll find most of the news | i tangled with administration|the state department kept its}bassador at large, said Pres 0. ice Ip as | and some of the offbest in 286 KING ST. W. 728-1636 supporters in the extended de-|spokesmen, such as policy plan-jident Johnson acted' on the Pde mee = ge | ena 'CFRE, Monday : i unbar, 73, of § homas di sts ' through Friday at 1:00 and | NIAGARA FIMANCE COMPANY LIMITED bate ner Walt W. Rostow, in the!judgment of a number of peo Mi ] di Bundy had sent word at the|"teach-in." ple and had information fom a 1S ea Ing in hospital Sunday of injuries F > last minute that undesignated) The major point brought out/number of sources of the Com suffered in a two-car crash at LOUNGE 5:00 p.m.; on Saturdays 11 "other duties" had forced can-j/by many of the speakers was!munist influence when he or NEW YORK (AP)--A police the western outskirts of St and_ 5:50 p.m. iS Pee ls NF-654 cellation of his scheduled ap-jsummed up by Arthur Waskow/dered American marines into Mistake in identifying vitamin) Thomas A Shout aies panele weetle sinars pearance as principal adminis- of the Private Institute for Pol-'the Dominican Republic pills caused an ailing, 37-vear A second woman, -- Bertha @ Fully Licensed @ end Vite pgp At praop' tration spokesman icy Studies in Washington Expressing his views on the old woman to spend 20 davs in Brown, 88, also of St. Thomas, | gape ; nave reat OF Hany 'sifferent It was learned Sunday night 'There is public opposition to. agc padio and salectatnn pro the women's house of detention|river of the car in which Mrs. kinds. that Bundy was in 'Santo Do-|U.S. policy in Viet Nam," he gram Issues and Answers, the 0" Charges of possessing - bar Dunbar was a passenger, suf-' | mingo all day Sunday with ajsaid. "And there is no focus for|, whaccador sail: the president|!turates officials dis closedfered head and knee injuries ] president - appointed fact-\it because the minority party)... faced with a crisis and had, S#turday Two of the four persons in rt ae | finding commission st u dy ing|does not oppose President John-|1, gecide quickly on a matter' Brooklyn District Attorney|the other car were treated +-+4 : | the Dominican Republic prob- son's policy involving the lives of many|Aaron E. Koota said Mrs jfor minor injuries. Donald } | | lem TEST Otory,.. We Scania people "|Gloria Siderton, whom he de Vaughan, 19, of St. Thomas had +s CERE | Professor Barry Commoner community is trying to create -- scribed as one of the many un.ifead injuries, and Linda Met- er | | of Washington University, St.a dialogue which in a democ fortunates eking out a living in ler, 16, of Kitchener had shoul- | Louis, Mo., estimated moreiracy is necessary for the test the: site 'wae aerente i} goider injuries 21010 than 4,000 professors, students'ing of policies."' Commerce Schools : a gerbil Ay -- PUBLIC BILLS GROW Central Hotel bod Choose President She had an 'unusually large; Payrolls of Canadian federal, | : | ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION it | Plan Survey ig number of pills, Koota said,,provincial, and municipal gov- King at Simcoe Sts. Wal een TORONTO (CP)--Sylvia Le- adding that this probably ledjernments have grown from PARKING OFF ATHOL | pine of Saskatoon was chosen police to charge her with poses- $769.900,000 to $2,500,000,000 in 15 | On Pornography president of the Association of/sion of barbiturates a mis-' years, | n ermany KITCHENER (CP)--A_ serv -- Commercial! Colleges|demeanor, and possession with = -- -- \ sree ts second annual meectingiintent to sell, a felony " ice club which specializes in , ws SINGLE VESION BIFOCA BONN (Reuters) Queen vouth were decided during the Sunday Koota said that although she $ 95 Elizabeth flies to this West weekend to find out whether Officers for the Ontario re-|Showed police a slip of paper German capital iba deste -- pornography is reaching juven-/gion include' president, G en te b sae t ay ie oak ue ok ln onal cae oe Mathoney,. Windsor: vice-presi-|et in' touch with the doctor| COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE A POSITIVE 65 STYLES SHAPES AND sive car, the tightest air safety 2" PP : REACTOR TO THE TUBERCULIN TEST | ' regulations and the biggest|tions through the mail in the ou ral is the sane ge ese the patie were - ro COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM 7 y U d § : t North American se. 'hiturates, - Was release peo Pon iy ll raced er To es bee ---- << role Es toe > you SHOULD ATTEND THE CLINIC FOR Here at King we are proud to say that we use nothing but Optimist visit to superlatives, with the»)... Bag ; How. . : longest train, the most expen- basis of reports that juveniles ard Wilson, Brampton Twenty days later, after are being sent obscene publica-! police laboratory. report German reconciliation More than 600 delegates at-dent, Frank Rogers, Brock-|whose mame was on it. Mrs where have been feverish tending a convention Of thelvitie: secretary-treasurer, D. C.|Siderton was sent to the deten-| "Queen fever" sweepin8\canada NATIONAL BRANDED PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, or West Germany has even pro- EQUIPMENT. Should you pay more and often-times get less southern Ontario district of OBrien Windeck: and director.{tion home when she failed to a duced & new Geeman vert--| Uf i js, the Optimists said ATTEND THE value for your 2 The thinki buys at King § money thinking person at King for A CHEST X-RAY ONLY fiest quality glasses at ONE LOW PRICE ... . SEE KING | pare for the visit of "die'stop the use of the mails for OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLINIC Queen." such publications and work for British and West German of : a ficials attach great political! sig-|* sai tp a in the Courtroom nificance to the visit, which/Schools and homes reaches its 'climax May 27 with at the Oshawa Police Dept. a flying trip to West Berlin Fag it as conforming) 2 Athol St. West post-war reconciliation and ex-| pect it to give fresh impetus to! " 7 Anglo-German moves for main-|§ 3 AY 18 AND 20 =" taining NATO integration and reparations to make this a : | prep clubs decided, on the post $25 cash bond "Queerien,"" meaning to pre-they will seek legislation to NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR TINTS OR SUNGLASSES @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHUME YOU WAIT @ We fill all PSI, Oculist and Optometrist Prescriptions at some low prices WATCH YOUR LOCAL PAPER FOR THE CHEST X-RAY eg _ om a Pact n ; : IN Y OUR COMMUNI T : ' v t *, - . t -- > srntiet 6e"Goal's plies <eay || FREE COURSE FOR NEW DRIVERS , 17 BOND ST. E. ONTARIO COUNTY TB AND ot Fleer | HOURS: MOW. TO SAT. 9 A.M.-- 5 P.M. HEALTH ASSOCIATION Fe eT cand ai ber Wena OSHAWA WHITE FANS AT WORK = Sempletely Instatiog : BOGNOR REGIS, England ge s"19 0's. 2815 And People Who Wish To Improve (CP)--Officials of the Sussex In- ternational Chess Congress have' RELIABLE POOLS Their Driving Ability failed to find the phantom heads- 1 725.3974 man for yet another season.| vedas

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